
iaturday february 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA on See the Radio that thinks!
woman Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception Are Finer that Ever!
RCA VICTOR RADIO New Law Firm land.
Costa Rica Radio er ness.
ve 23.
Game Will Be Played At All Costs Chong León In the Interest of his Race mother club.
were Adrift For Six Days Soviet Elections To Be Hereby Hangs a Tale HAVANA. story of six rantic days adrift, in a small boat, Democratized The hall resounded to the gen.
The tailor consulted his books. the Gulf of Mexico, has been tle shuffle of dancing shoes Oh, yes, sir. Here we are. Four old by Hartman, 58 years MOSCOW. Soviet Russia polished floor. Seated together in Eton jackets with trousers supplied Id, a mining Engineer of New has made a move to democratize a corner were two men.
in 1897.
York. Hartman, when rescued 60 its elections. Molotoff, President Do you see that tall miles off Cardenas, Cuba, by a of the Council of Peoples Com with the sharp nose and the vicious Danish freighter, said he and four missars, was instructed by the Cen looking eye? said the first man.
members of the crew of the motor tral Committee to propose to the Yes, said his companion. The tourist had just treated an yacht Evade had floundered All Union Soviet Congress Consti Well, went on the first speak old man who was sitting outside In RCA VICTOR about in heavy seas and strong tutional changes which will make er ve been watching her for the village inn to a glass of beer.
gales while their food and water balloting secret, grant equal re quite a while. She always got her They tell me that you re the supply dwindled. The Evade presentation to workers and peas nose in somebody business. She oldest inhabitant, said the tourist.
was afterwards sighted with her ants. and substitute direct for in the last woman d marry. What is your age?
motors disabled and a broken rud direct elections.
The other man gazed at him The village ancient took a good der.
with a ok of adiniration.
pull of the beer. Old chap, he said, at length, Yes, that right, he replied. shake hands! You ve just shown be the oldest in the village 95 me how strangely in sympathy we next month; and reckon if it are. That woman actually is the hadn been for this putting back the last woman d marry. the clocks d have been a centen New law firm and notary public, known as Limon Dispatch Agency with offices in Limon and San José recently opearian by this time.
ned. Limon office situated opposite Arrasty Theatre while San woman driver in Kansas City José office is in charge of Licenciado Octavio Jiménez, ex Ci collided with four cars at one time, vil Judge of Limon and a reputable Lawyer in the capital. The collided with four cars at one other members of the firm are Mr. Horacio Prendergast who SALOMON CHING WE LEE formerly practised here for many years and Mr. Roberto Suther Women are generally good drivne ers, but when they re not, they Estrada Firm is dedicated to the handling of judicial affairs, spe make it worth while.
cializing in criminal and divorce cases, preparation of wills, sett. middle aged man went to his Abarrotes y Licores lement of estates, securing land titles, collections, etc. and will Tailor also operate in real estate and do a general commission busiArtículos del País want a few more suits for the winter, he said but in the mean. Precios Econó nicos dy ime, of course will pay something Perry Girton Green Germ Malaria Ravages themselves. Authorities have barely off the old account. What the LA IBERIA ng Ceylon made headway against the disease: next thing on the list unpaid?
workmen have been rushed to every COLOMBO, CEYLON.
swamp and pool in the 25, 000 Ceylon, the Pearl Garden of the square miles of the Island, oiling Read, Mark and Mentally Digest Indian Ocean, was stated, on the the waters even to the smallest tiMr. Editor, forded to once more witness the vulets.
Risk no more Money in a Foreign Burial Society for Ird. inst. to be a plague ridden Sir.
grand Old Game.
the Support of Foreigners who have no interest in YOU.
and of apathy and horror. More Please allow me space in your The following will represent the han 12, 000 of its inhabitants were We Spend ALL YOUR MONEY on YOU. We Nurse you valuable Weekly for the benefit Bernard jead and at least 1, 000, 000, or onewhen you are sick. We bury you when you are dead. of Sport. Capt. Young, sixth of the Island population, LIVERPOOL The Unblemished Society.
Seeing that we invited the Ba. Myrie, Harrison, Little, afflicted by the ravages of a mys Licores ExtranjeThe Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association nanero of Cairo to a frendly Kelly, Brown, Johnterious Green Germ Malaria. a game on the 3rd. of March next, son, Gaines, Gayle, Led.
LIMON malady alleged to be new to Brit ros y del País and up to this they have not register and Campbell (12th.
ish Science. Children less than 15 ABARROTES plied, we will play the game with man. years old dragged their parents to the graves. Entire villages Precios On the 17th. inst. We will be Costa Rica Burial Scheme Asse.
prostrated with overwhelming torEconómicos meeting the Pathfinders on the Athletic Dept. Limon.
incident is a mark of real pride Limon Oval, if the weather perpor, the inhabitants unable to help Mr. Editor Campbell Sir and race consciousness. Like the mits. The public will then be af.
Secretary. regret having to trouble you student, let us, in turn, always so often but please grant me suf think first of our own race ficient space for this.
unite our forces so that we may It is my desire to speak, to the be able to survive the doles.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES hearts and consciences of the in We can do it by uniting; we can (LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK telligent members of my race, who do it by respecting ourselves and con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA, are domiciled in this blessed count others and by patronizing our own.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS ry. From all view points, observe If we will but do these, our efforts VAPORES SALIDAS that my people are being tossed must, of a surety, be crowned with about for lack of racial protection success.
SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS VERAGUA 10 de Febrero Is there not a single one, with suf. urge all Divisions of the QUIRIGUA 17 de Febrero LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS ficient wisdom and energy, to step operating here, to publish PETEN.
24 de Febrero forward in the interests of the their activities so as to encourange, de Febrero 1935 struggling race? do not wish to to greater zeal, those who may now be personal, so will only enquire feel dispared. Use the columns of Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerano y fletes, dirigirse Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres what of the many leading intel the Atlantic Voice, the People Compañía Ultramar CAVINA 15 de Febrero lectuals? what are they doing for Journal, the Vindicator of Agentes Generales ARIGUANI.
1o de Marzo the preservation of the coming Cause.
FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs, is FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. generation?
Thanking you Mr. Editor, Sub Agentes en would remind them all that Murray.
LIMON PUNTARENAS Ito Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON Liberty and independence are much Feby. 1935.
Para otros informes, diríjaso a las oficinas de la United more important than political do Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica growth. It is a sorry TELEFONO 3156 fact that, today, the intelligencia of our peosy ple are ever more ready and will.
16; ing, and without invitation at that.
to go to the support of other races and nations in the fostering of Tomorrow, at 30 a. theliams; Ferguson, with Bailey, their cvilization or the straightenPathfinder will be leaving Turrialba Clarke and ing out of their difficulties, while Banco del Estado State Bank on the excursion train to Penshurst Blanckshaw as reserves.
they give no heed to their and back to Beverly where they are. kich and kin. Cant it be seen that Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue scheduled to play against the rear On Sunday the 17th.
instant, our younger ones are travelling less The game is expected to obe Pathfinders will be meeting the headlong to oblivion?
Se complace en anunciar al Begs to announce to the commence immediately after the Burial Sheme on the There is such a thing as Overil arrival of the train from Penshurst. Limon Oval.
production, known largely in our público la apertura de su Public the opening of its As quite a large number of persons commercial life, which causes loss bi have signified their intention of Luther Johnson. Secy. to those concerned; and so it is cpoing, it will be quite a Gala Day with us, we are being universally for the Beverly folk. The Yankee rejected so that in the near future Gibbs Wild Cat Band will be cur position, at best, will be at the supplying the music. The train is foot of the busy ladder of progress.
EN LA. med to leave Beverly for PensIN THE Abarrotes. Mercaderia en An American student was once jurst at 30 on the return general asked by his teacher. Who was the ho Venta al por Mayor y first man God created? Without The following will compose the Menor the slightest hesitation he replied anthfinder Eleven: Dixon. The Great George Washington, Agentes exclusivos de la faCapt. Taylor, Capt.
and on his teacher assuring him it para toda clase de mosa mantequilla y queso All Kinds of Bank Service Yunter: Dandy Minto: ROSSI y Co.
was Adam, remarked that he did servicio bancario.
Iskine; Harrison: Brown: Finca Saborio rot know they were being cold Coco. Harrison, Brown: Wi!
about foreigners. To me, this Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Vapor COSTA RICA he Elders Fyffes, Ltd.
our Tomorrow Game Banco Internacional de Costa Rica OWD SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Bonilla y Co.


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