
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 22 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, December 1934.
Price: 15 per copy Matters That Need Rectification NEWS FROM THE POINT was not seen at my am am a on AT LAST The community of our fair city ſed to drift from bad to worse, and In the interests of the economic life of our Atlantic proLimon, with its lights, its romances one day we shall awaken to the The Obseryant Pointer vince, in particular, as well as in that of the country generally, and its radios is afflicted with a distressing fact that our shores are have been kept pretty busy stubbed toes the party was a great we breathe a sigh of relief. After a long and weary wait, the scourge far more serious and dan shunned by visitors seeking rest, trying to keep track of all the success.
end, and for us, a favourable one, is at hand. Our Legislative gerous than a famine or a plague, and quiet pleasure.
Body has at last approved the agreement which our Executive because it saps at the vitals of the And this scourge we have been goings on over the past weekend.
Seems as though everyone Mr. and Mrs. Reed were Power entered into some time ago, with the Fruit Company, posterity which the present general referring to is the daily, and nigh doing something or going sone guests of the Salisbury family over bequeath assemblage of of. were in the interests of our Banana Industry.
And the removal of that scourge der years, especially boys, at our not fortunate enough to be everyBy a vote of twenty nine Deputies in its favour and twelve depends entirely on the efforts of Street corners, the railway Station, where at one time will find all the Chalk up another victory for the Nurses Home! On Saturday against, the report of the Special Investigating Committee, both the Government and us, the when the trains are departing and doings in this little column.
night a jolly old time went on with which embodied the agreement in its recently amended form, citizens. It up to us to co operate arriving, and other open spaces, and see what can be done to ame playing, quarrelling, fighting and One of the first parties to be oyster stew being victor number was accepted and approved by Congress during last Tuesday liorate the conditions.
And this using the most filthy language, that recorded is that given by Dr. and two. It was a darn good party says session.
journal will help all it can in try shocks one sense of decency. Why Mrs. Salisbury. This is an annual the Oreamunos, the Salisburys, the The first and second reading of the necessary enabling Billing to bring about a change and should this be so? What are the event in the Salisbury household Krauths, Peggy Dater, Bernie core improvement for the better.
causes? They are quite a few we can and all present agreed that it was se, the Eustaces, and maybe several was also subsequently passed by a similar majority of votes. We do not know if there is a mention. Space does not permit us swell.
more who were It is expected, and we do hope the expectation will mater law on the Statute books of this to deal with them in this brief rehurried glance. imagine Johnnie ialize, that probably before this issue of ours leaves the press country dealing with the matter, ference, which is only intended to Practically all residents of The camera worked overtime that night the remaining process of the Bill will have been gone through but if there is, then all we can say draw attention to an appalling exist: Point were seen at the dinner and and some fine pictures will shortly and in readiness for the signature of our Chief Executive, who, is that there is a sad lack of itsjing fact. In our next issue we shall dance held aboard the Steamship be seen.
enforcement. And it is high enumerate the causes and suggest Costa Rica on Thanksgiving night.
we all already know, is as anxious as we are to place the agree time that something definite should the remedies for the curing of The orchestra which generally ment in operation.
be done. For it is a disgrace to our abatement of this crying evil. folds up its instruments successful cocktail party was around We have been adversely criticized by some for the support!
civilization and progress that such which ought to be abolished from eleven was presuaded to keep held at the residence of the Amerja state of affairs should be allow our midst.
ican vice consulate Thanksgivwhich we have consistently given these efforts of our government pounding them out until 1:00 Friday. There to resusitate the principal industry of our province, but who can Disastrous Earthquakes in Honduras were several ing Day and was attended by prac tired individuals the next day but tically all The Point people. The now deny, in the face of all that has been brought to light by the party was given by Mr. and Mrs.
During the night of Sunday last the nights of Sunday and Monday all agreed it was worth it.
Livingston Satterthawaite, and was lucid investigations, the many conferences and the prolonged disseveral heavy shocks of earthquake in the open.
their farewell to Limon people.
cussions, that we had directed our energies, otherwise than in the occurred in Honduras. The village All communication with the afraid little Mr. Mrs. Sattertwaite left for interests of our economic resusitation.
of San Jorge in the Ocotepeque towns of San Fernandez and En. tardy in announcing the presence San Jose the early part of the week district was reported totally destro carnacion has been cut off and of Mr. Maale who is connected And although the coming into effect of the Contract at after completing their duties here yed, and numerous houses in the fear for the thousands who inha with the fruit stevedoring and in during the absence of Mr.
this time of the year will entail a further delay to the planters, on townships of Gracias, La Esperan bited these towns is entertained.
our New York Division. Mr.
account of their having to await the proper planting season, their za and Naranjito. The shocks It is stated that the center of Maale is helping keep Ben Scol Johnson, American Vice Consul.
faith in the ultimate good it holds for them is made abundantly continued Monday creating the earth shocks was in the neigh tock from being bored during these clear, when it is stated that the Company is already in receipt of a panic It is a pleasure to have back with in all the eastern bourhood of the frontier of El long Saturday night hours.
us Mr. and Mrs. Johnson not less than two thousand applications for contracts from the rigion where the populace spent Salvador and Guatemala.
The busy weekend was further who returned on the Steamship planters on the Pacific side and four thousand five hundred from gladdened by the presence of Mr. Peten December 1st.
those in our section.
Alex Gillmor, overseer at Carmen The real benefits which must assuredly accrue to our econom.
We beg to call your attention to our remark Farm. Spike as he is known to his rad the good fortune to say thello to Mrs. Pat Sullivan who ic conditions, through the operations of these contracts, may of at the back of receipt which reads: friends, likes to drop in now and then.
has returned to The Point after a a certainty be visualized by those who care to give the matter their long stay in San Jose. Mrs. Pat calm and unbiassed consideration. We do not doubt what these This bill must be paid at our The Hospital at the present looks fine after her severe illness will be, and we but hope we shall, at a later date, be afforded the office before the 15th of the month time is housing Otto Starke. Otto which lasted all through the Fall.
cpportunity of again referring to this phase of the subject, and has been a patient since December maybe convincing our erstwhile critics how justified we have 1st, and is already laying plans to Was glad to meet Mr. Benny Be so good as to comply with this request Seen in our support of this most important, though sadly criticizhave his Christmas tree at his bed. Miskell from Almirante who has ed matter.
and do not oblige us to suspend our service, been around the vicinity for the past several days. Benny seems to We a step which we would much regret to take.
add that a wave of great enthusiasm has been may Interest is running high regard. be enjoying his vacation and can created throughout our province by the news of the approval of Compañía Eléctrica de Limón ing the Races to be held at Guabi go back to Almirante with a tale the Contract.
to on December 10th. understand of all the money that will be bet that over a dozen Point people on the coming horse races.
have already signified their wish!
An Accommodation Granted War Clouds Once More Gather to travel over there and look Two years old on December When, in our issue of the 6th. Station at the Cieneguita Cross Nothwithstanding previous re deplorable physical condition from for us as the sport of horse racing the birthday of Miss Diane Dudon. This is an unusual opportunity 2nd and fittingly celebrated was of October, just two months ago, ing: Shed at Monte Verde and ports regarding the methods taken alleged illtreatment.
we expressed our gratitude for the a Waiting Room at Siquirres.
is unknown around Limon proper ley, Miss Diane played hostess to to nullify any attempt to disturb many timely and more recent con The latter of these is now Here to a pleasant trip folks, several of her little friends at a an the peace of Central Europe as a serious wave of excitement is siderations extended the travelling accomplished fact. room for the result of the Marseilles Tragedies, spreading throughout Hungary, and come back broke but happy. party held on the lawn of her reublic by the Management of the accommodation of pasengers has recent cable advices indicate that whose government has entered a sidence in Hospital Point. Many United Fruit Compnay, and, more been fitted out in the section of Jugoslavia and Hungary are dan protest before the League of Nawas given to happy returns of day Diane.
particularly, those directly con the station building usually occu gerously near the breaking point.
tions, and anti Jugoslavian demons. Miss Audrey Syrett and Tom nected with the Northern Railway pied by the Telephone and TeleJugoslavia is reported to have trations are being held in various for the States via the good ship Whitton who left us last Sunday THE OBSERVANT POINTCompany, and took the opportuni graph Offices. We are grateful decided to expell all Hungrarians localities.
ty afforded us of calling attention for so early a Peten. Andrey has left Costa Rica ER took several weeks to find out response to our from her territory. These are estito some other accommodations ur request; the travelling public are mated to The feeling of the general popo for an indefinite period but Tom that there is a new Librarian at number about 27, 000. lace is stated to be so intense that gently needed in the department of also grateful, and on their behalf, Already some few the Community House Library.
two thousand Traffic, we felt sure we would not we wish to express our sincere ap more have been sent out and have hip between both countries or it is feared a rupture of relations expects to be away only a weeks, just enough time to give Several people commented on this be as one crying in the wilder preciation to Messrs. Chittenden with arrived in their country with tales take place at any moment che limb a chance to heal. Com fact in his presence and he duly ness, but that, in due course, our and Sheehy. munity singing led by Miss Suzan records that the handling of Liof awful sufferings, many being very serious consequences to the reasonable suggestions would be And while we do not wish our almost devoid of clothing and in peace of Central Europe.
ne Repta was the feature of the brary books is now being done by attended to desires, in this respect, to be reday, even though there were tears Mr. Woodbury, now and In our article, we invited consi garded as those of a well known Soviet Official Assassinated in the eyes of many when such old then assisted.
deration three conveniences, and proverbially spoken of culinary favorites as Goodbye Till we which we considered might be given utensil, we would ask that the Shed Meet Again etc. were rendered.
Sergi Kirov, one of the highest remotely connected with the crime.
early attention. They were, Stop at Monte Verde be not overlooked officials of Soviet Russia, was Pretty good work Sue.
More than a dozen army officers Stormy Weather Cancellation of Municipal assassinated death Credentials on the 2nd. instant, have already been put to The motive for the killing is stated within a hour after their arrest, in Atlantic Requested to have been the severe methods and scores of other suspects have On Friday last the children of The Minister of State was re copy of the request was trans he had adopted in dealing with been rounded up.
The Point School were taken to Terrific storms are reported to cently requested to cancel the cre mitted to the Governor, and at a persons accused of various crimes. An organization which planned Uvita Island on a picnic held un bave occurred during the past week dentials of Messrs. Francisco Acu subsequent meeting of the Board His assassin was a former govern to assassinate all Soviet Leaders, sider the direction of Miss in the North Atlantic. Reports by ha and Rogelio Carlos Mendoza it was decided to inform the Mi ment worker whom he had dismis multaneously has been reported dis Huntoon, School Teacher, assisted different liners arriving at Amerand Filiberto Barboza, as members nister that the request could not sed. The government is said to be covered, with which many high of by Mrs. Gore, Mrs. ican ports disclose tales of distresand suplente respectively of our be entertained, as presented, as the taking drastic measures to avenge ficials are presumed to be connect. Johnson and Miss Thelma John sing experiences to those who had Municipal Board, as they had not members concerned had the right the death of their comrade. De ed.
son. The little ones left the wharf the misfortune of meeting one of been taking part in the meetings to declare whether they desired to crees are reported issued imposing Josef Stalin, Supreme Soviet in the vicinity of 10:30 and retur them in the mid Atlantic, with the and were, consequently, hampering continue as members or not. the penalty of immediate death on Ruler. is personally supervising the ned home early in the afternoon, wind reaching, at times, a velocity the work of the Corporation.
all who may be found to be ever so investigations.
Outside of a few sunburns and of one hundred miles an hour.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
side. great sendoff may to


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