
Saturday, December 22 1934.
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA OUR RADIO SERVICE To rid yourself of an ache or pain quickly, take. FIASPIRINA to get around Albino Villalobos Chong León and on we see are men dentro de la primera quincena de cada mes Mr. Editor, come nos la Maduro Lumber Yad marNEW YORK. The strange JOHANNESBURG Anna BELGRADE The two Axin disappearance of a thin package Swanepoll, 45 years old, spinster, brothers, convicted of murder and of 590, 000 in United States awoke on the 12th. inst. from the sentenced to hang, have protested Treasury notes, from a table in a cataleptic trance into which she against repeated postponement of locked cage of the United States fell twenty four years ago on ac their execution. Their joint protest, Trust Co. during a brief interval count of the shock of learning of in which their Attorney stressed in which a clerk stepped out to the death of the man she loved. legal arguments, brought to light take a phone call, has been reveal. During the 24 years Miss Swane the astonishing fact that Hanged. Investigations, conducted by poll has slept from youth to middle man Hart, Official Jugoslavian the world famous Bayer product the Bank Authorities and the age. For a moment in 1927 she Executioner, has been so overburdPolice, have been abortive. became semi conscious, but did not ened with work in other parts of speak. She has now regained full the country that he has been able Quick acting and Safe!
consciousness in a sanitorium.
to perform the hanging of the brothers.
ent day world hate and discord readers both for Chritsmas Attorney at Law and Notary may seem to cule, may mock the for the Coming Year.
LIVERPOOL Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nola Christmas song of peace and char As we look back Public. Office and Residen.
the Licores Extranjeal dorso de su recibo que dice: ity, yet remember God is not past year distress and ce: Upper Floor of residen.
dead, nor does He sleep the distrust, fear and suspicion, ros y del Pais Wrong shall fail, the Right prevoil, not only among the nations but ce of the late Juan José León ABARROTES Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina with peace on earth, goddwill to among ourselves. But there Precios NEW YORK. Americans many signs that if only nations and men will more and more sink selhave paid 2, 500, 000 for tickets Económicos With some diffidence am ven fish aims that happiness and prosin a fraudulent sweepstakes lotLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula evitar turing to respond to your request perity will for all. The tery; three man have been held for a Christmas Message which will Atlantic Voice during these and 60, 000 tickets, valued at TOKYO. More submarines pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
possess one appreciable quality, months of its infancy has used its each and purporting to be connect and more modern but economical that of brevity.
power and influence for good: we ed with the Sweeeptakes of the warships will be Japan answer to Compañía Eléctrica de Limón The wheel of time has in its re wish it well for the future.
Quebec Hospital Fund, confiscat any naval building war that may volution brought to us that Season Yours very sincerely, ed.
develop from Japan denunciation in which the Christian Church and Clifford Rider of the Washington Treaty. Japan Our Christmas Messages indeed all christendom celebrate the now has 63 submarines to 45 for birth SALOMON CHING WE LEE the United States.
of the Christ child Wedding of Rey. Brown into by Rev. Albert Wollgarten brother with brother, in total dis this world. As we get further away Weeding of Fr. Brown Estrada Christmas! One word, yet it regard of the gospel of peace from the historic event the tendenThe Reverend A. Brown takes us down the arches of the which alone will bring content cy increases to regard the festival arrived at Limon on the Cuba Abarrotes y Licores years, across the centuries, the ment and security to a storm tossed merely as a time for pleasure ard and Miss Vita Watson on the ss Artículos del País epochs of history, till we reach a world. From the four corners of in some cases it affords license for Simon Bolivar on Thursday, Detiny village called Bethlehem. the world is proclaimed the gospel revelry. But to the thoughtful mind cember 13th from Nicaragua and FRANK MADURO Jr.
Precios Econó nicos Snow lies thickly on the ground, of hate, Christ is derided, and His che espiritual significance is ever Barbados respectively to be Prop.
the wind whistles fiercely through banners are trampled in the filth apparent. It is impossible to dis ried. Father Brown who is in charLA IBERIA the trees, stars like icy jewels shine and mire of men desire for pow sociate the Angelic chorus. Glory ge of the Indian Missions is no Best native lumber, in a winter sky, shepherds tendinger and conquest. God has been su to GOD in the highest peace on stranger to us and we feel full of VIENNA. Minister of Inte at moderate prices their flocks draw their garments perseded by the god of mammon earth to men of goodwill from pride that he should have chosen closer to their bodies and huddle and his attendant satelites greed, the proclamation Unto you is Saint Mark for his marriage.
rior, Major Emil Fey, who directly amongst the sheep to gain warmth. sensuality, immorality, irreligion. born a Saviour and it is in proporThe civil part of the marriage ordered the massacres of last MOSCOW. The executions In such a setting, under the roof Atheism and materialism are the tion as the saving effects of Christ took place in the Governor Of.
spring, is slated for early assassi of persons arrested in connection of a poor squalid stable, God order of the day, whilst despair, mission to this world are realized fice on the Friday afternoon. In nation by Nazis, it is learned by with the assassination of Kiroft mightiest miracle was wrought, oppression and chaos are manifest in the lives of men that the peace the evening the parishioners enterofficials. One attempt has already continues, and it is estimated that and Christ the Redeemer lies, a fin all those countries which have of which the Angels sang will tained the bridal pair at a social been made on his life. The man the total has gone beyond one victim of love, helpless and shiver atandoned God, the souls of their spread over this earth. The Christ gathering. The Sacrament of Holy who made the attempt is in prison. hundred. The last lot to be put to ing in a manger. The redemption inhabitants being ground under the mas story may have lost some of Matrimony was administered Fey is known for his ruthless sup death in Kew totalled twenty of the world has begun, but the wheels of the merciless tyrany of its romance but it is instinct with Saint Mark Church on Saturday pression of the opposition. eight.
world knows it not. Oh mighty mir Anti Christ. Whither is it all lead dignity and power. In it lies the morning at a. and a Solemn acle, Oh profund mystery, the mys ing? To the ultimate prosperity of tale of the boundless love of the Nuptial Mass followed.
For the occasion the Church was Costa Rica Soda Grand Xmas very of God love for wayward the world or its utter destruction? Heavenly Father for His rebellious sinning humanity! His Virgin The answer can be found in the children. a love which if we could packed with well wishers. Punc New Year Concert Mother tries to still His cries, in stable in Bethlehem or on the hill receive but a little and radiate it tually at a. the bride entered Water Factory fant appeals for the hearts of men; of Calvary where a sweet voice in our lives would help towards on the arm of Canon Thornton Under the auspices of LIMON surely strange baubles to attract a from a pain racked body says: the realizatoin of the Angels song who gave her away. The bride THE MEN MONTHLY child cravings. But His desires Father, forgive them, for they of peace. It tells o fthe unveiling looked very charming dressed in a Fábrica de Hielo MEETING ASSOCIATION are unheard, the only hearts which Iknow not what they do. Yes, they of Deity.
most becoming white silk gown offer the fullness of affection to know not. They would abolish Little by little the world learns Him are those of the beasts of the Christmas and all that it stands affair outside their own experience.
Religion to many is a detached with a long train of Babonnette y Refrescos Lace held by two maids of honour.
more about the past with its fields, who gaze at Him eager to for to a Christian world. Feasting Thoughts of GOD seem to them She historic grandeur was carrying a bouquet of help Him, warming Him with the and merrymaking are but inciden of so little value amid the tests of white flowers and was attended by Florida Ice and This Grand Xmas New glow of their breaths and the love tal. for it is a festival of joy and life; by getting to know Christ six bridesmaids. Father Brown too Year Concert of their animal breasts. Mary and peace and recollection: joy, because however we learn what GOD is was in white and wore a stole of Farm Co.
at the Joseph Kneel beside the improvi our Lord was born of the Virgin like. holy and loving. The in cloth of gold, the symbol of his METHODIST CHURCH sed cradle, rape worshippers, cons Mary; peace, because our redempcarnation is no system of theologi priesthood.
LA FLORIDA LIMON cious of the awesonme and wondertion has been accomplished, with cal thoughts but a LIFE rich, pulThe singing was led by the choir Fábrica de Hielo p. Wednesday, January ful dignity which has become the promise of the Beatific Vision sating, intimate with every phase and the whole service was one of 2nd. 1935 theirs. Mary, whose holy life is to if we remain faithful; recollection of our own.
great dignity. At the end Father Venta de Leche affords another opportunity be so full of pain and sorrow, ga. for the benefits bestowed on us, the Never perhaps in the nearly Thornton addressing the bridal Admission by programme zes lovingly at her Divine Son, joys and sorrows sent to us, God two thousand years of the Chris. jpair upheld the high ideal of y Maderas mutely adoring Him, praying to mercy and love for us. These ani. tian era has there been greater unChristian Marriage.
Adults 25. Children 10 Him, begging for strength to bear mate us vividly if we preserve the rest in the world. political, ecoFather Rider and parishioners the Crown of Sorrow which will be true spirit of this Holy Season. nomic, religious, and men hearts entertained Father and Mrs Brown News From the Point her portion as His Mother, whilst The lessons from the Crib are have been failing them for fear. In at a Wedding Breakfast in the resounding across hill and plain humility and abasement before the this land where we are domiciled Parish Hall at which there were more From Page hurried trip to San Jose. Mac the Heavenly choir proclaim the Man God, who has been born as the year has been full of perplex mittee of Church helpers very ably than 10. attendance will go far toward show doesn get away often and when message of peace and goodwill to an Infant for us our pride mustin problems and disturbing exing your appreciation of the he does it is always a flying trip.
give way to confidence in God; ſperiences and the clouds of trouble carried out the arrangements and amount of work put into this And all this happened two thou more vivid faith that will lead us have settled on many a home but everyone spent a very happy time.
party Sorry just could not get sand years ago. Ye man has not to daily Mass and reception of the star of promise shines above us.
On Sunday evening many friends around to the column last week learnt the lesson which was taught Our Divine Lord in the Holy Com Let us hope that this Christmastide accompanied Father and Mrs. note the absence of the young Won miss again though.
from the cradle by the Divine In. munion; trust in Jesus Christ as will bring to all hearts a Message leave of them for the present as Brown to the dock there to take bicycle rider who has been fant, a lesson of humility and char our Leader and King.
of cheer and hope and that the around The Point taking her re Since the above article was writ ity. On all sides nation is in con And if we should falter and peace of which the Angels sang Bluefields. Our very best wishes they left for Colon en route for ducing exercises. There are two ten on the Almirante trip see that flict with nation, man with man, grow fainthearted, if in this pres may be shared to the full not only reasons, either the bicycle has brok the gang has returned. They were en down or the result has been just full of enthusiasm for the by the readers of the VOICE go with them.
but by every inhabitant of this accomplished.
good time that all had and could land to all of whom extend the say enough for Almirante wish for MERRY CHRISTChristmas carols will be sung hospitality. Won some kind readMAS on the coming Sunday night from er buy four or five copies of the Contra merdedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano Pit: 6:00 to 7:00. The affair is in paper and send over!
en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
charge of Miss Huntoon and Miss 22nd December 1934.
Existencia permanente: Douglas. Let all get together that Dear Mr. Editor, am glad to see Scotty Owens Abogado y Notario night.
around and looking full of pep Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicas del Lic. Carlos Víquez At this season of peace on earth, good will towards men again. Back to the bench Scotty, Avenida Central see where Mac McClure made a lholidays are over.
Frente a las Compañias Eléctricas send my hearty greetings and good Oficina: Ciudad de Limón wishes to yourself and to your Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
in all men seen Suero Butantán. not Daniel Zeledón


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