
jaturday, December 29 1934. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA 934 War Dept. Urges Military Increase MEXICO FOR MEXICANS PROTECT your health and save time and money. BAYER) AFIASPIRINA 55 tha Hop Lee Lung co Tokens of Gratitude reThe Threshold of 1935 Bonilla y Co. comat the Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
WASHINGTON. An imMEXICO, City. Acting on for every class of concession. Only mediate increase in the strength of his policy of Mexico for the Mexicans, by birth, may serve in the regular army to 14, 000 officers Mexicans, President Cardenas Mexican Merchant Marine, Army, land 165, 000 enlisted men is sought 5, has decreed that Mexicans must be Export and Customs Offices, and by the United States War Departgiven preference in all official they are to enjoy complete preferment. Secretary Dern has issued a concessions. The Decree stated ence over foreigners in government summary of his annual report on Mexicans shall be preferred to jobs.
the War Department in which he are foreigners in equal circumstances listed the recommendations to which to he desired particular emphasis given. In addition to the desired infor Headache, Neuralgia, creases in the army personnel, other recommendations included a purRheumatism, etc.
chasing programme to be initiated Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes immediately to provide the army with a minimum of 320 serviEl más surtido en Matina ceable military airplanes within the next three years; appropriation of SHONG LUNG FAI Cuba threatened Anew funds to complete the mortization In my wife s, our children and tention, throughout the period of LIMON my own name, use this means to my lengthened stay under their VIENNA. fresh roundup and mechanization of the army in show our everlasting gratitude to care, and to say how sincerely HAVANA. The government of Nazis in Upper Austria has re accordance with the programmes Licores Dr. Salisbury for the notable appreciate all the kindnesses shewn sty made a swift move against the sulted in about 200 arrests on char outlined by Chief of Staff Mc Artículos del País skill with which he conquered the me by the general staff of eme timeat of another revolution in Cu ges of secret re organization of Arthur; funds available for the dba. Wholesale arrests of opposi suppressed institutions. Two of annual training of at least 30, 000 Los precios más very dangerous and painful disease ployees of the Hospital.
of chat placed me at death door. further wish to specially return Officers; acceleration etion leaders have been announced those held are suspected of being reserve bajos.
We also extend our gratefulness my most heartfelt thanks to Mr. including twenty two communists. go betweens with Nazis in Ber the army housing programme; Manzana 23 20 Total arrests have already exceeded lin.
vision of the army promotion systo Doctors Oreamuno and Gamboa, Johnston for the very helpcredone hundred and twenty five. The tem to relieve the present stagnaLote número as well as to Miss Agnes Done ful interest he displayed for my gan, Miss Melba John, Miss Na welfare. My grateful thanks are Hoan Army was reported to have been Russia Threatens Commercial tion.
talie Kingman, Miss Thea Hoff also tendered the many friends Pecin rolved, eight ex army officers Invasion mann and to the employees of this who, in different ways, expressed bed being among the scores seized.
Hospital, who bestowed on me the so much interest in me.
Live They were held on the nominal LONDON. It is announced most tender and effective care.
Avis Lecky ou charge of meeting without a mili that Russia is completing plans for At the same time we want to Cartago, December 1934.
193 tary permit. The twenty two com flooding the European markets munists were charged with inciting with cheap merchandise during the From Page stones leading to higher successes show our deep appreciation to those friends who, by visits, letters and Grand Xmas most ta disorders among sugar workers in coming year. This decision is re and forewarned, by constant train for the production of the Tha the Camaguey province. garded as a reply on the part of the ing, to apprehend these approach harmonious manifestations of hap telegrams, have manifested their New Year Concert Soviet State to the refusal of Euro ing changes, and so guard oursel piness, prosperity and health in our interest for my health.
Emilio Echeverria pean Countries to conclude ves against errors of judgments, lives for the New Year.
Under the auspices of mercial agreements with her.
errors of thoughts and acts. May every reader of the Atlan de Hospital, THE MEN MONTHLY Abarrotes. Mercadería en The year 1935 will, it is said by tic Voice be prepared for any Limon, December 1934.
MEETING ASSOCIATION general Infirm Prince to Marry philosophers, be a year of great and every contingency arising and Venta al por Mayor y changes, hence it is our duty to be command, thereby, the greatest Not having had the opportunity, Little by little the world learns Menor LONDON Prince Jaime, on the lookout for such changes, amount of Contentment and Hap prior to my departure from Limon, more about the past with its Agentes exclusivos de la fa second son of former King Alfon and, if possible, anticipate them; piness in his or her environment.
of personally doing so, desire, in historic grandeur mosa mantequilla y queso so of Spain, who relinquished his and by such anticipation, change this manner, to express my lifelong This Grand Xmas New ROSSI y Co. claim to the fallen Spanish throne the evil consequences into stepping Philosophus gratitude to Drs. Salisbury, Orea Year Concert Finca Saborio because of infirmities, has won the muno and Gamboa for the very hand of a beautiful Italian nobleskilful anner in which they cured METHODIST CHURCH Ex Pres. Herrera Injured woman. His fiance is 20 year old me of the serious illness from which LIMON Emanuela Da Dampierre, whose recently suffered. LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES) NEW YORK. Alberto He ancestry is partly American. The It is also my wish to assure Miss Wednesday, January 2nd. 1935 darrera, former President of Cuba, betrothal was the climax of three Donegan, Miss Kingman, Miss is in a French Hospital suffering months of whirlwind courtship.
Hoffmann and Miss John of the affords another opportunity from a fractured skull. General Although a deaf mute, the 26 year very deep sense of gratefulness Admission by programme Herrera, who was President of Cu old scion of Royalty pressed his SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS shall ever feel towards them, for Adults 25. Children 10 La for a few hours after the abdi suit fervendly until he won both LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS their personal and sympathetic atbation of Machado, was run down the affection of the charming Emahelby an automobile as he was cros nuela and her family concent to 11 de Enero 1935 On the Sick List Du sag Broadway at Sixth Avenue. the match.
It is with regret we record the Matina. Mr. Ismael Murray. We th Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST illness of our esteemed and ener trust he will soon be restored to Compañía Ultramar getic Agent and Correspondent at his good health.
Agentes Generales Belgrade. Two million reserve Napoleon unpublished love letFELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
poldiers of Jugoslavia, men between ters to his Empress, Marie Louise.
Sub Agentes on ki and 55 years of age, have taken LIMON PUNTARENAS e solemn oath of loyalty to little DUBLIN. Defiant in her Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón King Peter 11.
persistent battle for complete in.
Para EUROPA (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, LONDON. The French the country, in a new and bold government has paid 75, 000 for gesture against subjection to AMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO)
the In consequence of the intense bers of the Society of Daughters three hundred and eighteen of English Sovereign.
lactivity of Communism the world of the Revolution. CORDILLERA. Enero 1935 over, and as a result of immense KRETA Enero 19 1935 NEUTRAL POLICY TO BE DEFINED progress of the movement in North America, a Special Committee has WASHINGTON. The in time of war, was described as been named by the House of ReSALOMON CHING WE LEE Para GUATEMALA Bountry definition of neutrality, pure speculation. The importan presentatives of the United States Estrada (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON Band its probable line of conduct, ce of such an announcement on to enquire into Communist PropaIn case of a war in which it is or is world politics is well understood ganda in that country, with a Abarrotes y Licores CORDILLERA. Diciembre 31 not involved, will be sent forth at the State department.
view of combatting the evil.
is an official pronouncement as Artículos del País SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS The Presient and Vice President foloon as studies, now going on at of the American Federation of Precios Econónicos Para cualquier clase de Informes, dirigirse a: fethe State Department, are concludLabour will give evidence before Hapag Lloyd Felipe Alvarado Cia pidit has been announced. Secretthe Committee, as well as members LA IBERIA thry Hull indicated that the admi.
Agencia Costa Rica Sucs.
of the American Legion and memSua loni. Tolófono 2088 LIMON bristration felt a real need for some FRANK MADURO Jr.
buch expression of policy this Prop.
RECLAMACIONES CIVILES ime. At the same time he warned nes está relacionada con el procedimiento instituído en los Tribunales against too definite predictions of UEVA YORK, 27 Las re federales por la Agwi Navigation what this policy would be. Reports Best native lumber, PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad. slippery bottom of the capsized clamaciones por el desastre del Company, propietarios, y la New York that the United States would Morro Castle, cuyo incendio and Cuba Mail Steanship Co. armaabandon its traditional position of at moderate prices Dec. The Captain and a sea boat.
costó la vida a 124 personas frente dores del buque del siniestro, al obman of the Schooner Unity a la costa de Jersey en septiembre jeto de limitar las responsabilidades Hermanding freedom of the Seas. reached safety as a reward for a The Unity was a fishing boat. larse hasta el 30 de enero, según intereses que tenían en el buque y la último, posiblemente podrán formu por los daños a la cantidad de los 21 mile swin through waters infest. It was hit by a heavy squall. Its anunció Charles Hagan, especial carga al terminar el viaje.
Christmas Fatalities ed with sharks and even more dan lifeboat was carried away in the mente designado por los Tribunales base de esta limitación, las obligerous barracudas. Meanwhile all first blast. The schooner lurched federales para que reciba las reclama gaciones civiles de las compañías The Christmas Festivities in New motor car accidents, twenty two as shipping in the vicinity of Trinidad heavily and its ballast tumbled out ciones.
no excederían de 14. 238 dólares 14 fork are responsible, it is reported the result of fires, seven from air and Tobago were warned to look of place to one side of the hold.
Se ha explicado que la amplia centavos, según se tiene entendido.
no less than two hundred lives. plane accidents and twenty four out for the other five members of The little craft failed to straighten los últimos momentos por el juez fe varios centenares de reclamaciones ción del plazo ha sido ordenada en Por otra parte, se han presentado of this amount, twenty five were commited suicide.
the crew who were last seen two up and, under further pounding by deral Robert Patterson por un total que pasa del millón de assinated, eighty the victims of days previously, clinging to the the gale, turned bottom up. La presentación de las reclamacio dólares.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Vapor COLOMBIA Hamburg. Amerika Linie dependence, the Irish Free State Communism in United States Maduro Lumber Yad ac SWIN FOR LIFE


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