
Saturday, November 24 1934. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Our Radio Service to AFIASPIRINA at Albino Villalobos HUMOR en esa Daniel Zeledón veces SANTAMAND carnes.
six year old child.
Millions all over the world LONDON. The Daily Te insurance should be a co operative ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Two know from personal legraph shipping expert asserts undertaking, in which both the Femen were killed when a rapid air that the swift chedule of Britain deral government and the forty transport plane, carrying a cargo experience that of mail crashed near the town of huge new luxury Liner, the Queen eight States should take part. BAYER Mary will make it possible Amazonia, eight miles north of have lunch in Cherburg, France, HAVANA. three hour here and was destroyed by flames.
on Saturday and tea in New York blaze, which police described as BERLIN. Hitler governthe following Wednesday after incendiary, destroyed thirty fas ment informed American authorinoon. The vessel will maks the hionable residences Baracoa ties that a high German official is the safe remedy for 3, 100 mile dash over the North Beach in Havana Province on the will call on the American Consulate Atlantic in 96 hours at an average 15th. inst. The damage was estimat General to reveal the nature of the HEADACHES. PAINS. COLDS speed of 31 2 knots, compared ed at 100, 000.
charges preferred against Miss with the present blue ribbon record Steele, a naturalized citizen of the of the Italian Liner, Rex, averUnited States, who has been held in prison since her arrest on August LONDON. aging 28. 29 knots.
Winston Chur10th.
chill former Chancellor of the LONDON. Great Britain, Exchequer, charged Germany with Attorney at Law and Notary acting as mediator in the Naval re arming at utmost speed and Entre amigos: El zapatero Public. Office and Residen. negotiations, has proposed that the pleaded with Great Britain to make Qué bruto eres, amigo malo. Acabo de vengar United States recognize Japanese herself, without delay, the stron con pegarle con la mano a tu joven a miles de ciudadanos. Es ce: Upper Floor of residen.
puessaapun ən yım Saijenbə yene gest Air Power in the European mujer. Otra vez no te maltrates telefonista y le he dado el núce of the late Juan José León ing Japan would not actually build world. England, he said, lies an in la mano y dale con un palo. mero cambiado o equivocado.
to the American level. It was believ viting bit of prey to the ambitions Abogado y Notario ed this proposal was in the hands and the appetites of hungry Pow. Chistoso Cosas del modernismo WORTHING, ENG. Sir of President Roosevelt and Secre ers. In Paris, it was reported, that Mi querido amigo, el mejor Dime una cosa hijo ndio: Oswald Mosley, Leader of the Oficina: Ciudad de Limón British Fascist Organization, and tary of State Hull. Further infor starling statistics on alleged Ger remedio para el dolor de gargan Por qué te pasas la vida durmien mation however indicated that the man re armament were made to the ta es el que me hizo mi señora. do, o en continuas parrandas?
three of his Blackshirt followers, Japanese Delegates had been ad Chamber of Deputies by the War Yo estaba peor que usted y ella No te dan ganas de trabajar en LONDON. Germany is ready were held for trial on a charge of vised from Tokyo to adhere stiffly Budger Reporter. who stated that me untó un poco de miel, me en algo, para que veas cómo se disto admit that she has re armed, riotous assembly after several days to the demand for naval equality Germany, in a few months, would volvió en una bufanda, me dió trae uno con el trabajo, mejor despite treaty restrictions, reliable of hearing in a police Court, fola with Great Britain and the United be stronger than in 1914.
dos besos y, como por encanto que con la holgazanería?
States German sources revealed recently. lowing the Blackshirt meeting of estuve curado. Si papá: a me dan NASHVILLE. Friends and Oct. 9th. which ended in disord Qué buen remedio, respon unas ganas locas de trabajar; pe relatives of little Dorothy Ann Dis against Sir Oswald was withdrawn dió el enfermo, notando la toro, como todo un hombre que telhurst, missing since Sept. 19th. ers. An additional charge of assault madura de pelo, ya que usted es soy, me las aguanto.
vieweds a body found on the 13th. by agreement of the Magistrates.
tan amable al indicarme este reinst. but were unable to make El Gran Depurativo medio, digame dónde vive su Pierde siempre positive identification. An examinLUIS WA CHONG Ha vuelto señora para que me cure.
Soberano para toda clase de reumatismo, útil para las muy flaca de ation by Dr. Spitz, showed that Puntarenas.
the body was about 51 inches tal! GUACIMO GUAPILES enfermedades del cutis, cura las ronchas, manchas de la Has leido, Homoborto El Es incorregible. Antes perand to weigh about 72 pounds.
piel y es un gran purificador de la sangre.
Cantina, Licores ExtranjeConsejo de la Sociedad de Nadía dinero jugando a la ruleta, Dorothy weighed approximately ros y del país De venta en todas las boticas, pídaselo a su boticario ciones se reune en la sala de jue y ahora por perder algo, pierde 155 pounds and was 48 inches tall.
quien con gusto se lo dará.
go del casino!
All the forces of the Law are en Tienda bien surtida y. No me extraña. Tanto badeavouring to pick up the trail of Abarrotes en general Los mellizos the fiend who murdered her, as rajar soluciones ¡Y luego, como From Estrada el deseo de paz es en todos sin Hagan el favor de retirarse, e body was later on definitely Precios sin competencia. Pero señora. Qué tiene de In As a result of the heavy rains side of the railroad station. cero.
identified as that of the missing particular que entren ustedes en FLEMINGTON. The de which had been falling in this lo Barmouth East and other places Una puesta de huevo el teatro con dos gemelos?
fense, hopeful of distroying the cality, incessantly, the Matina river no bananas could be brought out.
Exhibía un pintor de legua y State contention that the kid overflowed and the waters flooded There was, however, no damage media, un cuadro que según él, Lindo castigo napping and slaying of the Lind. Estrada. On the morning of the materially effected.
debía darle la inmortalidad. Una Escogieron por funanimidad, bergh Baby was the work of one 16th. there was about four and a los niños de una escuela a su pro señora que se encontraba en me LIVERPOOL man, announced it will subpoena half feet of water on the southern Corresponsal dio de los curiosos se acercó al fesora como modelo para la cla Licores ExtranjeCol. Lindbergh, father of the child cuadro, y después de contem se de belleza plástica.
as a witness at the trial of Haupt Goodwill Aviators Plane Damaged plarlo, se volvió a su cónyugue Vamos a ver, dice la bella ros y del País para preguntarle: señorita, dirigiéndose a uno da ABARROTES According to a cable advice aged when they had to No te parece que este cuasus alumnos: Por qué te gusto from Santo Domingo dated the forced descent at Barahona.
SHONG LUNG FAI dro es de una originalidad envi.
Precios 20th. instant, it is reported that diable? Lo veo tan natural que Económicos LIMON the plane in which the Goodwill As soon as the necessary repairs se me vuelve la boca agua y me Me gusta por sus pies dimi Flight Aviators, Forsythe Licores and are affected their journey will be dan ganas de comérmelo.
nutos y lindos y porque tiene Anderson, are travelling got dam continued.
MOSCOW. new outbreak Artículos del País unas piernas tan torneadas y. Perdón señora dijo el pin of class warfare, on a large scale, tor, que al oír los elogios estaba Los precios más Insolente, le interrumpió la was reported from Tashkent, Ca.
DEATH pital of the Soviet Union Cotton OF CARDINAL GASPARRI loco de contento. No me ex. profesora airada. Me faltas al res plico cómo puede una puesta de peto y te castigo con no dejarte On Sunday last, Cardinal Gas! The funeral services were held sol hacerle boca agua y provo ir a almorzar.
Empire, where political police ar Manzana 23 rested forty one well to do peasants parri, one of the illustrious person in the Church of St. Ignatius on carla a usted.
Lote número alities and eminent statesmen of Thursday and was attended by high for sabotage, thefts and attempts Castigado el alumno, siguió la the Catholic Church died in Rome representatives of the government lo que representa este cuadro? al siguiente. Ah! Es una puesta de sol clase y la profesora le preguntó to hamper the cotton harvesting.
at the advanced age of 82 years and Church. His body was after. Pues estaba completamente con WASHINGTON. The Post He was until recently Minister of wards taken to Usita and interred vencida de que era un huevo fri, de mi. Qué es lo que te gusta más FRANKFORT. wooden Office Department made a net State to the Vetican.
box containing a portion of a profit of more than 12, 000. 000 on Friday.
Levantose e interrogado y enhuiman skeleton was found buried Colmo in the fiscal year ended June last.
tre lágrimas y sollozos contestó: in the sand dunes at Port Betsie, a This is the first profit for the deHospital Deaths Cuál es el de un hojalatero. Señorita, yo también mile from the Summer cottage of partment since the Wilson AdminTener un hijo soldado.
The following are among those tina, 30th. October. Juan Granaquedo sin almorzar.
Dr. Alice Wynekoop, Chicago istration.
physician, who is serving a prison who died recently in the San Juan dos, 45 years, from Siquirres, 2nd.
sentence for the slaying of her de Dios Hospital: November; Daniel Hunkin, 65 daughter in Law. The Coroner years, from Limon, 2nd. Novemstated that an examination of the Martin Leo, 50 years, from Ma ber.
bones indicated a slaying, and that SERVICIO DE VAPORES some chemical had been poued over the body to hasten deterioraSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK tion.
con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA, WASHINGTON. Best native lumber, that Mr. Justice Carew, of the and Sunday to her mother in orFrom New York it is reported she is to be sent every Saturday VAPORES President SALIDAS Roosevelt announced, in a brief. informal speech, that he would ask at moderate prices Supreme Court, has at last been de that she may attend Catholic able to bring to an end the long Services and receive instructions in QUIRIGUA 25 de Noviembre next Congress to enact legislation and bitter legal battle of Mrs. that Faith. To remove influences, PETEN.
providing for unemployment in2 de Diciembre NEWBERRY, SC. Three Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt to which it is felt may embitter the surance. He stated that he had men were believed killed in addit obtain the custody of her ten year girl against her mother, Mrs.
VERAGUA. de Diciembre some months ago, begun the work ion to the sefen injured by an ex old daughter, Gloria, who has pas Emma Keisleich, the nurse who has of making a beginning in the task plosion in the commercial section sed the last two and a half years cared Gloria since she was an in FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
of prividing social insurance for here. Three buildings were virtual with her Aunt, Mrs. Harry Payne fant, is to be discharged within a the American citizen, and that he ly demolished by the blast, believ Whitney.
Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON month. monthly allowance of would have a recommendation oned to have been caused by dyna Justice Carew decided that, sub 3, 000 is to be available for GloPara otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United the subject to present to the in mite stored in the basement of aject to minor qualifications, Mrs. ria maintenance and education.
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica etning Congress. He also expres hardware store. The damage was Whitney is to have control of the It is stated that Mrs. Vanderbilt TELEFONO 3156 ked the view that unemployment estimated at more than 100. 000. child for the next four years, but may appeal against this decision.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Chong León mann.
make a a ti?
me United Fruit Company Maduro Lumber Yard FRANK MADURO. The Vanderbilt Child Wrangle.


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