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PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday February 1935 The London Times SAL UVINA THE RIGHT SALTS For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of ant.
Hereby Hangs Tale And youwe got rid of those Chong León but was most Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa Items From Siquirres che grocer.
were ve landlord. customer at usual restaurant to waiter: What the meaning of this, yesterday you gave me a portion twice as large.
The Aniversary of The Lon most Powerful Thing in the world Waiter: Where did you sit yesdon Times, considered the most except the Mississippi. Its foreign terday, sir?
powerful publication in the world, correspondents in every country in was on the Ist. of January: this the civilized world are men whose By the window there. Oh, that accounts for it, we al.
day marked the one hundred and influence is highly respected and ways give people who sit by the fiftieth birthday of the great Jout cared by Monarhs and ruling window larger portions. It an nal, the mouthpiece of the British heads. It is respected by every civadvertisement.
ilized government for the truthIt was first published on the 1st. fulness of its statements.
The village grocer was making day of January 1785 by one John Its publication today, under the Walter of London, as a small four ownership of Major John Jacob an inspection of his shop. Hallo, he said happily, see page paper more for advertising Astor, has reached the high mark than for news.
you ve sold those six bad eggs.
lof 185, 000 copies per issue.
Who bought them?
Soon after he started his little Mr. Brown, replied his assistpaper, Walter was sent to prison for writing a libellous article against the then Duke of York.
stale buns and cakes, he said. Flatulence And all forms The paper was at that time called LIVERPOOL The Daily Universal Register. Are you a man of settled he. Who bought them?
Licores Extranjebits. Mrs. Brown, replied his assist soon changed to The Indigestion of Stomach Thunderer and then to The Lon.
ros y del País Oh, yes; ve settled down to a ant.
Suddenly the grocer clutched at Colics Disorders constant round of drinking, smok.
don Times. Whitin fifty years it ABARROTES regarded as the leading paper of ing and carousing.
the counter and began breathing heavily. Good gracious, sir! exEurope and its Editor the Precios the other. What FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES powerful man in Great Where have seen your face claimed Britain.
Económicos President Lincoln called it the before?
wrong. You should surely remember. ve just remembered that my MANUFACTURED BY: lost my head the other night, and wife and are having supper with when found is, it was resting on the Browns to night! spluttered your shoulder.
SAN JOSE The Siquirres River is still breack An Irish small farmer was asked ing away from its regular course Well, always throw myself It is understood that the Minis, by his landlord if the report of his and inundating a large section of ter of Gobernacion has decided to into every job undertake.
Church Notices the town. Cannot the Municipal investigate certain Did you ever think of digging intended second marriage complaints a Well?
true. and replied: It is, yer hon Missionary Services will (D. be the Rev. Thompson of San Authorities do something to safe made against the Municipal Aueor.
held at the Baptist Church on Jose and Dr. Shaw of Siquirres; guard the interests of the residents horities. The Inspector General of want you to understand that But your first wife has only Sunday, February 3rd. throughout also the Rev. Pitt, Metho who are threatened?
Municipalities will, it is said, be m a man of few words. been dead a week, Pat, said the the day. There will also be a Spe. dist Minister; and Adjutant Wright in charge of the investigation cial Service at 00 clock in the of the Salvation Army.
Arrangements are under way to quite understand, Sir.
In the interest of the progress Feen married, too. An shure, retorted Pat, she afternoon.
We are hoping for a good time of the on the 6th. matters will reach an early settle hold a public debate in the Hall of the town, it is hoped that these as dead now as she ever will be On Monday night will be the and therefore. solicit the presence of March. The subject will be ment. Did you know the French drink yer honor.
General Missionary Meeting, when of our friends. cordial invitation Money or their coffee out of bowls?
among the Speakers are expected is extended to all.
Education, which is That nothing, the Chinese. My husband doesn think more useful?
drink their tea out of doors.
much of the air mail service.
Several prominent parties have Conditions with the labouring How that?
Read, Mark and Mentally Digest promised to take part. The debate classes are still pretty bad due to An omithologist, during the He sent a check to a man in will be preceded by a musical pro lack of employment and small pay, course of a lecture to a summer Chicago and it got back to his Risk no more Money in a Foreign Burial Society for gramme. The public are cordially On some of the farms, it is school remarked: The strich sees bank before he had the money to the Support of Foreigners who have no interest in YOU. asked to avail themselves of this moured, the coloured labourers are very little; on the other hand it meet it.
We Spend ALL YOUR MONEY on YOU. We Nurse you opportunity of listening to an in being laid off. We hope there is digests everything. Whereupon a when you are sick. We bury you when you are dead.
teresting and important descission. no truth in this.
girl on the front bench exclaimed, Solicitor (to widow. And did The Unblemished Society.
sotto voce, to her neighbour: Gee, your husband die a natural death?
what an ideal husband an ostrich Widow: Oh, yes he was The Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association LIMON over by a motorcar.
Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón Para EUROPA (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, So as to be able to launch the Nicaraguan Canal, in the interest Addressing the large crowd Kremlin Hall for the opening SesAMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO) Queen Mary. the world of the unemployed, but Secretary, which had gathered in the vast sion of the All Union Congress of largest ship under construction, it Dern of the Navy Department obSoviets on the 28th. ultimo, CARIBIA Febrero has been found necessary to exten jects, as he is of the opinion that Molotov, President of the sively dredge the river Clyde. Six che Panama Canal is quite capable Council of Peoples Commissars, Para GUATEMALA thousand pounds sterling have al of handling all the shipping.
indicated that the one hundred (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
ready been expended on the work and seventeen executions which and it is estimated that there is yet If, however, this unprecedented followed the assassination of Ser IBERIA Febrero 27 some two months more work to racing in ship building activities is gi Kirov were only a beginning SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS be done before she can take to the to continue. it is natural to believe Abogado y Notario and that the Soviet Authorities waterway. The total cost of the that the Panama Locks and Dams would continue to send to the fiPara cualquier clase de informos, dirigirse a: dredging will be around 12, 600. will soon be unable to ring squad, all enemies of our HAPAG LLOYD President Roosevelt is proposing date the heavy tonnage being Oficina: Ciudad de Limón country.
to tackle the construction of the launched.
This grim warning is said to Agencia Costa Rica have been received with thunde.
Teléfono 2086 rous applause by the hundreds gathered in the Hall.
JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHER ARRESTED LUIS WA CHONG Japanese Naval Reserve Of being interrogated, it was stated ficer was recently arrested in Flo that a man answering to the name GUACIMO GUAPILES rida, while engaged taking photo of Yoshio Matsuka, was sent over Banco del Estado State Bank Cantina, Licores Extranjegraphe of United States Ports and to purchase material for the Navy Harbours. He confesses to having Department of that country, but ros y del país Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue done the same thing in Canada, the protographing of Ports, etc.
Tienda bien surtida y and acknowledges be financed was never included in his mission.
Se complace en anunciar al Begs to announce to the Abarrotes en general by the Navy Department of Japan. The arrested Officer also goes by On the Naval Office of Japan the name of Yoshio Matsuka.
público la apertura de su Public the opening of its Precios sin competencia New Teachers obtained For Catholic School Note In the interests of our City the Christmas vacation, the average We have in our hands An educational progress, we are glad attendance is stated to be very saOpinion by Jellicoe; but as to note that the Management of tisfactory with promise of much EN LA IN THE Admiral Jellicoe is long since dead the School artached to the Catho improvement in the near future.
and left no known heirs in Costa lic Church here has been able to The Atlantic Voice takes this Rica, if the writer will uncover obtain the services of two such opportunity to express the hope himself we will gladly publish his capable Teachers, as the Misses that this old established school Beatrice Reid and Cynthia Fede. will continue opinion.
All Kinds of Bank Service para toda clase de to maintain that There is no harm in An Opi ricks, to fill the vacancy caused by high standard of educational work servicio bancario.
nion, but we must know with the recent sad death of Miss Ains for which it has, throughotu its whom we deal.
existance, been known tot tot Editor Since the school re opened after Man Know Thyself Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Hamburg Amerika Linie run must make.
World Largest Ship Grim Warning Daniel Zeledón accommoBanco Internacional de Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON
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