
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday TIIE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 23 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 15 December 1934 Price: 15 per copy THE FIRST SHIPMENT were were It were 2 RUTHLESS REVENGE HAITI THE BANANA TRADE In view of the preeminent posi Inas, where the fruit, brought from The threatened revenge for the an armed camp. Among those re According to an official state In the Southern section of th: tion which the Banana occupies in the outlying districts, by water, assassination of Sergi Kiroff is ported killed were Leonin Nicolaev, ment recency issued by the govern Republic, twelve hundred acres of our industrial activities, we make will be unloaded and placed in the being mercilessly pursued by the the assassin of Kirov, Nicolaev ment of Haiti, there is every indi irrigated lands are under preparno apology for again bringing it railroad cars for transportation Soviet government.
wife, sons, two daughters and his cation of that West Indian Rep ation, at present, for additional to the attention of our readers. In to Limon.
Large numbers of suspects are eighty five year old mother, as also ublic obtaining, before long, an cultivation.
fact, it is the one subject which, Thus we find that within a being daily brought in from the fourteen Chiefs of the Secret important place in the banana in In Port de Paix and Cape Haiunder present conditions, must period of less than a week after various outlying districts and cast Police of Moscow.
tian two Native Syndicates have engage our serious attention for the Famed Contract has been in into prison in Moscow, by the SeRed terror is said to be running The two companies now operat been formed and will shortly b: some time to come.
existence, the Pacific planters will cret Police with the assistance of riot in Russia and detachments of ing there are the Standard Fruit starting to cultivate other lands.
In our last week issue we ex. have earned, through the sale of the Dictator Stalin, while men and the Red army are everywhere. and the West India Fruit and The Jamaica Banana Association pressed tha hope that the Contract fruit. an amount which should be women by the dozens are being The Dictator, Josef Stalin, no Steamship Co. Exportations to the has also, it is stated, concluded would have passed through the in the vincinity of at least a thous sentenced to death and executed. longer trusts his Secret Police and American markets total between arrangements for the lease of large remaining legal stages, without and dollars; the National Railroad The Soviet is under the opinion has called in his Red Army, 50, 000 thirty and thirty three thousand holdings in that Republic, for the further loss of time; this hope, we will have been afforded the op. that by this means only will it be troops have already arrived in stems every week, and it is expected cultivation of bananas as an alterLadly record, has materialized; it portunity of securing additional able to put an end to the war Moscow.
that within the next few months native source of supply in the nas since been fully approved, the freight by the transportation of the against the classes and other The blood purge began as guns the output may be from forty to event of the Jamaica fields being required decree has been given fruit; the Central government an contemplated assassinations. were booming the last salute to fifty thousand stems weekly. damaged by hurricane.
publication in the government increase in its Exportation Tax Dispatches from Warsaw state Kirov, whose ashes were immured official organ, and so is now in full and our labourers some addition to that more than two hundred per in the Kremlin Wall; sounds of the Goodwill flyers Welcomed force and effect with its provisions their small earnings.
sons, behind walls binding on all concerned.
These several items, taken sepa dren, have been summarily shot in Law Courts Building were disin West Indies With their usual characteristic rately, may justly be regarded as Russia since the assassination, of tinctly heard as the victims fenergy and zeal, the officials of of little or infinitesimal value Sergi Kirov.
cxecuted within five minutes after the Fruit Company immediately when compared with the more im Moscow is said to be virtually they were sentenced.
Dr. Albert Forsythe and and the Inter racial Goodwill AssoAlfred Anderson, Negro commenced activities which have portant issues contemplated by the sod ciation Committee of Atlantic advanced to such an extent, that contract, but, when we consider will flyers from the United States, City.
MR. CHITTENDEN it is expected the first shipment of them in the aggregate, they do given a tremendous public large gathering of citizens, fruit, from the Pacific region, will provide us with a very fair and welcome in Kingston Jamaica, last headed by the Hon. George Sey.
Mr. Chittenden, who has charge consult, it is stated, with Mr. Blair, Monday when they landed in that mour. Seymour, for St.
go forward on the Quiri reliable indication of may be exgua sailing from this port tomo pected from those major projects. of the Bocas del Toro and Panama the Manager there, on matters af city on the fifth leg of their flight Andrew. acting also in the plac rrow afternoon. The shipment will, with the ultimate benefits which Divisions of the Fruit Co. in ad. fecting the Company interest. through the West Indies and Cen of Mayor of the Corporate Area, He is expected back the earlier tral America. Officialdom, profes which office he held up to a few we understand, consist of about must accrue from such operations.
dition to this one, left by airplane four or five thousand stems. We hope that the weather, which last Wednesday for Panama, to par: of the coming week.
sional men and a large crowd of days ago) were at the Polo Ground It is also reported that arrang. has been threatening the Northern enthusiastic spectators were on the at Camp to welcome the flyers.
rements are already under way for Railway service for some days past, Polo Ground at Up Park Camp Commander Rushbrooke, the construction of about five hun will hold sufficiently to enable several hours before the airmen Private Secretary to Sir Edwar a dred yards of railroad to connect this initial shipment of fruit from We beg to call your attention to our remark were due and gave them a rousing Denham, represented His Excellenthe National Railroad with the the Pacific to go forward successat the back of receipt which reads: ovation as they landed.
cy: Company small wharf in Punta fully. call on the Governor, Sir was noticable that a larg Edward Denham, on Wednesday number of doctors and dentist. NOTE This bill must be paid at our morning, a public welcome in the most of them graduates of Howard Ward Theatre at 2:30 on office before the 15th of the month Wed University, of which Dr. Forsyth: Owing to the interruption of few days, we are sorry we nesday afternoon, and a dinner at is a graduate, were present. Chie our mail service by the bad weather unable to include, in this issue, our South Camp Road Hotel at 8:30 among them were Dr. Oswald ArBe so good as to comply with this request we have been experiencing the past usual New from The Point. the same day were some of derson and Dr. Ivan Parris. and do not oblige us to suspend our service, the arrangements made to honor Forsythe, father of Dr these two goodwill ambassadors, Forsythe; Roger Forsythe, a brot: a step which we would much regret to take.
and everywhere people vied with her; Miss Irma Forsythe, a sister, Compañía Eléctrica de Limón AVIATORS one another to express the pleasure and other prominent ladies and that the visit had brought the Isle gentlemen from Portland were a of Springs so present.
American Good will On Wednesday last the governAs already reported in the PaIn an interview with a reporte, Aviators, Dr. Forsythe and Mr. Jment, in response to their applicanama American, Dr. Forsythe and Dr. Forsythe produced a scrollo do Anderson, who have been touring tion, granted permission for them Anderson will visit Panama during fine parchment bearing the follow o the West Indies and Latin Amer to land at the Savannah.
their return flight to the north. ing words in excellent print: ican Countries, will shortly arrive The visitors anticipate remainThe residents of Santa Rosa, a fin consequence of certain troubles Up to now it is not known when Wheareas it is the desire o ing 48 hours with us.
suburb of this city, were thrown of an amorous nature.
this will be, but it has been learn the people of the United States o into a state of terrible excitement On Sunday he was seen to havejed from officials at Quarry America to effectuate more corlast Sunday when it was noised left his residence as usual; Soon Heights that permission has been dial relationships, establish firmer around that a young man had port of a revolver shot was heard granted for the flyers to land at bonds of friendship and bring raken his life.
and on the arrival of his relatives France Field, the Army air about a truer and deeper undersFrom what we have gathered, he was already dead. He shot base on the Atlantic Side, and at tanding between, the various races the victim was one Jose Luis San. himself through the temple and Paitilla Field, of the Pan American and peoples of the western hemispIt it rumoured that a number of mits of his being nominated for chez of about twenty five years of death was supposed to have been Airways, on the Pacific Side.
age and unmarried. For some time instantaneous.
the political supporters of Lic. don the 1936 40 period.
It is understood that plans are Therefore be it remembered Ricardo Jimenez are preparing to We also understand that it is before the fatal day it is said he The Atlantic Voice extends its being made to give the airmen that we, the undersigned, do hereb launch a campaign on his behalf, the intention of the parties inter was observed to be very despondent sympathy to the bereaved relatives both a public welcome and a testi cause our names to be fixed to a candidate for the coming pres ested in the proposal to hold manimonial affair at which dignitaries these greetings as having subscritidential elections, as they allege festation towards the close of the of the local governments will be led to the noble purposes of this that the conditions under which month, or early in January, in cal governments will be present. worthy undertaking.
he was elected to administer the which it is estimated no less than terrible tragedy is reported to Launch Dansville capsized, in These plans will be made public at The soroll bears the names of country affairs, in consequence twenty thousand persons will parti have taken place last week end at consequence of the turbulent scate a later date.
influential persons in the United of the events which took place at cipate for the purpose of securing the Bar of the San Juan River on of the river, and four of the pasStates.
the close of the last elections, per don Ricardo consent.
the borders of Nicaragua. In en sengers were drowned.
Jamaica Welcome Dr. Forsythe said he has bee: deavouring to negotiate the bar the commossioned to hand one of thes: In order to give an idea of what scrolls to the Governors or Pretook place in Jamaica in connecidents of all the places he visits in tion with the visit of the aviators, the course of his fligh che following is reprinted from the The Cuban Military authorities establish a trade for our oranges story in the Daily Gleaner: Broken Main We are informed that an im purchase a larger amount of our announce an attempt against the on the English market, it is report. Making a splendid three point portant commercial corporation of products than she does at present. life of Col. Batista, Chief of the led that the Royal Netherlands landing in their trim little red mo The flyers left Adantic City on the United States has, throught It is known she conducts a large Army, was frustrated on the 8th. Steamship Co. have offered to noplane, the Booker Wash Thursday last and on the way its representatives. approached our fishing industry for which she inst. when a youth carrying a retransport the sample shipments ington the Pan American good. south they ran into fog just below government with a proposal to needs heavy supplies of cork. As volver and a small bomb was a free of all charges. Shipments are will flyers arrived here yesterday Norfolk Virginia, and had to go obtain a concession for the culti bala is however, both cheaper and rested at Cacahual where the Co likely to start during the coming afternoon from Santiago de Cuba 100 miles out of their vation of rubber on a large com lighter than cork, our Chamber of lonel had arranged to deliver a month.
the fifth leg of their flight When over Charleston, in the remercial scale.
Commerce is making enquiry into discourse over the tomb of the from Atlantic City.
gion of the Four Hill swamp, We also understand that the the question of the possibility of Cuban patriot Maceo. It is presu Poland is said to be very much The flyers are Dr. Albert their gas main broke and they had question of resusistating the trade supplying her with all she requi med that the youth intended to interested in the importation of Forsythe, a native of Nassaur to make their forced landing in th: in our bala product is receiving res in this respect.
assassinate Col. Batista while he fruits from this country. There is and Alfred Anderson of Bryn dangerours swamps, eventuall attention was delivering his dissourse.
supposed to be a splendid market Mawr, Pensylvania, and their landing at Beaufort South Caroli Importations from Japan have It is not unlikely that both matin that country for some of our flight will take them 13, 665 miles na. They had the main repaire. increased, during the last year or ters will be submitted for the con In connection with the efforts products such as banans and oran to the West Indies and several overnight and went on to Miam two, to such an extent that it is sideration of our Legislative Body Sich several parties have been ges. The proposition is being in South American nations. It is where they had the faulty mai.
fale generally she should in return in the near future.
making, for some months past, to vestigated.
sponsored by Tuskegee Institute To page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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