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Saturday February 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA A Marriage Annulled teld that some See the Radio that thinks!
dag CYof a disease, possibly contracted in SALOMON CHING WE LEE In RCA VICTOR Magic Brain Range, Tone and Reception Are Finer that Ever!
Maduro Lumber Yad tc The 1935 Cricket Season nuD Egbert Thompson ten.
Reported Attempt On Life Of Withdrawal of Financial Relief The Ex Kaiser Cause Of Killing LONDON. Doorn disA very interesting case, now be three Judges overturn the sentence of patch to the Daily Mail stated CHICAGO. Enraged at being fore the Law Courts, comes under the lower Judge, Sr. don Enrique regn quarters asserted that stricken from Relief Rolls, a cripour view, and as we deern it of in Guier Saenz, as stated by La Triin Disc the Chef in former Kaiser Wil pled youth and his mother shot a terest to our readers, we reproduce buna of the 29th. ultimo, annulling helm household, in the Holland case worker in their home on the same.
od the marriage with costs and demages Village, attempted to assassinate 25th. Jany. and then stormed a gentleman, after getting mar in both instances against the duping the former German Ruler. The Relief Agency where they fatally ried, finds that his wife suffers from wife.
Ex Kaiser celebrated the seventy wounded the Supervisor and shot that which two medical practitioners diagnose as Rupia Sifiltica. he The Judgment handed down by the sixth anniversary of his birthday down other employees before turntherefore appears before the Civil First Appeal Court leads to the onbe on the 26th. ult. According to the ing the guns on themselves. They Daily Mail. the Chef, Courts and makes a request, on the quiry. What could the Judge of after died immediately.
zob face of his Doctors certificates and First Instance have been thinking of fifteen years service in the Kaiser other testimonies, for a nulification when he decided as he did? This is household suddenly showed signs of his marriage.
the kind of justice unfortunately He bases his application on the meted out to many by some of the the trenches during the war, he was grounds that this desease existed belower Courts of this country.
removed to an institution in GerEstrada fore he contracted the marriage; many. Hermine, the former Ruler that it is incurable, according to the wife, was reported, by Village Abarrotes y Licores y medical testimony: that his wife is gossip, to have said that the Chef incapable of procreation; that inArtículos del País was liable to capital punishment.
fection in a source of danger to him Precios Econónicos and, lastly, that he was imposed Abarrotes. Mercadería en upon as the lady did not inform him general LA IBERIA of the state of her health prior to Venta al por Mayor y the marriage.
Menor The Judge of First Instande nonAgentes exclusivos de la faFRANK MADURO Jr.
suits his demand for annulment with Serious Clashes In Mexico mosa mantequilla y queso Prop.
costs. His lawyer. don Rogelio So.
Religious Conflict ROSSI y Co.
tela, appeals to the First Appeal Court, Finca Saborio Best native lumber in San Jose, with the result that the MEXICO CTY. Infuriated at moderate prices, townspeople of Macuspan killed Catholic Activities their Mayor and sixty anticlerical Red Shirts. The group first killed Perry Girton Saar Political Offenders Obtain the Mayor then went tis On Sunday, January 20th. The meeting of the parishioners held a Red Girls Sodality of this city celebrat there a couple of weeks ago. The Amnesty Shirt hunt. Thirty of the mob were ed its first meeting of the year. Rev. Fr. Wallgarten, who is in SAARBRUCKEN. gen reported to have been captured by All the members were present and charge of that Mission, is taking eral amnesty for political offentroops who restored order. Scores of Mrs. Castillo was received as o ders was ordered as an an active interest in the matter and preparations Police and riflemen patrolled Villa Honorary member.
has already secured the co operabi went forward to turn over to Ger de Guadalupe, where 5, 000 cath many on March 1st. The Amnesty olics assembled, vowing they would The Editor appear, then would advise that The Rev. Fr. Wollgarten tion of a number of the prominent order issued by the League Com protect the church of the Virgin Sir: they change their name to that of Drtor. of the Sodality gave a most residents of the parish. It is undermission liberates immediately all of Guadalupe. There were As it is my intention to write the Cowards How about interesting address on the Three tood there are sufficient funds in sentenced to prison for six years or on the subjeot of Sport for your this Capt. Calvin?
Mothers possossed by all good hand to undertake the work.
merous minor clashes.
less. Terms over six years are mavaluable Journal, hereby beg to Let us hope the Excelsior Club Paro otivar su amor o su in terially reduced, while imprisonPresident Cardenas has issued a introduce myself to your readers will find an eleven for every match Sodalists. Our earthly mother, acThe residents in Jimenez, also ment is substituted for hard labour statement in which he stated it is by the nom de plume given here and not play short or borrow subs cording to the flesh; The Church, on the old Line, are hard at work provisions.
not true that the government, or under: and if, in the course of my titutes.
according to the Spirit and Mary erecting their own Church, cominstitutions connected with it, are Play, it should happen that the What improvement has the Ele. Immaculate, our heavenly Mother menced some time ago under the persecuting any citizen because of Ball bumps and hits a player on ven Brothers made since by adoption.
guidance of the Rev. Fr. Wollgarthe fact he professes the Catholic some soft spot or perchance a fan they went over to the Burial ScheGreat enthusiasm is being religion or any other. Its action in the Pavilion, can only hope me? We are very anxious to know.
of the reCorredor Jurado tends only to see that there is exact such occurrences will be taken in Can Capt. Bernard enlighten us? cently erected at Cairo. on the old displayed and it is expected the work will soon be completed.
compliance with the laws in force the spirit of the Game.
When the Pathfinder Sport Line, is scheduled to take place regulating worship.
Well, our Comisionista local 1935 Season Club was organized, Mr. Dixon, tomorrow, weather permitting. The seem to be at hand. The Limon the Captain, tried his strenght services will be. At a. So.
The erection of a new Chruch APARTADO 127 The Red Shirts are sponsored by Oval has been dug, grass planted twice against the 2nd. Eleven of lemn Blessing of the Church by at Old Harbour on the Coast, is Tomas Garrido Canabal, Minister and new earth added. It has also the Motive Power and won the Rev. Fr. Acosta follow also under consideration. The time Limón of Agriculture in the Cardenas bene mowed but no practising has Well, we think it is now time that ed by a High Mass with sermon, worn old building is to be demo Cabinet.
commenced except that being re the s Ist. Eleven meet and in English, by the Rev. Fr. Woll lished and a larger one crected.
gularly undertaken by the Pathfin chastise them. Don you agree garten. At p. Solemn Rosary The erection of this more modert.
der Club Cpt. Delpratt?
in and sermon, in English, cordial building will materially assist invitation is extended to all. the social advancement of the Wanderers and the Construction SERVICIO DE VAPORES We are of the opinion that the will be entering this year as Line Folk should organize their The construction of the Church The Rev. Fr. Wollgarten, who Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA. well as the Pathfinders. Should own Competition, and play in sec at Guacimo, Old Line, has begun. has regularly visited this Mission this prove true then we ought to tions. We suggest the following All the material needed has been Station during the past ten years, LLEVANOD CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS have a far better season than that for a start. Guacimo, Germa obtained. It is hoped to complete is also giving this laudable desire VAPORES SALIDAS of the past year.
nia, Cairo, Siquitres and Pacuarito the building before the close of the of this section of his parishioners PETEN de Febrero We understand that Mr. in one Section; Carmen, Rio Hon year.
his active attention.
10 de Febrero Sutton is endeavouring to bring off do, Matina, Estrada and Zent in QUIRIGUA.
17 de Febrero a game with the Team, the other. Then the Champion Due to the steadily increasing or the West Indies Test Side, when Club of each Section, including number of members, the Church in SHONG LUNG FAI Elders Fyffes, Ltd. they arrive here on their way to Limon, should play either two or Guapiles is to be enlarged. This LIMON Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres Jamaica, and to start our Competi three games against each other to important decision was taken at a tion imediately after. Is this decide the Costa Rica ChampionsLicores CORONADO 19 de Febrero true Mr. Sutton? Wont you tell hip. This, we think, would greatly CAVINA.
15 de Febrero us something about it?
help to improve our Cricket.
FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. And what of the Fearless May we enquire of Mr. Sutton, Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON of Beverly? They had quite a lot what about the Presentation March Cantina, Posada y Cafetería Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United to say last Season; but after all its as a result of the 1934 Competi Felipe Wing Ching Manzana 23 Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica only a game of Cricket, and if tion? Why allow this matter to lie Apartado 95 Lote número TELEFONO 3156 they are really Fearless they over for so indefinite a period?
should be willing to Limón, Costa Rica C.
contribute Limon. The Ball La Mano The Jamaica Gleaner of the Brown, Supreme President of the 16th. Jany, says.
Society, there was much rejoicing, Viene de la pág. TRES Mi perro la cogió, mas yo, des.
and Mr. Blake Dos leyendas se tejieron alre pués de excusrame por mi incon dedor de el.
News has been received in Kings were very elated over the official Unos pretendían veniencia, acabé ofreciéndole a que era un alto personaje que ha Sir Rowell el pájaro muerto.
ton that a branch of the Jamaica start they got, for they seem to (LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
bía huido de su patria por razo Sir Rowell era hombre Burial Scheme Society has been have had endless difficulties in the nes políticas; otros decían que grueso, de cabellos rojos y barinaugurated in Port Limon, Costa running of their Social.
había cometido algún crimen es ba también roja. Alto, delgado, Rica, on the 12th December last.
pantoso era una especie de hércules pláEn mi calidad de Juez de ins cido y cortés. No tenía nada de SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS trucción, trate de informarme a.
The inauguration ceremony was esa frialdad que dicen británica, cerca de este hombre, mas me y me agradeció vivamente mi deconducted by the Rev. James Dr. Carlos MI. Fernández LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS fue imposible saber nada. Sólo licadeza con un francés con acen Blake of Colon, who was deputed supe que se llamaba Sir John to del otro lado de la Mancha.
Cirujano Dentista de Febrero 1935 to do so by the Supreme Council Rowell.
Al cabo de un mes, nosotros ha.
here. This is the 134th. Branch of SAN JOSE Sin embargo, como continua bíamos conversado juntos cinco the Society inaugurated. Messages Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerano fletes, dirigirse a ban los extraños rumores, traté o seis veces. Una noche, al pasar Oficina: Clinica del Dr. Facio of congratulations are being sent Compañía Ultramar de ver de cerca al extranjero, y frente a su casa, lo vi fumando para esto empecé a ir regular. su pipa, a caballo sobre una silla to the newly made brethren from Teléfonos: Agentes Generales mente a cazar en los alrededores en el jardín. Lo saludé y él me all sections of the Island, Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 FELIPEJ ALVARADO Co Sucs SA de su propiedad.
invitó a entrar para tomar un va Espere largo tiempo una oca so de vino, naturalmente, no me Sub Agentes en According to the report made by Apartado 1252 són. Esta se presentó al fin en la lo hice repetir.
LIMON forma de una mardiz ne yo tiré the Rev. gentleman to Mr. Leo. Có delante del inglés. Continuará)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
UNITED FRUIT Co. rumour is abroad that the Village El Caballo Blanco Los precios más The New Burial Scheme Society their share again. If they fail to wrote They Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Este documento no posee notas.