
Saturday, February, 16th. 1935.
THE TLANTIC PAGINA Cricket Activities Egbert Thompson replies to Lic. Carlos Silva SAL UVINA us to For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of Indigestion and sent Obituary are not An Explanation a (Continuation) and the rest of twenty five will Well, the Wanderers went out game in that far away age, but the to Penshorst last weekend and, as time came when they were no lon.
On the 22nd of the same month, pey you the day of your declaraI was recalled by the said office tion. You will please note the letter was expected, they got a thorough ger able to maintain their position; whipping which they are blaming the honey seemed to have lost its boy to the office of the said im which this impertinent Lawyer pertinent Lawyer, and these were dictated to me at the end of my to lack of practice, etc. Do they, strength producing quality, and so however, expect swallow it was that they went down before THE RIGHT SALTS his words to me What have you history. signed the letter under such aspirines. Why did they the onslaught of the resolved to the question we spoke the payment of twenty five coloyounger net practis? Have they not got Clubs, until today their name is no over? for the time to present his nes, but not to certify the contents proof is expiring. At the same time of same. was paid for my signathe necessary equipment and men? ionge: knowr. among the great ons he repeated his elicit subject told ture.
Anyhow we know the reason for of the land.
nim would return the same day. On the 20th of December was this; if they had been sufficiently Considering that this man wanted summoned to appear in the Civil lucky to have won, they would As we cannot resist our inquisihave shouted. Oh, even with. tive nature, we have to make the me to commit the fault of Calum Court and did so; under interroria, and to agree, went to the gation, was presented by Silva out practice we were able to hold enquiry. Who is really backing Civil, Judge and suggested it to with the question as follows: If our own.
che Pathfinder Club? The members him. He told me he is the Judge it is true that around the year 1932, am begining to think that the are but mere youths at trade, etc. and could not tell me what to do, being a clerk of Dr. Daniel Zelename Wanderers is something yet they were able to run excursions only if were presented to him don, and in the office of same, of the past, and should be told as to La Uvita last Christmas and Flatulence And all forms with a direct calumny would be came Mr. Aurelio Bermudez to a bed time story to little boys, thus: New Year Day; then on Sunday punished according to the law. converse with Zeledon, and heard Once upon a time, in a seaport gone they took the train to Pensof Stomach then wrote Mr. Zeledon a letter Bermudez say to Zeledon that he town on the Atlantic Coast of the hurst along with a band of music.
asking his advice to which he re had a pagare signed by William Republic of Costa Rica, there exist. We have to agree with Centre Colics Disorders plied. then got another call from Smith and his wife, as fiador, in ed a Club called the Wanderers. Stump in his request that the naMr. Silva and the same question favour of him (Bermudez) It was led by a mass of human mes of the Officers of this Club was placed before me. told him that ti was signed along with some flesh called Butler. The Club be published. They are certainly FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES alright. He (Silva. with his sharp other documents which were reigned supreme in that long, long getting along; btu will not some ness, said he wanted me to write to him, in twenty eight Miles, and time ago and its name was known one enlighten us as to the ones MANUFACTURED BY: a letter to the effect and that he that he signed it with out giving throughout the land. Its principal behind them? We understand they would dictate it to me, and so he account. If it is also true that bowler was another mass of flesh whipped the Fearless last Sunday Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa did. told him that wanted a certify to the same precepts of the called Tas and it is said that by 49 runs to 25 even when Charlie SAN JOSE copy, as the declaration, being a first question that Bermudez propthis Tas was a great lover of Johnson played on the losing side.
false one, would have to have a osed to give Zeledon the half of Honey, as was also his Captain With they be able to claim copy to study so that may not fail its value, as Zeledon, being the and most of the crew. Before each another victory from the Buria!
in Court. He also consented. Lawyer of Smith, it would be easy.
match, they almost invariably cal Scheme tomorrow?
wrote from his dictation and when for him to collect?
led at the Bee Hive for a sup Things are looking rather ugly it was finished, but not yet signed, After taking the obligation, beply of the soothing liquid; this they for the C. this season. The grim Reaper has gathered table, and on occasions of this na he said Thompson sign the letter fore the Civil Judge, to speak the also usually did between innings, We wonder if they will be able to from among us, one whose demise ture, mortals must bow the nape and will give you the sum of truth and nothing else but the and when going on the lines they obtain a team now that the boys is sincerely mourned by the Com and solicit the All Wise Father to twenty five colones in advance, truth, my examination started and carried a generous supply in bot have gone back to their old Cap munity: Mrs. Rosena Agatha Doy, have pity on those who have pason the act of answering the first tles. To this peculiar fondness of rain Mr. Dixon. What is your ley, who lived a truly exemplary sed beyond and whom we yet love question. that it is not true, the theirs was their strength attributed. opinion Capt. Sutton?
life as wife, mother and friend. in this world.
The pain we METROPOLITAN BUREAU Noble Lawyer got on his feet and They were the Masters of the The Ball She took ill some nine months caused by such partings are tried to SLAP me before the Judge ago and was constantly cared for easily erased from the heart; and Legal, Notarial General for which he was EXCOMMUNof THE ADVENTISTS by a devoted husband and a most when we pronounce the name Business Transactions ICATED from the Court. conaflectionate son; but despite al such a one, burning tears flow tinued my statement in reply to the Will be holding their usual their attention, she gradually grew suddenly making more profound Established January 1931 second question as follows. It is BIG EXCURSION to TURRIALBA worse and eventually succumbed the memory of the departed one; on Monday last at 30 and it is only by a true Christian Head Office. Limon. Branch Opend as never heard anything to not true, and related what hapen Tuesday 5th March 1935.
SEE PROGRAMMES The funeral took place on Tues resignation that we can mitigate or ffice. San José. Limon Address, which the question related. All that day afternoon and was attended sooth so bitter a sorrow.
Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Silva pretended to do was to SUby a well marked procession con The deceased leaves a sorrowing Limon BORN me with the mean sum of sisting of the Brothers of the Me husband, a forlorn son and fifty colones and so cause a great We have seen Handbills around in Panama City, certifying that he chanic fraternity and members of brother, Johnathan Smith, in New My untarnished reputation of infamy to my reputation.
Town, over the signatures of the was born in that City and his the Anglican and other Churches, York City; to whose afflicted honesty. My intelligence and was accused in the Police lo Governor, the Administrador of name is, as he is known in this the Rev. Ryder conducted spirits the Atlantic Voice directs high calibre efficiency, comunise with the fault of stealing the Customs and Port Captain, stating City; and from the Health Author the ceremony at the Church of St. these few phrases of condolence the necessary and all important of twenty colones from Smith they are satisfied that Mr. Aure ities stating he has never suffered Mark with all its solemn Rites. With the hope that the Allwise FACTORS which constitute my NEVER DID. was paid to sig.
Jio Bermudez came here with from contagious deseases and was Her remains were laid at rest in Father will bestow, on the Soul of Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac ja false letter, dictated by Carlos legal Passports from Barranquilla; duly vaccinated in his country of the Camp One Cemetery. the departed, His eternal Beatitude tual and prospective CLIENTS, Silva. And if he claims he paid also that they have seen his birth origin.
The orderings of God are incru for the Just.
who confide to me to give a statement in his case.
Certificate, duly authenticated by These contradict some of the rection and administration, the DID, only did not tell a LIE, the proper authorities of the Rep accusations made against Mr. Berhandling of their BUSINESS and ublic of Panama, verified by the mude in the Diario de Costa RiI spoke the truth and nothing but New Law Firm GENERAL AFFAIRS.
the truth. So you can ese that there Vice Consul of the United Statesca and La Hora.
Foreign affiliations; Correspon was no act of stealing New law firm and notary public, known as Limon Disdents and connections all over patch Agency with offices in Limon and San José recently opeIt gives me great pleasure to ned. Limon office situated opposite Arrasty Theatre while San the country.
DIVULGE the action of Silva to ot José office is in charge of Licenciado Octavio Jiménez, ex CiThe best native legal palent the eyes of the Public, as it was vil Judge of Limon and a reputable Lawyer in the capital. The directs all Judicial Affairs. he who made the first move. LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
other members of the firm are Mr. Horacio Prendergast who EGBERT POLSON In the accusation presented agaformerly practised here for many years and Mr. Roberto SutherAccountant, Interpreter, Trans inst me in the Police Court, Dr. SilFirm is dedicated to the handling of judicial affairs, speLator, Judicial Business Agent. va did not forget to secure false cializing in criminal and divorce cases, preparation of wills, sett.
witnesses. He presented two men, lement of estates, securing land titles, collections, etc. and will OUR SATISFIELD CLIENTS of this city, to testify that they SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS also operate in real estate and do a general commission busiARE OUR ONLY were present when signed the lotLLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS ADVERTISEMENT ter and that they heard the propo22 de Febrero 1935 sition made between us. can only say with a LOUD VOICE its a LIE. On the two occasions had Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a been called, Silva was sure to have Compañía Ultramar his office unoccupied, for he knew Agentea Generales his deal was dirty and that he would FELIPEJ. ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
not like any one to know the man Sub Agentes en ner in which he obtained his fame.
LIMON PUNTARENAS Banco del Estado State Bank We met all alone, on one to pose what happened; yet be could CHURCH NOTES Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue get witnesses to testify they were present. Al he is endeavouring to Confirmation at St. Mark Musical Recitals by the Evangelists Se complace en anunciar al Begs to announce to the do, by making publication, is to see if he can exculpate himself from His lordship Bishop Cecil Dunn An Evangelical Choir, from the público la apertura de su bord Public the opening of its the fault. was never of the Honduras Diocese, who Central American Mission of San CALUMNIAR for any one, not recently arrived here, and has been Jose, has been giving a series of even for myself, if possible. have staying San Jose, came down by Musical Recitals here during the never committed a Calumny for a Air and conducted Confirmation past week which has drawn crowd.
Lawyer friend relative services on Wednesday night a: led houses at the Liberty Hall.
and I will never do the St. Mark Church. Twenty The well known Evangelist Ora so. am araid of Infamy, and for EN LA IN THE three candidates were confirmed. tor, don Joaquin Vela, gave several that reason try to keep straight. reception was accorded him discourses on such topics as The But as it is not every human being on the Lawn of the Rectory, at Evil which destroys humanity and who respects a good reputation, which the Governor and other dig. fits cure. Jesus and the Sin there will always be found one, natories of the City were present. ner and The most glorious happara toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service willing to serve such low purposes His Lordship and party left ear penings of the future.
and become the too! of the socalled Ty Thursday morning, for the Line Many new members have been servicio bancario.
wise men.
Churches, to conduct similar serv obtained as a result of these Reices.
citals and discourses.
to te of tot of it it out of of it (To be continued)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
my care, di.
Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Vapor por Simón Bolívar Dess.
Banco Internacional de Costa Rica сх.


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