
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THIE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Ano No. 26 Price: 15 per copy Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, January 1935 NEW YEAR THOUGHTS RESOLUTIONS OUR AVIATION SERVICE RESUMED News From The Point us Owes to was one TO Function In Honour of President Postponed ships In consequence of the refusal laid out.
We have passed the holiday not but join in the thought and of Mrs. Jimenez, the Executrix of There are several occupiers of The Obseryant Pointer season when the majority of the remind our readers that unques. the estate of the late Dr. Panfilo chis Beach land, principally East peoples of the world give vent to tionably, each one of amicable Indians, who have settled there It has been a busy week and you are wearing the insignia of their pent up emotions, so far as something to others, and that each alverde, to come to an setalement re the price of the strip with their coconut groves; they are write my article with the feeling. Major. Brush up on the billiards, expressions of good intentions and one of us is enjoying benefits and celebration of kindly greetings and blessings which we can share with of land occupied by the Munici. being paid at the rate of five colo that much has gone on and much though.
good wishes are concerned. We others and we should do so. We pality as its Aviation ground here, nes per coconut tree, as well as for has been seen.
the government decided to con other fruit trees in production and The home of Mr. and Mrs.
are now face to face with serious should regard ourselves only as On Saturday night December 22 Johnson, American Vice Conthoughts of propositions and pro Trustees for the divine dispensa struct a new Base just a half mile the cost for the removal of any ahead of the ground in dispute. houses they may have erected the Joseph Dudleys entertain sul, was the scene of a cocktail blems to be solved to meet the un tion of such blessings.
All during the Christmas season within the thousand meters run.
God and all nature require hued a group of friends to buffet party on Christmas Eve. This is the stainties, which lie before us in All the settlers are perfectly sa supper in honor of Miss Christine first time have seen the family y pathway for the year 1935. man channels through which the our indefaticable Comandante, Mr.
And here let us consider a very great work of the universal bene Campos, has been working hard tisfied and are willing to do anyth. Fossel who is visiting at their home. since their return and it was a most proper occasion.
propriate question: Why dictions can be carried out. Each and fast, with a gang of about ing to help the government to solve five men, making a new this vexed problem. Hence within The Province of Turrialba was should the Ist. of January have one of us is a channel, therefore, twenty Hatchifield two or three months from now we represented in Limon in the person Christmas Eve dance was held been selected as the beginning of for the dissemination of that which Mr. Hatch and Mr. War shall have a much more efficient and of Billy Crawford who spent the at the Community House under the year? This is more than any God intends each one of us ren Prince, Engineers of the Unit convenient accommodation for four weekend around the Point. the direction of Mr. Sullivan, sane and reasonable person can enjoy. Certainly joy and happinessed Fruit Company, located and or five airplanes at a price weli explain.
are the most essential things in Manager. Music was furnished by The annual school play was given Limon Orchestra conducted by There was a movement on foo: life. often enjoyed in abundance laid out the new field, and threw within ten thousand colones, wherethe full force, weight and fury of as the lady in question had de by the children on December 22 Robotham. The music, combined some few years ago to institute the by many, but found wanting in Mr. Campas gang on it, with the manded 67, 000 for a strip of 800 and the attendance should have with the Christmas spirit. was in year with thirteen months com the lives of many more.
been most gratifying to the spon every way fine and the last pair of mencing from 1933, and it Let us work, not only on that result that on Wednesday last, the Imetres by 40 metres wide.
hoped that January would have which we call the New Year 2nd. instant, the regular service This new ground was the project sors. The smooth performance show dancing feet did not leave the floor become the tenth instead of the first Day but ever onward, throughouted once again on the beach.
of Macaya Airways was establish of our genial Asst. Manager of ed that a tremendous amount of until the vicinity of 2:00 the United Fruit Co. who wen: work had been put in by both month, but as there was so much the year, to bring Light, Joy and On Christmas night the Krauth In the meantime the construc himself in company with Mr. Prin teachers and the little actors. family entertained a ecclesiastical opposition to the sche Happiness in the lives of those group of me it appears to be now almost less fortunate than ourselves. tion of the base is being perfected. ce and surveyed the site. It should, great success would say. friends to dinner. HatchOne thousand metres of track by therefore, be named.
Every life, after all, is a mission, hundred metres in width is field.
Too bad it rained so hard SunThe first of January is midsea. we live for an end, let us make Over a score of people gathered day night just when the Christmas at the Stenographer House on son, midwinter and far removed that end the obtaining of the most from the re birth of the year, and from life. The most from life, carols were being sung. The rain the evening of December 24 however did not dampen the sin celebrate the coming of the great the re birth of life throughout na however, is not merely the physical ture as made manifest in or about requirements, but the mental and We are requested to state that been held this evening, in his honger spirits and the program was day. Everyone was called upon to carried through. These Christmas do their stuff in the form of a the Spring Equinox in March. In spiritual things.
owing to the visit of Mrs. Sacasa, our, is, in consequence, postponed carols are beatiful things and cer speech and it was surprising to find many Oriental countries the month Things which are worth obtain the wife of the President of our to next Saturday, the 12th.
of March is regarded as the proper ing require an expenditure of time neighbouring Republic of Nicara We understand that the services tainly awaken the lonesome feeling how many toastmasters were prestime for the celebration of the and effort. It is the law of con gua, and the many engagements to of the Salvadoreñican Marimba Christmas time for those of us that somehow creeps in around ent.
beginning of a new year. as it is trasts, of opposits, which make which he has at this time to attend, have been engaged for the occasion, who are separated from our fami We have with us once more Sr.
then that a new season begins and lif interesting active, enjoyable. don Ricardo Jimenez has been un and that about one hundred guests lies.
Fernando Soto. Fernando left the new life comes forth after the long It is the annoyance of darkness able to leave San Jose; the Ban are expected to be present at the sleep and change of 1933 but the Company service nature which makes Light so appreciable quet and dance which was to have banquet.
throughout the period of winter. It is pain and a troubled spirit It is rumored that George Maale call is too strong and he returned However, as the leaders of Religion that cause us to seek and then shows a strong liking for the En to the fold just in time to particiglish boats and even goes so far pate in the Christmas celebration.
as well as those of our Civic af enjoy bodily pleasures. It is also We beg to call your attention to our remark as to prefer them to the New York Too bad to leave those San Jose fairs deem fit to continue in this the sacrifices in life that make the old idea of setting apart this day, periods of enjoyment so gratifyat the back of receipt which reads: fiestas though, Fernando.
late in the fall, to give thanks to ing, and cause the ultimate awards God for whatever may have been of effort and service to be so worth This bill must The OBSERVANT POINTER be paid at our And we went to the Phipps at our fortunes or misfortunes during while. Place yourself in the other announces that, if it can possibly 9:00 on the morning of the 25th be arranged, his or her photograph and office before the 15th of the month che at 10:30 we went to the past cycle of time of 365 days, fellow stead in your thoughts will be published in the following Hatch s, and were those egg nogs and to ask for further blessings and you will surely realize how during the succeding cycle, we can appreciable your help will be. Be so good as to comply with this request issue. This is all dependent on the good!
photographer, and fell quite sure and do not oblige us to suspend our service, it will be of interest to readers of welcome is extended to the the column.
a step which we would much regret to take.
several members of the Johnston Compañía Eléctrica de Limón The Caribbean Club entertain family who arrived at Limon from ed to Open House on Monday various parts of this small world.
December 24th. The affair, held in The Jamaica Burial Scheme The Costa Rican Association the Community House, was May record the little dinner Association. recently organized and was the first to be organized as an CHRISTMAS IN LIMON charge of a most able committee party given by the Robert Eustace formally inaugurated a few weeks undenominational entity, and for and from every angle was most at their home on the night of the ago, is, apparently becoming the some time enjoyed a very favour Due no doubt to the high ex. Peoples House of Mr. Jack appreciated. 25th.
most attractive organization of its able reputation, and was largely pectations for better times during Orane and the Little Paris of kind here, that is, if we have not patronized; latterly, however, it the year we have just entered, as a Mrs. Jack DePass were well up in Limon beckons and in they misinterpreted the many comments has lost much of its influence and result of the signing of the Conces the run for first place among the The OBSERVANT POINTER come, the señores Franklin Venegas we have heard.
many of its members. This, we sion for the improvement of our smaller establishments. On the makes a hearty welcome to Bud and Alex Gilmore.
According to these comments, understand, has been due, in asion for the improvement o four whole, this Season has shewn a dy Hatch, a flying visitor to our which have come from various large measure, to certain unfortun Banana Industry, there a more marked improvement in the metropolis. If had known you sources, it is generally expected ate characteristics of some of the marked change in the hilarity of commercial life of our community were coming Buddy, you small group of friends gatherwould ed at the home of Joe Dudley Wed.
that this new Association will even more prominent members of the four citizens this Season.
than has been the case since 1930. have caught last week issue. nesday night to do him honor on tually supercede the others because governing body, which did From Christmas eve there could The only disappointment expe. Here hoping that the next time his coming into his. birthday.
of the greater guarantee and con permit them, apparently, to give be observed a most happy go lucky rienced however, was the almost trol which, it is said, its constitu that amount of consideration to spirit among all classes, with much entire absence of hams, due to the tion affords over the local govern the individual rights and interests visiting of homes. During the night extra duty placed by the govern ing body and also from the fact of the general body of members the that a large majority of its mem which is always so essential for the denced, while many dances. and bers will be enabled to enjoy its successful administration of asso held in different centres, and at the fact that we are not yet in a benefits should they return to Ja ciations of this class. Much dissa the services to celebrate the Birth, position to manufacture anything On Thursday last Mr. for Tela, Honduras, to occupy a maica, their home land.
tisfaction consequently ensued with the Churches were well attended. of the kind. There were no impor Baron, a legal adviser of the similar position. Although he has present, three the ultimate drifting of members On Christmas morning. The tations, and the few which were United Fruit Company, who was been here for but a short period. Burial Scheme Associations to other organizations.
New Hope and Lilly Shepherd stil in stock bore fabulous prices attached to this division for about Mr. Hatch has, nevertheless, by functioning here: The Catholic. There is quite sufficient room Lodges brought large crowds to the prohibitive to the working class. six months, left for Bogota, Co his kind and genial characteristics, the Costa Rica and the Jamai for the successful functioning of Wesleyan and Baptist Churches In spite also of the scarcity of lombia, where he will continue in gained a host of friends and his ca.
the three Associations in our midst; respectively while the Star of cash, the Season was a very merry the service of the Company. Mr. leaving, at this time, will be reThe Catholic Association is the and it is hoped that those respon. Bethlehem attended at St. Mark one, full of comradeship, and there Le Baron was largely identified greted by many. It is expected that oldest, but due, until somewhat sible for directing their affairs will is great optimism for better times with the negotiations which even his place will be filled by Mr.
recently, to its denominational char henceforth devote their activities The stores all did a fair amount in 1935. More work is expected tually culminated in the approval, Earle Ames, who was here acter, its activities were greatly toward the best interests of each, of business. To a careful observer, and although it is well known there by Congress, of the new contract years ago.
circumscribed. Since, however, its and that they will, by eliminating it was evident that Mr. Thomas wont be high wages, there will be for the improvement of our Banlimitation in this respect has been their individual inclinations or retail establishment must have the opportunity for obtaining em ana Industry.
The Atlantic Voice wishes moved, its membership and in desires, think only and always for done easily, for the fortnight ployment by those who really wish also stated that Mr. Mr. Le Baron and Mr. Hatch fluence have shewn much improv the greatest good for the greatest around Xmas, an average of sev to work with a consequent increase Hatch, the division Assistant every success in their new fields of Inumber.
eral thousand colones daily. The in the circulation of cash. Manager, will be leaving shortly labour.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Our Burial Scheme Associations in was not same comradeship was evi. ment on the products of the Hos CHANGES AMONGU. CO OFFICIALS There are, at some It ment.

    Working Class

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