
Saturday, January 1935 LODGE INSTALLATION IMPORTANT DECISION BY SECOND COURT OF APPEALS SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments not The appeal against the judgment of the Judge Cruz, particularly that by which Invaluable for the Treatment of Indigestion new COLOURED JAMAICAN SUCCEEDS IN RUSSIA LITTLE PARIS dead one.
Tuesday Ist. January, the first claborate feast was prepared, and regular meeting of the Concordia a very enjoyable evening was spent, Lodge of the Independent United amid the fine expressions of conOrder of Mechanics, witnessed the gratulations showered on the pres BOOTH vs. DALEY installation of the Officers elected lent and outgoing Officers as well to serve for the year 1935.
THE RIGHT SALTS The case brought by Phillip, obtaining a judgment in favour of as on the enthusiasm of the mom The ceremony was a most im bers, whose steadfastness of pur Booth, the proprietor of The his client. In their judgment, the pressive one, carried out in its full pose resulted in the construction People Bakery against Charles Judges not only revoked the senRites by Bro. Nation, Past of the beautiful structure which Daley of this city for False Propa tence of the Criminal Court but Grand Master of the Costa Rica housed the lodge, the purchase of ganda came on for hearing before acquitted Daley from all punishthe three Judges of the Second ment and responsibility, District, ably assisted by his former another property and the putting Court of Appeals in San Jose on The Court, however, did Grand Secretary, Bro. Jim. Wood, by of a comfortable deposit, well and Bros. Domian, Past Master up in the four figures, in the Royal the 12th December.
make any pronouncement on arwas made by Daley tain points submitted by Mr.
of La Fraternidad; Fow Bank of Canada, coupled with an ler and Oscar McRae, Past Mas enthusiastic membership of ovet of the Criminal Court here, by he sought to have the charges ters of the Concordia; and Bar: fifty strong.
which he was convicted and sen brought by Booth against his client ley and Banton, Past Masters of tenced to three years imprisonment declared slanderous. It is expectthe Mizpah.
hoitaal La Fraternidad who are hous Flatulence And all forms There was a in San Lucas or to pay a fine of red that an appeal might be made fairly large crowded in the same building, will carry 2, 431. 00 to the Court of Casacion in this of Stomach of visiting Brothers whose presen out the installation of their offs Daley appeal was based on the respect so as to enable Daley, ce added much to the ceremony. cers on Saturday the 12th instant ground that he had been previously should he succeed, to claim dama. Colics Disorders Those who took over the reins when an entirely new regime wi tried for the same offence by the ges from Booth.
of government for the ensuing term take office. This should undout Judge of the Police Court. The Our sincere congratulations to were Bros. Smith, Worthy tedly infuse new blood and matter was placed in the hands of don Antonio for the success he is FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Master. Tom Bowry, Deputy endeavours into the Sister Lodge.
Lic. Antonio Cruz, who after a having before the Courts of the Master; Stephenson and Those to be installed are: Bros.
very careful study of the case. Republic, successes which should Blake, Senior and Junior Deacons Tomas Ponce, Worthy Master; MANUFACTURED BY: presented the facts in such a clear claim the attention of those requir.
respectively; Henry, Secretary: Rafael Rojas, Deputy Master; Juan and convincing manner on the day ing the services of a fully qualified Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa Goulbourne, Treasurer and de Dios Ramirez, Senior Deacon; of hearing that he succeeded in and rising Attorrey.
Cecil Davis, Tyler.
Carlos Montoya, Junior Deacon; SAN JOSE As this ceremony dovetailed with jose Angel Chavez, Secretary; Jose the twentyseventh anniversary of Baltodano, Treasurer and Jose the existence of the Lodge a most iLuis Carballo, Tyler.
Forescasting Better Times.
Motor Traffic Takes Heavy Toll Mexico Pursues Anti Religious From Page the backward or rural districts not Campaign HARTFORD At least By a news article appearing in a elected on the vote of the 17, 000 traders. and the old order is fairly always carried out. The factories, where the cultural as well as the 36, 000 persons in the United complete.
recent issue of The Panama Tri workers of the local ball bearing SONORA. Three thousand bune, it is observed that Mr. plant.
Religious sects are States were killed in automobile federal troops have been converg.
allowed free economic life centers, now are re. accidents during 1934 according ing on the towns of Sounthern Robert Robinson, a native of the Mr. Robinson is 30 years old dom of worship, but can not give quired, by official order, to proIsland of Jamaica, was recently and was formerly attached to the alms, aid in any sociological enter vide kindergartens. Recently, Stalin to statistics compiled by the Trav. Sonora as the governmene prepared in the Party ellers Insurance Company. The to quel what it believed was a wide elected by a unanimous vote to the Ford Plant in Detroit, United prise, or teach religion (While no and high officials religious training is allowed in found many of their younger as.
under death and injury lists for the year spread revolutionary plot Moscow City Council. He was States. He went to Russia in 1930. churches or schools, Churchmen cir sistants far better versed in dialec. shewed the highest point in des organization by the Ctisteros of cumvent this prohibition by select tical materialism and Marxian truction on streets and highways. Followers of Christ. It was claim personed that this organization was planing young men as wards, and in philosophy than in spelling and The record disclosed one itiating them into church doctrine writing. Searching criticism of the killed every 15 minutes and one ning to seize control of the West and ritual. Editor. text books and methods brought injured every 31 seconds. coast of Mexico.
The power of the church has about a new emphasis on fundaAt Coyoacan one hundred red TIENDA DE NOVEDADES been broken, and the issue is a mentals. The Russians boast that Court Declares Nudism Not Lead shirted young revolutiotaries in.
vaded the Catholic Church shout.
third every person is studying or, Ha recibido un ENORME y BELLO SURTIDO de have heard many discussions as as expressed by one student, every: Division of the State Supreme five persons and wounded several NEW YORK. The Appellate ing Death to the Church killed to what will emerge in its place. one has a book in one hand and a The worship of Lenin and Com gun in the other. Knowing only Court. by a vote of four to one, others. Angered residents of the para hombres, mujeres y niños, seleccionados por la dueña Da. Silvia munism is sometimes called the new one philosophy, that of Communhas upheld a contention that Nn rown later overpowered the police religion.
ism, the youth of Russia surges de Pass, a los precios más bajos, en los Estados Unidos.
dism is not lewd and punishable and charged into the attackets Despite outside skepticism, there forward with assurance. over as a misdemeanor. In New York severely beating one of the Red is no official hesitancy in recogniz 100, 000, 000 strong under the age first Court test of Nudism, a Shirts.
ing differences in ability, personal of thirty. Everyone is working for verdict of the Court of Special possessions, likes and dislikes, and a common definite ideal the sessions against three leaders of the Imprenta Borrasé Hermanos no disposition to collectivize human building of Socialism and there movement was reversed.
affections. Stalin has said that delis no hiatus between their ideas BAJOS PRECIOS LA SITUACION MEXICANA personalization in labor and equa and the lives they are living. One ONDRES, Sir Philip Sea México, Los incidentes sanlitarianism in wages son, sub Secretario del Aire, grientos se repiten frecuentemente, moved. Already there is a wage the happiness of the young people. comunes que el gobierno tiene enciones. El Presidente Cárdenas, con anunció en la Cámara de los aunque ninguno de mayores proporWish Continue Programme) scale running from 100 rubles and universal desire for learning estudio un plan de desenvolvimiento un espíritu de justicia que no des Notwithstanding the serious loss ary passengers by the Pan Ameri. monthly to 1, 000 for factory hands, and expressione del correo aéreo imperial que permi dice sus ideas revo ucionarias, ha Dr. Forsythe and Mr. Anderson, can Airways.
or topgrade engineers and profes One of the first edicts of the tirá el transporte de toda la corres comprendido que las asociaciones del the Pan American Goodwill Aviat The sional workers. By equality, Mar Bolsheviks, following their assump pondencia de primera clase. El plan partido revolucionario tienen gran Aviators are at presenxisen means the abolition of classes, tion of power, related to the self exige un aumento del servicio así culpa en esos incidentes, por lo cual ors, have suffered by the destruc staying at Port of Spain, Trinidad, the emancipation of all toilers from determination of racial and natio como de la expediciones.
ha girade instrucciones para que nm tion of their plane, the intrepid and have asked that al communiDe acuerdo con el plan, dijo Phi, guna agrupación pueda tomar activiFliers are willing to continue with Ications be sent them in the care of exploitation, the abolition of priv. nal minority groups. 150 or more lip que el franqueo de la correspon. dades sin someter sus programas a la ate property in the means of pro in number. Localism was to be en cia aérea sea aproximadamente el de Directiva del Partido Revolucionario their programme in so far as it Mr. Cipriani.
duction, and the equal right of all couraged with cultural and lingual la ordinaria. Agregó que el plan de la cual suprimirá todas aquellas maunder their changed conditions.
may be possible for them to do so! Since losing the plane they visitcoilers to work according to their jautonomy. The new culture was to pende de la cooperación de todos niobras que no tengan un fin de üti With this end in view Mr. where they were enthusiastically according to their requirements.
ed Georgetown, British Guiana, Jability, or to receive a minimum, be national in forn, but proletarian los gobiernos del Imperio. lidad práctica y que tiendan a profun Las rutas que se encuentran en dizar las divisiones nacionales, estudio son: Louis Deveaux, the Haitian Con received by the leading cititens.
La protestas mundiales por la sul in British Guiana, who is tak. Acting Governor and Lady Dos Assault on Illiteracy significant recent development Desde Inglaterra a la India, en dos nueva persecusión religiosa ha in is the growing feeling of national dias y algunas horas; al Africa Orien fluído mucho en el ánimo del nuevo ing an active interest in the matter, glas Jones received them at Gov.
solidarity. and wide spread interest, tal, en dos días; a la Ciudad de Ca Presdente, quien por lo visto, parece has sent out an appeal, through ernment House and later a civic che Panama Tribune, welcome was given in the Town! Recently there has been a renew. In things Russian. Wich considerable bo y Singapoore, ambas en cuatro que será verdadero presidente de Me días; a Australia, en siete días. Po xico ed amphasis on mass education and rapidity the far flung parts of the siblemente se harán cinco yuelos se LOS BOLIVIANOS DEL EXTERIOR In his letter published in the Hall Tribune issue of the 23rd. De We gladly publish this informa she elimination of illiteracy. Com:Union are being welded into a mo. manales a la India; tres a Singapoo Antofagasta, Todos los ciu cember, Mr. Deveaux suggests the tion in the hope that something pulsory elementary education nowdern hationalistic unit with pride in re y al Africa Oriental, y dos a Su dadanos bolivanos residentes aquí, hasta de 43 años de edad, están par coloured populace in the principal may be done along the lines indi is the official policy. The quality, Russian products, and belief that ráfrica y Australia.
however, frequently is poor, and in everything Russian is best.
El sub Secretarlo dijo que no po tiendo hacia su patria, en respuesta cities, not yet visited by the Avia cated by Mr. Deveaux to enable dia dar más detalles porque ellos de al llamado de novi zación general tors, should get together and form the Goodwill Fliers to visit our International Military Force makes penden de las negociaciones con los que ha hecho su gobierno, lamado Committees for the raising of Republic, where we are sanguine Russian Executions Continue demás gobiernos, como tampoco la que ha hallado eco en todos los bo Show to Impress Saarlanders livianos residentes en Chile. Entre los fecha de inauguración del pian funds to defray the expenses which they would be sincerely welcomed!
MOSCOW. Fourteen addi Creen que han de transcurrir dos centenares de bolivianos que regte would be involved by such visits, not only by those who happen to tional defendants held for sum años para que los nuevos servicios san, Fgura el ex Ministro boliviano SAARBRUCKEN. show as the Doctor and Mr. Anderson be racially connected with them but of military force to impress the mary trial before the military se encuentren en pleno funcionamien Luis Abelli, de 50 años, quien re would mainly be travaling as ordin by every Costa Rican.
Collegium of the Supreme Court to.
presentó al gobierno de La Paz en Saarlanders and halt increasing will be shot for the assassination Terminó manifestando que el fran Washington y fue también Ministro violence in this danger spot of of Kirov according to queo de y medio peniques. o sea, de Hacienda durante el gobierno de Europe was ordered by the League newspaper tres centavos) no entraría en vigor Presidente Salamanca. Abelli of ation Authorities. The allied reports.
también miembro de la comisión de antes de 1937.
ESTIMADO DE LA COSECHA DE neutrales en Washington de 1933.
El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en Si army will pass in parade before TRIGO EN ARGENTINA El ex Ministro Abeli taldrá de quirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan almorzar Knox and other high officials. The Buenos Aires, Se ha dado a Valparaíso el 15 de Enero dejando cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para que sea aten Italians, Swedes, Dutch and Britla publicidad el primer estimado. su fami ia en Santiago. Su esposa dido a la llegada. El precio es 50. El Restaurant queda a la es una dama norteamericana, derecha de la Estación. Cantina, Cigarros y Cigarillos. Se habla ish, with full fighting equipment Cantina. Posada y Cafetería ficial acerca de las cosechas que se and bayonets glistening, will swing esperan durante la corecha de inglés, español, francés y alemán.
nombre de soltera era Crystal Hy Feline Wing Ching 1934 35.
land y quien se distinguió por su KISSLING through the main streets in the Asartado 9 Según las cifras oficiales, créese discursos ante los clubs de mujeres Administrador most impressive military display que la cosecha del trigo será de de Estados Unidos en favor de Jon this front since the world war.
Limón Costa Rica C. 860. 000 toneladas TELAYOq ram Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
JUGUETES REGALOS THOUGH PLANE DESTROYED GOOWILL AVIATORS must be recan not help bue be impressed by in content fne Restaurant Siquirres ETC hallo Blanco cuyo

    BolshevismEnglandKirovLeninSocialismSpainStalinViolenceWorld War

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