
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE Published in Central America The best English newspaper Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 31 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday february 1935 Price: 15 per copy Monument To Mother Great Convenience NEWS FROM THE POINT esenon a new motor or Reply to criticisms of Mr. serioare Shaw Davis men We had asked, through these in Cartago, Juan Viñas, Turrialba THE OBSERVANT POINTER The ancierit Greeks have been the eyes of a fiancee; how many our most obliging and genial Su taken from each of these places, columns, of Mr. Frank Sheehy, and Peralta; If a few minutes were famed for their habit of paying the we say, stop to realize that not only perintendent of the The two chefs, Bob Eutsace and sister and Mrs. Nncholson whe Northern Siquirres could be benefited; one Jack Phipps, served a delectable have spent a few weeks at The profoundest respect the glories of was it Mother blood that nour Railway Co. for three convenien could have a cup of tea or coffee, spaghetti dinner at the Eustace Point. After supper a dance was motherhood, but in Costa Rica we ished and fed the growing tissues ces, namely a waiting room at Si a lemonade or something refresh home on the night of January 31 held which lasted until 1:00 do not find, among the young gen of the body evolving within the quirres. a waiting shel at Monte ng, which would benefit the com in honor of Meigs birthday. To There were 34 people present, eration, that keen regard, respect womb, but that it was Mother Verde and a stop station the inercial section a bit; friends could lend realism to the affair the chefs amongst whom were: Mr.
and love, bordering on veneration, mind, Mother attitude, Mother Cieneguita Crossing.
get a plimpse of each other in pas were attired in the customary Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Pauly, to Mother.
thinking, Mother acting and The Waiting Room has been sing and, in fact, as a Central uniform, and the little French Dr. and Mrs. Salisbury, Mrs.
The latest idea put forth here, Mother emotional existence like granted, but we would now like to Junction for all trains, it would be moustache was not forgotten, not Layton, Mr. Thomas, as a means of enthusing that ador wise affecting the body and the approach him for another great a great convenience for the Town by a long shot.
Mr. and Mrs. Prince, Me.
ation to motherhood, by the rising mental system of our dear selves. favour for Siquirres; that is to of Siquirres and produce a lasting and Mrs. Sydney Scoltock, Mirs.
generation, is the proposal for a This knowledge reached its allow the pasenger trains a little gratitude in the hearts of the peo Mr. MacLaurin spent the Scollock, Mr. and Mrs. Monument to be erected in one highest manipulation in Greece; longer stay at this station of our public places in honour of in studying Pythagoras and other fifteen minutes say ple to the memory of the affability weekend at the Point visiting his Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs.
instead of five of Mr. Sheehf and his colleagues. family. am of the assumption Huber. Miss. Krauth and Mrs. Mother.
Greek Philosophers, we will find The down trains stay a long time. Thanks in advance Mr. Sheehy. that Puntarenas must be quite dif Nicholson sailed on the Steamship The Board of Protectors of that from the first hour of Motferent from Limon, though not Peten Sunday Febraury for New Childhood offered a prize, in a herhood the first hour of concephaving visited Puntarenas am York. It is my hope that their competition among our Artists, for tion, the expected mother was unable to state definitely. stay at Port Limon was most the most appropriate Sketch or pocially cared for; she was given We beg to call your attention to our remark joyable and at some time in the Pattern to be adopted by the Sculp the opportunity to enjoy daily peat the back of receipt which reads: The MacGowan enter near future we may again have the tor as a basis for this work of Art. riods of music, calculated to stir tained to a cocktail party Miss pleasure of their company.
The day of selection was the 31st. into action the finer emotions of This bill January when eleven exhibits were her heart and mind. Art Galleries must be paid at Christine Fossel who is a visitor at our the Dudley The party Mr. Ames, spent a few presented; some in ink drawing, were provided where she could go office before the 15th of the month consisted of 16 members of the days at San Jose during the week.
some in plaster of Paris moulds, and view wonderful paintings, and younger ser.
some in earthenware and others in especially beautiful statues of huBe so good as to comply with this request Saturday nite last, a few of our painting. That which gained the man figures and concentrate The Hubers announce with par yourger set (after a few Planter favour of the Jurists was by the them. She dressed without tight and do not oblige us to suspend our service, donable pride of the arrival of a Punches am told) took in eminent National Artist, don Fran lacings, she walked comfortably a step which we would much regret to toke.
cisco Zuniga, which represents a and took special exercises. She was launch aptly named couple of dances down town. Did The Razel. ll bet that lead would they have a good time?
Mother stooping down with her not allowed to see or contemplate right knee up, on which the Baby unpleasant Compañía Eléctrica de Limón do justice to one of the best news. should say so from their remarks unkind things, paper columns. doubt very much And did they want tomato juice head reclines while nestling in her thoughts or conditions. She went if any Sunday will now find the next morning?
lap with mother face affection through certain simple ceremonies, Hubers at home, and perhaps a am told no! Nuff sed!
ately rests on baby cheek. Indeed almost primitive, yet sacred and few moonlight nights wil find them representing Mother most endear scientific to motherhood. Hence Members of the Caribbean Club ing carress and fondest affection to the children who were born of gathered at the home of her loved one.
these mothers were perfect specie birthday party was given by Dudley for their regular meeting It is certainly befitting that such mens of manhood and womanhood Xavier Oreamuno to many of his on the night of February 4th.
monument be raised, not only in mentally as well as physically.
In the Central American Ex for which we are credited by him. little friends on January 30. Amongst discussions taking place one of our Public Gardens, but in We, of today, are not born So Press of 2nd of Febraury it will be What time have we? after running was the proposed Valentine Day every Parque in every Province and perfect. Prenatal influences are not seen that our Associate Editor Mr. through the Gleaners, The London THE OBSERVANT POINT Dance.
Canton of the Republic, to remind given proper consideration. How Sam Nation has come in for a Times, The New York Herald, La ER welcomes Miss Mercedes Pe.
our youths of the obligations we often have we not seen our owe to mather for her endearing folk illtreating their wives, expec. Shaw Davis, whose multiplicity Prensa Libre, and other Magazines, lather of compliments by Mr. Tribuna, Diario de Costa Rica, La reira to the Point. startling phenomena took place Sunday! It is said that the Sua carresses and tender care to us tant mochers, by words and deeds, of portfolios on the Express, puts religious, scientific and agricultu. splendid cocktail party buffet shone brightly for over six hours.
while we were incapable of taking thereby occasioning disloyal, in. Mussolini with his positions in ral to which we subscribe, what time supper was held at the home of THE OBSERVATE POINTER of ourselves; let alone her harmonious and even destructive che Italian cabinet in a Cock Hat; have we to scan Mr. Davis futile Mr. and Mrs. Krauth as a was not present but trusts that his anxieties and perplexities during thoughts; How can the children of the period of time when she nour such mothers be born mentally being at the same time, Editor in attempt at Journalism in his abor farewall gesture to Mr. Krauth source of information is corret ished us with her blood and mould perfect. Even though the average Galleyman, Chaselocker, Chief, Compositor, Proofreader, tion which he styles Central AmerPress ican Express which he ed our characters by her calm and intelligent, mother feels she is asserene state of mind.
sisting in a very sacred work dur. man, Typewasher, and Distributor. Ameircan) see Page of his adFolder and Street Vendor or this vertisement of his Family Journal.
How many of us appreciate ing gestation, yet when these Formerly the people residing owners of such letters come Women as the Mother of Man adverse conditions crop up in her most important Newspaper, the Mark you he is EDITOR and along the Lines were greatly faci. Limon to pay for and receive them.
in the true sense of the word? How life, how can her children attain only misfortune being, that he does PROOFREADER, litated; the Administrador de Co This demand means travelling appear as Proprie His Grammar in the very many of us realize the fact that perfection of mind and body? not or cannot article Ambulante was always a expenses, loss of at least two days in which he denounces me PA the proper and perfect development Hence our season for urging that cor, WHY?
most obliging and courteous of and the suspense of getting some The reasons for annoyance FOOL would belittle a third of man began before man was even Monuments in honour of Mot.
ficer; he was entrusted with all one to identify them often a great He claims that Mr. Sam Nagrade girl pupil of Mr David born? How many of us, in this her be erected not only in the letters, addressed to persons along difficulty, for while these perbusy, hustling, world; hustling for Capital. but in every Canton, and tion asked his representative sales son school.
the lines, which might have been sons are well known in their disfame, hustling to make plans for that elaborate instructions be given man not to leave any more of his Examples, he says, His newspaper tamed or otherwise held for perso tricts. they are generally not so in the achievement of place and to the rising generation as to what important issues for him, and has been for a long number of years nal delivery by the Department. Limon. The order, therefore. is wealth, hustling to earn the daily part the care of motherhood takes caused because ESTABLISH in Panamd Exact He knowing as he does, most every causing much inconvenience to the in his last issue he bread, hustling to find favour in in the life of man.
had ly as he speaks.
one of any importance, would col people, and, through these columns, inserted from the pen of Mr. His Knowledge of Geography is lect these taxations and deliver the it is suggested to pray Mr. CordeH. something about the Bana. so limited that he calls his night registered or taxed letters to their ro, to withdraw the order and so Mexican na Contract which was distasteful mare. The CENTRAL AMEIR. rightful owners. Now, however, facilitate the Line folk as they to Bro Sam, POSSIBLY AS ACAN Express Mark his phra che present Administrador has pla. were by the kidness and geniality Nicaraguan SHAREHOLDER of the seology in. The Ex Press is close ced a serious barrier in the way of Jof Mr. Tabias Bermudez of the Co.
up to its fifth year of existence in this facility, by demanding that all Correo Ambulante.
Now how stupid, of our Editor Costa Rica.
connection with the long cific Ports; and, in cases of emer. Davis; Is Bro Sam the Genl. Man He says we are Poor in news.
pending proposal for the construc gency, a more rapid movement of ager or his Asst of the Co? paper Etiquette, but is an Editor tion of the Nicaraguan Canal, and the fleet would be secured for the Does he not know that they can not really very very Poor in Jourwhich has recently been engaging defence of the Canal. The dis. take care of him, his correspon nalistic ethics when his depraved The Union Grand Lodge of the as representatives of the Concorthe serious attention of President tance between New York and San dents, and all comers? We had brain can rise to no higher concep Independent United Order of Me dia Lodge, as well as Barrett Roosevelt and his. Naval Depart. Francisco would, it is stated, be thought that we were doing a ser tions for newspaper successes than chanics held their 1st. half yearly and Egbert Jones of the Loyal ment; we now learn that a project shortened by about 1, 130 miles vice, when asking this gentleman to conceive such demoralizing anec session at the Loyal Hope Hall on Hope.
has been submitted for the con compared with the present Pana. not leave anymore of his dotes as we have had in (MADA Saturday 26th. ultimo, under the Much important business sideration of the American Con manian route; and that from New WARES for us, althó he could ME NANNY BETTER BEST) presidency of Gran Master carried through, among which gress, in which it is suggested that Orleans by 1, 920. From Plymouth, always call for a copy of the and her son (BENNY BEN Nelson assisetd by his Deputy were the Balance Sheet of the an interoceanic Canal be construct England, the distance would be Voice but unfortunately we have IGHT) to save the life of his Gibb; Ayre, Grand Se transactions of the Grand Lodge, ed over the Isthmus of Tehuante. 6, 546 miles instead of 7, 770 as at come in for a shower of unkind Benighted and corrupt in necro cretary; Grocher, Grand presented by the Auditors Bros pec, in Mexico, in place of that present.
epithets, at which however, we are was called in Bocas, was this not Treasurer, also by Nation, Nation and Jones, and the adcitig already approved for the Nicarasurprised as such is quite showing up to the other Races how Past Grand Master and Harold al Inscription of the Grand Lodge gua route.
The matter has been referred to in keeping with the tendencies of Binighted and corrupt in necro Smith, Past Deputy Grand Master, as the governing Body for the to the Committees on Interior and uncultured, abortive minds. mancy the families of his RACE Order in the Republic.
It has been pointed out by those Foreign Commercial Affairs, but In reality have not the blic; and to be annoyed because apology for a newspaper which he District Meeting has be who are sponsoring the new prop has not, so far as is nkown, receiv article re, the Banana Contract to were who encouraged him in his is barefaced enough to be putting scheduled for the 12th. Februar osal that, as it would be much led any assistance from either the which our contemporary refers; as How POOR his ambition that before an intellectual reading pu at the Concordia Hall, to decide nearer to the United States, much actual Administration or a consid. we have no time to read anything (established in 1905) after 30 blic; but to be annoyed because many important problems bearing time would be saved in journeying erable number of the members of which would tend to warp the al years continuous publication to be someone refuses to read it, Takes on the life of the District, to which to and from the Adantic and Pa che Congress.
ready scant amount of intelligence lunable to rise any higher than the the Cake in Shamelessness. all members are invited.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
care spell Serious Inconvenience ro rreos was Canal Suggested In Place of In Grand Lodge Meets to was not seen


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