
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 20 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, November 24 1934.
Price: 15 per copy The Pending Banana Contract An Important Legal Decision An News From The Point nawas the an event are trains tomorrow to see two The Comision de Hacienda, to of a desire on the part of the On Wednesday last, the Judges the son, in view of the fact that The Observant Pointer whom the Banana proposition was Company Manager and legal of the Republic Final Court of he was able to produce documentary again referred for further corsi Representative to do everything Appeal handed out an exceedingly evidence of his recognition, as a Owing to the heavy rains which fery Scotty and it is a great chance deration and for the purpose of possible to meet the reasonable interesting judgment which will. son, by the deceased. The widow, fell during the latter part of last to talk over your operation with obtaining the views of the Com wishes of our Representatives but no doubs, have an important bear in turn, took the matter week it was deemed advisable by Frank Venegas.
pany with regard to the various nos, however, without due regarding on the disposition of estates Appellate Court where, by a officials of the Cia Bananera not reforms submitted by the members to the economic interests of their of future intestates leaving natural jority judgment, she succeeded in to send the tourists from the New Present at the dance held last of Congress, during the recent dis Company.
children whom they recognized having the decision of the lower York ship to San Jose, but to en Saturday was Sr. Mariano Villaocussions, have had conferences with We are expecting that the Com during their lifetime.
Court reversed.
tertain them with a dance at the rrel, Venezuelean Minister to Costhe Company representives dur mission will be in a position to The dispute then went before Community House for some time ta Rica. Sr. Villaorrel ing the past week. Each of the re make their report to Congress In the case recently decided, the the Final Court of Appeal where, was duly held and lasted forms or amendinents, was fully early next week; but there is the deceased left appreciable as stated above, the Judges have 8:00 PM. until 1:00 AM. From pular downtown merchant. The from guest of Mr. Frank Maduro, podealt with and, we understand, it likelihood of the matter being once amount of property, and was sur. upheld the decision of the Civil all appearances this dance is generally felt that the majority more prolonged in view of the fact vived by his widow and a natural Judge. By this judgment, it is now one of the snappiest seen at the Alejandro Lopez, Venezuelean Vi was party included Sr. Juan Choto, Sr.
will secure the approval of the that there are several Deputies son. This son made claim for his determined that all natural children Comunaty House for some time ce Consul in Limon and St. RicarCompany, although no official in who have further amending mo share of the estate but this was re who are recognized by their parents and those who were not paesent do Morales.
timation in this respect has yet tions to bring forward which were jected by the widow. The matter have the right of assuming the been made.
not included in those dealt with in was taken to the Civil Courts and Patronymic and of participating in Point residents turned out in good certainly missed something. Our To discourage spooning, Dean Throughout these discussions, it this recent reference to the Com the Judge decided in favour of the estate.
numbers and we caught a glimpse Smith, has had a brilliant light is stated, there was every evidence mission.
now and then of the following: installed at the corner of his houDeath of an Inhabitant Mr. Mrs. Hatch, Mr. Mrs. se. Dean says that was a Very Planters Will Visit San Jose Prince, Mr. Mrs. Smith, Dr bad corner for automobiles, etc.
Another link in the ever shor The deceased was of a very re Mrs. Salisbury, Mr. Mrs. Hu etc.
In view of the very serious con Guapiles at a similar hour. On tening chain, which connects our tiring nature and, in consequence, ber, Dr. Rojas and daughsequences which the delay in arrival at San Jose calls will be present inhabitants with those of not as well known to the general ter, Mr. Satterthwaite, Dr. We notice our friend Bill Bos.
settling the long discussed Bana made on the President, the Natio. an earlier period in the history of commuity as was her late sister, Gamboa, Mr. Mrs. Hatch, chen at the tourist dance Saturday na Contract is having on the eco nal Congress and the offices of cur City, has been severed by the with whom she had resided at Mr. Mrs. Sheehy, Mr. Mrs. night but minus his ten gallon hat.
nomic life of the province which the Daily Papers. The trains will death of Mrs. Soden, which Dos Hermanas. Farm until the MacGowan, Mr. Mrs. Gu Come on Bill, let the tourists have as is known dupends almost leave San Jose at p. the same sorrowful took place on latter death a couple of years ago. tierrez, Miss Suzanne Repra, Miss a treat. BIG MAN, BIG HAT entirely on the Lanana Industry, day. No transportation charge is Wednesday of last week. she fell in her home and had to be Margaret Dater, Miss Thelma GOOD EGG.
the principal farners have decided ceing made.
Mrs. Soden was the surviving few weeks ago she fell in her Johnson, Mr. De Gravelles, to make one more effort toward its sister of the late Mrs. Arnold and, home and had to be taken to the Mr. Mrs. Pauly, Mr. Carlos Vaearly and favour. le settlement.
It may not be the 4th of July It is hoped that all who take a had attained an advanced age. hospital where she eventually died. glio, Mr. Parkhurst, Mr. but last Sunday sounded like it in Iy:a. aranse for a serious interest in this important Corse.
back of the Community House or bined visit to San Jose, by special matter, especially those who whereever it was. Looking into There are to be directly interested in the Industry, We beg to call your attention to our remark It was a pleasure and the matter We found those two trains, one leaving this City will make it a point of duty of entertain Dr. Manuel Rojas noisy fiends Hunter Riley and at a. and anot er leaving assisting in this last effort.
at the back of receipt which reads: formerly of this Division and now Sharpshooter Schaefer merely inconnected with the Honduras Di dulging in a little target practice.
The Coloured Aviators Visit This bill must be paid at our vision. After a short trip to San Jose Dr. Rojas left for Almirante We noticed with the deepest reoffice before the 15th of the month via plane where he hopes to make gret the absence of the popular The news which we published in be any difficulty in having the steamer connections for Castilla. column Tropical Cocktail. It is our previous issue regarding the desire of our people carried into Be so good as to comply with this request Dr. Rojas was accompanied by his our hope that Sally has not given proposed visit of the Coloured effect, provided the matter be and do not oblige us to suspend our service, daughter, Maria Cristina.
American Avistors have produced taken in hand early. The visitors up this entertaining bit of reading.
a great deal of interest throughout could be asked to make a flight a step which we would much regret to take. Welcome back Armando What! No Goma for our Sache province, and much enthusiasm from San Jose, to arrive here the Martinez and wife. We have not turday noon lunch time? That too is being evinced in the suggestion earlier part of the day, remain that Limon be included in their over night so that a popula: Compañía Eléctrica de Limón had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. was missed last Saturday and up Martinez since her return but have to now no apology from the Ediitinerary.
ception could be given them, and Mart smiling countenance tors.
We gather that arrangements return to the Capital the followseveral times.
are being made to get in touch ing moming.
The Caribbean Club was enterwith either the expected visitors, or those who may be in charge of We shall continue to afford our Scotty Owens spent a few days tained on the night of November During the latter part of last demands of the country.
the matter here, towards this end. readers with all particulars in our week we were informed that at the Hospital recuperating from 19th at the home of member We do not think there should succeeding issues.
a slight operation. speedy recov. Kelley.
advice, of a very interesting natuColombia was for many years re, had been received here from the principal market and one of Colombia. It was stated that the the best, for our product, but due National Congress of that Repu to the increased duty rate, our trablic was to be asked by the Execu de in that direction fell off. With As a result of the heavy rains Railroad gangs, endeavoured to group of American capitalists and other tropical fruit and vege tive to approve a project under the possibility of this suggested which fell throughout the Atlantic cross the Raventazon in the district have, it is reported, submitted an table. They also propose to engage which the present duty of twenty reduction coming into effect, and Zone during the latter part of last of Casorla and was carried away exceedingly important project for in the rearing of cattle on a large five cents, gold, per kilo levied on there can hardly be any doubt but week, the rivers have all been in by the strong current. His body the consideration of our govern scale for the exportation of Meat. all imported cocoa should be that the proposal will meet the flood and very dangerous to nego was discovered, subsequently the same afternoon, and taken to Juan ment, Should the government intimate reduced to thirteen cents, as it approval of Congres, it is to be tiate.
The information gathered, so its desire to entertain the proposal, had been officially ascertained that hoped that our cocoa farmers will On Saturday last, Carlos Rojas, Viñas where his family resides.
May his soul rest in Peace.
far, with respect to the matter is. the parties will proceed to incorpo. the local production was altoget be given an opportunity of obtain who was employed in one of the that the parties interested in the rate a Company in the United her inadequate to meet the normal ing a part, at least, of its benefit.
project, desire a concession to es States with a capital of around Function for Fr.
tablish an agricultural and indus 5, 000, 000 and send down their Sugar Shortage Continues trial colony on our National lands. representatives to further discuss Wollgarten They are asking for an area of and finally arrange for the concesDespite the report, a fortnight (mand pending a sufficient supfrom twenty to forty thousand sion. It is also stated that they hectareas for the cultivation of calculate to make an initial expen of refined sugar had commenced importations to date amount or so ago, that as our local supply ply of our own.
The aggregate On Monday night the 19th. fine style, addressed the audience to inst. a very enjoyable function was and expressed his thanks to the oranges, grape fruit, limes, pines diture of 800, 000 locally.
to come in, there would be no need 30, 000 quintals.
held in the Catholic Schoolroom in Sodalists for the nice entertainment for further importations, we ob While on the subject, we may honour of Fr. Alberto Wollgarten, they had given him as also for the that four thousand more mention that this present shortage, whose Feast Day occurred on the little present which was handed to quintals had to be brought in this in our local supply, has caused 15th. inst.
him, during the course of the enweek from El Salvador, and that many agriculturists to extensively The good and beloved Priest tertainment by Miss Ainsworth on From the correspondence appear. entirely to her actions.
the Administrador of the National increase their cultivations was feted by the Children of Mary behalf of the Children of Mary.
ing a few days ago in one of our Mrs. Emma Jimenez, the Execu Liquor Factory, who has charge of which may, it is rumoured, result Sodality, under the able leaders He complimented and encouraged Dailies. ci seems as if the actrix, has requested the Governor the sales, is doubtful if this addi in an over production in the com hip of their Prefect, Miss Esther them to live up to the principles of quisition of the land now in use as to either have the purchase imme tional quantity will meet the de ing year.
Ainsworth, assisted by the Honor their Holy Faith and to the rules our City Aviation Field is pro diately settled of to cease operatary members, Mrs. Clarke, of the Sodality, and assured them ducing some amount of trouble ing the lands.
Typhoid Still Prevalent Mrs. Louise Gaston, Mrs. Lewis that his one happiness was to do between the Municipality and the In the interests of the communMrs. Foster and others.
all in his power to help them to original owners.
ity, we hope the matter may be There appears to be still a pre artments have been making scru very fine programme was put live good lives here to enable them The Executrix of the Estate of amicably settled prior to an inter valence of Typhoid in San Jose. pulous investigations to detect and through and all who contributed to reach Heaven in the hereafter.
the late Dr. Valverde, charges the ruption of our Airways Service, Thirty cases were reported to have oradicate the cause, and it is ap did so in excellent manner in keep Our popular Fr. Asan was also Municipal Board with wilfully especially at this time when the been registered during last week, parently the belief that the epide ing with the best traditions of the present as well as several other delaying the satisfactory conclu weather is so precarious a block of three of which proved fatal. mic has been caused by the con stage.
friends, who were refreshed with tion of the sale, while the Board the railroad service may occur at sumption of vegetable from gar. At the conclusion of the pro cream and cakes at the close of the claims that the delay has been due lany moment.
The Sanitary and Health dep. Idens inundated by impure water. gramme, Fr. Alberto, in his usual official part of the proceedings.
to seen An Encouraging Notification an Govt: receives Important Proposal Death by Drowning serve Dispute over Aviation Field cane Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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