
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, Decembe 1934 Egypt Thou Art Land of Mystery Thou Will Remain Land of Myste y Lodge Function SAL UVINA on For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of Govt. Submits 1935 Estimates Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa Excursion to Turrialba E in Well Deserved Punishment found out that this embargo wa Guillermo Niehaus Co.
a was one to can could not The Editor, jealously guarded secrets and my Sir: teries of this fraternal Institution By HASBEEN very interesting and enjoyable At the close of the ceremonies function took place in the rooms all repaired to the Banquet Hall. sailed from England in the top capped in alabasta with an enof the New Hope Lodge No. 2363 handsomely decorated for the oc later Winter of 1916 for Egypt, trance or doorway, facing West. THE RIGHT SALTS of the Loyal Order of Ancient casion, to partake of the good where arrived at Alexandra in They daim that the base of the Shapherds, in this city, on the chings there provided: and an early February after a fairly to Pyramids is 13 acres. quarter of night of the 26th. Nov. when un evening well spent among a happy dious voyage, and being constantly a mile or so away is the gigantic der the experienced guidance of group of Ancient Shepherds was the lookout for submarines, carving of the Sphinx out of solid the Worthy Master, Mr. Malachi brought to a close with many spee.
which at that time were fairly rock, and standing 65 feet in Cox, and other high officers of ches and other kind tokens of conactive in the Meditterean. height. visit to the Museum is a the Order, the brothers, Messrs. Igratulations to the newly favoured The Battalion to which belong. visit well worth, and there one has Newton and Harris, were members. ed, did its training on the outs the pleasure of seeing Pharoah admitted further into the high and kirts of Alexandra, and our drill lying in beautiful preservation.
ground was the salt lakes to the How he would have looked in a left of our Camp. Whenever one present day low collared shirt or two of us were able to get off can only conjecture as his neck Flatulence And all forms on a Sunday we generally had tea must be a good tall. Away up The Estimates of the Central Colones while the amount required at the famous Groppis. and din on the hills overlooking Cairo can Indigestion of Stomach government for the coming finan. for meeting payments on accourt ner at the Continental Hotel with be seen the magnificent tombs of cial period have been submitted of the country public debt is giva final visit to some other place the Caliphs. When one realizes Colics Disorders for the consideration and approval en as 6, 991, 293, 91 Colones.
of attraction.
that am writing of Persons of of Congress, by the Minister of After a few months of real hard some 3000 years ago or longer, one Finance.
These figures shew an increase training we were sent to guard that may feel with a tinge of pleasure FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES The ordinary current expenses of of 1, 239, 147. 91 Colones when part of the Suez Canal between that after all its nice to see old the administration are estimated compared with the approved estLake Timsar (the bitter lake) on things, which have had plenty of MANUFACTURED BY: to produce a total of 18, 348, 937. 84 mates for the current year.
the right and Deversmar on the history behind them. We also paid left. Days went by very monoto a visit to that celebrated Mosque, nously with an occasional ship of called The Mohamed Aly Mosque.
SAN JOSE the Line, navigating the In entering the Mosques one is not canal bound for India.
allowed to wear boots or shoes, se Remember the salvation army stations along the line. The fare excursion to Turrialba on Wed are from Limon, 2:50, Zent and It was in May 1916, and we we had to hire sandals. more nesday december 5th. Train leaves Estrada 00, and Siquirres were being inspected by General magnificent inside one could hardWard, when a Turkish airplane ly expect to see with its. 1000 Limon at 30 M, and pas 1. 50.
appeared overhead heading towards lights. Isneaked a camera sengers will be taken up at all the the Canal, and making an unsuc with me, and took a picture of the The Editor. bargo against them. The Governor cessful attempt to bomb a Steamer, inside of this Mosque. And believe Sir: passing through the Canal. On its it or not the picture came out ex On November 15th, Aurelio just a subterfuge to cheat creditors.
return journey, it flew directly cellent, and is still in my possession. Bermudez, of this city, was found that was why Bermudez LIMON over us, and dropped three bombs, In the Courtyard of this Mosque guilty by the Governor, don Fila found guilty and punished.
Maderas Extranjeras y del País which causel casualities in is Joseph well 3000 feet deep. On delfo Granados, and fined It took me a few months to get Company. Running out of bombs, our way down we stopped at the hundred and twenty colones or this justifiable decision from the COMPRA CACAO the Pilot sportingly dropped a Blue Mosque, and viewed the da sixty days in jail, for disobedience Governor, but it was worth the MATERIAL DE TRANVIA bunch of dates at the General mage done by Napoleon fleet of orders from Alcalde Martinez, trouble, and is a warning to perThe who decided, in accordance with sons who Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo.
Headquarters, and thus ended our when he bombarded Cairo.
trust their business first experience of actual warfare. Mosque has never been repaited article 1143 of our Civil Code, those who pretend to know the law Importación de mercadería en general The temperature at this time and never will be, it stands as a and upon a legal petition filed and consequently think they used to be around 120 130 in the monument of vandalism against a before him, that Bermudez must laug at it. Petition for BerCON LA ACTITUD DE Colonel Masque. It was think man who tried to conquer but just vacate the premises he used as an mudez inselvacy will son be fil YUGOESLAVIA sometime in July that two pals and office and warned him not to take ed.
myself obtained four days leave, away the furnishings of hic Limon ELGRADO, 30. Se opina que, con motivo de los pasos and proceeded to Cairo, a city with LIVERPOOL the high officials of this City acusación sobre Hungría, relacionadados por Yugoeslavia en su half a million people, and built on visit to a jolly wonderful old place paid rents long due.
Bermudez left the place and deserve my sincerest congratula da con el asesinato del Rey AlejanLicores Extranjethe banks of the river Nile. After Seven days afterwards our Batrawe had booked at the Continental lion was ordered to France, and we took away the furniture. Request tions, as well as those of the com dro, ayudará a la cancelación del ros y del País Hotel, we started sightseeing. First arrived at Marselles in Septemed by Alcalde Martinez to return munity, for their strict observance Tratado de Fronteras firmado el ABARROTES hireing a motor car we proceeded ber. with the experience of hav them to the place, he refused stat and application of law and justice. de agosto del corriente año y en el to the Pyramids. There are two ing felt the hottest Summer on re ing that everything belonged to a Pt. Limon, November 30th.
1934. cual, se regula el tráfico comercial, entendiéndose que Rumania y Che Precios third sets of Pyramids those near to Cai. cord in Egypt, only to go through person who held an old emAntonio Cruz (Lawyer) coeslovaquia, como miembros de la Económicos ro, the other near to Geiza. The the coldest Winter on record in Pequeña Entente, cancelarán sus a.
cuerdos similares con Hungría.
Cairo Pyramids are the largest and Europe. Such is the life of man Una most beautiful. the largest rises when under orders backed by broma y un disgusto to a height of 465 and the King Regulations.
El maestro Leoncavallo había te Leoncavallo compró un nido que trasladarse a Inglaterra por poco se desmaya, al leed en típara asuntos particulares. La no. tulos gruesos, a tres columnas: che antes de embarcarse de regre. Declaraciones del maestro Leonso a Italia, en Manchester, vió cavallo sobre su ópera Pagliaci. Establecimiento de licores, Tienda y Abarrotes Contra merdedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano que en el teatro local se anuncia. Se confiesa plagiario, consideránba su ópera Pagliacci. dose un músico desprovisto de toda El más surtido en Matina en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
El maestro quiso asistir de rigu originalidad.
Existencia permanente: coso incógnito a la representación.
En la boleteria del teatro adquirió Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del Lic. Carlos Víquez un asiento de platea, y como un Avenida Central. Frente a los Compañías Eléctricas ciudadano cualquiera, como asiento en su sitio, dispuesto a gozar el espectáculo.
MAX MAS Caído el telón, un señor que ocupaba la localidad inmediata en.
La salud del alma es tan precaria aparece el peligro de que puedan cabló conversación con él: Banco del Estado State Bank como la del cuerpo; pues cuando abrirse de nuevo. Qué bella partitura. Esto es nos parece estar más precavidos una verdadera obra maestra!
Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue contra las pasiones, corremos el mis El excesivo placer que nos causa. No crea. replicó Leoncamo peligro de sufrir su infección, el hablar de nosotros mismos, debía vallo, que se había sentido atacado Se complace en anunciar al que de caer enfermos cuando dis hacernos comprender que no les Begs to announce to the por el deseo de ser su propio crítifrutamos de salud.
ocurre otro tanto a los que nos esco, con objeto, también, de diverpúblico la apertura de su Public the opening of its cuchan.
tirse un poco. De dónde saca En las enfermedades del alma se usted que esto pueda ser una obra padecen recaídas, lo mismo que las No puede haber vida dulce si no maestra? Mire, señor, yo soy múdel cuerpo, por eso, muchas veces es también prudente, honesta y jus sico y creo conocer algo del asunnos parece estar curados, cuando to; ni se puede vivir con prudencia, to. Puedo asegurarle que no vale sólo se trata de una crisis o de un honestidad y justicia, sin que tam absolutamente nada, y si no temieEN LA cambio de enfermedad.
bién se viva dulcemente. Aquel, ra molestarle, le diría que está baIN THE pues, que no vive con prudencia, sada en una serie de imitaciones Las faltas del alma son compara honestidad y justicia, tampoco podrá y plagios. Por ejemplo: la cavatiy bles a las heridas del cuerpo; que podrá vivir con dulzurs.
na es casi en absoluto de Berlioz: da siempre la cicatriz y jamás desRochefoucauld el dúo del primer acto, de Gounod, para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service y el final, es una copia indigna de Verdi servicio bancario.
Antes de tomar el tren en la tación, a la mañana siguiente, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Chong León And thus ended a wonderful Service Bureau Offices until he enforced on those who need it, and diario y Hop Lee Lung Suero Butantán Banco Internacional de Costa Rica a SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON Imprenta BORRASE HERMANOS es


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