
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, December 22 1934.
SAL UVINA a For Liver Stomach Ailments fore when Mr. Cummings told him Dottie Hereby Hangs a Tale sister ide a OBITUARY on to son road in the wee small hours of the doubted whether Santa Claustheir pillows that night. Mrs. Thomorning.
would arrive in time.
mas accepted his presents with Hey, he yelled, what business Henry Spencer finished cleaning tears of gratitude in her eyes but have you got to be out here at this his car and was about to get in to be hurried away before she could time of night. follow the other cars from the utter a word of thanks. He was This isn business, came garage in search of trade when his experiencing for the first time the voice from within, it pleasure. attention was arrested by a shout, joy of giving.
he turned to see Mr. Cummings Jones That day the neighbours learn.
THE RIGHT SALTS Hallo, old man, how hurrying towards him. wondered that Henry Spencer and Sarah are you getting on in your garden?
what this old skin flint wants he were to be married shortly after Smith. Oh, grew my first said to himself. He was impatient Christmas and were going to live onion last year, it was a peach.
to be off especially as he did not at Mr. Cumming house.
see in him the prospect of a fare. That evening, their frugal supSaid the nervous Curate, after and He was surprised there per eaten, the school room had been cleaned: the boys sat around cot and listened to her As the school room is still clamp that he would like to hire his car repeating the story Sarah had told and dammy, the meeting will be for an hour. Where shall take her. She seemed much better, and hauled in the hell beneath.
Invaluable for the Treatment of you to Sir. he courteously asked the doctor said she would get well. Oh, no where in particular Son, The bays went to bed, but SamLittle Johnny was saying his only wanted to talk with you for my laid wide awake thinking of night prayers. His younger Flatulence And all forms a while. Spencer wondering what the story he had heard. He wondMAXI went to a movie one could not resist the temptation to the old men could have to say to ered what kind of gifts the wise night that was quite dark and tickle the soles of his feet as he Indigestion of Stomach him that he was willing to pay him men had taken for the little Babe.
began feeling around for a seat. knele. He stood it as long as he for his time got out of the car and He fell into a troubled sleep, and When he found one, a blonde cal. could, then said hurriedly, with a Colics Disorders walked back to the garage.
was awaken by the feel of someth led the special OFFICER. wriggle, Please God, excuse me a Mr. Cummings outlined hising hard under his pillow. He took moment while knock the stuffings out of Marjorie.
FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES plans to Spencer who was inclined tout, and sat straight up in the The gid with long skirts may to be obstinate not knowing the semi darkness. He knew what it old man motive, but finally he was he held in his hands, he had have as much personality as her very plump woman went into short skirted sister but it doesn a shop and, wobbling up to an assis.
MANUFACTURED BY: yielded and consented to do what noticed Mr. Cumming visit, and was asked of him, promising not his mother furtive glances in his show as MUCH.
tant, announced. would like Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa to tell Sarah of the interview. direction but had not dreamed to see a bathing dress that would SAN JOSE Mr. Cummings returned home that he was concerned; now he me. The Assistant looked at with a feeling of happiness border knew Mr. Cummings had given motorcycle cap pulled up bes lher a while and then replied: ing on ecstacy. If his plan worked him a harmonica for Christmas car parked on a country Madam, so would he would still have Sarah with him, the THE JOY OF GIVING one thing in the world he and although not in the capacity wanted most. Conclusion)
the numerous lines that time had he anticipated, yet he knew he He was returning one morning traced his rugged features. would be happy, perhaps happier How could he thank him: sudwith his milk bucket when he saw Sarah spoke of her lover, who was than he would have been other denly he was struck with an idea; It is our sad lot to chronicle the the guidance of the Rev. Fr. Al. Sarah coming in his direction. He employed as a chaufeur in Kings wise. He visioned his socks being he had heard of the choral singers loss sustained by this community, berto Wolgarten, who, after the stood with his hand on the gate ton. Mr. Cummings knew him by darned by those graceful fingers who went about singing hymns on by the demise of Miss Esther Ains. funeral rites, delivered a most swinging the bucket to and fro like sight he had often seen him pass she could be like a daughter to Christmas morning. he couldn worth, for many years Teacher touching address at the grave.
a bashful school boy. She came with tourists on their way to the him, and some day he would play sing, but he could play. Quietly he and Organist for the Catholic most impressive procession by abreast of him called a cheerful beautiful Gardens. Presently she Santa Claus too.
got up and put on his shirt and Church the children of Mary, attended the Good Morning. He answered smiled, and bidding him good day He couldnt find enough to do trousers and crept past his sleeping This young lady, from an early cortege. Dressed in spotless white her, and with a wide grin turned continued on her way to her aunt around the house. He got out his brother. The road was faintly age dedicated her life to the care with black insignia, they marched and leaned against the gatepost. He stooped and picked up the milk tool chest and spent a whole day lighted by the frist tints of coming and attention of the children of from the Church to the home of He felt almost afraid of her as she bucket that had unheededly fallen sharpening and cleaning his belov dawn, a chill wind was blowing, this town. She was for many years the deceased, returned the stood before him winsome and from his hands, looking with a ed tools. Stored away in the ceiling rusdling the leaves in an uncanny associated with Miss Rita Robert Church with the Bier and after alluring in the unconscious poise rueful smile at the puddles of milk were, a number of choice cedar way, but he didn mind. He walk in school work. After Misswards journeyed to the Cemetery of youth. He longed to take her in Mrs. Thomas was at her never boards, which were to serve him ed swiftly to Mr. Cumming Robertson loft for the United by a train of five coaches packed his arms and caress the soft oval ending task of clothes washing at the end of his days. He took house and crept close to the doorStates, she stepped into her pos with mourners.
cheeks. Why shouldn she be when Sarah arrived. She wiped her them down and cleaned them with way, with trembling hands he ition and has maintained the dig At the Cemetery was evidenced (glad to marry him. he reasoned to hands on her ample sides and of his plane admiring the fine grain placed the harmonica to his lips nity of the profession until two the most heartrending expression himself; there was his means to fered her cheek for the expected of the seasoned wood. and blew a faint note, his grimy weeks ago when she fell ill Well: kiss. Sarah told her of the preparand of grief from many scores of school make her comfortable.
There were numerous beautiful fingers wandered irresolutely over despite the skilful care of Dr. Ba children and others who had been what all the news today Miss ations for Christmas in her home. things he knew how to make with the stops, he was wondering whether dilla, she grew worse and on Sareared under the guidance of this Sarah. he asked. Oh nothing. can guess what my Christmas wood such as this. Boards such as Mr. Cummings would be annoyed turday last entered the Hospital, virtuous leader. Her life has been she replied, except the good old will be like she replied. Dottie is these were never intended to be at being disturbed. He blew a few dying condition. She passed a virtuous example of Christian news of Christmas coming and we still very sick and don know put under ground he mused. He more notes, then gaining courage away during Sunday night. The deportment to the girls and women are all looking forward to having where the money is coming from was surprised that he had never he threw caution to the winds and place of this devoted church work of Limon. How pleasant it would a good time. He smiled wistfully. to buy the medicines and nourish thought of that before. It was shattered the stillness of the morner will be hard to fill. She was a be if the life and character of Miss hope next year you will be mar ment the doctor ordered. Sarah Christmas Eve: the church bells ing with the shrill strains of Hark most ardent Sunday School Teach Ainsworth would be emulated by ried and thinking of Christmas sighed and entered the house. She were announcing it to the world; The Herald Angels Sing. The er; Prefect of the Girls Sodality; the rising womanhood of this in your own home. he said, then sat on the small bed and caressed they never sounded to him so frightened birds in the hibiscus President of the Society of the town.
added in a low tone, and perhaps the fevered face of the sick child. joyful. He had returned from hedge flew up and darted away.
Children of Mary; Promotor of the She leaves an aged mother and will soon be playing Santa Claus. Sammy came in and stood nearby Kingston that day with several Mr. Cummings opened his wondow Apostleship of Prayer and, in fact, many sincere friends and admirers She threw back her head and rubbing one muddy foot against bundles and packages, which made and gazed on the lone musician, the live wire in everything pertain to mourn their irreparable loss, to laughed in unaffected merriment, the other. When is Christmas the neighbours wonder what had one hand clutching at his frayed ing to church work.
whom The Atlantic Voice tend but his meaning was not lost to Sis. piped the weak voice. Two happened to the old Crumudgeon. shirt to keep out the cold wind The interment took place under lers its deepest condolence.
her. She gazed from his toil worn weeks more darling she answered. He had brought a present for every that blew in gusts and carried the fingers to his face and noticed Then we will have Santa Claus. one of them. even Sammy, he sound to his sleeping mother; it how serious he was. She turned the child asked, and the dull eyes didn forget. He delivered his, woke her, and with a tear in her and glaced in the direction of her grew brighter. Sarah looked at the gifts to Mrs. Thomas and asked eye she softly hummed the refrain aunt hame as though anxious to wasted form of the child and her to put the children under Christ Was Born at Bethlehem.
her way, and Mr. Blood ole (LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
Cummings thinking that his words had offended her tried to change the conversation by alluding to the coming festal season. Sarah listened to him but hardly heard what SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS he was saying, she was thinking LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS over the words he had uttered Banco del Estado State Bank Playing Santa Claus. She did 28 de Diciembre have dreams of having her own Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue home and little ones, but a fortnPara más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a ight ago this draem was shattered Compañía Ultramar Se complace en anunciar al qu Begs to announce to the when young Arthur Spencer told Agentes Generales her that he didn see his way clear público la apertura de Public the opening of its FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
to get married and was thinking bl of going away to seek his fortune LIMON PUNTARENAS in a foreign country. The tears flooded her eyes as she looked at the old man. He hadn the slighidea the EN LA of her grief but he realized At this time there is much acti her Henry, Secretary; William that something sinister menaced vity to be noticed among our Goulbourne, Treasurer; Stephen his loved one and putting his arm Clubs and Fraternal Societies. son, Senior Deacon; Blake, Ju around her shoulders he turned as The Concordia Lodge has had nior Deacon and Cecil Davis, though he expected to see the danher election of Officers for 1935. Tyler.
ger in tangible form.
para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service Mr. Smith was elected The Installation of the Officers Thus they stood for a while.
servicio bancario.
Worshipful Master and Messrs. will take place on 1st January, The bright sunshine filtering Tom Bowry, Deputy Master; Lut Ithe Anniversary Day of the Lodge. through the foilage etched brighter Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacionaf Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema תו 1: Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
continue on Vapor CRYNSSEN Banco Internacional de Costa Rica Ci to cr su es tis Sub Agentes en SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE AMONG THE LODGES test as to cause IN THE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON


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