
TIIS ATLANTIC VOICE Pablished in Central America Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday POL The best English newspaper Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 32 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, February, 16th. 1935.
Price: 15 per copy ucio Italy Conflict With Abyssinia Hauptmann NEWS FRON THE POINT Sentenced To Die Rae to oped to luck.
de recurrent with it, reto have sat Thiet Shot By Policeman Dies On Spot on came The conflict which has, for some the League of Nations to definitely The Observant Pointer.
time, existed between Italy and determine the border lines. MeanAfter one of the most stirring ments.
and hard fought criminal trials in Hauptmann Chief Attorney February 11th was Fish Day The pupils were everywhere and disorders on disputed territory ber of Italian troops on a war basis the legal history of the United has officially announced his inten around the Point. hunting party one teacher was in San Jose, and ween Abyssinia and Italian Soma with large numbers being sent States in recent times, the Fleming. tion to appeal against the verdict, for fish up the Moin River parti the other riding around in the caliland is now assuming a more se the scene of conflict.
rious aspect On the other hand Abyssinia, con, New Jersey, Jury of eight and to carry the case, if necessary. cipated in by Hazel Huber, Hazel mion. Some people have all the During the past few days reports Africa Inland Empire, has stated men and four women have declared to the highest tribunal of the Na Douglas, Cris Fossel, Dodo Mas luck.
have been made of armed con her determination to protect het Bruno Richard Hauptmann guilty tion. He will also. it is alleged, be Gowan and Irma Dudley was pro Eddie Pauly is sporting a red flicts between Italian native troops territorial integrity and national of the kidnapping and murder of making a worldwide appeal in or lific in results. understand the and Abyssinian Tribesmen; when sovereignty at all costs, and has the infant Charles Lindbergh, and der to secure further evidence with boat was in a sinking condition face and neck as a result of his many were killed and wounded. already mobilized between 50, 000 he has been sentenced to pay the which to support his appeal and re due to weight of the catch. The trip up the Moin River last SunThe Italian Premier has drawn and 80, 000 men, armed with mo Chair on the 18th of March next Extreme Penalty in the Electric quest for a reversal of the verdict. crowd got back on the same day, day. Mrs. Pauly says she suffered After leaving the Court, the tired but well satisfied with their no ill effects, so Ed must be unaG up an ultimatum in which he de dern rifles and machine guns, to. mands complete satisfaction from face any emergency.
The verdict was a unanimous one. members of the Jury returned ble to take it.
The Jury deliberated for over the hotel where they have been Mr Abysinia for the killing of upwards eleven hours and returned their ver lodged druing the trial and indulg.
Mr. Krauth made one of dal of one hundred Italian tropps in Mrs. Hans Herzog was a visitor England and France are reported border clashes. These to be co operating with a view of diet at 10. 30 Wednesday night. ed in dancing till the early hours his flying visits to San Jose during at the Sheehy home over the past the week.
weekend demands are said to include the securing an amicable settlement of The trial Judge gave, it is alleged, of the following morning.
indications of being in agreement When asked by his Attorney, Mr. Graham, Superintenpayment of the sum of the disagreement, although it is who visited him the next day, if he imagine there will be a great dent of the Material Supply De 5, 000, 000, a guarantee for the alleged that they recently gave Italy Hauptmann received the verdict desired to confess to the kidnap turnout for the red and white partment spent a few days at the future respect of her frontier and a free hand against the ancient a bareheaded salute of the Italian and independent Kingdom in and sentence with apparent calm ping, so that an effort might be dance on Saturday night. remern Capital City transacting Company Flag. It is also suggested that a turn for certain Italian favours in ness, but broke down and wept bit made to obtain a commutation of ber the occasion last year with the business.
mixed Commission be named by European politics.
terly after entering his cell. He is the death sentence, Hauptmann quiet beauty of the men and woreported smoking stated that if he had had a confes men dressed in the appropriate Happy Days are here again and throughout the remainder of the sion to make he would have done colors.
the sun shines on THE OBSERVANT POINTER and others.
ed of the result of the trial by ite spared his wife, child and mother This really is not News From lephone, but he made no com Vall their suffering.
The Point but learn with regret In my wanderings around the of the illness of Lawrence Schaefer, place noticed Tom Layton lookone of our downtowners. hope it ing around our fair community Chinese known by the name On Saturday last the owner of of Jimenez Ching and the owner the business decided to go to Es In Grateful Recognition is nothing serious Mr. Schaefer and it certainly does me good to and most likely it is just one of see him up and coming again.
of a commercial establishment at trada; but prior to doing to he those upsets that happen once in a San Jose Creek, Estrada, had been arranged for the policeman The congratulations showered on the Rev. Alberlo Woll lifetime? pleasant little round table experiencing losses in his business guard to remain locked in the shop.
garten, Vicar Apostolic elect of Limon, by visits to gathering was held place for some time.
the ComNo sooner had the Chinese left the Presbitery, Telegrams. Cords and Letters, have been so It is because of various rum. munity House on last Saturday These losses occurred on than Bryan, opening a trap door in every numerous and varied, making it a great strain on the Rev.
the flooring of his room, blings and grumblings that hear night by male members only. occasion he had of leaving the Father to individually reply, he therefore begs lo tender, by and observe the following: where, few of the married men were prespremises and he could in no way cance of his friend and accomplice down into the shop with the assisthese means, his heartfelt gratitude to his numerous friends oh! where, is The Goma. Will it ent but their early departure easily account for same, as the building named. Trotman, supposed to be and admirers, who have, in some way or another, extended publish or will it not! have no denoted the fact that the female never showed any evidence of havto him, their expressions of cordial salisfaction on his selecthe son of a resident in the vicinity.
financial interest in The Goma but of the specie is more deadly than ing been broken into.
tion for elevation to the Vicarship of Limon this is a good method of getting the male.
rid As soon as he reached the Lower at the root of the matter.
As this state of things continued, floor Bryan began making his seCouldn a few of the delivery it is said, for some five months or lections when he was confronted by Conference On Pan American jos so, Ching reported the circumstan the Policeman and arrested; he Having of times read this sto trucks that sail through The Point y ces to his landlord and subse naturally gave combat and the poliHighway Project gan d walk a mile for a Camel. be made to travel more slowly?
as quently to the Police who instituted ceman finding himself, no doubt, it brought to my mind a slogan You can always by new engines mte a watch of the premises. The pre being overpowered, brought his Representatives from all of our Mr. Rounsevell proposes the in that would be suitable for our and trucks but you can buy a in Point. could walk a heluva lot child. Couldn taxi drivers be mises is a two story building, the gun into play and shot the thief Latin American Nations will meet auguration of a Corporation upper floor being occupied by dead on the spot. The accomplice in San alvaor, on the 12th of the which all the nations, participating more than a mile for something cautioned toge more slowly, espetenants of the peasant class. Trotman, needless to say, made coming month, to iscuss the proplin the construction of the highway, that would shut down the power cially on rainy days and nights? It Hector Bryan, a son of one Cor good his escape.
osal of Mr. Nelson Rounseve l, should become shareholders, and on some of our radios, especially it disconcerting to be covered with nelius Bryan of Puerto Viejo, was The incident occurred around Editor of the Panama American. that the cost of work be recovered after ten o clock. Residents of water and mud from the little pud.
a tenant in one of the rooms, and 11, 45 a. and produced, as can the Pan. American highway from travelling public, of one cent gold in connection with the building of by the imposition of a tell, on the Fifth Avenue please note. dles that are bound to gather in it seem from what ultimately took be expected, the greatest excitement the northern frontier of Mexico to per mile.
the roadway. am a pedestrian.
place that it was he who had been in the entire district. Bryan was February 12th Birthday of the Canal Zone.
committing the depredations.
but of twenty years.
Abraham Lincoln, Emancipator. Hi! Max! Glad to see you back The only persons who could really from Almirante. Thus greet Doc Boy Scouts Coming From Panama do honor to this holiday were the Gamboa recently returned from his teachers and pupils of the school. sojourn at Almirante, Panama.
An official communication has We beg to call your attention to our remark number of our Boys from been received here stating that a San Jose are being sent on Monday at the back of receipt which reads: company of Panamanian Boy to receive them at Sixaola; these Scouts have arranged to pay us a will also be travelling on foot. This bill must be paid at our visit; they intend leaving their The Atlantic Voice heartily couple once lived in Cienegui of a Doctor being obtained. Just home city tomorow and will be welcomes them and hopes their stay office before the 15th of the month ta, a suburb of this City. Step ten days later, Mrs. Brown, on coosaking the journey on foot. will be a very pleasant one.
hen Brown and Roselda Gordon, ming in from the Lines, went to Be so good as to comply with this request his wite. They were the greatest a friend home and asked to be nuisance to the residents. Mrs. allowed to rest for a while; she was Brown was a source of terror to her given a seat in a folding chair and It has been reported from Lon transformed into diamond hard a step which we would much regret to take. reighbours. She threw stones into in a few moments, she, too, was a don that the age long dream of crystals. He pursued this research their houses, broke their sashes, Corpse.
manufacturing synthetic Diamonds and gradually evolved a synthetic Compañía Eléctrica de Limón threw excrement and dirt on has been achieved by an unknown trúe diamond.
their premises and constantly abus been rid of a terrible nuisance by The vicinity has, in consequence scientist, who had spent nearly half ed and fought with them. She was the hand of the Allwise Disposer a century on experiments and had finally come across the secret by diamonds but rubies sapphires, horities.
accident turquoise and topaz stones can be It is said that he discovered a produced, it is also alleged.
The Caribbean Club takes pleased this year to give all a chance to On Sunday, three weeks ago, The house in which the couple compound which, when subjected ure in announcing it Second An participate in the entire program. Brown rook ill and died the follow lived has, we understand, been The diamonds are expected to nual Party to be held on Saturday The parents are requested to send ing Thursday without the attention taken over by one Mrs. Kellyman secret process, was be, shortly, on sale everywhere.
afternoon and Evening at Hospital the girls and boys in the sturdy of Siquirres, under the provisions Point on Febraury 16th. The Club every day clothes so they can take of an alleged Bill of Sale, from has made plans for two parties. In part in all the games. Different be the predominating colors. Many Brown to her daughter, as a prothe afternoon for the children; In ones for all ages. Prizes will be of our puests in 1934 followed the tection Information has been against the troubles his receievd pence for Grapefruit. These prices the Evening for the adults. awarded to the lucky ones and same colors in their dress and every dear wife was causing him contifrom our Consul General in Lon are regarded, we understand, as plenty of refreshments will be serv one remebers the pleasing and nually in the Courts. His animals don, giving the result of Costa very encouraging by those who The Caribbean party is scheduled to all.
beautiful picture. We hope Rica initial shipment of citrus were responsible for the shipmented to start at p. on the Tenour were sold to defray the expenses of guests this year will carry out the che funerals.
fruit to that market.
going forward; and in view of the nis Court (in the event of rain, For the rown ups in the even cc operation.
fact that the quality of the fruit the party will be held in the School ing we have engaged a San Jose The sales averaged eight shillings was reported as being magnificent, House. We have numerous This is a sure fulfilment of the es en Orchestra with the latest pieces for her case for Novel Oranges, seven it is felt that there is a very good tertaining, funny, and pleasing ga hours of dancing. Decorations tickets for both parties. The quota heapeth up All members of the Club have Biblical saying. The wicked riches not knowing hillings and six pence for Vanlen future for this branch of our plant mes for all the kiddies. The parade have been planned along the lines will be as in the past, five colones who shall inherit them. What ia Oranges and seven and three ling industry.
land fancy dress has been eliminat for last year. Red and White will (C 00) for each gentleman la strange little Book. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Strange Occurrences Secret Of Synthetic Diamonds Discovered and do not oblige us to suspend our service, to Brondrying the reprocess not only The Caribbean Club reportedly placed before the Aut of all events.
to a certain Our Citrus Fruit In English Market on he

    Death SentenceEnglandFranceItalyKidnapping

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