
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Pubiished every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Buy Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 28 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, January 19 1935.
Price: 15 per copy The Approaching Contest Important Project in NEWS FROM THE POINT If one two even was in commence some two in Germany Wins In Saar Plebiscite. was ever Costa Rica There has not been much ob to have an excuse to keep them in Lic. don Ricardo Jimenez hav ed that he closes his Presidential ing, in the opinion of a large ma career at the expiration of this his examines the map of Rica north of Limon has been but serving to do lately. Things have Limon and have a dance in their certainly quieted down after the honor. It was a fine dance last jority of the country inhabitants, third term. Hence the Contest has Central America he will. It Saturday night and we Limonites directed the affairs of State. in a been thrown open to all comers, that in one particular the Atlantic kind of fertile lands suitable for big Christmas week.
are pleased twice; first the Peten most able and satisfactory man and already the names of several Sorry to learn that Mrs. Hatch is a hero ship and second we had ner, a number of the more influen contestants are being mentioned. coast bears a striking resemblance the culture of tropical fruits, and to the Atlantic coast of the south particulary of bananas, as the tial and prominent ones, recently Among them are. Lic. don Cleto ern half of the United States. country lying south west of Limon spent several days in the Hospital. chat dance. hope that by time of going to organized a movemet for the pur Gonzalez Viquez, who has had the In behind an outlyng fringe of which produces something like press she is well and at home again. Warren had a brithday, Warren pose of securing his nomination honour of serving through land, more or less fantastically cut 11, 000, 000 bunches a year.
had a birthday. So the song goes.
as a candidate for re election at terms; don Julio Acosta, who has up into islands, spits, dunes, and The first step in the develop On Sunday last noticed Mr. But really folks Warren Prince the approaching Presidential elec also been honoured on a previ banks, there lies an interior parallel ment of this country would be nation.
ous occasion; Lic. don Leon Cortes, waterway, almost but never quite turally the opening up of the para. Annual Closing. It takes a long about thirty of the folks present Riley relaxing from a strenuous did have a birthday and there were Had don Ricardo acceded to this our present Minister of Fomento complete, for here and there the llel waterway, which would give wish, we are inclined to believe and Director of the Pacific Rail outer land fringe is joined to the access to the numerous rivers and time to get over a thing like that, with the help of Tomato that not only would he have been way and the well known Attorney mainland, and at these points the streams coming down from the Juice and Aspirins, What do you re elected, but that he would have don Manuel Jimenez.
continuity of the waterway is interior. The opening of the waterobtained the crowning triumph of We have, however, reason for broken. Nature has done much way would make possible the de. say Francis?
his career by being un opposed; believing that the contest will toward constructing a parallel velopment of the whole country for we hardly think any of the other eventually be between but two can water route free from the stomns from Limon north to the Rio Colo dinner party on the night of De.
The Sheehy entertained to a aspirants would have ventured to didates. don Julio Acosta and and dangers of the outside ocean. rado, and would be of inestimable face him at the hustlings with an don Leon Cortes, and, in view of but nature has not quite complet benefit to the Republic of Costa cember 30th. It was a real festive spirit that prevailed and almost certainty of being so igno their respective personalities, weed the job. This has been left for Rica.
keeping with the times.
miniously defeated as to seriously are sure the campaign will be of a man. As is well known, and inteinjure their futu prospects with very interesting character.
rior shipway could be constructed Recently there has been organiz. saw Mr. and Mrs. Hans lerthe electorate.
As the actual campaigning will from Norfolk, Va, south to the ed in Port Limon a society called Our Country Grand Old not for tip end of Florida and into the the Junta Agricola Industrial, hav zog in Limon recently. It is not Man has, however, decided to months yet, we refrain from maq Gulf of Mexico by cutting here and ing as one of its main purposes the often these Turrialba people d:op step aside; he has definitely declar ling any further comments. there through a narrow itshmus, bringing to the attention of the digging a short canal, and dredg outside world the particular scheCome on Sally, how about a ing a shallow spot.
me here outlined. The Pan AmerTHE OBSERVANT POINTER On the Central America Atlan ican Union has received from Don Tropical Cocktail? Let go tic coast the same kind of nearly Alcides Ramirez vice president dinner party of ten was held to do him honor. can imagine completed interior waterway exist. of the Junta Agricola Industrial, The much discussed and greatly agreement recently made between northwest to the boundray of Ni importance from an industrial stand started off the New Year on the front and enjoying his brithday In Costa Rica, from Port Limon the sketch, and notes showing the as the home of Mr. Mrs. Warren sort of wishing he were McClure January guess it at Bonilla but putting up a brave feared Plebiscite of the inhabitants both countries.
caragua, this parallel waterway is point of the development of the Point.
of the Saar Territory to determine The Anti Nazi Organization, proposed waterway.
their future status has taken place; which is opposed to a reunion with exceptionally well defined.
From the ulletin of an American On New Year Eve the entire and thanks, no doubt, to the very Germany, will, it is reported, be This section of Costa Union. October de 1915.
Are we glad or are we sorry, Point gathered at strong and effective precautionary protesting to the League Council the Nurses There goes Fletcher, here comes measures provided by the Interna that the Plebiscite neither House to give a joyous welcome to Earl. Gosh it is awful hard to decitional Committee of Supervision, free, uninfluenced nor secret. In S35. It was a brilliant party and de. Why can we have both and at the stroke of 12:00 old was concluded without any of the a fiery speech by Max Braun, the man feel contented.
We beg to call your attention to our remark 1934 took a big drop to give way serious consequences anticipated, leader of the opposition, the pleswith Germany the victor.
biscite was described as the worst at the back of receipt which reads: to he infant 1935.
Seroiusly though, THE OBThe voting, which was to decide pseudo democratic election SERVANT POINTER is perplexthe fate of the 800, 000 persons held outside of Germany farces. This bill must be paid at our On New Yeor Eve a dinner ed, he wants to welcome Mr. Ames resident in the seven hundred odd Despite this statement, it is the party was held at the home of Mr. with great gusto but he hates like square miles of rich mineral kends, opinion of the Presidents of the office before the 15th of the month Mrs. Layton. The party awful to lose Mr. Hatch.
was effected last Sunday between Neutral Voting Bureau that no consisted of 14 people and later. the hours of 30 a. and p. charge of fraud could be brought, on travelled to the Nurses House Be so good as to comply with this request The Goma stole a march on me.
m; and of the 539, 541 registered either by the German Front or its to welcome in the new year, and do not oblige us to suspend our service, They knew that Tom voters, it is reported officially that opposition; they claim they scrutiWhittoa no less than 528, 005 made use of nized every move of the eligibles Miss Margarita Sheehy is en his mother and didn Anyway was coming back to Limon with a step which we would much regret to take.
the franchise.
and were satisfied the ballot was tertaining Miss Julieta Vanderlaat congratulations Tom, for being free and secret.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón and Miss Ruth Liggett at her able to be so convincing.
The counting of the votes was in the League of Nations Cicles home. Miss Vanderlaat is the done by a specially appointed the result of the Plebiscite has been daughter of Mr. Marc Vanderlaat have often thought that comCommittee from neutral countries received with much satisfaction, as of The Point. It is a pleasure to ing from San Jose to Limon it under a military guard and prod. it is generally felt that with the have these young women with us would be nice to have a cup of tea uced the following results 477, 109 return of the territory to Germany to lighten up and liven or coffee at Siquirres. Maybe a favour of the return of the the peace of Europe will be more surroundings.
bottle of beer and a sandwich territory to German rule; 2, 124 in securely guaranteed. On the other Tonight over 100 friends of before going wish to express the favour of being attached would come in handy too. But the to hand, it is feared by some, that the Mr. Mrs. Hatch will sentiment in writing that all How about a few of those eigh train did not stop at Siquirres long France and 46, 513 for continuing, victory of Germany may seriously gather at the Community House people feel. Tonight and tomorteen colones a box chocolates, Dot, enough take refreshments.
as at present, under the interna affect the Austrian situation, where to a buffet supper and dance to row there will be many little exand some of that pineapple juice? Coudn it be arranged Mr. Sheetional control of the League. the German Nazi residents in con testify to the popularity of these pressions uttered, many a final hy?
Germany is stated to be ready junction with the Austrians exiled two people and to express their handshake, undoubtedly a tear or The slogan at the Stenographers for the re incorporation of the in Bavaria, may take advantage of regrets at the parting. We come two everything done with the great House is now Bigger and BetThe Dean Smiths entertained to territory in the Reich within a the situation to launch a revolution and we go, some of us make our est amount of sincerity a human ter Arguments Bring Forth Greater month time, and has also made against the Austrian a cocktail party on January 12th government. mark, imprinted indelibly upon being is capable of.
to do honor to our new Assistant necessary arrangements for the The Austrian government has mo our works, imprinted indelibly in say, Fare Thee Well Mr. and Manager, Mr. Ames.
France of the nine bilized forces along its German the minds of our friends. Our twe Mrs. Hatch.
The Smith family spent the hundred million francs for the frontier and taken pre friends will leave us tomorrow and The Observant Pointer weekend in San Jose, hope they THE OBSERVANT POINT coal mines, the railroads and Cus cautionary throughout had a good time in the Capital. JER is pleased to welcome Mr.
toms stations according to the the interior of the country. Africa Has World Longest Bridge Did you look those Central Amer Krauth sister and Mrs. Nicholican beauties over Dean? Did you son. The Goma stole a march on Airplane Pilot Battles with Madman In addition to her natural wond ge, which has been erected over the me there too but am still very ers and the many stupendous achi Zambezi River, ostensibly for rail say, and how.
From Lima, Peru, it is reported what was to follow. Reserve Cap evements of an earlier period of way purposes as the first train is pleased to mark this in my record.
that an airplane Pilot controlled tain Carlos Martinez was at the her history, Africa is now credited, stated to have passed over it on Who is the young man that is his ship with one hand, while he controls. few minutes after leav according to a recent advice from the 15th, instant.
taking dancing lessons every even To attend my friend Mr. Eduar.
battled with a madman with the ing Chiclayo, however, Semana be. Blantyr in Nyassa, with the posThe Bridge is approximately, who is the teacher?
ing in the Community House Doctors Corvetti and Figueres; other, to bring his craft and pas. came insane. He struggled with session of the world longest Brid two miles in length.
the former attended by his wife.
sengers to safety at the Pacas Mayo his wife who tried to calm him, Mr. Eduarte is at present at The Airport then he angrily insulted his fellow Have you lost your Goloshes. Point Hospital recovering from an The flight of the airplane bet passengers see a sign in the Community operation.
most of whom ween Chiclayo and Pacas Mayo is women. He finally reached the House, Found: One pair of Godescribed as one of terror for the cabin of the trimotored aircraft, The Co operation of our Corres cles to Mr. Nation, Apar loshes and One Vanity Case. If so write with deep regret of the passengers and an exhibition of where Captain Martinez was able pondents is earnestly invited. We tado 137.
apply to Mrs. Sidney Scoltock. departure of Miss Margarita skill on the part of the Pilot. to overcower him with one hand will be pleased to receive articles Matters of interest in connection Poverty Row.
Sheehy for Panama. But it is only Francisco Samane, an employee without losing control of the ship. of public interest, from time to with the Churches, Lodges and for a space of three weeks, an of the Customshouse at Port Eten, Samane was handed over to the time, for publication in our col Clubs gladly inserted so as to make We are always glad to have the told, before Margarita will be back boarded the craft quietly with his police who were forced to shackle umns.
the Atlantic Voice. in every tourists go to San Jose and enjoy with us again. pleasant voyage wife and gave no indication of him.
Please forward all English arti respect, YOUR PAPER themselves but it certainly is nice an a happy time.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Fare Thee Well in up our us to payment to extreme measures were Correspondence Solicited

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