
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, February, 16th. 1935 courRosena Agatha Doyley. nee Smith Elders Fyffes, Ltd.
An Interesting Game For Tomorrow Attorney Carlos Silva Refers To Recent Publication at Maduro Lumber Yard the cretary Egbert Thompson Chong León LIMON Railway Wreck In Soviet Russia hung a looping right on the AttorBey mouth, who getting off the UNITED FRUIT Co.
MOSCOW. Russia third floor, brought one up from the Railroad wreck in five weeks was heels. He nearly knocked a SERVICIO DE VAPORES reported to have occurred on the troom attache kicking with a round Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK DIED 10th. inst. near Saratov in West house meant for Rudy. The great con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA.
Central Russia. It was a head on Lover was led out of the room, LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS collision between a freight and a breathing heavily, his hair awry at 30 on Monday, 11th. February, at her late VAPORES SALIDAS passenger train, which piled coaches and his coat half pulled off.
home in Port Limon, in her 48th. year, and cars into a mass of wreckage, QUIRIGUA.
17 de Febrero killing eighteen persons and injur PETEN 24 de Febrero VERAGUA ing nine. de Marzo LUIS WA CHONG Japan Seeking Greater Fortifications In Pacific GUACIMO GUAPILES Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres leaving an afflicted husband Henry Doyley and an TOKYO.
Japan considers Cantina, Licores ExtranjeCAVINA ros y del país 15 de Febrero only son, Winston, to mourn their sad loss.
her fortifications in the Pacific, as ARIGUANI.
1o de Marzo limited by the Washington Treaty, Tienda bien surtida y obsolete and inadequate, and would FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
Abarrotes en general favour negotiations for a new seAgentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON parate Paa with the United States Precios sin competencia Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United to extend them. This has been Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica The Editor. Capt. Young; Harrison; hinted by her Naval Minister.
TELEFONO 3156 Dear Sir. Little; Brown; Mytie; Existing restrictions on Japanese Abolishment of American At last the Cricketers of Limon Ledgister; Lewis; Brews and American fortifications are Consulate In Moscow Causes Feat have decided to play the game, but ter; Reid; Brown with disadvantageous to Japan he claimas the older Clubs will not do Campbell, Robinson, Caine ed, because of the continual exMOSCOW. That Japan assist anything to sports, the and Nation as Reserves.
pansion of China Air Forces.
would grow more hostile toward YOUNGEST CLUB in the Town Athletic Dept. Burial Russia as a result of the new eswill oppose our Club in a friendly Scheme Asscn. Limon.
trangement between Moscow and This is not intended as a replyant Smith by his misconduct. game tomorrow, commencing Campbell. Secy.
Washington, was expressed in well to my lying slanderers who would (sgd. Vaglio Police 10. 30 a. sharp. This game informed circles. The American not merit such a compliment; but Judge, Francisco Castillo, Sc. should prove exceedingly interest State Department decision to rather, as a satisfaction to ing as none of the players are in FRANK MADURO abolish its Moscow Consulate and public do I, in continuation, pub By the foregoing sentence, proof practice, and all are expecting to Prop.
do lish the Sentence passed by His is given to the public that the mat.
curtail its Embassy staff comes as great things.
a blow to Russia for two main Honour the Judge of the Police ter of the declaration, so basely The match is being played in Corredor Jurado Best native lumber reasons, the foremost being that Court against the famous Egbert brought to the Press by Thompson honour of Mr. Alcides Ramirez, Comisionista Japan would be encouraged in her Thompson in the misdemeanour and his advisore has been qualified President of the Board of Physical at moderate prices, unfriendly attitude, knowing that for Robbery from my client Wil and penalized as a Swindle of my Culture, who will bowl the fist APARTADO 127 the Soviets and Americans were at liam Smith: Libeller, and not the Imaginary ball. Office of the Police Court, Li Bribe conjectured with the view of The following will represent the Limón odds. It was understood that the Mexico Prepares Against Soviets are considering a possible mon, at two of the 22nd. prejudicing my good reputation, Club; Bernard Revolutionary Surprise withdrawal of their own military of January 1935. Of the present for which Calumny have already attaches in Washington as a reta. proeceding against Egbert Thomp instituted the corresponding accu Read, Mark and Mentally Digest MEXICO. All military liatory move.
son Forbes of the qualifications sation.
known in the Court documents, My statements are borne out by Risk no more Money in a Foreign Burial Society for Agents in the Republic have been instructed to join an for the misdemeanour of (Estafa) the respective indictments in the the Support of Foreigners who have No interest in YOU.
intensive search for General Antonio VillaRobbery, Swindle, from William Judicial Officers, for the inspecWe Spend ALL YOUR MONEY on YOU. We Nurse you Jarrett.
real, defeated Candidate in tion of the public who may wish to the when you are sick. We bury you when you are dead.
As a result of the Ist. 3rd. 4th. investigate.
last Presidential Elections, who is LIVERPOOL The Unblemished Society.
known to be attempting to start a and 5th. and considering Ist. 2nd.
Carlos Silva revolution The The Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association Licores Extranjeand 3rd. therefore by the Law announcement Cited and Article 648 as well as by stated that revolutionary Agents ros y del País the succeeding one of the Penal SALOMON CHING WE LEE had been stationed in New Orleans ABARROTES and New York, but that the GenCode and Article 42 of the Political Constitution: The Accused Eg.
Estrada eral was in hiding somewhere near Precios the Mexican Capital.
bert Thompson Forbes is condemEconómicos Under instructions from the freight, which varies from twenty ned to pay a fine of One hundred Abarrotes y Licores Executive, the Inspector General six to ten colones, according to the Lively Courtroom Scenes Colones in favour of the EducaArtículos del País of Municipalities and don Juan localities from which it is brought tion epartment of this District, or Romagosa have been engaged, dur. to this port by the Northern Rail.
NEW YORK Rudy Valle Preparing for Another European in default to discount its equivalent Precios Econó nicos ing the past week, in making away.
legal battle with his absentee wife, War by arrest in the jail of this City; LA IBERIA general investigation of the econo.
Fay Valle, over her 100 a week and also to pay Costs, damages mic condition of our municipal The Government is stated to be wages, moved in to the dosing BERLIN. and injury caused to the complainaffairs connection with willing to release the confiscated scenes when Rudy socked one of tions for another possible Eurothe desire of the Municipal assets of the English Expeditionists his wife lawyers and the Judge pean war was an alternative which Guillermo Niehaus Co. Board to grant the rate ayers a who some short time ago landed.
challenging the other. Justice Sal. German Military strategists fifty per cent rebate on their pa. unauthorizedly, on Coco Island in vatore Cotillo had just adjourned envisaging recently during their LIMON vimentacion rates. On the report return for the payment by them of proceedings for the day when Rudy study of the Anglo French Agreeof these gentlemen the Central the sum of twenty five thousand Maderas Extranjeras y del País walked over to the lawyer and ment.
Government will decide whether or colones.
COMPRA CACAO no the rebate should be allowed.
MATERIAL DE TRANVIA SHONG LUNG FAI In the Village of Arucas, Las Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo. Palmas, a woman named Antonia LIMON Importación de mercadería en generalGomez Concas died recently, at Licores the age of one hundred and eight Artículos del País years, leaving one thousand three hundred decendants.
Los precios más bajos.
When did you study LAW? The United Fruit Company has Manzana 23 Mr. Editor: Where? What College? When offered those Coffee producers In RCA VICTOR did you pass your Exam. What who make their exportations by Lote número Some day last week, a quantity qualification did you have to enter way of Limon a reduction of circulars were distributed around the COLLEGE? Did you possess this town, with the big head line: a Cambridge Junior, Senior or a Hamburg. Amerika Linie Wanted the Public to Know. and Certificate?
at the bottom. Horacio Prer If the above are satisfactorily Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón degast, Solicitor, Limon Despatch answered Mr. Prendegast. success Are Finer that Ever!
Para EUROPA Agency. Law office and Notary. is assured. will not deal with the trouble Thanking you Mr. Editor. SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, which caused these circulars to be AMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO. Professor of Lan printed, nor with that which caused PHOENICIA Febrero 20 this gentleman to have quitted the Limon, Feby. 1935. IBERIA Marzo country in the first instance; but wish to call particular attention to Para GUATEMALA ΑΙ certain of its paragraphs, namely: HOUSE FOR SALE If it were not for the fact that (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
the have recently opened an office Four room apartment with, IBERIA Febrero 27 th now practising LAW, dinningroom, kitchen, toilet and would make bold to SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS do and varanda, built in 1930 that should an adverse decision be on Mrs. Sanchez land. No Para cualquier clase do informos, dirigirse a: whi del handed down, would immediately reasonable offer will be reciose my office and case practisHAPAG LLOYD fused. For further informa. ing LAW.
Perry Girton tion call at Limon Service Agencia Costa Rica Will Mr. Prendegast oblige by Bureau.
Teléfono 2086 Chi Tanswering the following questions ke Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The Week Jottings Intensive prepara in were See the Radio that thinks! Mr. Prendegast Interrogated of Magic Brain. Range, tone and Reception of RCA VICTOR RADIO TO sta st and am Costa Rica Radio say on hat


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