
Sábado 15 de Diciembre de 1934 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA 45157LA455LF45145146145454545454545457557695!
F45454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454779579545775555555514 145645745 ALFALFER SU DISTINGUIDO BUEN GUSTO reclama una buena cerveza tome La verdadera CERVEZA ALEMANA fabricada en Costa Rica 5257574 1451461451745 45454545457555555555551471 451 4145714 LFL 55545467451461471451461457557657454575571441451461471547 FLATSELF 52514 GAMBRINUS de ty The Joy of Civing Comentarios de Guápiles RECITACIONES ESCOLARES Los Conquistadores tes.
CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE CUSTOMS En uno de los editoriales que pu Liga Anticomunista, la cual no fue blicó hace poco La Voz del Atlán flor de un día, sino que trabaja siemBy Charles Hayling tico hace ver, que mientras otras propre en defenesa de las instituciones vincias han sacado y continúan sacan creadas, pero no se crea tampoco, que do por cuenta del Gobierno, obras de esta Liga será un hato entregadizo y un Among the residents of the dis box and fruit trees. Close by was a ornato, edificios públicos. carreteras, quizá si servirá para implantar Ese Pizarro: el de la frente erguida, trict in which be lived Augustus small enclosure in which Mr. Cum pavimentaciones etc. la provincia de abstencionismo en épocas venideras, Ese Cortés: el del cabello undoso.
Cummings wa slooked upon as a mings kept a cow named Bessie. Limón, quedó al rezago. Eso es muy lo cual se hará sentir en la Provincia Pasa Alvarado en su corcel nervioso; a que pertenecemos por cuanto que no Valdivia lleva el suyo de la brida.
rich man and considered as being Each morning he would tie Bes cierto, pero más cierto aún es que el sino algo hard boilod by those with whom sie to the stump of a tree, which cantón de Pococí en nada se ha bene somos cien ni doscientos ficiado con que la mayoria de sus su más de mil quinientos ciudadanos que ¿Y ese. aquél? En púrpura encendida he came in contact. He had the formed the gate post for the en fragantes se haya inclinado siempre al diremos NO a ofrecimientos y sonen vueltos van; bregando sin reposo appearance of a man who had seen closure, and work industriously for triunfo electoral, cuando como premio risas políticas.
a manera del grupo luminoso much of the rough side of life, an hour at her shrivelled dugs, sólo haya recibido la satisfacción in Todavia recordamos como promide los conquistadores de la Vida.
nentes oradores políticos, que su reand as a result his attitude toward after which he would retire with tima de un triunfo que para la comuChispeante de oro, el puño del cuchillo; his fellow creatures was one nidad resulta peor que perdidoso. En conocida personalidad nos mereció fe of the reward followed by a group la coraza, cubierta de fulgores; pleno de sol, el reluciente casco; reserve and distrust, He lived alone of little boys and girls. He would todos los pueblos de la República se ofreciéronnos cañeria para el distrito del de Guácimo, igual cosa para la Colonia palpa el exponente de la ayuda in a spacious house which contrast never admit that Bessie furnish Gobierno. En muchos y diferentes lu determinada Las 200 Hectáreas. niPasando van, con el temblor de un brillo, ed greatly to the other drab build ed only a few bottles of milk, but gares del país existen obras que orgu velación de nuestra plaza pública, pacual si fuesen bordados en colores ings of the locality; it leant an air after the first few were served he llosas ostentan sus respectivas placas lacio municipal, escuela y el camino sobre grandes tapices de Damasco.
of oppulence to the owner and would gruffly cry Milk Done Administración González Viquez. que nos pusiera en comunicación con Administración Jiménez Oreamuno. Turrialba, o sea el de La Floresta enhanced the prestige of the dis and stride vigourously away leav aletrnando, como si fuera el exponente y otras cosas más que no pasaron JOSE SANTOS CHOCANO del trict. But if he could be called ing the children gazing after him de un pugilato filantrópico que solo papel, o de simples palabras, y como rich, as compared with his neigh in feined disappointment. They afecta cierto radio de la Patria, exclu para cerrar el círculo de ofertas, a mobours, it was well merited. The knew there wouldn be sufficient yendo al cantón de Pococi, que tiene ción del regidor don Ignacio Cruz AEROGRAMAS little that he had, represented years milk for all of them, but they lov. tanto derecho como otros tantos bene secundado por sus estimables coficiados.
laboradores en el Municipio, señores INFORMES INTERCEPTADOS of hard work and chrift. In his ſed to flatter the old man bly preficulta al Ascania acercarse o lan Aquí sólo existen puentes, los de la Lara, Rodríguez y Loría, perfectos Nueva York, 14. El trasatlán zar botes salvavidas.
youth he had travelled to other tending they depended on Bes Compañía, no hay un metro de carre conocedores de las necesidades de sus tico Ascania se encuentra ahora ba PARA LA VIUDA DE ULM countries and worked hard at his sie out put. They had good reas tera, no hay un solo edificio público representados, dirigen un oficio tallando desesperadamente por lograr de trade of a carpenter, with the de on to want to flatter him; at the que recuerde las administraciones par Ministerio de Fomento solicitando el rescate de treinta hombres que se Representantes pasó hoy por Funds termination to return to his beauti back of his house were some fruit sadas ni presente en fin, no hay na suma de mil colores para la construe encuentran a bordo del Usworth, se nimidad un proyecto de ley que des ful island and enjoy the fruits of trees which had an aggravating da. a no ser el establecimienta de los cántode de fine para como contestatlón gun mensajes que han sido interceptina la suma de cinco mil libras es nacio gráfos Jiménez y tados por estaciones inalámbricas terlinas para la viuda del aviador Jabour. This determination had way of bearing fruit it all seasons, nal de la desocupación en la Admisis obtuvieron la abstracta negativa que de la costa oriental de los Estados Ulm, desaparecido cuando intentasustained him against the tempta and the boy or girl who did not tración pasada, vinieron las mismas, en forma rotunda no daba lugar a di Unidos. Según esos mismos despa ba alcanzar Honolulu en su vuelo tions he encountered, and prevent lawait his cry milk done would como pudieron haber sido establecidas rigir una nueva súplica.
chos, el Usworth hace aguas, en me desde California en camino hacia En consecuencia, si del cantón cendio de una mar gruesísima que di Australia.
ed him from yielding to the free be in disfavour for weeks. This en el Guanacaste o en cualquiera otra región del pais, siempre que el Esta tral de Limón se quejan de la poca and easy existance of his associa they knew from experience.
do hubiera tenido la comodidad, de te ayuda del Gobierno a sus necesidades Apparently he was a happy man, rrenos disponibles como aquí, y es claqué podria decir el Cantón de Pococí, La libertad en Rusia On his return to Jamaica he but in reality he was not. There ra. Ya en la burra, habia que aman que ha carecido en absoluto de ella? Las ejecuciones continuan. 73 fusilamientos con el boico invested his money in a few parcels was an insidous knawing in the sarla. Con todo y eso, son grandes las y que debido a ello permanece estanpretexto del asesinato de Kirov of real estate which brought him region of his breast which prevent dificultades porque estas pobres gen cado e inactivo, no obstante su enorMOSCU, 12. Otras siete perso ta y tres ejecuciones en conexión con me producción actual, sus tierras férenought to live on comfortably. ed him from enjoying the peace productos al centro de la población, tiles y abundantes, donde la mayoria nas fueron gusiladas esta mañana, el asesinato del dirigente comunista He was about 64 years old, but and content he deserved.
por la falta de caminos, que en los ac de sus habitantes, luchando con la po aquí, lo que hace un total de seten Kirov.
strong and vigorous for his age. He tried to shake off the feel cuales momentos, se convierten en te breza y estrecheces sin cuento, apenas He owned a building near the ing by interesting himself in church rribles barrizales, siempre, por la ra se inician en labrarse su módico bienJunction of Stoney Hill close to work but it was of no use; as the zon ya dicha.
estar, siendo en total, hasta inhumano where the road ran down to the post wrote. The Voice Could La lealtad de los vecinos al Go imponer el sacrificio de contribuciones All the world loves a lover, is maid work has been reduced to a beautiful Castleton Gardens, which Not be Stilled. The caues of this bierno es tan manifiesta, que siempre para edificar escuela, caminos y dese han preocupado por las cosas que más cosas de que en fin, son de necesi ja truth we all know, and we might minimum. All she is really expecthe had intended for a dairy; it unrest was Sarah, Mrs. Thomas directamente atañan al Estado y la dad y urgente solución?
was now tenanted by a woman na niece. She was an orphan, and liv. prueba la tenemos en hechos recientes, Tienen la palabra los señores Di add that nearly all the world loves ed to do is to lend her decorative med Wilhelmina Thomas and hered in the home of a Mr. Duncan, tales. como cuando resultó un proble putados que nos representan y los que a wedding. When the lover is one presence to the ceremony, and, if three children.
who took care of the spiritual wel ma para el país los brotes comunistas creemos son los llamados a velar por of the sons of a beloved and res necessary, hold the bride bouquet.
The elder of the children, An tare of the community. Mrs. Dun en estas regiones, el pueblo todo, como el desarrollo y adelanto de estos pue pected King and Queen, and the She is sometimes allowed to help bride as lovely as a picture, it is dress the bride, and to help her to drew, was 16 years of age, then can had adopted her after the obediciendo a una consigna, se unió y blos.
en pública manifestación ofreció (f. AMADOR small wonder if we rejoice with change into her going away cloSammy 12 and Dottie death of her mother, she was then adhesión al Gobierno, formando la 12 Dic. 1934.
them that rejoice.
The mother worked hard to years old. She had lived with. Marriage is far and away the The work of bridesmaids in the provide food and clothing for her them for twelve years, and was Antes de comprar un sombrero, visite la children and endeavoured to send considered as one a Fthe family.
greatest step that we take of our past was onerous and vital to the them to school regularly. In the own choosing: whatever life has in comfort Mr. Cummings had never spok Sombrerería Aymerich and well being of the store of hardness and sorrow, he bride. The chief bridesmaid helpabsence of a father the boys were en his thoughts to Sarah. He cherque acaba de recibir los nuevos colores y estilos de las alamadas marcas who has wedded his heart desire ed the bride to choose her trouswont to be a bit wayward, but a ished his secret, and in his blunt Stetson. Barbisio. Wilson y otros has a treasure of rest and peace in seau: assisted by the others she stout bit of leather coupled with way whenever the opportunity afhis private life, and when the in spent weeks making the garments.
threats to send them to the refor forded, to make Sarah realize his Además cortes finisimos de seda y poplin y cualquier Articulo para Caballero matory, which, from a neighbour feelings, but she could never seem evitable parting comes, a fund of hen the day came it was the duty puede conseguirlo de la mejor calidad en la ing hill, could be plainly seen, was to understand. He sensed that his happy memories upon which he of the bridesmaids to prepare the sufficient to keep them in check. efforts were not taken in the way Sombrerería La Imperial may support his lonely days. banquet and dress the bride, while The building, It is in or shack, as it he intended, but he was afraid to the nature of things the privilege of making the bridal customs should have wreath belonged to the chief brides may be termed, was kept clean, speak plainly less he should of and had a cheerful appearance in tend her.
grown up around this great cen maid alone.
tral event of human life. Many of spite of its lack of architecture. On He worked hard during the Ring as a token of marriage the outside its drabness was reliev week, at his various tasks, and, the observances that surround Chris is a very ancient symbol, though ed by a variety of flowers grow being occupied, his mind would be tian marriage originated in long in the days of the ancient Egyping in an assortment of discarded relieved to a certain extent; but on far off forgotten days, days when tians a bracelet was used, the unutencils, a few of which may be Sundays, surrounded by the peace might was right, and when the ending circle symbolized the unenddeemed unworthy to be used as and quietude of his home, he would Comerciante Detallista groom found it wise to surround ing quality of marriage. It was the flower pots only by the most exact think over his chances of gaining, Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Artículos de himself with many of his strongest Greeks who first used a finger ring, ing.
her affection and lament the dif friends, or Best Men, so that in and the choice of the finger upon It was Andrew task to keep ference in their ages.
Ferretería y Eléctricos, todo se encuentra en the event of a rival coming armed which it was to be worn was dicthe leaky casks filled with Sunday was a day of mingled este establecimiento a precios de situación. to carry off the bride, the best men tated by a strange superstition from the spring, a short distance joy and gloom for him. They at Avenida 2a y Calle 4a, frente al Edificio de Correos y Telégrafos could gather round, and drive off The third finger of the left handaway. He cheerfully did this, and tended church punctually and, the interloper.
was supposed to possess an artery!
with a strict sense of duty, as pro therefore, he had a little time to LIMON, COSTA RICA In our more peaceful days the which had a direct connection with ven by the samples of his wardrobe converse with her before the service services of one best man are all the heart. This finger was there?
with which the holes were plugged. began. His pew was behind hers, and when her shapely head was hibiscus hedge, a twinge of heart that is required, yet even so, his fore always used for stirring poSammy also had his share of work and from his point of vantage he bent in prayer his own would fall ache would intrude itself and he duties and privileges are of very tions and medicines, for, if such to do, but he was a bit of an artist, would abandon himself to the heavily on his clasped hands. In would sit far into the night listen ancient use, for many centuries he contained any harmful matter, this and was wont to lean lazily on his contemplation of things that were this attitude he would feast his ing to the night owl calling to its has been expected to relieve the finger must immediately have bet broom while he decorated the not all together of a celestial na eyes on the object of his affection mate while the neighbours would groom of all the business matters come conscious of it: it was a natu building with charcoal sketches.
This was his joy; but in the even wonder what the old man was connected with the ceremony. ral outcome of this belief that the On either side of the house were He would note how her hair ing when the afterglow of sunset doing sitting u pso late.
If the best man hthird finger should bear the hon: extensive pasture land, and scatter. formed in little ringlets on the nape had crimsoned the sky, and the and easy job, it is at least of very our of the wedding ring. Ring ed here and there were hube sand lof her neck as the air became warm, grass quits were twittering in the (To be continued. great importance, but the Brides. To page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
su that many Lea La Voz del Atlántico José Achion Ng.
water ture.


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