
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, December 1934.
Attorney Antonio Cruz Wins First Sensational Case Two Suspected Communists SAL UVINA some For Liver and Stomach Ailments to came Maduro Lumber Yard Gleanings from Matina was.
Several weeks ago it was report Canton of San Carlos and lodged ed that a woman, garbed as Mr. BERMUDEZ REPLIES a in jail. He then claimed British Nun, had been arrested in Mana: citizenship and requested the in Limon, December 5th 1934. ledge whatever of those matters, gua, Nicaragua, under suspicion tervention, on his behalf, of the but after using coercitive THE RIGHT SALTS of being affiliated with the Cum British Consul in San Jose. The Dear Mr. Editor: methods he finally admitted that munistic party. She declared to the cnly document he could, however, he was the principal factor in authorities of our neighbouring produce, in support of his claim Having read with investigative inducing the owner to take such Republic that she was from this was a paper said to have been ex.
interest the article which appeared steps. As did not sail for Guatecountry and had been attached to tended him by the authorities of in your issue of the Ist instant mala as Cruz expected, his plans the Religious Order of the Sisters Port of Spain, Trinidad, but not entitled Well Deserved Punish were naturally frustrated, and so of the Sacred Heart who carry on of the nature of a passport.
ment, and finding that through as to console himself he sought a educational work in Cartago. Her It is expected Jorge will be taken it Antonio Cruz (Lawyer) hopes reconciliation with me the followtale was, however, found to be to San Jose pending his being reget gratuitous advertisement ing morning, March 7th, on the false as a result of enquiries made expelled the country.
and notoriety among the colored strength of the preconception, Invaluable for the Treament of locally. The authorities eventually The whereabouts of the woman people of the Atlantic Zone as a suppose, that his name, his comdecided she should be sent back have not yet been located. From legal celebrity, am anticipating plexion and his titles would be sufhere as also an Assyrian priest, what has been stated, it is believed that this replication will serve in ficiently instrumental for me not Flatulence And all forms Zaya Jorge, who had previously that she is the same woman who furtherance of his hopeless hopes. only to forgive and forget but to been expelled from this country. to this city some time ago The writer of that article, An become his subject.
Indigestion of Stomach The woman, whose name is givending face creams, cosmetics, tonio Cruz (Lawyer. is a LL.
ven as Catalina Sucini, and Zaya etc. and also professed to be an from Columbia University, of had involuntarily omitted to Colics Disorders Jorge, arrived two weeks ago at adept in certain scientific arts.
the State of New York, mention that on Sunday March San Carlos and were detained by and a Licenciate of Laws of the 5th, the day prior to the presenthe Port authorities as they were Costa Rica Law School, who was cation of the petitions for the em FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES without proper immigration papers.
my business partner in the Limon bargo and eviction, Cruz and my.
Instructions were requested of the Service Bureau from January 3rd self travelled from San Jose to MANUFACTURED BY: Central authority. While these 1931 until March 7th of chis Limon on the same train, we met were awaited the pair disappeared, year, when the partnership was cach other in the usual friendly Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa by night, from the building in FRANK MADURO Jr.
dissolved upon my iniciative, after spirit, he sat and entertained me SAN JOSE which they had been lodged, abanProp. had discovered his treacherous in conversation for a while, althdoning all their baggage. Orders propensity ough was accompanied by anotfor their arrest were dispatched to Best native lumber, One of the conditions of the her party, and, finally, he offered all the surrounding authorities, and partnership between Antonio me sandwiches and ice cream, neafter three days Zaya Jorge was at moderate prices Cruz (Lawyer. and myself ver hinting to me, neither by words detained in Villa Quesada in the that he, Antonio Cruz nor action, that he was carrying Owing to recently increased de pose of planting canes. Lowyer) would pay one papers in his breast pocket at the mands, it is understood that many half of the rent, while would same time with which to do me farmers are going in for the culti Hop Lee Lung. Merchant. seems DANCE pay the other half, plus all other harm the following day.
vation of corn, beans and other to stock the best rope around here; expenses such as messenger, lights, went to San Jose on Tuesday grains on such lands as are not Mr. Guthrie purchased stationery, etc. etc. nevertheless. March 7th. and while there the properly adapted for bananas.
We take great pleasure in cor At twelve o clock midnight will quite a cargo last Saturday night. dially inviting you and your family be the exact time for the crowning Antonio Cruz (Lawyer) never owner of the property authorized Others, however, think Messrs.
lived up to his obligation: he ne me, through Attorney Guillermo ver contributed Matina, in the near future, will, Pringle and Reid sell quite as good to a dance to be given by the mem of Mr. Limon 1935, and the con one cent (and Serrano, to remove the furniture, it is reported, be producing her a quality.
bers of the Tamage Club on the testants will continue with a gay mean one cent) to defray the pay as she had no interest in them, and own sugar, as we learn Messrs. It is rumoured Miss Parkins eighth of December 1934 at nine carnival dance number.
Don fail to be present and ment of rent or any other expense wanted the locality to be vacated Wm. Deusberry and Chas. Me will be bringing off a Merry Ball o clock in the ballroom of the Mi.
incurred by Limon Service Bu for a prospective tenant; and sub Kenzie have already located twenty dance on Christmas night. Lets ramar Club. in celebration of the let all participate in one of the reau; and, although an intimate sequently, words of a similar natu. hectarias of the best lands in the hope for a good time.
first anniversary of their Club. merriest dances to be given this friend and Petit Attorney for the re were sent me by Mr. Anastacio Lacarena Mountains for the pur!
For the enjoyment of all we have year.
owner of the property, he never Sanguillen, through Attorney Ze.
invited the orchestra of the SS made any effort to mitigate condi ledon and Mr. Ramon Acuña, a Veragua. and they will play for (Admittance gentlemen 00. tions but to the contrary, se Bailiff of the Alcaldia Primera; jour benefit all of the latest hits of cretly intrigued THE COMMITTEE my elimina yet it was not necessary for me to tion through an embargo of the make the removal myself as the office furniture and an order for Judicial Depositary of the furnimy eviction from the locality, be ture, who had an embargo on them Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT cause we failed to pay 250. 00 since July 8th 1930, after receivoverdued rent, when he learned ing information of the situation El más surtido en Matina The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be that was about making a trip came to Limon from San Jose, served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
to Guatemala, and at the very time armed himself with a certificate that he himself was forced to va from the Civil Court, and proceedMr. Lindo taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spoken, Se habla español On parle Francais, Man Spricht cate the building wherein his office led to remove the furniture under Deutsch was located in San Jose and his his own responsibility in perforAs it is stated that Mr. Cecilio shortly be leaving on one of his KISSLING electric lights and telephone were mance of his legal authority and Lindo, the well known senior usual trips abroad, and so will not Manager disconnected on account of his in obligation. am affirming that the member of Lindo Bros. Ltd. will be with us at the dose of the year, ability to pay, so as to make space Judicial Depositary acted within the Atlantic Voice takes this opfor himself alone in Limon and to the scope of his authority and portunity of expressing the wish Wholesale Executions assume possession of the furnitu obligation and that it was imper. Depositary was never served any tive season and that he and his, that he spend a very enjoyable fesMoscow, 5th. Sixty six per foreign terrorists who had entered re through his influence with the ative that he should have taken owner of the property.
charge of the furniture, in confor Decree was ever issued.
notice to the effect that such a may have a prosperous period dur sons were executed yesterday, thir Russia illegally from Poland and ty seven of them in Leningrade Fidland. These executions were On the morning of March 6th mity with articles 1355 and 1365 of the Civil Code of Costa Rica. Antonio Cruz (Lawyer. howing the approaching 1935.
and the remainder here. The ma not, in any way, connected with the when was supposed to be on none of which have been repealed. cious influences, and in his greed ever, depending upon certain viImprenta Borrasé Hermanos jority are stated to have been assassination of Kirov.
board one of the Hamburg AmeThose articles read as rika Line boats sailing for Guatefollows. If the Depositary should be dis efforts for reconciliation, secured to revenge me for staying all his deal mala, our Messenger called at my home and reported to me that the curbed in the possession or depriv an assignment of the action from furniture of the office ed of the thing, he shall advise the his client, which is strictly prohibitbargoed by the Alcalde Primero, Depositor (meaning the Court ined by law (artide 1045 of the whose Secretary accompanied by this instance) immediately, and in Code of Civil Procedure) and two other individuals had conduc Ithe meantine he shall assume its subsequently charged me before red the embargo, and that this had defense. Should he fail to do so the Police Judge with contempt of happened a few minutes after Cruz he shall be responsible for dama court; the Judicial depositary hav Banco del Estado State Bank had entered the office; left im ges; and, if the Judicial Deposi ing appeared before the Judge and mediately for the office where tary should lose possession of the testified under oath, that be re Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue to Cruz sitting at a desk doing things, he shall demand it from moved the furniture in virtue of some work that had contracted ANY PERSON who has taken the authority invested in him by Se complace en anunciar al Begs to announce to the for him, and had not well enter same without a Decree from the law, the Police Court found no ed when Cruz got to his feet and Court that constituted him such other alternative but to acquit me público la apertura de su Public the opening of its with a countenance of deep sym Depositary. The only exception in a well founded written decision pathy confirmed the occurrance, to those rules, as any layman will which took up about two pages. expressing now sorry he was and see, is when the Court whence the knew nothing of Cruz appeal nor offering to take up the matter deposit was received Decree the of the Governor decision with the owner of the property delivery to a third party; and in someone advised me by letter from with the aim of bringing about an the case under consideration the San Jose of the existence of the EN LA IN THE amicable settlement; left then Decree for the delivery of the fur article. Well Deserved Punishand there for the Alcalde Court niture to a third party would have ment.
and upon examining the petitions to proceed necessarily, from the for the embargo and the eviction Civil Court and not the Alcalde discovered that the wording of Primero; yet even if we should Ed. Note. We regret, that these petitions were that of Cruz; admit the hypoahesis that the Alcal owing to our very limited space, para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service returned to the office and brought de Primero could have Decreed the we are unable to complete this arservicio bancario.
my findings to his attention; Cruz delivery of the furniture to a third ticle today. The remainder will, denied at first having any know party, the fact still remains that the however, appear in our next issue.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Hop Lee Lung the year.
were emBanco Internacional de Costa Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE until CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF OF LIMON


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