
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, December 29 1934 The Threshold Of 193 SAL UVINA give For Liver and Stomach Ailments Hereby Hangs a Tale me?
The Christmas Season Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa English Woman Pays Death Penalty years.
Hotel Limón or some gether under the spreading branches of this noble tree, declare you are the only girl have ever loved. She You always say such his Once again we are on the thres many problems in our domest appropriate things, John, This is hold of a most important era. On lives, in a CHESTNUT tree.
our commercial lives, has looking back into the mysterious our social lives and in our religios chambers of the year 1934, through lives.
In an infants school, the teacher con which we have passed, we cannot THE RIGHT SALTS There are many Taresholds told the children to play at imitat but wonder, as we halt and medi Le crossed, and, as has been sals for ling animals. They were soon very tate at the Threshold of this vast we need careful thought, carefi busy, some being horses, some cows opening which lies before us, wher investigation, before coming to and some pigs. Little Johnny, howher our text step shall bring Light decision whether we shall cross eb ever, was sitting quite still in a coror Darkness into our lives. line and proceed on our pathwa ner. The teacher, thinking he was The Chamber, itself, is dark or retrace our steps.
not well, said to him: Now, and he who enters finds himself The past year has shewn us man Johnny, why don you play?
in a quand He realizes his next unforessen conditions in this cour Johnny replied: Hush, teacher, am a hen laying an egg.
few steps will be important ones, try. Who could have thought tha Invaluable for the Treatment of for as he stands at that Threshold Costa Rica would have been dom and chooses, he will either step inated by such movements as A Bashful young couple, evidently much in love, entered a into utter darkness and create evil have experienced, in industrial an Flatulence And all forms Daughter. Did Guy tell you crowded tram.
or unfortunate circumstances aro agricultural strikes, with Commi last night that he wanted to marry und him, or enter into Light and nism threatening the very found Indigestion of Stomach create fortunate surroundings fortion of our Constitutional instit mac Do you think we can squeeze himself.
Father. No dont think so. in here? he asked, looking doubtColics Disorders tions; failures in business, due tome As fas as can remember, he talk fully at her blushing face.
The crosing of the Threshold the reduction of the prices of oube.
is no mysterious occurrence, for we products; che scarcity of the alton ed quite sensibly. Don you think, dear, we had better wait until we get home?
FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES find these in our everyday life in powerful metal gold coupled widac this material world. Myriads con the hardships and stresses, placedo He Ah, darling, as we sit to was the low, embarassed reply.
front us for our careful analysis on those who trade, by the decreene MANUFACTURED BY: and decision. While some of them of that which is called the Board are trivial, there are others which of Control. and many other pecuny are all important and need most liar conditions which have beepei SAN JOSE Christmas comes careful thought and meditation.
but once a greater charity and the blessing manifesting themselves in our lives. Th year. And that once happens to be that shall be bestowed will be peace, Have you ever entered an enor. All these demand a halt in ouha right around the corner now. Two happiness and plenty. Again we mous Cave, with a party of friends, footsteps on the Threshold of 1935 ar th my more days and the 25th will be say to all a right merry Xmas with for exploring purposes? How car so that we may weigh well here. So it is well that the Atlantic plenty of fun and good cheer.
eful you had to be of your foots effects of our experiences durindis Voice in keeping with the time Mrs. Ethel Mayor, 42 years husband by placing strychnine in teps at every turn. You might, at 1934 on our prosperity, on our hap the honoured custom of the Season Christmas is the most popular of age and the mother of two his food. Several appeals were any moment, have stepped on a piness and, perhaps, come to al should say to all in this Republic. and joyous of christian festivals. children, was hanged in the prison presented on her behalf but without Reptile. and no matter how trust labout face in all our transaction and in an especial manner to its commemorates the birth of Christ, at Hull, England, on Wednesday success. The last was sent by the worthy your lanterns or your guide of the past and contemplate ne patrons, subsribers and well wishers, the dawn of a new hope for the 19th. She was the first woman to Mayor of Hull to King George may be, you were apt to have actions, new accomplishments, merry and Peaceful Xmas.
world. His star is in the East, the have suffered the death penalty in and Queen Mary shortly before come upon springs of water, rocks keeping with such sad experience noticeable feature of our age Morning Star of a new day.
Those of us who have been England during the past eight the hour fixed for the execution and obstructing crevices. Aren is, that although, the conditions Christmas now has the tendency but it was refused by the Home these all Thresholds in our lives to gaged in Banana production, mus under which we live, move and of being associated with much exbe decided on? And thus we come think well what economies can Minister. Mrs. Mayor persisted to have our beings. are so vastly dif travagance and over indulgence, Mrs. Mayor was convicted in the last that she was innocent of on the throughout the course of effected in the culture and delivery ferent to those of a hundred, fifty, which is a desecration not an obser November for the murder of her the crime.
our life.
of the product in keeping with the or even twenty five years ago, yetvance. Christians should bear in young man thinks of getting new prices; those who are engage the old Christmas spirit still lives mind its true religious meaning.
married. There he stands at the in Cocoa, must watch the possibiland breathes as strong as ever. Whatever abuse there may be, Threshold of an all important ity of co operation in producing Each recurring Christmas finds us it cannot, however, be denied that problem of his life. one which is and marketing, other with the same emotions, joys and there is much real benevolence and SAN JOSE more spiritual than material, for means of coping with the low pre thrills, despite the sorrow and dis thoughtfulness of the poor and he must need listen to the dictates ces prevailing. Those who deale tress that surround us. It is a time needy at this Festal Season. Peace 150 yards South of the Central Market of The still small voice which with Coffee must do likewise)
we all look forward to, rich and and goodwill predominate our Special attention given passengers from the Atlantic impels him on, or forbids him Those in the mercantile or anyfre poor alike. It is a time we all like thoughts as they should.
crossing that Threshold. Here, if other line must do the same; whilHe First Class Accommodation to feel happy and to enjoy ourselhe be wise, be comes in contact with those interested in Real In accepting the blessings of Estagba Term Moderate 13 ves. It is a time of giving and re Christmas, we should not withEnglish Spooken his psychic self within, which urges should cope with the situation bycat ceiving, and the greater the gift, hold the obligation to love and Escarré him onward through intuition, or reducing the rentals of apartmendby the more happiness to the giver serve Him who sent them.
warns him not to cross it, but to to suit the current prices of ousin than the receiver. This is a divine Let us then, at this gladsome hesitate and further investigate; commodities; and so too must the axiom which no one with a heart time endeavour to do whatever hence we regard that still small government institute economies in voice would dare deny. For it has its good we can to those around us. from the Gleaner) Turkish parents who sell them to dwoller on the Threshold, and as ed resources.
as the guardian of the her appropriations to suit her limit foundation in the stable in Beth thus giving evidence of that charB the highest bidders.
we meditate and reason on the adity, that love, that goodwill, which CYPRUS. Brides be The buyers are mainly Arabs vices of this guide, so will our sucThese are Crucial moments On that first Christmas night are the characteristics of a Christ bought in Cyprus at prices rang. from Palestine, who, attracted by 21 mas well and truly spent.
cesses or misfortunes be.
the life of every individual; no mat of long ago, when the wise ing from 20 to 100.
the fame of the girl beauty, come Those who have been initiated ter how advanced or highly Wright, Adjutant from East adored and the angels The girls are the daughters of to the island to find brides.
into a mystical or fraternal society, volved he may be in political co sang their carrols over the crib of the Holy Infant wrapped in swald.
Lodge Holds Christmas Function know the significance of meeting nomy, he suddenly. at times, find the dweller on the Threshold just bimself on the very edge of ding cloth. the greatest gift in One is well repaid when satis was a happy procedure brought to before entering the mysterious threshold ofttimes when a crisis the world was accomplished. That fied with the procedure of events, a close as is conventional with the Chamber within. So, in standing least expected. It is then we find God gift to man. the Attorney at Law and Notary and with House No. Loyal Order of Ancient Shep on the Threshold of 1935, we feel the beauty of being well prepared gift of His only begotten Son Public. Office and Residen.
2363 of the Loyal Order of Ancient herds. ourselves confronted with To Page Christ, the Lord Jesus. And that Shepherds, when with its usual event set the example for us to ce: Upper Floor of residen.
custom, its members, with their follow in this matter of Chritsmas.
ce of the late Juan José León numerous friends, entered the To one and all we say exhibit at House of the Lord, early on Christthis Season more brotherly love and mas Day, to thank God for His past blesings.
For the writer, it is not too much to say that, for a period of more Banco del Estado State Bank than twenty years, his soul was not COLON President Ricardo constituted a violation of Costa so gloriously blessed, as under the Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue Jimenez of Costa Rica is to be the Rican sovereignty.
refreshing sermon delivered recipient of a copy of the Para The film includes shots of the that service by the Rev. Bemount Film shot recently on. Coco camp set up by the Britishers; The Se complace en anunciar al Begs to announce to the rry blended, as it was, with the Island covering the arrest of the arrival of che punitive expedition lovely Yuletide hymns of old, público la apertura de su Public the opening of its Treasure Recovery Ltd. expedition sent from the mainland under the which indeed brought into effect aries who were interrupted some command of Colonel Paniagua, many happy reflections. The mornweeks ago by the Costa Rican and many angles of the picturesque government forces on the grounds island which is still a lure for ing, too, was unusually beautiful; and the bowing fronds of the palm that the expedition was illegal and treasure seekers of all nationalities.
trees, towering above the gableshaped roofs of adjacent buildEN LA IN THE The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Miground of a clean and radiant sky nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be lent to nature one of the most faserved on your arrival. Price 2. 50 (Costa Rica money. Res cinating pictures ever imagined.
taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo After the Benediction, the return ken, Se habla español. On parle Francais, Man Spricht march, led by music, was para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service made Deutsch.
along various streets and on arrivservicio bancario. KISSLING Rendered.
Manager ing at the Hall, all partook of the good things there provided. Thus Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
BRIDES FOR SALE ol can men Albino Villalobos was So it was many Banco Internacional de Costa Rica COCO ISLE NEWS REFL at SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT ing silhouetted against the backCIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON


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