
Saturday, December 1934. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA OUR RADIO SERVICE car PROTECT your health and save time and money. BAER) AFIASPIRINÄ Sparklets MOSCOW. The Soviet NAPLES. An electric CHICAGO. Roy Harris, a Union moved swiftly toward eco coursing down the side of Mount Broker, plunged to his death from nomic democracy when, on the Vesuvius, loaded with tourists, left the 21st floor of the Palmer Hou28th. Nov. the Central Executive the rails and crashed into an elec se, on the 27th. ult. He landed in Committee of the Communist tric power pole, killing seven per the street.
Party, highest body in Russia, issons and injuring nine. The car sued a decree abolishing the tra was carrying a tourist party back NEW YORK. Bok Chew, ditional rationing system for bread from a trip to the top of the vol Eastern Airlines Mail Pilot, paraand other basic foods, explaining cano. It was literally smashed to chuted to safety on Nov. 28th.
that the government has sufficient pieces.
when his plane, en route from stores of grain now to feed the Chicago to Jacksonville, lost a wing population adequately this winter.
for Headache, Neuralgia, NEW YORK. John Wan and crashed in a storm. Company The decree provided that Russians namaker, Jr. 44 years old, grand officials announced the ship caught Rheumatism, etc.
may buy bread without restrictions, son of the famous New York merire and 300 pounds of mail and an unheard of privilege since the cantile Prince and heir to his vast sir express were destroyed.
Postward famines and invasions department store estate, died suddevastated Russian farms. Ration denly on the 29th. ult. Death was Arrival of Canon Thornton cards were used.
attributed to a cerebral hemorrhage.
We extend a hearty and cordial being with us for a third period.
She Yes, indeed; my father is welcome to the Reverend Canon The Canon preached at the Soa self made man, he joined the staff Why do railway men always talk Thornton who arrived at Limon lemn Mass at Mark on Sun of the Excelsior Hardware Store of a locomotive as she. SERVICIO DE VAPORES two weeks ago on the Quirigua. day 25th Nov. On Monday even as an office boy at twelve dollars Because it suggests tender thoSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Father Thornton is one of the senior ing parishioners gathered in the per month, and in less than ten ughts and draws men after it.
con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA. priests and is Canon Missioner of parish hall for a short social of years he owned the business.
the diocese: his name is a household welcome when there could be no do that where am employed.
He That good. But couldn Father Did see you kissing LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS word amongst the English speak. doubt of the sincerity of our greetmy daughter?
Suitor, don know sir, was ing people of the Central American ing. Acting up to his reputation He We have cash registers.
VERAGUA. de Diciembre too much occupied at the time to Republics and he is by no means a of getting things done Canon QUIRIGUA.
16 de Diciembre notice.
stranger to us. Canon Thornton Thornton conducted services at PETEN 23 de Diciembre first came to Costa Rcia when the of our line churches last Sunday. while he was away from home, and died man mother in law Right Reverend Bishop Jackson Then he plans to visit San Jose ETHYL. Do you know the was priest in charge of Mark s: and if possible to go to Chiriqui, embalm or bury het? The man for an example, means love you the undertaker wired him shall language of perfume? Heliotrope, Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres shortly after the Venerable Arch Republic of Panama, and the Take no chances, and rose means, m worthy of CAMITO de Diciembre deacon Oakley was appointed to Atlantic Coast and Managua in Wired back: CORONADO.
Limon Canon Thornton was here Nicaragua before Christmas. After cremate her.
21 de Diciembre for some time.
that he plans to be in this country TED. And suppose absenFELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. And now we have the joy of his for a period.
Jones That girl of yours is aice of perfume means, have nothsweet kisser.
Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON ing to say. Dicks How do you know? ETHYL. No, it means, Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Jones had it right from her haven a scent.
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 own lips.
UNITED FRUIT Co. Elders Fyffes, Ltd.
See the Radio that thinks!
and pay.
Albino Villalobos RCA VICTOR RADIO COSTA RICA cluded, would be given equal right: RADIO MEXICO. Twenty Indians CARLISLE, PA. Identifica Scotchman and an English Dr. Carlos MI. Fernández in the village of Huixtla, Chiapas tion has been made of the three State, stood quietly in front of little girls, whose bodies were found man went into a shop and ordered their church and allowed themsel on a mountainside near here and tea. When served, the Englishman Cirujano Dentista caused some amusement by saying ves to be shot down by officials of the man and woman who died SAN JOSE loud enough for the other people who sought to remove and burn in a suicide pact at a railroad shack Oficina: Clínica del Dr. Facio images. Three men and a child in the vicinity. They were all of In RCA VICTOR to hear, Now you be mother and were killed. The villagers are said the same family from Roseville, pour out. The Scotchman did so, Teléfonos: but turned the tables on his friend to have adopted the method of. Calif. a widower, his niece and Magic Brain. Range, Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 resistance when officials three daughters. The bodies of the passive at the end of the meal by standing tried to enter Apartado 1252 the church. They girls, who apparently had been Tone and Reception up and saying Now you be father surrounded the edifice, standing suffocated, were found wrapped in quietly and refusing to allow the blankets. rifle was still clutched Are Finer that Ever!
men to go in. The latter finally in the hands of the man.
CURIOSIDADES opened fire with pistols killing La escalera que posee más pel al monarca en los primeros me.
four and wounding sixteen.
ROME. Germany and France daños es la que lleva a la torre des de su existencia.
came to an agreement here on the del Gran Hotel de Filadelfia.
3rd. inst. on the Saar question.
Tiene 600 noventa y ocho escaTaking for granted that the Saarlones.
landers will vote for the German La producción anual de platirule in the January plebiscite, the no no excede de seis o siete tone.
Attorney at Law and Notary International Committee to arran500 de los 900 famosos dibu ladas, mientras la de oro lloga ge the plebiscite, obtained an agrejos de Leonardo de Vinci existen fácilmente a 500 mil kilogramos.
Public. Office and Residen.
ement from Germany that all in en la biblioteca del castillo de ce: Upper Floor of residen. habitants. Jews in Windsor, en Inglaterra.
SHONG LUNG FAI ce of the late Juan José León LIMON and that France would be paid.
900, 000, 000 Francs (about 59, Licores 400, 000) plus 11, 000, 000 tons of Perry Girton Alfonso XIII tiene una colecArtículos del País NEW YORK. One of the coal as compensation for the Saar ció de todos los objetos con que Los precios más most illustrious stowaways ever to coal mines.
te plucked from a ship cupse atentó contra su vida. Deci.
mos objetos yno armas, porque board headed the list of notables Manzana 23 arriving on the Queen of BermuSHANGHAI, China, 6th. powerful forts of the frontier in en la rara colección figura, entre da Nov. 30th. He was Carro!
General Lit Sung Jet reports that the provinces of Kwangsi and Ho muchas otras cosas, un biberon Lote número Wainwright, eight year old son of two thousand Communists werenan. From the commencement of con que se pretendió envenenar Sir Hector and Lady Wainwright killed, this week, in continuous the fighting, it is estimated that PRINCIPE ENRIQUE DONCELLA DE HONOR who were on an extended visit to fighting resulting from the capture more than three thousand CommuDE INGLATERRA Bermuda and decided to send Abogado y Notario of one of the Communist most nists were killed.
El tercer hijo del Rey Jorge, du Lady Mary Cambridge ha sido una their youthful heir to school there.
rante su reciente estancia en Austra. de la socho doncellas de honor en Eluding his parents he stowed lia ha visitado las famosas minas de la boda del Duque de Kent con la aboard the ship and was discov Oficina: Ciudad de Limón oro cerca de la ciudad de Kalgoor Princesa Marina, celebrada el mes ered the first day out. At the home lie. La fotografía muestra al Principasado en la Abadía de Westminster pe con casco y linterna, preparado y que constituyó el más grande acon of his grandmother, Carroll expara bajar a uno de los pozos.
plained he did not want to go to El Gran Depurativo tecimiento social inglés del año.
DUBLIN. Violent demonsthat darn school in Bermuda, he trations against the British Royal Soberano para toda clase de reumatismo, útil para las wanted to stay with the American family were resumed on Dec. 3rd.
enfermedades del cutis, cura las ronchas, manchas de la Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota kids.
Hundreds of republican youths rushed the doors of the motion piel y es un gran purificador de la sangre.
al dorso de su recibo que dice: DENVER. Several Denver piture theatre and demanded the De venta en todas las boticas, pídaselo a su boticario firemen were feared to have pe management to immediately stop quien con gusto se lo dará.
rished in the collapse of the walls showing a film of the wedding of of a blazing trunk factory. Ten the Duke of Kent.
of fifteen foremen were reported AN APPRECIATION plunged into the swirling flames.
The Editor, do really wish the coloured popu Le Five were taken from the wreckage Tiene usted necesidad de pe sir rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarlation of this country would absorb y by companions who dashed into riódicos, revistas, programas, Please be good enough to allow his instructive words and put them pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
che swirling flames. Five were carteles, facturas, etiquetas, tar we space in your valuable paper to in action.
che fire. Every police car, ambu jetas, esquelas, talonarios, accio congratulate Mr. Egbert Rivers on Thanking you, Compañía Eléctrica de Limón lance and available truck his paragraph on Ambition. A. Hart rushed to the scene.
Imprenta Borrasé Hermanos highly endorse his sentiments, and Pandora, Estrella.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Daniel Zeledón SANTAMAND Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de la primera quincena de cada mes nos la was nes, etc.


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