
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday TIIE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 25 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, December 29 1934.
Price: 15 per copy a was NATIVE OF SIERRA LEONE SUPREME ME. Coden, andere o was country.
Several years ago Case of Fratricide success.
As we extend to our readers through this medium the Branch of Jamaica Burial Scheme COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON along with our BEST WISHES for a RATHER HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sociely Inaugurated YEAR, we are taking the opportunity to express to them our UTTERMOST GRATITUDE and SINCERE APPRECIAAmong the passengers who ar. The following elected officers were WISHES rived on the Veragua on the installed to serve the first term: TION for the support received since the appearance of THE 8ch instant was the Reverend Ja Harold Smith, Chairman.
ATLANTIC VOICE. although not to the extent of our exils Advertisers, Subscribers, Supporters mes Blake of the Cristobal Co Oscar McRae, Asst. Chairman, pectation. We are satisfied, howeer, that in the course of time and the General Public lon Baptist Mission. He made the Peter Muir, Immediate Past the entire English reading community will appreciate our efforts, trip for the purpose of inaugurat. Chairman, Osmond Minot, Seand thus respond by contributing to our upkeep.
All Happiness and Prosperity ing into a Branch of the famous cretary, Luther Henry, Asst.
Jamaica Burial Scheme Society the Secretary, Everad Grocher, Just as the entire population of the country is in the expectancy of a better economical future, to be initiated with the year in the Ensuing Year social which has been working for Treasurer, James Dehany, Inthe past 15 months under the ausner Guard, Arnold Durant, Outer 1935, so are we optimistic of the possibility of giving our readers pices of the above named Society. Guard.
better service, by enlargening the pages of this section, which we The Reverend Gentleman will devote to the publication of a greater amount of news items met on board the steamer first by Investigating Committee touching upon the religious, social, industrial and political aspiMr. director of the social, and later by Mr. Peter Lucile Muir, Doris Gray, rations of our readers local and abroad; and, with this aim in COURT JUDGE Muir, Chairman, and Mr. Os Jane Wilson, Vera Gillings, Regiview, we have under consideration the project of a mond Minot, Secretary of the nald Rouse, Ricketts.
financial investment, which will afford os ithe necessary amCharles Edward plification of four pages and the acquiring of modern publicity Bannerman, a full blooded native England, Mr. Bannerman Woodhouse place of Europeans sent out from Social, also Mr. Cleveland Clarke, a member of the Colon Branch.
Trustees material to reciprocate your patronage and to assure the perma of Sierra Leone, has recently been elevated to the bench.
On stepping off the gang plank he nent existence of this journal.
appointed a judge of the British Joseph Brotherton, Stephen His appointment proved such a was greeted by a number of the We are well aware of the antecedent failures of many Supreme Court of the Gold Coast success that upon the recent resign social members and friends who Robotham, William Gourzong.
72 candidates were received, and enterprises of a similar kind; yet, we feel confident that, suc colony, says the Panama Tribune. ation of one of the three white jud awaited his arrival anxiously.
Mr. Bannerman was formerly ges, he was elevated to the position On Sunday the 9th instant he on Thrusday 35 more, leaving yet cess is moving toward us and will eventually meet our expectations, if we will bring to bear the organization, tact and publi police court magistrate of the Cape of circuit judge of Ashanti and was the preacher at both the mid a large number who could not be Coast district. The appointee was the northern territories of the Gold day and night services at the Bap present to be received on account cation that will inspire a greater amount of interest and confi educated in England and admitted Coast. The African press is dem. sist Church. The sacred edifice was of the weather. Their reception dence in our patrons; and all preparations are being made into the British Bar.
anding self government for the filled during both services and the will be effected at an early date.
this direction to be effective in the near future.
He was decorated by the King Gold Toast and it considers that all audience expressed satisfaction with Suitable odes were sung during This organ is yours, not ours; because its existence and im for distinguished public service to higher positions in the government the manner in which he delivered the ceremony. Mrs. Blandina Mit the his sermons.
should be given to members of the chell acquitted herself ably as orprovement depend exclusively upon your support: morally, to after the race so as to prepare the people to The first meeting in connection ganist during the programme.
inspire confidence and interest in those who have not as yet joi African press started a campaign assume responsibilities when the with the inauguration programme Mr. Blake spake in glowing ned the list of our subscribers, advertisers and contributers; fi demanding the appointment of time arrives for Africans to govern the 11th but owing to was scheduled for Tuesday night terms of the Society and praised nancially, because we are equally dependent on your financial black men to high public office in themselves.
incessant those who were responsible for its support to defray the heavy expenses which the material and rains it was impossible to bring off inception in Costa Rica. He also and physical factors of this venture demand; hence, if we should same. Wednesday night the 12th congratuled the Officers brought a change of weather and Members for their fir stand in prosper, the credit will be yours; if we should fail, the failure to 00 the meeting was making their venture a will undoubtedly be a great reflection against your standard of Last week end a terrible case of (became veritable enemies. called to rder by Mr. Peter The Officers replied in appropriate improvement and a negative proof of your desire for advan fratricide occurred in a district calMuir, Chairman. After the regular terms, expressing their appreciation led San Joaquin de Flores. During the night of Friday of opening formalities were gone for his sacrifice in coming over at The columns of this journal are open gratuitously to According to the report, the two last week they met accidentally, through, the Chairman in words this his busy time to serve them.
every organization of social welfare, with indifference to color brothers, Juan and Sabino Solera, the duscussion was resumed and a appropriate for the occasion wel Mr. Cleveland Clarke, of the Cocertain fight ensued. Both men carried comed the Reverend Gentleman, lon Branch gave valuable assistance or creed: Churches, Lodges, Charitable Societies, Clubs; and some time ago, inherited all contributions containing articles of public interest are gra they could property from their parents, but large knives and drawing these and handed over the meeting to during the ceremony not agree as to how they started a duel to the death. Sa him. He replied in suitable words, cant to the Reverend Blake.
tifyingly welcome. You should make of the ATLANTIC should be divided. There bino eventually fell wounded in and included in his remarks a brief The Reverend Gentleman availVOICE your Official Organ, through which absent members were incessant disputes in connec the stomach and near the heart. history of the origin of the Jamaica ed himself of the opportunity to and sympathizers may receive authentic information in connection with the matter until the men He died shortly after. Burial Scheme Society and entreat visit the capital and points of intion with your activities; and prospective members may be insed those who have not yet cast interest on the lines, and expressed their lot to do so.
himself as having had an enjoyable pired with pride and confidence to rush into your fold.
Time was allowed those who time.
Nothing can better attest to the honesty and efficiency of wanted to take the opportunity of He sailed on the Quirigua any government or organization than the publicity of their acThe matter of the construction to cause Japan to yield in her naval being received as foundation mem on Sunday 16th instant to his mistivities; most governments and the greater number of business of the Nicaraguan Canal is to be demands. threat which may bers, after which it was necessary sion station. He departed amidst corporations and social organizations established in every civili caken up soon by the Senate of probably produce, said an official for non foundation members to cheers and well wishes from his zed corner of the world, vote large amount of funds for publi the United States, on the recom of that department, an entirely dif leave the hall. The ceremony then. ds. He left ulSRge bgOrPvq city, as they readily realize the importance and benefits to be mendation of the Congressional ferent result.
proceeded as follows. a) reception newly made brothers, sisters and derived by keeping their activities within the knowledge of the Naval Commission.
As the Panama Canal was con of candidates. b) inauguration friends. He left behind the No.
public, through the press, to awaken enthusiasm and inspire conditions in world affairs, as well cial requirements, the taking up of hall. d) installation of officers. Scheme Society duly inaugurated.
In consequence of the changing sidered still sufficient for commer ceremony. e) dedication of the 134 Branch of the Jamaica Burial confidence. Here is your opportunity, and we are hoping that as Japan menacing attitude, the the Nicaraguan project, at chis it will be availed.
construction of this waterway is time, is regarded by Japan as ob Govt: Banana Inspector Appointed As foreigners, it is to your interest to have constant in now considered most necessary by viously solely for military purpotelligence regarding any changes, rules, las business or indus the Naval Authorities of America. ses.
The duties connected with the tive Order of the 22nd, instant and trial prospects affecting you as such foreigners or affecting your The Japanese Foreign Departoffice of Government Banana is to be effective from January business or industrial activities in the country; and there is no that America action, in this res will, it is estimated entail an expen created by the recently promulgatment is, however, of the opinion The construction of the canal Inspector for the Atlantic Zone, Ist. 1935.
better medium through which such intelligence can be obtained, pect, is most untimely and a threat diture of about 722, 000. 000 ed Ley Bananera. will be per The functions of this incumin a reliable form, than through THE ATLANTIC VOIformed by don Ignacio Cruz, a bency are of a supervising character CE.
Fire Damages Commercial Establishment resident of Guapiles. The appoint between the United Fruit CompaWe now pledge ourselves to give you all that we have ofment was cortfirmed in an Execu ny and the Banana Producers.
fered; and we are anticipating that you will manifest your ac At about half past eleven o clock prepared: The flames spread ta ceptance with the stimulus of your whole hearted support.
Wednesday last, much concern wasipidly and threatened the entire caused in San Jose by the report building as well as the adjoining chat a fire had broken out in a ones. The Brigade was, however, In keeping with the require guarantee of the Company faithcommercial establishment in one of quickly on the scene, and by the ments of the recently executed fully and completely carrying out We beg to call your attention to our remark the City central streets.
use of the hand extinguishers as Banana Contract, the United Fruit the terms of the Contract. In the at the back of receipt which reads: The fire broke out to the back also several hoses, was able to con Co. recently, deposited with event of her failing to do so the of the pulperia known as El Car erol and ventually extinguish the the government a number of Limon amount is liable to forfeiture by This bill must be paid at our men situate 200 yards North of flames, but not before much dam Street Improvement Bonds of the the government in accordance with the Carmen Church, where a large age was effected to the building value of 200, 000.
the decision of the Board (or office before the 15th of the month quantity of lustrina was being and the stock trade.
Court) of Arbitration provided This deposit has been made as a for by the Contract.
Be so good as to comply with this request TOMORROW EXCURSION TRAIN and do not oblige us to suspend our service, Japan War Appropriation So as to facilitate those who may at in the morning to return on a step which we would much regret to take.
wish to participate in the Fiestas Tuesday, January 1st. leaving The Japanese Parliament met aviation material. This approprianow taking place in San Jose, Mr. San Jose at 30 in the afternoon on the 26th. instant and approved tion in favour of the War DepartCompañía Eléctrica de Limón Solera has arranged to run an The price for return tickets, Ist. the appropriation of two hundred ment is stated to be the largest excursion tomorrow.
class, is 00 and 00 for a and eighty eight million dollars for registered in the history of the na.
The train is timed to leave here one way trip.
che purchase of army, marine and tion.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
as an assis same The Nicaraguan Canal United Fruit Company Deposits Guarantee


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