
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, November 24 1934.
AMBITION SAL UVINA conFor Liver and Stomach Ailments The regrets The govern at rise Echos of a Five Year Old Tragedy Lightning Kills 61 Persons Suero Butantán ar Prisoners on Hunger Strike By Egbert Rivers From Havana it is reported that with common offences.
one hundred and eight prisoners, Ambition is the desire to become Again let us take Napoleon; held on political charges, in Several hundred labourers of the great or famous. The source of Born of Corsican peasantry, he ambition is dissatisfaction, and centered his aim on becoming a nection with the anti Machado te. Public Works Department have rrorist movement, started when the individual is cognizant king of France. That was indeed a on a also gone on strike as the result of of the fact he has not reached the high ambition, but not too high THE RIGHT SALTS hunger strike recently in protest the dismissal of a Foreman. They desired goal, he is actuated by the for Napoleon, who succeeded in of their still being kept in confine threatened to burn down various desire to advance further. By this satisfying that burning desire by ment without a trial. They are workshops and business places ne it is clearly seen that in order to declaring himself king without any also protesting at being housed in cessitating the intervention of the the same make improvement, we must first kind of interruption. The lesson jail as others charged police.
of all realize that there is room is that ambition can take us where for it. Only when we see this room we want to go.
Duty Collections in October can we create the desire to fill it. The world has resched a stage Ambition may be termed the where only the ambitions can sudIn his report on the financial 9, 068. 41; Cattle imports, forerunner of success. That is to ceed and if we have not the desire Invaluable for the Treatment of transactions of the government for 16, 000. 00 and Excise, say, if am to become a doctor, to be somebody. a recognized che month of October, the Auditor 132, 023. 66 making an aggregate must first of all have the desire scmebody, very great and aching General states the following am of 1, 406, 718. 84.
to be; then work camestly on my our sorrows will be.
Flatulence And all forms ounts were collected for Import, plan until acquire that profession, and disappointments that will torExport and Excise Duties: General The duty on imports collected Once the desire is there, and the ment us canot be imagined by us. Indigestion of Stomach imports, 1, 182, 931. 18; Parcel in Limon was less than that collect plan is well arranged, nothing The failure of others to succeed Post, 66, 695. 59; Erport. led in Puntarenas by 164, 574. 33.
may keep me back if want to go because of lack of ambition should Colics Disorders forward be an object lesson for us.
Naturalization Cancelled There are low ambitions and Like Lincolm, we should work to ac there are high ambitions, but our quire books; like Franklin, we should FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES On Saturday last the govern rios crimes previous to, and since, motto should be Excelsior. He curtailour expenses, and like Disment issued a decree cancelling the obtaining naturalization as a citi who aims at the sky shoots for caeli, we should say that one day MANUFACTURED BY: naturalization papers extended to a zen of Costa Rica.
higher than he who aims must be on the top.
native of Poland.
ment had also been officially in the tree tops. By this It makes no difference where Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa The decision was taken by reas formed that he was recently sen.
it can be seen that if an archer we roam; the United States, EnSAN JOSE on of the fact that the party was tenced to serve a term of imprisonshoots his arrow up into the sky gland, France or Germany, we can found to have been guilty of va ment in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
and it misses the sky, the chances never go higher than we are if we are, that in its descent, it will fall do not possess the desire to on the tree tops. But if he shoots higher. In short, a change of abode at the treetops and misses the mark has little to do with one success recent cable from Capetown while they were assembled drink it will fall upon the ground. if one lacks ambition. Environ During the past week the most discontinued soon after and the reports that a stroke of lightning ing beer on the occasion of a fesIn school we read histories and ment does not make us ambitious, allarming disclosures have been matter declared officially closed. killed sixty one persons in the distivity.
biographies of ambitious men and but strengthens our ambition. In made in connection with the death Castaneda continued to work at trict of Clackesbury, East London, women, who through their ambi other words, ambition is primary; of Mr. Rafael Ubico, which occur the Legation until some time durPO tion, have succeded in life, and environment is secondary. red on the 22 nd. November 1929 ing the following year when he al made their names indelible on the The boys and girls of to day have while he occupied the position of left for Nicaragua. But not before th pages of history. Of what purpose got a splendid field in which to Secretary to the Legation of Guat he gave cause for being gravely are these histories and biographies sow the seed of ambition. We have emala in this country.
suspected of having been in some to us? They are to inspire us our teachers to emulate; we read Mr. Ubico attended a wedding unaccountable way, connected with Contra merdedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre o mano 55 with ambition if we haven t, and biographies of inventors and dis function on the 21st. November che peculiar death of Mr. Ubico, en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos. if we have, to enliven the flames so coverers; we have the sunshine of the day previous to his death. The and of being also implicated in the Existencia permanente: de that they burn with brighter opportunity and time. With the following morning he felt unwell loss of some cash by a lady who th sparks. Unless we make use of achievements of the world great and ramained at home. He, how resided in the same hotel as he did. Laboratorio de Análisis linicos del lic. Carles Viguez books in this way, we may as well est characters standing before us, ever, called one Oliverio Castañe. During last year a gentleman ide not read them.
Avenida Central the incentive to be a power in the da, an atache of the Legation, for and his niece died in Nicaragua.
Frente a los Compañias Eléctricas As an example of what ambition world one day should be our chief, the purpose, it was supposed of Castaneda was suspected of havcan do for us, let us take Booker aspiration.
giving him certain instructions in ing committed the crime of murder, that Castaneda had on the tragic to kill a parrot which had in some Washingston, Booker was born The Lincolns are fast disap connection with his work, at the was arrested and after the Courts day bought from him a dose of way caused some trouble; and, a slave, and his surname was not pearing; the Victorias are dimish same time asking him to get so had fully investigated the matter strychnine along with the dose of that having regard to position Washington; But he heard or reading; the Nelsons are dying out, mething from the nearby Botica he was found guilty and recently bromoseltzer. This report of Mr. which Castaneda occupied in ch about George Washington, whose and the Napoleons are dying out, to relieve him of his ill feeling. At sentenced to serve a term of impris. Solano gave rise, as may readily be community, he had no reason to character was made up of virtue world needs more of these charac the Botica Castaneda was recom onment. The deaths of the two imagined, to no small amount of doubt his word. hence his reason of ambition, and he named himself ters. Their names are immortal. mended, and purchased a dose of parties were stated to have been concern to the authorities, as well for not having previously mention Booker Washington. In using They were ambitious, and they bramoseltzer. this he took back caused by the administration of as the entire community of our ed the matter.
Washington surname, Booker succeeded. We can, too, if we are and gave to Ubico, and left soon doses of strychnine. Another per Capital City. Every circumstance During the investigations which fixed his mind on becoming as ambitious, and if we work hard, aftor for the Legation.
son also died from a similar cause connected with the illness and took place at the time, Castaneda great as George. This aim was ful as quoted by one of our good Shortly after drinking the rem The sensational disclosures then death of Mr. Ubico has been over was subjected to a rigid question filled, for, though never a pres poets: edy, Mr. Ubico became so seri began, Mr. Ramiro Solano, the hauled afresh with the result that ing by the Chief of the Detective bu ident like George Washington, he Lives of great men all remind us ously ill that despite the medical Pharmaceutist. who was the party a formal carge of murder has been Department who now states that became the leader of his race; and we can make our lives sublime; attention which was given him, he who in 1929 sold Castaneda the dose lodged with the Criminal Author Castaneda gave him not the slighe the good that he did is recorded in And, departing, leave behind us died around mid day.
of Bromoseltzer. on learning of ities against Castaneda by the Fis test reason for being otherwise history.
Footprints on the sands of time.
As there were grave suspicions the happeninges in Nicaragua in cal Agent.
than satisfied he was free of guil.
regarding the nature of his death, connection with the crimes of CasNevertheless Murder will out.
En investigation was immediately in tareda, appeared to see in them a Mr. Solano states that CastaGuillermo Niehaus Co. stituted by the authorities and a similarity to that which had taken neda excuse for wishing the for LIMON postmortem examination obtained. place here, and so made a report strychnine was because he desired Imprenta Borrasé Hermanos The reports of the Doctors and the Maderas Extranjeras y del País Chemist however, disclosed that COMPRA CACAO death had been caused by the bo amount of alcohol Mr. Ubico had MATERIAL DE TRANVIA so shortly before his death imbibServicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo.
ed. Investigations were as a result!
y Importación de mercadería en generalD Costa Rica Soda Banco del Estado State Bank Baile Social en Alajuela Water Factory Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue Acusamos recibo de una bien Salazar, y las señoritas ConchiLIMON atenta invitación que dice: ta Saborio, Zfneida Bulgarelli Se complace en anunciar al El Bridge Club de Alajuela y Adilia Clvo.
Begs to announce to the Fábrica de Hielo tiene el gusto de invitar a usted ve público la apertura de su Public the opening of its al Baile que en honor del Exc.
mo. Sr. Ministro de Venezuela, y Refrescos doctor don Mariano Vilarroel, dará en los salones del Club Internacional, como demostración Florida Ice and de simpatía, el sábado 24 de no Cantina, Posada y Cafetería vimebre, a las p.
Felipe Wing Ching Se han dignado aceptar el car Farm Co.
EN LA IN THE go de recibidoras las señoras do Apartado 9 hia Isabel de Beeche, doña LA FLORIDA Maria de Cotter, doña Odilié de) Limón, Costa Rica C.
Fábrica de Hielo Pasajeros por el Aire Venta de Leche para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service Volando con Macaya siguie Juan Félix Bonilla y Roberto servicio bancario.
Rendered ron para Sixaola los señores Dr. Johnston.
y Maderas Manuel Rojas, Guillermo Selle Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
51 2011 of wa pit res to hu Banco Internacional de Costa Rica in tot El Caballo Blanco SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Rod af Pro om CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON


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