
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday february 1935 Egbert Thompson Forbes Replies to Lic. Carlos Silva SAL UVINA THE RIGHT SALTS For Liver los Silva of this city clarifying Silva who is also a Notary Public and and Stomach Ailments Indigestion Why Line Cricketers Should Hold Competitions Hamburg Amerika Linie in action to Man Know Thyself. Part II By Alya Grant seXudy and personal unfoldmene.
Since some Divine Law or PrinJust now, your are receiving the ciple has brought about man third link of a thoughtful chain presence here on earth; and since The Director The Atlantic Voice, to vacate the office with him so vibration, which should either keep there is some definite purpose to Sir: that he could take them to a Lawyou bound or set you free to fill be carried out by his presence, we In the number of your Weekly yer who would be capable of the TRUTH of EVERYTHING snould, in consequence, seek the Journal, which you so worthily freeing them from an honest debt.
pertaining to LIFE.
Why and the Wherefore of this direct, dated the 19th. Jany, there They both yielded to the advice of The one subject most vivid in earthly existence, and utilize the appears in the English Section, an this Traitor and followed him to my being as write, is the contrast specific work allotted us as che drawn by Attorney seen when the Primitive Man and medium for our personal Evoluhis Life is compared with the Motion.
his conduct in the Civil Court on Mr. Silva first step was to recomdern Man and the Life we are liv.
the 20th of the previous month. mend Smith to have a Bill Of Sale ing at the present time.
The secret is not to study the As this clarification is incorrect, made out in favour of his daughIf they were regarded as being Outer man, but the Inner, the DInvaluable for the Treatment am forced to take this method of ter Mary Smith, and such a docu.
of at the MEAN, then we are, surely, vine Man. Within us is that Geremonstrating against the manner ment was drawn up by Attorney at the ETREME. While this would nius who knows all things of the in which he has narrated the occur. Silva; thus using the title of a scem as if we were working from past, che present and the future; Flatulence rence, in favour of his defence, so Notary Public for an elicit perforAnd all forms Cause to Effect, yet we find the for eternal memory is in him.
that the public may have a know mance and thinking that by this wires are crossed in the comparison. Know Thyself. Socrates said: of Stomach ledge of this Attorney reputation bill of sale, the embarged property An endeavour must, therefore, be To attain knowledge of the Cosas a Professional Tutor of Law as would be freed. But little did they made to find the Solution, solvemos and of Self, we should first Colics Disorders well of the way in which he tried know that the property had been the Problem, clear the Induction of all create Law and Order. The to corrupt me.
embargoed by a Lawyer who knows from Our Lives and establish the next step. to stir and toster to the law; that the embargo was perfection we seek through the greater Power and Strength the FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES The Full History of the Case nored in the Register Office in San Knowledge of Self.
Divine spark in our breast.
One great Mystery has held man All knowledge, physical or psyJose; and that any one who made As the public well know, was a transaction the MANUFACTURED BY: on for all time the Mystery of his own chic, comes from personal experienwould property for many years, an employee of have to take over the account of being; and it will probably holdce; experience tried and tested over Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa the Law firm of Lic. DanielZele the embargo which took proceden him for many ages to come, unless and over again. Now that you have don Umana.
ce. Smith having made his Bill of SAN JOSE he at once begins to seek out his che fomnula, you should be ready It was there first met William Sale was content until he was noown capabilities and power The to arrest this simple Law and bring Smith Jarrett. He came, at that tified the property was to be sold hidden knowledge will then be it to a quotient in your own lives.
time, to retain the services of Mr. at Public Auction.
placed before him for his private You can do it.
Zeledon for his defence in the suit, which had been filed in the Civil The Legal Fight Now Starts Court of this province, Edward Taylor vs. William Smith Jarrete The Lawyer Carlos Silva then two brothers who had taken on to started a demand against Daniel Should the really meet each other in what could be Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón themselves the characters of Cain Zeledon and Aurelio Bermudez, decide to grant us a game on their termed Test Games to decide the Para EUROPA and Abel. Mr. Zeledon defended the base of his demand (Lack of arrival here later on in the month, Costa Rican Championship. These (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, the case and won with honours. ause) being the pagare, which is it will mean that our Cricket As Section games should, however, be Owing to the non payment of his now AMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO before the Civil sociation will select a team repres under the control of the Associafees, we were forced to call our Judge, for the sum of two thousentative of Costa Rica. Naturally, tion. PHOENICIA Febrero 20 ex client to the office to make final and seven hundred colones. And the Clubs that are not members of personally feel that there are Marzo IBERIA arrangements for settling same. He there Silva Zeledon and Bermudez the Association should not expect as good players on the Lines as came, accompanied by his son, and started to ramp their professional to be included in the selection, and there are in Limon, and should Para GUATEMALA as they are ignorant of the Spanish faculties before the Civil Judge. it is obvious they may not be given therefore be given a chance (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
language, was called to make the the past year, was called from consideration even though there prove their skill, particularly the necessary interpretations.
my office, which had established may be Headleys, Grimmetts, Brad younger ones. Not so long ago, m. IBERIA Febrero 27 When the matter of the fees in this City for the purpose of col. mans or Larwoods among them. read in the Panama Tribune Panama was settled, the question of the lecting accounts, by Dr. Carlos Coming to the point, the side which that the winner of the SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS PAGARE which Smith had signed Silva, through the medium of the will be selected will not be truly an Competition was to play the Colon Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: with his wife, as fiador, came up. same John Batis Mullins who is All Costa Rican, but rather a Champions to decide the Republic This was the first occasion on today the OFFICE BOY of Mr. Limon one; and still some will Championship. Now this is the HAPAG LLOYD which had heard anything of this Silva, On my arrival at his office, probably feel that the best were kind of thing we should promote Agencia Costa Rica pagare. It was then in the hands found Mr. Silva in company not selected, for it is the belief here. Therefore, we hope that those Teléfono 2086 of the Civil Judge for the legal with his office boy, whom he dichat some of our would be good affiliate with the and charges. The document was in reated to vacate the office so that men are not members of the As concerned with the Line Clubs will favour of Mr. Aurelio Bermudez he could have a private interview sosiation. But who is to be blamed start their 1935 campetition. This and endorsed to Attorney Zeledon with me. After a short conversa for this? If the Association sym would, in my opinion, do an im and by whom the embargo proceed tion, presumed he wanted me to pathizes and gives an outsider a mense lot of good for our Cricket ings had been issued against Smith. abdicate Zeledon and Bermudez chance, it would only be an act of We may get another chance to On Monday the 7th. January, Stennette, Financial Secy. ReSmith desired to have the embargo, and at the same time abuse my graciousness, for, really, the pick play against a foreign team; who the Hall of the Costa Rica Burial cording Secretaries, those of the lifted, and, at his request, exgood reputation in this city. His should only be between the Motive can tell how the next Inter Colo Scheme Association was chronged No. Branch; Mrs. Sterling, plained this to Mr. Zeledon. They elicit suggestion was as follows Power, Excelsior and Burial Sche nial matches will be played? Ja. to its utmost capacity on the oc Treasurer; Mr. Theodore, came to an amicable arrangement, Thmopson want your service in me Clubs who are the ones who maica may enter, who knows? casion of the installation of the Guard. Juvenile Dept. Misses The Ball Officers elected to serve the Monday following being fixed a case that is established in the have fought and are still fighting the en Paul, President; Davis, ViceА as the day on which the first pay Civil Court, William Smith vs. to keep the Association alive suing term. Prior to the installation, President; Reid, Financial Secy. ment be made. Aurelio BermuThe fact is the outsiders should eleven candidates were admitted to Master Henry, Rec. Secy; Miss the ranks of the Society.
Mullings, Asst. Rec. Secy. Mr.
The Ceremony was impressively Goulbourne, Treasure; Miswith his daughter, at about 30 the firm of Zeledón; your declara as only they who work should reap Unfortunately Mr. Zeledon tion would be a good one and the che harvest if any. There may be FRANK MADURO Jr.
performed by the Installing Masses Foulkes, Guard; Edter, Mr. Blackman, Promoter wads, Warden. Investigating Com had previously left to attend a Judge will give credence to it. certain stringent regulations in the Prop.
Rules, but as the Association is of the Association, and was ably mittee: Messs. McCatty, meeting of the Educational Board want you to declare that on a cerdevelop of which he is the Secretary. This tain day in the year 1932, Mr. Ber seriously endeavouring to assisted by Mr. McCatty. Chairman. Mettie; Babb; Best native lumber The special feature of the occasion, Brandon; Chambers; Mc meeting started at p. I, as mudez came up to the office of Costa Rican Cricket, why not all cleak of the Office, notified Mr. Zeledon and in their conversation join hands and make a success of at moderate prices, was the honour of Past President Neil; Mesdames Gaston; of Branch No. conferred on Mr. Molina; Mullings; Turcios; Zeledon over the phone that Mr. you heard Bermudez manifest chat it? All Clubs, throughout the Cameron Smith was awaiting his presence, he had a pagare that was signed by Country should become members. Poisoned Liquor Takes Heavy Toll Whyte; Hayles; Perry; hth The following Officers were Galloway; Dawson; Wil.
and through my medium, he re William Smith by means of a trick and when all UTICA, Thirty per installed: Messrs. Bond, son and Reid.
quested Mr. Smith to await him a and as Zeledon is the Lawyer of selectors would then be compelled At the close of the Installation, few seconds.
Smith then it would be casy for to select from the cream of each sons have died in the Nation President; Wade, Vice PresWhile Mr. Smith and his daugh him to collect that ampunt, and if Club, and the side so selected could worst poison liquor tragedy since ident; Foulkes, Financial Se a most eloquent address was del ter were in the outer part of the Zeledon collected it he would have then be regarded as really All pepeal of the 18th Amendment. cretary: Mrs. Carnegie, Record. ivered by the Installing Master. Public opinion, in New York State, ing Secy; Mr. Campbell, Asst. who endeavoured to infuse in all office awaiting Mr. Zeledon, they the half and Bermudez the othet Costa Rica. For this reason.
were attacked by one John Battis half. then told Mr. Silva that no other, we should have the Line one of the first during Prohibition, Recording Secy. Mrs. Hamm, the officers a sense of their resto demand legal liquor, clamoured Treasurer; Miss. Manning, ponsibilities, and expressed his Mullins, who was, at that time the would have to consider the sub. Competition In last week issue suggested cution. Three warrants for for stern investigation and prose Asst. Treasurer; Hessrs. Esco; gratiture for the loyalty of his coOFFICE BOY of Mr. Zeledon ject, said adieu and returned to first inner Guard; Knight, Outer workers during the past term.
bue was acting the part of a Judas my office. did not see Smith in that the Line Clubs organize their degree murder and four for mans Guard. Sick Benefit Dept. very enjoyable evening came and who is nothing else chan a the office on this Occasion. competition and play in sections. laughter were issued in connection Messrs. Goulbourne, Presto a close at ll JUDAS. He took the parties outThey would save on their expenses with the tragedy.
ident; Hylton, Vice President; Staff Reporter side and, as a traitor, advised them Concluded next issue and have more time for the games.
Instead of Guacimo coming all the way down to Estrada, and Matina LUIS WA CHONG SIQUIRRES RESTURANT PARK HTFL going up to far away Cairo, the GUACIMO GUAPILES suggested Section play would be The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 MiLimon, Costa Rica, On ocean front far better. suggest the divisions Cantina, Licores Extranje nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath Well ventilated as follows: Section No. Limon; ros y del país served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. Section No. Zent, Estrada, Mataurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo Tienda bien surtida y Sample room tina, Rio Hondo and Carmen; Sec.
ken, Se habla español. On parle Francais, Man Spricht Deutsch.
Abarrotes en general LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress No. Pacuarito, Siquirres, KISSLING Post Office Box 236 Telephone 53 Cairo; Germania and Guacimo. Precios sin competencia Manager The winner in each Section would Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Installation Ceremony to the ofice, on that day, along dez. You are an old employee of be out of the question all together Maduro Lumber Yad ed mec if mn niv; so ve ping boy PP med IP Th th api UR hku PO tion


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