
PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, December 1934 Our Radio Service To rid yourself of an ache or pain quickly, take AFIASPIRINA over Another Awful Murder PARK HOTEL Albino Villalobos See the Radio that thinks!
to Interesting Shorts yet been C VICTOR RADIO COSTA RICA RADIO Hotel Limón NEW YORK. Mrs. Gloris LOS ANGELES. Party MEXICO CITY. The Fore.
Morgan Vanderbilt asserts that in of 10 scientists and their million ign Minister has announced that September 1933, she rejected an aire Patron sailed on the 23rd. the Mexican Senate had ratified offer of 50, 000 a year for life in Nov. on an expedition designed to the Special Claims Convention BAYER exchange for the release of her solve not only scientific problems, with the United States which was daughter, Gloria, to the child but the mystery surrounding the approved by the American Senate wealthy and socially prominent death of two castaways on Lonely last June, and under which Mexico aunt, Harry Whitney. Sub Maichena Island in the South will pay 7, 000, 000 to cover dama. the world famous Bayer product sequently, Mrs. Vanderbilt, also Pacific.
ges arising out of the revolutiondeclared, the aunt began a delibe CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Hav ary period, 1910 1920. Mexico Quick acting and Safe!
rate campaign to gain an unwho ard University has rejected a. agrees to pay a first installment of lesome influence Gloria 1, 500 German Travelling Scho 500, 000 January Ist. 1935, and mind, and brought the whole forcelarship offered by Matthew Mel 1, 000, 000 annually thereafter.
of the Whitney wealth and social lon, Havard Divinity School, beBARCELONA. wholesale pleted when discovered by jail of.
position to bear to have her arbi. cause the offer was linked with trary assumed custody ratified one delivery of nearly 2, 000 prisoners ficials, the hole was high enough made last summer by Dr. from the so called model prison for a man to walk upright. Five legally.
Ernst Shanfstaenal, Hitler Aide.
We are informed of an awful the victim, arriving, he inflicted a here was blocked by the discovery drills, eight iron levers, shovels of a 30 foot tunnel leading from and a surveyor lovel and compass fillo de Nicoya, Guanacaste, the his death almost immediately.
murder which occurred in Corra single chop on his head causing the prison to a sewer. Nearly com were found in the passage.
earlier part of this week.
Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front young man left San Jose some Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated months ago for the above mentiondining room. First class table, Good assorted bar.
ed place where he is stated to have Sample room become exceedingly friendly with another young fellow called Cun. Attorney at Law and Notary LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress do. For some reason, which is not Post Office Box 236 Telephone Public. Office and Residen.
known, they fell out, and Cun do decided to kill his one time ce: Upper Floor of residen.
FLEMINGTON. Haupt PARIS. French and German friend. Going to the house in which ce of the late Juan José León mann may appear in Court to per. War Veterans are planning simul.
the young man lived he hid him.
sonally plead poverty and ask the taneous demonstrations their self behind a door and on Obando, State of New Jersey to finance his two countries on the eve of the In RCA VICTOR battle to escape the electric chair Saar plebiscite, January 13th. for the murder of the Lindbergh impress on their respective govern Magic Brain. Range, Babe; practically every penny of ments the necessity of keeping the the German carpenter and his wife peace, whatever the results of the Tone and Reception It is rumoured that for want of hope these will be received by the was placed in the category of frozen vote may be. The details of the despace, the Authorities of the San men in time for the coming holiassets. He has been unable to sell monstrations have not Are Finer that Ever!
Juan de Dios Hospital have issued days.
his life story, two mortgages for a fixed.
instructions that, for the time betotal of 5, 100 have been turned ing, no more patients are to be gidown by all Banks and persons PARIS The French Air ven admission.
As a result of the serious blows approached, and a Federal Income Ministry has given authority to a received in a fight with an older Tax Lien on funds in two New German engineer to test a device We are glad to note that the man in the vicinity of Siquirres, a York Savings Banks and a Brok for shooting mail by rocket across Central government has ordered youth of seventeen years is reporterage Firm completed the financial the English Chamel. mail bag that new uniforms be issued our ed to have gone mad and is now embarrassment of the accused. In containing 12, 000 letters, is to be City Police force and Band. We confined in the Lunatic Asylum.
a murder case, 3, 000 is the mini attached to the rocket. It will be mum fee appropriated the defense shot from Dover the Channel to from the public funds, following Calais, on the French coast. The acceptance by the Court of a pov rocket contains an explosive liquid erty plea, and sometimes as much ignited electrically, after a fixed SAN JOSE as 5, 000 has been allowed, in number of minutes, a parachute 150 yards South of the Central Market cluding the retention of two Law opens and allow the mail bag to yers as Public Defenders. float to earth.
Perry Girton Special attention given passengers from the Atlantic First Class Accommodation Terms Moderate English Spoken Escarré SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Dear Mr. Editor.
spaces and streets and receiving Skin Changes Colour Daily con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
May intrude on your well its daily food from many of its The Doctors attached to the years of age, is suffering.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS known generosity to call attention human friends.
Kansas City Hospital, in the Whatever the malady may be, it to the fact that our City has lost It troubled no one and no one United States are reported to be causes her skin to change its colour VAPORES SALIDAS a prominent Community Figure has ever been known to trouble or greatly puzzled concerning the daily. The first change would be PETEN de Diciembre VERAGUA by the death, presumably of old harm it in any may. It got to be cause of a desease from which one to blue, then to purple, followed de Diciembre QUIRIGUA age, of that member of the equine regarded as the City Mascot and of their patients, a woman of 32 by brown, grey, and back to brown.
16 de Diciembre genus, locally known Mrs. was the friend of all. It was the Arnold Donkey. There were recipient, impliedly, of that well originally two of them, but one, known honour the gift of a Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres unfortunately, got killed, inany City Freedom.
There does not seem to be any laudanum which she had volunCAMITO de Diciembre years ago, by getting in the way of It is now dead, it died last MonCORONADO.
21 de Diciembre a moving train in the Railroad day soon after the noon hour in abatement in the suicidal tenden tarily taken with suicidal inten.
Yards. The remaining one conti front of the residence of one of cies which have for some time been tions. She was transferred immeaffecting the populace of San Jose diately to the hospital and has it Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON nued to live its lonely life of free its daily feeders.
and its surrounding districts.
is stated a chance of recovery undom, roaming through our Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Human Friend open Just a few weeks ago we report less complications set in.
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ed the tragic ending of a young It is not yet known why she had TELEFONO 3156 AMERICAN BAR man by his own hand. Now we decided to take her life.
TUBORG BEER ON DRAUGTH have to record an effort made towPARIS. Reports circulated WASHINGTON. Memards this end by a girl of the youth in Diplomatic circles stated that bers of the National Aeronautical Ercialidad de la casa: Helados de las clases siguientes: Vai.
ful age of eighteen years.
the Duke of Kent and Princess Association met on the 23rd. Nov.
mila, Fresa, Cereza, Tutti Frutti, Frutas y Nueces, Melocotón On Tuesday night last, she is y otras muchas. Son deliciosos y los mejores del país Marina of Greece may ascend the to formulate plans for the celebrastated to have left her home for throne of a revived Greek monar tion of National Aviation Day, BEAVERS, Proprietor la walk, presumably, and to have chy the near future. Reports of December 17th. returned with no signs of anything the probable bearing the marriage LIMA, PERU. The heavy Fallas Accorded Bail, Cerdas of an abnormal nature having ta Abogado y Notario will have on Balkan affairs were weight champion of Chile, Eulogio ken place. She retired to her room also being considered by several Cerezo, knocked out a referee durRefused and shortly after the family found Embassies as much more than ru ing a fight and landed in jail. He We learn that, after giving full given in connection with the wound her convulsions and suffering Oficina: Ciudad de Limón mours.
was fighting Arturo Pedilla and consideration to the applications he is alleged to have received dur greatly, the effects of a dose of did not like the referee adverse which had been. presented for ing the strike movement in this decision. He argued with him, grants of Bail to Carlos Fallas and Zone.
WANTED punching him in the jaw and Cerdas in connection with the It is expected there will be ap 23 Used Postage Stamps of the knocked him through the ropes. charges pending against them, the peals against both decisions.
Samuel Insull, for whose return 15 other associates in his financial West Indies and the Coun.
An infuriated crowd started throw Criminal Judge of our City Court to the United States to face char activities.
tries of Central and South chairs and other missiles from the has given the following decisions.
ges of swindling investers in his Insull is confident he will also América ringside and police had to rescue With regard to Fallas he acUtilities Companies, the govern be freed on the other charges pend Cerezo.
cords him bail with a Surety for ment fought so long and persistening against him for embezzlemeni Good prices paid AGUA CALIENTE. Bullets three thousand Colones.
fired in a street duel on Nov. 23rd.
Cantina, Posada y Cafetería dy, was on Saturday last declared jand violation of the Bankruptcy He has, however, refused the Felipe Wing Ching not guilty by the Jury in charge Laws.
Lilled one principal, two bystand application made on behalf of CerThe Central Stamp Exchange of the case.
Martin Insull, his brother, Apartado 66. Cartago Apartado 95 and wounded eight others, das on account, it is understood, scheduled to be cried next Monday among them women and children. Jof the faulty medical statement Limón, Costa Rica With him were freed his son and on embezzlement charges too.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
23 UNITED FRUIT Co. Un the un the Death of a Death of a Donkey Elders Fyffes, Ltd.
e Suicidal Craze Daniel Zeledón Insull Wins First Fight El Caballo Blanco ers


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