
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, January 12 1935.
The Insulls Win Again SAL UVINA For Liver Yes. retorted his wife. You and Stomach Ailments Hereby Hangs Tale he kiss me or die in the attempt Indigestion up their SOCIAL ITEMS can just dealt.
Man, Know Thyself a few Applicant for situation: ve come about that job wot was ad.
Martin Insull was acquitted. This is the third case which they vertised.
on the 21 st. December, byt have defended, and have won.
Employer: Well can you do jury of a Federal Court at Chicago. The jury, composed of merchants the work?
on charges of fraudulent use of the business and tradesmen, del Applicant: Work; thought it United States mail, in puss rated for stand three quarter was a foreman you wanted.
THE RIGHT SALTS the sale of Securities at a time tours and fmally returned a ver when he and his associates knew dict of freedom they found ought to have something to their business was crumbling to that Martin was pat guilty of say about the expenditure in this pieces, and for robbing his clients stealing the sum of 344, 720 from house, said the angry husband.
of fabulous sums of money. the Middle West Utilities Co. of make the money, don I?
which concern he was the President As is well known the Insulls to carry on his private stock make money, but, remember, organized business transactions by change operations.
make it stretch.
which the public lost many billions On hearing the verdict Martin Invaluable for the Treatment of of dollars; and when the failure hugged his brother Samuel Grace: Last night, George said most came, the gigantic scheme of fi pathetically and tears were un nanciering was declared to be a controllable between both old men, Gwen: Did he kiss you?
fraudulent deal. Several were The Middle West Co. is a con Grace: Well, he was alive this Flatulence Preacher conducting a mission, morning.
And all forms arrested but Samuel Insull escaped cern which controlled thousands of anounced he would speak, the to Greece and then to Turquey from millions of dollars.
of Stomach whence he was extradited back to following night, on Liars and say, waiter, this pigeon pic requested the audience to read, in hasn any pigeon in it.
Disorders the States to be tried along with Colics It is left to be seen any more advance, the seventeenth chapter of his sixteen associates and his son charges will be placed against Well sir, if you ordered a dog the gospel of St. Mark. The next biscuit you wouldn expect to find Samuel.
evening, before opening, he en.
a dog in it, would you? FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES quired how many had read the Local Cricketers Assisted chapter as suggested. Deacon White, said Parson MANUFACTURED BY: score or so held hands. At which he thundered:er? There was no answer.
Jackson, will you lead us in pray.
Great praise is due to Mr. Pedro meant that all games would have, Hermann Zeledon Botica Francesa Breedy for his intervention in sport in the future, to be played in the You re the very persons want Deacon White, this time a SAN JOSE ing affairs, since his return to the grounds of the Stadium, under to talk to there isn any seven. little louder, Will you lead?
City, and in consequence of which certain financial conditions; Mr.
teenth chapter of St. Mark.
Still no response. Evidently the the Sport of Gentlemen can be Breedy objected and represented deacon was slumbering, so Parson Freely indulged in once more by the matter to the Civic Authorities, Jackson made a third appeal, raisour citizens.
with the result that the ban has Grandmother to Grace, who is ing his voice to a high pitch to Some time ago the Board of Cul. been removed and Cricket getting up very late: When I! arouse the drowsy man. Deacon Very pleasing it is to see such tionately.
tura Fisica, of which don Alcides again be played, customary, on was your age, used to watch the White, will you lead? The deacon visitors as Lic. don Julio Acosta, Ramirez has the controlling voice, the Plaza.
sun rise every morning. Grace: in bewilderment, rubbed his heavy Ex President, tamong us.
Governor There Visiting us, on business, we have made overtures to the Why Grandma, ve never stayed eyes and shouted: Lead yourself, On behalf of the lovers of the are those who are hoping that don also met our old friend, Mr. and Comandante to prohibit the out so late as that.
Julio will allow himself to be no Parsons, Merchant of Estrada. use of the Plaza Rafael Yglesias grand old game we thank you Mr.
minated as Candidate for the com Mr. Pinnock, farmer of Río for the purposes of Cricket. This Breedy.
ing Campaign. He is regarded as Seco, is also with us.
having excellently acquitred himSIQUIRRES RESTAURANT By Alya Grant self during his term of office, Mr. David Powell, proprietor of hence, with his increased experien La Oliva Farm, is spending The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 MiDear readers and friends, am will be attracted into a Go which nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be putting before yoo a short Serial will mean your remembering al. greater achievenments might be days with us away from the intricate climate of fourteen and half served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Resekpected from him.
taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo Article, by the kindness of the ways that he who aspires to take Miles. We wish him a pleasant ken, Se habla español, On parle Francais, Man Spricht Editor of the Atlantic Voice, by the lead should first learn to folCol. don Abel Robles is among stay in his old town.
Deutsch way of extemporizing my views on low.
us once mose Mrs. Eddie Hart also graced as a sesident, for KISSLING a subject which should be dear to Direct your attention, then, to which we are glad. The Robles us with hre presence, after being Manager the hearts of us all. Man know find and serve the purpose for family is much endeared to the old away in the Isle of Springs, with Thyself which you live and which is an Nineteen hundred and thirty obligation you owe your existetice, residents of this City, and in fact her children, for some time. Her five has dawned with a new zeal time, as quite The New Birth of Energy is is looked upon as Limonenses. We visit comes, at this therefore welcome don Abel affecla relish.
and determination to cover anot being manifested universally, reIt affords us pleasure to record ernmental taxations, Territorial her period of 365 days which will solve therefore ende that the Board of Management of and Municipal, are being punctualbe filled with constant manifesta avour to attract the tsuth will be the Limon Division of the Univ. ly met by voluntary donations and over System and Order, constant. am sure you can do it.
ersal Negro Improvement Associa: the proceeds of various functions.
and Cause and Effect to fill our By che Gleaner. we find, Lon. not set an enthusiasm for Charity tion has been doing much good To render unto Caesar those wants and to Charge or Discharge To be continued. don, December 24th: His Majesty among the rich subjects in every work since its inauguration. things which are his, Mr. Mitour lives, as may be.
King George has land. As a result of the operations of chell and his twenty coworkers It is a consideration of this ISHMAEL MURRAY become an annual custom, when the Board, during the first three have exhibited wonderful zeal and Zeal and Determination you seven hundred of the poorest men months of its appointment, the lia deserve the co operation of their invited for a common good. Competent and Experienced Mechanic. and women in Whitechapel district bilities in connection with the gov. fellow citizens.
Do you realize the Essence of MATINA were his guests at the Christmas this terminology: Man know tea party in Whitechapel yesterday.
Thyself? Are you thoroughly in Pianos, Violins, Gramaphones, OrThe King inaugurated the cusProp.
fused and practically acquainted gans, Sewing Machines, Guns, Rifles, com when he was still the Prince with the knowledge of Self? Do of Wales and continues it every Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front Efficiently Repaired Best native lumber, you know what its Comfortable rooms. acquirement year since.
Rooms with bath. Well ventilated Charges Moderate would mean to you? should desWould that we had a few more at moderate prices dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. cribe it as An individual NewGive us a trial and be convinced such benevolent rulers! Would it Sample room Deal. Do you realize the purpose LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress bele se for which you exist? All these, and Post Office Box 236. Telephone more are questions for your per sonal examination. Bristish Minister Arrives How do you know you have the By the Peten arriving right conception when you speak Mr. Adam will present his cretoday, comes Mr. Frederick Ed. dentials to President Jimenez gov.
of Chance. live by Chance and sometimes dic that way? Have you ward Fox Adam to take up the ernment during the coming week Banco del Estado experimented with it and satisfacState Bank duties of Sir Josiah Crosby, as and return to Panama where he corily concluded that its presentaMinister Plenipotentiary for Great will be residing.
Unico Emisor tions are logical? If you have, and Sole Bank of Issue Panama and Central Sir Josiah has been detailed for America.
you have, instead, accepted the duty at Bangkok, Siam.
the correct conclusion, then you Se complace en anunciar al Begs to announce to the will do well to go ahead. But if o público la apertura de su Public the opening of its you have, insted, accepted the theories facts from other party without due self proof, With the arrangements of the Estrada.
new Banana Contract the residents then, truly speaking, you have no We are hoping for a new colonpractical conclusion. You have of Victoria and Chirripo are tak ization, which would being more merely played the roll of another ing on a new hope in life. New business light into the District.
fellow hunch, and who may, in EN LA investments are expected, especially These lands are beautiful, fertile, IN THE all probability, have the shoe on as the Lands of Porto Rico are new lands, good for Banana cultithe other leg.
to tenanted out by Mr. Parsons of lvation.
It is essential that we should New Airplane Record frequently look at life in para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service around us, and find out for oursel.
Raymond Delmotte, French air red thousand Francs.
ves the truth of everything.
servicio bancario.
Rendered Ace, set the record of 312 miles an The former record was held by With the streng energy of the Rhour on Christmas Day which en an American, Fred. Wedell, of New Year, feel certain you too titles him to a prize of three hund. 304 miles per hour.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Happenings at the chat your King Entertains The Poor cions are Maduro Lumber Yad PARK HOTEL he Banco Internacional de Costa Rica Britain to ce Per From Far Away Chirripo or or some SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON and


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