
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, December 1934 Price: 15 per copy Ano No. 21 NEWS FROM THE POINT The Two Absorbing Subjects worse were things Govt. Ready With Immigration Reforms Heinous Crime amount תו our ition.
as enWe Thank You Having been the recipient of so sues, we wish, on her behalf, to very meny expressions of apprecia thank them one and all, and to Observant Pointer cion for the weekly contributions assure them that we hope we shall During the past week, the two were experiencing the greatest dif of Thursday, November 22, being parties was held at the residence our esteemed collaboratress soon again be able to afford them most absorbing subjects which have ficulties, possible, to overtake their Sally with enquiries regarding the pleasure of partaking of the the day of Santa Cecilia, patrona of Mr. and Mrs. Smith on de los musicos, the Limon Military the night of November 24. True been engaging the attention of our ordinary current expenses, and that their absence from our recent is Mixture.
Band directed by Señor Mauro Southern hospitality was extended populace, here and in other princi the longer the matter remained unAlvarado, kindly dedicated che to more than three score guests, pal centers of the country, are, the settled the ultimate fate of the Banana Ques becoming. Mr. Tasies remarks evening to a concert in honor of who all vowed on leaving and on the American Colony. The concert the next day that it was simply tion as a result of the many con were supported by Messrs. Antonio ferences the Comision de Hacien Segura, Ignacio Cruz and Juan We understand that in the com will be divided into two principal was to be held at the Tennis Court great. Congrats Dean and Betty.
da have had with the principal of Manuel Solano.
ing week, the government will sub sections. The first part will deal of the Point but unfortunately Adios Maxie! Thus say farewficials of the Fruit Company and In his reply His Excellency stat mit for the consideration of Con exclusively with immigration while rain interfered and it was neces.
the agitation, started, it is said, ined that the Executive Power, realiz gress during the present extraor the other is to provide more effec. sary to cancel the proposed arran ell to Dr. Maximo Gamboa who certain quarters, to obtain an in ing the real necessities of the en. dinary sessions, the Bill by which tive and speedier means for the gement. It is to be regretted that leaves our midst to take up resifew were denied this event but Idence in Almirante for a crease in our monetary exchange. tire Atlantic region. had conclud. it is proposed to amend our Im. expulsion of undesirable foreigners sincerely hope the concert can be weeks. Maxie left our territory on With regard to the latter, the ed the agreement with the Fruit migration Law, as mentioned by from the country.
held in the near future.
coffee exporters Wednesday via plane for Sixaola, are those who Company and had submitted it for us previously.
The carrying out of the provisions thence to Almirante to relieve the desire to secure this higher rate, the consideration of our Constitu As it is considered that the exist of the proposed law is to be placed and this, because, no doubt of the tional Congress with whom it now ing law does not meet present day under the charge of a separate de cher, arrived in Limon Mr. Briggs, new Dispat resident physician stationed there.
fact that with the exportation of rested for final pronouncement. conditions, it is proposed to repla. partment in the Ministry of Fore. Steamship Quirigua on the It is my wish to see Doc back their product they will be receiving Don Ricardo was thanked for his ce it by an entirely new one, which ign Relations.
November here by Christmas at the latest as foreign currency for which they kind reception and interesting re24. The OBSERVANT POINT. big doings are planned.
would eventually obtain a larger marks and the demonstrators proER sincerely wishes Mr. Briggs will like Limon and in his own local currency Iceeded to the Congress Hall. Here Always on the lookout, The right extends a cheery welcome. OBSERVANT POINTER said should the exchange (official) be they were met by lic. Arturo Voadvanced from what it now is. lio, President of the Congress, most atrocious crime has just groans investigated and discover hello to Mr. Littleton, ban.
On the other hand, the mem. Deputies Carlos Jimenez, Ex been brought to light in a village ed the old woman. She was in a learned with regret of the acci ana planter from Celina, who spent bers of the mercantile community President Julio Acosta, and Messrs. in the country of Rumania. man terribly emaciated condition but dent which befell Mr. Whit too few hours in Limon several are opposed to any increase; as Juan Romagosa, and Virgilio Cha a millionaire. was discovered fully possessed of her faculties. ton, Inspector for the Cia Surtidora days back.
they justly claim it would be pro verri. our Province Representati to have kept his mother a prisoner She told her discoverers her pitia. feel sure that Mr. Whicton ductive of greater financial hards ves and Lic. Ernesto Martin y Ri in his house for the long period of ble story, they reported same to many friends both on the Line The Jackson Wrights entertainhips to their already difficult pos. cardo Batalla.
forty years and to have given her, the authorities and the man was and in Limon will share my regreted to lunch on November 26, the Mr. Jose Solano addressed throughout this time, no other arrested.
in his being confined in the Limon Reverend Ryder and Canon Falton.
The entire question is before the Deputies on behalf of the Can food than bread and water.
Hospital as a result of a motorcar The man is stated to have conMiss Sue Repta was He confesesd his guilt and said accident several days ago. Here the members of the Board of Conton of Pococi, and Mr. Ignacio confined to her home for a few days trol and will, no doubt, be decid Cruz for Guapiles also Mr. ducted a business in the same build his only reason for having done it wishing for a speedy recovery.
ed within the next few days. Polson for the Central Canton ing in which he resided along with was because he wished to have a result of that prevalent flu that Meanwhile from 75 to 80 In all their remarks, the his prisoner. Certain of his emplo sole control of his mother for Great news folks! The last vaca has attacked so many of us lately.
is being asked for the dollar, speakers emphasized the fac: yees happening to hear peculiar tune.
tionist has returned to our shores. It is a pleasure to say that Sue is Cry. by the money exchangers. that people of the in the person of Mr. Andes. among those present again and In connection with the older and tire Zone were perfectly satis While Mr. Andes is not a perma shows every evidence of remaining much more ventilated matter of fied with the terms of the contract, nent resident of The Point, see on the well list.
the Banana Question, We beg to call your attention to our remark we would considering as they did, that the him around so much that conhere mention that in conformity Iterms were the best that could at the back of receipt which reads: sider him news in this column. Mr. Mrs. Frank Sheehy enterwith our previous notification, the possibly be got Anyway am glad to see you tained to a Chop Suey Dinner on on their behalf manifestation promoted by the end that they were asking them, This bill must be paid at our Quintin, and feel sure my gladness Monday November 26th. Mr.
Planters, Municipality members, as their representatives, to not only is well echoed all around. Mrs. Mc Clure, Mr. Mrs.
merchants and others of this Zone, sanction same, but to have that office before the 15th of the month Gore, Mr. Mrs.
in the interests of the early and sanction given as early as possible One of Limon most charming Krauth.
favourable approval of the Con as the Province was suffering se Be so good as to comply with this request tracts, took place, as scheduled, rious deprivations on account of last Sunday. The manifestators, the lengthened period the matter and do not oblige us to suspend our service, numbering around one thousand, was under consideration and that a step which we would much regret to take.
were conveyed to San Jose in two the longer the delay continued the trains of five cars each, the one worse it would be for the economic Compañía Eléctrica de Limón from Guapiles and the other from life of not only the Atlantic Zone The all important subject of the the employees of private farmers this terminal.
but the whole country.
Banana Contracts is once more the same hospital, dispensary car Replying to these remarks, don before Congress. The Special Com and ambulance services as given to They arrived in the Capital Arturo Volio expressed the pleas.
shortly after a. and, headed ure it afforded him, on behalf of by the banners denoting the sev the Legislative Body, of listening Further Áid report on Wednesday last after tions as if they were dependents of eral Cantons of the Province, they to all they had said, for he regard. Som time ago the Central Gov two years, by which time it is hop the Officials of the Fruit Compaclause of the agreement which re(concluding their conferences with the Company. With regard to the proceeded to the Presidencia. Theyed their vist as evidence of the lernment granted our Municipality ed conditions will have changed ny, with regard to the reforms fers to the renewal of contracts, it were received by the President of great interest they were displaying an amount of relief in connection for the better.
the Republic and some of the in their national welfare, which with the cayments towards the li proposed during the recent parlia has been amended so that such reIt is pointed out that a largementary debates. This report takes newals are to be made at the desire members of his minis. they had every right to take. He quidation of its contractual debts number of these proprietors Mr. Horacio Tasies, Presi. also assured them that he had for street and lighting improve unable to meet their payments unmitted and withdrawn, and incluare the place of that previously sub of both parties.
dent of the Municipal Board of been doing everything possible to ments in view of the straightened der the existing rates, with the des all the amendments agreed to led in the above respects, has again The entire agreement, as amend Central Canton, introduced further the speedy conclusion of financial conditions of the City. result that the revenue of the the manifestators and in explaining the Banana business and that it As no change in these conditions Board has been seriously reduced, ant of these are: by the Company. The more import been submitted along with the the reasons which had brought was his hope that the end was at has yet taken place, in fact they and that it would, under the sugreport of the Commission who about the demonstration, called hand.
have become somewhat worse, the gested abatement, be more likely The Company agrees to plant have strongly recommended its His Excellency attention to the Don Juan Romagosa in explain. Municipal Board continue to find for the Board to collect a larger liates, such portion of the of herself, or by any of her Affi approval.
tact that the long delay in bringing his activities as member of the it difficult to even meet the mo per centage of the City taxes, thousand hectareas mentioned in tion of the matter there will be no six May we hope that on the resume ing the matter to a successful issue Comision de Hacienda endeavour. dified terms afforded them under thus placing them in a far better the principal agreement. as may further difficulty experienced in was creating serious difficulties ed to impress on the people from the relieved system. For this reason position, eventually, to meet their for the several municipalities arart his Province, that he had been they have, through the Governor financial obligations.
not be taken up by private con. having it speedily. concluded, in from those being experienced by working strenuously in their inter of the Province, again approached tractors. In the Pacific Zone, she the interests of not only our Zone the general inhabitants of the ests and to secure the best he could the Executive. They are now ask.
consents to give a bonus of five but of the whole country, for as The Atlantic Belt. With the heavy fall for them. He asked that they ing that the tax payable by the sideration of the Executive, and cents. Cry. per count bunch, time goes on the economic sufferin the banana business and the believe in his sincerity and ha: proprietors in the City be reduced will. we hope, be given a favour. bring their fruit by water to Punto those contractors who have to ing of our people increases.
resultant scarcity of work, the the Province welfare would ale by fifty per cent for a period of able decision.
majority of the despie were unable ways be his first consideration.
tarenas and to extend the contrac10 meet their mun ipai obligations The manifestation then with. Banana Contract Now zone to embrace a belt of thus causing the Boards finances drew and at two o clock the trains Favoured twenty five kilometros wide, to the to be so seriously reduced that they left on their return trips.
by Majority of Deputies margin of the sea, berween the Port of Puntarenas and the district watered by the river Naranjo. On FRANK MADURO Jr. Birth of Triplets By the Report appearing in yes. as it is stated that there are no the Atlantic side, she accepts the Prop.
terday issue of La Tribuna. less than twenty six Deputies in obligation to renew, at the price In one of the suburbs of San Acording to the statements of per we note with pleasure that there is favour of it in the form in which of forty cents gold, all the con Best native lumber, Jose known by the name of Lu sons who have seen them, the three every possibility of the long pend it has now been amended as a re tracts which terminate up to the jan a woman gave birth, on Wed. babes are said to be in good con ing Banana Contract securing the sult of the recent conferences with 31st December 1937 at moderate prices in lieu of nesday last, to two girls and a boy. dition as also their mother. approval of our Legislative Body the Company.
ot 1935. She also agrees to afford Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Congress Gets New Banana Report Municipality Seeks mission, to whom the matter was her own employees, as well as to our tual Maduro Lumber Yard


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