
193 Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 24 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, December 22 1934.
Price: 15 per copy THE SEASON OF GOODWILL XMAS. GREETINGS 1934 News From The Point suron carnest as os and qo our an Before the 25 th number of feel we are really participating in this Journal shall have appeared, the glorious strains of that Angelic Within the next few hours we shall have arrived at thai the 25th of December shall have Band and bringing Peace and Festive Season when, with the world at large, we shall be parti The Observant Pointer come and gone. Let us call your Goodwill to men on earth. cipating in the joys of Xmastide.
Unique invitations to a most! regular meeting of the Caribattention to the fact that on Tues December 25th. should not only THE ATLANTIC VOICE takes this opportunity of ex. the Warren Prince during last of December 10th at the home of enjoyable party were sent out by bean Club was held on the night day next, Christmas Day, a very be regarded as the recognized large portion of the world will be birthday of the great Master Jesus tending to all its Advertisers, Subscribes, Supporters and well week. It was too bad to lose Mrs. member MacGowan. All members in mental or spiritual agreement but should be looked upon also as wishers its heartiest Greetings with the hope that they may be Prince sister Mrs. Scott who were present with the exception of regarding this beautiful and peace a great day of mystical rebirth granted the possibility of spending the period in much happiness sailed away on December 9th but Mr. Parkhurst who is sojourning ful Conception. Goodwill towards and inspiration. We should all feel and peaceful enjoyment.
we hope to have her back again in Almirante. understand that all peoples of the Earth. ourselves refreshed, by the omniand to have the Prince give anot the Club is planning a pleasant It is probably the nearest ap potence of the great Director of her party like that in her honor.
PRES. JIMENEZ TO BE GUEST OF HONOUR AT proach we have in the world today all events, by the mysticism surprise for the evening of DeThere were many high lights but omber 24th, which reminds meof universal agreement and of rounding the Conception, birth, BANQUET IN LIMON space does not permit me to men that is Christmas Eve, universal understanding among all escape from Pharoah, teachings, tion more than one, and that was peoples; and how fortunate it is, death, resurrection, transfiguration Arrangements have now, we un for the great interest displayed, on the splendid piano singing selecfor the universe, that this universal and ascension of the Saviour, and derstand, been definitely conclud our behalf, by the President and cions by Dr. Edward Salisbury. Up to the present have not agreement pertains to that which take a new and more determined ed to entertain the President of the the assistance afforded our princiheard anything of a dance is Peaceful, Joyous, Happy and grasp on the problems of life from Republic, Lic. don Ricardo Jime pal and most important industry. Mrs. Frank Sheehy entertained Christmas Eve. It is my unassociated with the material and a spiritual standpoint. We should nez, with a Banquet in this City, more than a score of friends to wish that those interested will get perishable things of life. jendeavour to emulate and practice on the 5th. January next. The The guests from the Capital tea during the past week. It is too together or start a little private Not only is Christmas Day aſ that true Christian spirit of tole. Banquet will be served in the spa. Will arrive by special train during bad the OBSERVANT POINTER propaganda to bring about the holy day, a sacred day, to Chris rance. love, charity, justice, good. cious hall of the Park Hotel and the afternoon of the same day. cannot be present at these teas be desired result. am willing to do tians, as the commemoration of ness and benevolence.
will be followed by a dance in the Invitations have been specially cause it would be of interest to my part and have already put a the Master, Jesus, Our Saviour, December 25th. has always been Community House at the Point. extended the Minister of Fomento most all Pointers.
bug in an ear here and there.
the anniversary of the birthday of a holy day with many races The entertainment is being given Lic. don León Cortes, and Mr.
Talk it up!
the greatest Teacher, the most many religious sects, and comes by a group of our prominent citiz. Chittenden, Manager of the Jacob Green, amiable Supersympathetic and unostentatious down to us christiams of the presens in association with many of Fruit Company.
intendent of the Bananera Laundry The Point has been made more Missionary who ever trod this earth, ent era with a long history and the armers from the autlying dis The Committee in charge is left Limon December 9th to spend beautiful in the past week with the but it is a day of great rejoicing much tradition to make it truly cricts, in celebration of the recent composed of Messrs. Horacio Ta several days in San Jose. Jake has heavy surf pounding over the coral for the thoughtfulness of an all and spiritually an international and passing of the Banana Contract, sies, President of the Municipality; been hitting the ball pretty regu shores. It is a most pleasant sight wise Father, who should have universal holy day; and for nearly which will. it is felt, produce a new Rogelio Gutierrez; Armando Rodri larly during the past year and a to witness but always feel so good deigned the Advent, into this all the world a truly symbolic era of prosperity to our Province; guez; Frank Venegas and Roberto half and certainly deserves his va. to know am standing on the shore wicked world, of One Who should period of the year for Peace and and also as a token of gratitude Salazar Quesada.
cation. pleasant time Jake and and not keeping time to the tune be the atoning Victim for our Goodwill toward men. Hence the may you come back to find your of the heavy swell either on a small transgressions. day of thank day has been set aside as one for RESTRICTING LIBERTY OF AUR COLOURED PEOPLE self full of pep and able to take launch or one of the heavy ships fulness and praise, as evidenced by devotional rejoicing, happy feastit.
Ithat makes Limon a point of call.
Some weeks ago, while the Ba tramway at what prices he should the strains of sublimest music ings, and charitable actions shew nana Contract was being discussed hire it to another party. This in struck by the Celestial Choir in ing mercy to those under rule, in Congress, there appeared in an connection with the first question 161 hymns of joy unknown before, bestowing gifts, not only to friends issue of this Journal, an article With respect to the second, don We beg to call your attention to our remark announcing that Spiritual Peace and relatives, but to the unfortun froin the pen of our fearless col Luis smilingly replied, This arti at the back of receipt which reads: od of mind and Goodwill henceforth, ates, thereby emulating the prin laborator, Mr. Nation, criti cle, like the Rattlesnake, carries from Heaven to men, shall now ciles of unselfishness as taught by cizing the indiscreet decision of the the venom in the tail; and like the This bill must be paid at our begin and never cease.
Him whose birthday we profess to members of Congress for discrim former, not only is it against the And so it is, with us, a time of celebrate.
inating against People of Colour Fundamental Charter of office before the 15th of the month e happiness and praise, with service Truly these things are all mysti going to work on banana farms in country, but is opposed to morality: to all. Ought we nor to lift up our cal, and as Chrismas and the hol. the Province of Puntarenas. We have here, no laws to legislate Be so good as to comply with this request uni thoughts of goodwill to all in love, days are at hand, let us, as men As a consequence, no doubt, of for people of separate colors; and peace and happiness, doing our and women, who understand, as this article, a few members of the the truth of it is one cannot dif and do not oblige us to suspend our service, utmost to manifest to friend and foe children of one common Parent Race, sent a memorial to Congress ferentiate between the colored peono alike, a spirit of better understand and members of the Brotherhood pointing out the inadvisability, the ple of the Pacific from those of a step which we would much regret to take.
con ing and tolerance, with a keener of man, regardless of our sectarian injustice and contravention of the the Atlantic Coast. Hence no one Limón lo faith and hope for the future. Creeds and dogmas, enter into the Constitution of the country by can prohibit anyone from employCompañía Eléctrica de No matter where we live, how ancient as well as the modern spirit such discriminating legislation; and ing colored labour on the Pacific, que lonely or how actively engaged we of Christmas time and rejoice in Mr. Manuel Mora, leader of the because, primarily, the majority of or find ourselves on this Christmas the fact that God has sent to earth Communist Party, took the oppor them are Costa Ricans, born in the The above reminds me, at the THE OBSERVANT POINTado Day, we should do our best to a Messenger, a Saviour, to bring tunity of putting in a fine piece country. over sixty per cent of time of going to press am uncer ER welcomes to Limon Miss Chrisbring joy and happiness into the Light for our guidance through of propaganda work for his Par them. And secondly, because our tain as to the weather and as to tine Fossel who arrived here on the life of someone not as fortunately life problems; life and health in tido by the introduction of a mo Constitution assures to every one how my Limon friends are coming Marquis de Comillas December 17 circumstanced as we may be; do our physical and spiritual bodies; tion to delete this unwise, aggrav liberty of action and business trans back from Almirante. The extre to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dudlo not forget some forlorn child; and Love, as the spiritual emana: ating paragraph from the recom actions. If Congress establishes a mely bad weather has postponed ley. This is Miss Fossel second widow who has lost her tion, from our physic selves to all mendations of the Congressional law it ought also to signalize the the return to Limon of the party visit to Limon, having been here ber source of support; some man who classes and conditions of men, to Committee. He was, however. over penalty for those who violate such who attended the Guabito races. in July 1933.
de has been stricken by sickness; some reach us the greatness of humility, whelmingly defeated, and the item a law. would wish, he added. The following Limon people made TAS poor family; share some of your che richness of bountiful giving remained as Law in the concession that it could be my good fortune the trip: Mrs. Hatch, Miss The Phipps celebrated tio blessing with them; then shall we and the royalty of Divine Power. to the United Fruit Co. for the tc be called to defend a client Sue Repta, Miss Hazel Douglas, their tin anniversay on the night of exploitation of the Banana Indus whose only sin is for having con Miss Margaret Dater, Mr. December. 15. It was a merry little il try in Costa Rica tracted Colored labour. Castro, Mr. Mr. Huber and dinner party with the following It turns now that the Editor of Besides, he further stated, wife, Mr. Parkhurst, Mr. Present Mr. and Mrs. EusFor some months now there has by orders of the Executrix, so as to La Tribuna comes up as The must not be forgotten that the Corse, Mr. Graham. tace, Miss Margaret Dater and been a dispute, as we previously render it unserviceable for airplane Mark Anthony of the Gente de men of the colored race are those It is my hope that a good time was Mr. Bernard Corse. Many hapn mentioned, going on between the manipulations. We shall, therefore, Color. In his issue of that widely, who withstand best the rigorous had and best of luck at the races; py returns!
Municipality and Mrs. Emma Ji have no airplane service until this circulated Journal of Sunday, climate of the Banana Zones and most of all, however, a safe return menez, daughter of the late Dr. dispute is settled.
16th. instant, he criticizes the in give better results. In sunshine or understand that it has been Pamfilo Valverde, the Executrix of justice of the first and fifth arti rain, they work with admirable do not know what this place definitely decided to hold a dance ly the Valverde Estate.
How distinctly different are the cles of the Agreement; and in equanimity, and do not think our would be on Sunday without the at the Community House on the id The Executrix. who gave permis ways and means of some citizens. doing so he seeks the opinion of a natives can put themselves on a par presence of at least one boy from night of December 24. It should e.
sion for the clearing of the lands, In Sixaola, we find the United one time Attorney General of Cos with them in such arduous labour. the farms. During the past week be a good dance as a good spirit ds planting out of the lawn, etc. now Fruit Co. a foreign concern, and ta Rica, don Luis Castro Ureña, If the article to which we refer. it was my pleasure to see and enter will prevail that evening.
claims sixty seven thousand odd the most unjustly abused and scan one of the greatest lights in Legal red above, and which is contained Itain Mr. Andes from Monte Vercolones. for the strip of beach, half dalized entity in the country, gave affairs of the country, on the points in our issue of the 3rd. November de Farm. Mr. Andes was later on a mile in length and forty meters six hectarias of beautiful lands, at issue.
be again read, it will be seen that in the day entertained by several The annual school children or in breadth.
free, gratis and for nothing, for The first is. as to the legality the opinion of this eminent Lawyer of the young players and left party will be held at the Schools The Municipal Board claim her the use and purposes of an airplane of demanding all owners of Tram is exactly the contention of our Limon a wiser man. surprise cocktail party was prices are exorbitant, and called base and doing everything possible ways to transport fruit over their correspondent, and is, therefore, tendered Betty Smith on the night for a valuation by peritos appoint for the improvement of the locality lines at One Cent per Kilometer. an outstanding victory for The am sorry to learn of the illness of her birthday December 13th. by the Courts. Before this is and the civilized progress of the The second is. with regard to Atlantic Voice.
of Mr. John Dolan, Chief Dispat. The number is unlucky but Betty Hone we find Mrs. Jimenez puts people; whereas, here in Limon, we decreeing that no one can employ It is the earnest desire of the cher of the Northern Railway. is double that and so the number an advertisement in La Tribuna find a Costa Rican demanding a colored labour on Banana planta Administration of this Journal Hope it is nothing serious, John, has no meaning for her. It was Heclaring the Base closed, by order fabulous amount for about three tions in Puntarenas: that collaboration and co operation and at time of reading you can a most pleasant little party and 5f the Second Civil Court of San hectarias of beach lands, unfit for The reply of the great Jurist is will, at all times, be extended to smile over it.
the guests departed at an early Jose, until a price is agreed on any sort of cultivation, and placing as follows: Ip is the inalienable this Weekly on all matters of hour after wishing the best of the and paid by the Municipality or all obstacles in the way of the right of every person owning prop vital importance to Limon and its Another stranger in our midst is season to the guest of honor. Many in order of Expropriation defined progressive march of the commu erty, according to our laws, to inhabitants, regardless of Creed or Miss Maureen Salisbury who has more of them, so say the government.
nity until the philosopher stone dispose of the use of such property Color, in a manner similar to that been in school in San Jose. Dr. House on the evening of December At the time of writing, there is be forthcoming. What a contrast. in this case a tramway) as may of our esteemed correspondent. Salisbury left Limon last Saturday 24, 5:00 o dock. This has always gang of labourers placing wire who is the Benemerito de la Pa best suit his interests, and no one and returned with Maureen Sun been a delightful affair and your ntanglements across the ground, tria. dictate to of a Philosophus day.
To Page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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    CommunismCommunist PartyLeón CortésManuel MoraPresidentes de Costa Rica

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