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THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANAURY, 26 1935 PAGINA To rid yourself of an ache or pain quickly, take FIASPIRINA ta.
Chong León cases.
Attorney Clarifies Conduct In Court Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Maduro Lumber Yad Vapor COSTA RICA esCABLES TERRIBLE SUICIDE INUNDATIONS CAUSE SESOVIET FRISONERS ESCAPE RIOUS DAMAGE IN UNITED WITH LIVES Henri Rondeau, a young priSTATES From Moscow it is stated that Gregory Zinoviev, Leo Kamenev soner serving a seven year term for manslaughter in the Riom Pe Numerous persons are reporand seventeen others, charged with terrorist activities againts the nitentiary, France, commited suited dead as the result of inuncide, on the 20th, instant, by dations by the Mississippi and government have escaped with BAER)
their lives. They were given com plunging into a 150 gallon Vat other rivers in the South of the of boring soup.
United States.
paratively light sentences by the In Cleveland, Miss. over a Military Collegium of the SuThe prison authorities attribu thousand of the inhabitantes wepreme Court; Zinoviev was senthe world famous Bayer product te Rondeau terrible act to des re completely cut off by the watenced to ten years imprisonment, Kamenev to five years and pair as he had learned that his teh which rose, in many places, wife had devorced him after his to wixteen feet. Thousands are Quick acting and Safe!
the lesser lights in the plot to vaimprisonment.
rious minor terms.
homeless and are being assisted by the Red Cross Society.
The inundation is said to be Read, Mark and Mentally Digest the AUSTRALIA TRADES WITH nation of Presidente Mendieta. los Manuel de Cespedes, which worst experienced since JAMAICA his gabinete and Colonel Batis succeeded Machado regime in 1927.
August 1933, failed because it Risk no more Money in a Foreign Burial Society for The Tainui, of the Shaw The ABC proposes a new formu was created through American the Support of Foreigners who have no interest in YOU.
Savill y Albion Line, sailed re ia for governing the Island and interference; that Grau likewis We Spend ALL YOUR MONEY on YOU. We Nurse you cently from Kingston, Jamaica, conciliating present political di se failed because it was the prowhen you are sick. We bury you when you are dead.
with 5, 600 caces of citrus fruit, fferences; it suggests the forma duct of an army coup and that The Unblemished Society.
LIVERPOOL principally Oranges, for New tion of a coalition government, The Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association Zealand. This brings the total in which all revolutionary sectors Mendieta has not succeeded Licores ExtranjeLIMON shipped to that country to 21, 000 would be represented. It decla because of the Army interferos y del País res that the government of Car rense in politics.
ABARROTES The Potter also arrived at that Port, from Australia, Precios with 20, 000 sacks of flour. Continued from last Issue)
As concluded, in my mind, while this witness was giving his that this demand was an abuse, testimony. It will therefore be seen told him would intimate same to that my Client has been defrauded DEATH OF MULTIMILLIOmy Client for him to decide, but of twenty five colones and with NAIRE FRANK MADURO Jr. SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS was not in agreement with same. respect to which the justifiable and few days later Smith came to necessary accusation has been The Methodist Episcopal BoProp.
LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS my office and sent to call Thomp tablished before the honourable dy has lost a great support by son so he might mention his pre Judge of the Police Court of this the death of John Emory AnBest native lumber de Febrero 1935 tensions to Smith. He came, both City.
drup, one of América twelve On the other hand, neither my richest inen, who spent at moderate prices, conversed for a long time on the Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, diriginto a many matter; after which Smith told me Client nor myself would have the millions on charity, among which Compañía Ultramar he had decided topay Thompson necessity of seeking false declar was two and a half million doAgentes Generales the twenty five colones for his ser ations, as is asserted by this calum llars for the institution of OrphaENTIRE CHANGE OF GOV.
vices as a witness. then included nious witness Thompson, to free nages throughout his State.
ERNMENT DESIRED BY Sub Agentes en him in my proofs.
Mr. Smith from an unjust claim, CUBAN SOCIETY He died leaving an estimated LIMON PUNTARENAS Believing that everything was because Truth must prevail over fortune of 80. 000. 000 dollars.
settled, went about my other Unwrighteousness. for whosoever The mausoleun for himself and. business; but later on Thompson walks in the path of rectitude and wife, who died 25 years ago, the Cuban governcame claiming the payment in ad honesty must conquer wrongdoing. cost one Hundred thousand do ment opponents during recent vance, saying he out of work So that your readers may bellars. months, has requested the resigand had great need for the money. better able to judge for themselves In the face of this new and unjus the injustice against Mr. Smith, tifiable imposition, my Client ask whose cause am defending before The Civilization of every count is an exhibition of their store of ed amount to the Tribunals with all the honour cy is generally guaged by the de knowledge of the filtiest expresThompson for him as he was, at and integrity of my being, you will portment and mannerism of its sions imaginable; and especially is the moment, out of cash. conse permit me to translate the declarpopulace; if the inhabitants are this the case when they see ladies quently informed this witness that ations of Messrs. George Myrie affable and genial to all with walking in the company of their would pay him the amount by Box and Thomas James Bryan whom they contact, whether on the husbands or other men folk.
the desire of my Client, but did Thomas, both of whom are signastreets, in business transactions or not approve of his conduct and tories of the Pagare rejected by in social relationship, then, if not We feel that, if a few special that before paying him, he would Smith, and which has been offered even properly educated, they are Police, who knew the English lan.
have to extend me a letter setting in evidence by the parties demand In RCA VICTOR regarded cultured and refined; but guage, were engaged to patrol our forth the conversation he had wit ed or accused (Zeledon and Berif, on every side are met people streets and would make an examnessed between Lic. Zeledon and mudez) designated and marked, who are impolite, vulgar, abusive ple of a few of these reprobates, Mr. Bermudez. He did not hesi for reference, and and uncouth, what opinion can one this repulsive custom would soon tate in doing this, and on my own From the documents in evident form of such citizens, with a recease, and the pleasure of prome machine preceeded to make the fol will be observed the labour and pugnant and obnoxious mannerism, nading our streets would be more lowing letter which is marked tact displayed by Attorney Zelebut that they are uncultured and indulged in. As it is, gentlemen are for further identification. receiv. don, in his attempt to confuse Are Finer that Ever! barbarous.
timid to invite their wives, sisters ed the document, and on account these witnesses, attempting to make We are forced to call the atten or daughters for a pleasant walk of my Client, paid the twenty five them contradict themselves in their tion of our Comandante of Police on the outskirts of our town for colones. All this transpired in the testimonies. This is most laudable, to the vulgar mannerism of our fear of being confronted with such presence of Mr. William Smith but it must also be clearly seen youngmen on the streets, whose a menace which is an insult to our and his daughter: don Jose Fran that as the cause which he is deonly pleasure appears to be one of manhood and a disgust to our finez cisco Loaiza; Mr. Yankee Gibbs fending is WRONG he. Vulgarism. Their greatest pride sex.
and Mr. Juan Bautista Mullins, sequently cannot succeed before who were all in my office at that the scrutiny of the eyes of the Law.
My foregoing statements The day came for offering the borne out by real facts and docuSERVICIO DE VAPORES proofs of my Client, which did; ments, which can be seen by anySalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK the defendants also did the same one desiring to do so, by applicacon escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
but to my surprise, found that tion, in the office of the Civil Judge Thompson was also offered as a of Limon together with the stateLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS witness for the opposing factors. ments VAPORES of claim SALIDAS in the lawsuit The hour arrived for the sworn launched by William Smith agaPerry Girton QUIRIGUA 27 de Enero declaration of this double witness inst Daniel Zeledon and Aurelio PETEN. de Febrero when, with a barefacedness which Bermudez.
the lawsuit established by Mr. ney that if he would collect this VERAGUA.
10 de Febrero have never believed possible in Yours most faithfully, William Smith are the following: Pagare, he would pay him the half any human being, he denied most In the year 1932, being an of value; for as Mr. Zeledon is the emphatically any knowledge of the Carlos Silva fice clerk in the employ of Attor lawyer for the above mentioned Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres declaration which he had given Attorney at Law. ney Daniel Zeledon, heard, dur Smith, it was very easy to make CORONADO 19 de Febrero verbally to us as well as by a writing a conference with Mr. Aurelio the transaction, because the PagaCAVINA.
ten document, in the presence of copy of the Letter marked Bermudez, when Mr. Bermudez re was signed under a deception.
15 de Febrero several persons, relating to the point FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sues.
manifested that the Pagare, signed Just here began to consult in at issue.
Limon, 22 Nov. 1934. by William Smith and his wife, other matters.
Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON In view of the attitude taken up Attorney don Carlos Silva, as fiador, was singned among other Your faithful servant friend, Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United by this abnormal being could not Limon.
documents, and while signing the Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica control my indignation, and ar(sgd. Egbert Thompson TELEFONO 3156 (timbre) revenue stamps Mr.
tempted to give him a well merited My Esteemed Friend.
Smith asked why should se sign on Editor Note. The declarachastisement but was prevented by the timely intervention of the Jud. With regard to the declarations was a judicial power of Attornev red to, will be translated and pubthe stamps, the reply was that it tions marked and also refer Busque siempre los sábados and retire from the Court room Civil Judge of this Province, insity; and offering to Mr. Attor of space Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sisteria Nacional de las ibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The powerful ABC Society. The Obnoxious Language On Our Streets See the Radio that thinks!
me to pay this Magic Brain. Range Tone and Reception RC VICTOR RADIO con moment.
are COSTA RICA RADIO Elders Fyffes, Ltd.
se advising me to control myself which have to give before the on which the stamps were a neces lished in our next issue, for lack La Voz del Atlántico
Este documento no posee notas.