
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO SATURDAY, JANAURY, 26 1935 Social Dotes Man Know Thyself SAL UVINA we on For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of Indigestion FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES consideration.
Man can with every condition confronting British Firm Obtains Important Contract of His kingdom on carth.
Water Factory as Our Mystery Man of Costa Ri. Neil, the boys mis you at Con Cost of European War To United States desires and urges of our souls find amount by Alva Grant Isn it sad to relate that don week, but were disappointed; howRafael Eduarte of the Manager ever, he dropped in on us on SaYou have read my first install habit and fear have held on your office is still suffering and being turday by the Veragua from Coment, so should be ready for this thoughts and actions. If, therefore, attended to in the Hospital. We lon, and we expected to have en the second. Both move together as we wish to grasp the essence of our do hope he will soon recover and joyed his company for at least a THE RIGHT SALTS a lengthened chain of thought. complexed notions, we should first be again at his post in his usual week; but, to our amazement, he investigate the murual relationgenial style.
again vanished and when we next You should find the answere to ship between the concepts and the heard from him, on Tuesday, he some of your self questions men assertions made about them, and tioned in the first installment, in secondly, We note Doctor Aubrey was up among the Gods. Does he should investigate the fact that nature makes no at how they are related to our experShaw, one of the foundationers of not know he has admirers in LiSiquirres, made us a visit this week. mon who would like to gaze tempt to prevent man interfereniences; and NOW is the time ce in her affairs. And it must be when it is best to do so.
It is always pleasant to have the him for a while.
conceded she is sufficiently powhopeful smile of the Doc.
erful to exert a restricting influen. To be continued)
Doctor Saenz of Cartago was ce at any time; and God, the Inalso a visitor among us for a few Mr. Fletcher Hatch, Assistant telligence and Power behind nature, days. Limon seem to be coming in to Mr. Geo Chittenden, as Man makes no attempt to refrain man Rebellious Action In Mexico for her own now, when such im ager of the United Fruit Co. and Flatulence And all forms in the free exercise of his privileges.
portant people take their vacation Northern Ry. is gone. His suborFifteen rebels There here instead of Puntarenas as accus dinates mourn his going.
of Stomach regard the questions which were killed during a three hour tomed. If the government would has never come a man in his exaltaffect the knowledge of Seltf a battle with Federal troops near the Colics build our Public Baths as promised position away from the one, Disorders problem because it has been so town of Chiautla the War departed, such an attraction would call his immediate Chief, who has complexed by man incompetent ment has anniunced. The Military.
Commander of the State reported more such vacationists to enjoy a been so generally beloved as he the rebels, aided a number of their dip in the refreshing Briny Blue, has been. Why? because he has and cause more Pep in the life of known to adjust his mental agreelearn only through wounded to ascape, but were forced the Master Key to the Country. ment, in universal understanding MANUFACTURED BY: experience, and in experience lies to abandon a number of horses of the varied circumstances comthe path of his evolution. and a large quantity of arms and ing under his view, and so lifted Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa ammunition.
Mr. Aquart, the only real expert himself above the national, politiSAN JOSE God could prevent his children on Cocoa talks in this region, has cal and social distinctions of the from committing errors which Costa Rica Soda also dropped in on us with his several races it has been his lot to bring them pain and sorrow, but it would defeat the very purpose sual golden smiles. We like to contact, and learned to harmonize see them a bit more often.
him. We sincerely hope his succesMan is here to learn. He must sor, Mr. Earl Ames, will be The Egyptian government hav been awarded the Contract.
LIMON drink from the cup of life. He courteous and affable to all and ing decided to improve the great should seek divine inspiration with The work of manufacturing the such urges, impulses or Fábrica de Hielo Mr. Peter Blackman, who has sundry.
Dam Assuit, tenders for the iron motives, works required for the strengthen iron structure needed for the im as will lead him to rightful acts not been in the best of health for ing of this important piece of en provement will, it is said, find em and constructive conclusions.
y Refrescos some weeks, took a short vacation to San Jose. It is hoped that the The Scribe has been lucky gineering work were called for; ployment for no less than seven embracing climate and dust of the enough to catch a glimpse of Mr. and the well known firm of Iron hundred men and will take two Your Inner selves are restrained Florida Ice and Metropolis has knocked the salt Neil Campbell of Casorla fame, workers. Messrs. Randolf and Ra and one half years to be complet in their free and sympathetic inrust of the Bodegas out of him. who just dropped in Limon for a pier of Ipswich, England, have ed.
dulgences by the limitation of your Farm Co.
hurried business trip. Come again mental consciousness. For this LA FLORIDA ca is again gone, we had hoped to cordia.
see him down on his coach last In the Statement of the transac European War, was little opportunity to express and Fábrica de Hielo the sum of tions of the United States Treas. 50, 000, 000, 000. This repose in the sweet beauties of the Venta de Leche Hamburg Amerika Linie ury Department for the past year, does not, it was stated, include spiritual things of life.
which has just been made public, debts due that government by va.
You should have your Truths it is announced that the so systematically organized as y Maderas to nations and estimated amount rious Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón expended by that Nation, in the approximately 12, 000, 000, 000.
Empresa Abel Cruz Circuito Urbini CARIBIA were once allied to the cause bu: Miércoles 30 Sir: Para GUATEMALA who, through unforeseen circumsEnero 27. Domingo Please allow me space in your tances, either personal or otherJohn Barrymore y Carole Lombard (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
valuable Journal to express my wise, had determined their active las 2: warmest appreciation to the Divi service, am pleased to read of Gran éxito LA COMEDIA DE LA VIDA CARIBIA Enero 28 sions of the operat their returning. feel sure that GLORIA HAMBRE Gran éxito dramático!
SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS ing in Costa Rica, especially those their conviction will enable them Precios populares of Limon and New Castle. Not to re dedicate themselves to the Jueves 31 Para cualquier clase do informes, dirigirse a: only as a mere follower and well promulgation of the noble and just las y 9: HAPAG LLOYD wisher, but as a true active memEstreno de la comedia policiaca cause.
ber and co worker, do congraEl primer coloso de la pantalla en de gran éxito, por Pat Brien May ask, how long, we of the Agencia Costa Rica 19351 tulate them for the activities they New Race, intend to remain preys Norma Shearer, Charles Laughton y Bette Davis LOS DESAPARECIDOS Teléfono 2086 demonstrate.
or victims? Is it not to be seen by y Fredrich March, en Speaking directly to those who present racial activities, that the FUEGO EN LAS CENIZAS Viernes Febrero peoples of the world are tightening o La Familia Barret. En Español up against us, not only to retard La más delicada y angustiosa peliDOS NOCHES our birthrate but to totally extercula del añol con José Crespo minate us? It is, therefore time for Super éxito de la Metro. yus to make an active advance so Conchita Montenegro that the difficulties which threaten Entrada 50 Pref. 30 Gal. 15 Sábado us may not meet us unprepared.
Lunes 28 Tom Keene, el vaquero, en Banco del Estado EL CENTAURO DE CHEYENNE State Bank noted the December January nominations and elections of the Bill Cody en la joya de vaqueros! Los grandes rodeos en todo su Unico Emisor EXITOI Limon Division.
Sole Bank of Issue Well done Mr.
esplendor Mitchell and others. also obscrvJUSTICIA INESCAPABLE Se complace en anunciar al Domingo ed the splendid function of the Begs to announce to the Martes 29 New Castle Body, and their apUn gigante de WARNER BROS.
público la apertura de Kay Francis, Dolores del Río, su Public the opening of its peal for better unity among all Gran excito! Joan Blondell en Al Jolson, etc. en Branches. appreciate the effort VIUDAS HABANERAS WONDERBAR Mr. McFaralne. If we will but Aventuras filmadas en Centro Un éxito sin precedencia!
unite we must surely obtain the Américal Espectáculo inolvidable!
goal for which we strive. There is great future before us if we will EN LA only be loyal with ourselves.
IN THE would suggest that all Divi6 sions make special visits among Country Name To Be The name Persia was derived themselves so as to ensure better March next, the day on which the from one of the oldest Provinces te working, better understanding and Persian people celebrate their New of that histoire country; but now, ch para toda clase de Year, the name of Persia, as a for reasons, which have not been All Kinds of Bank Service more complete unity.
th Thanking you Mr. Editor and country, will officially cease to made public, the inhabitants have servicio bancario.
wishing your Journal every success. exist. It will thereafter be known decided on the change as from the Murray by the name of Iran.
day on which their New Year Matina, From and after the 22nd of opens.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
at TEATRO ARRASTY Racial Appeal Febrero 1935 Mr. Editor, enBanco Internacional de Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE a Country Name To be Changed CIUDAD DE LIMON ce CITY OF LIMON an


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