
193 Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 33 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, February, 23th. 1935.
Price: 0. 15 per copy How Will It Ena. Italy Rushing Troops NEWS FROM THE POINT To Africa neverunits to was as are that story. Coming events, we are told, have The result of all this is that The Observant Pointer the tendency of casting their shad there is now a split in the RicardisAmerican Negroes Offer Help to Abyssinia dows before, and so we are inclin ta or ruling Party which may of We were favored over the past and wonder if it can be placed ad to regard the upheaval which a certainty affect them adversely Notwithstanding the many re actions of the Nomads necessitate week end with a visit from Spike to the fact that they were captain.
has recently occurred in our politi at the close of the present regime. ports regarding the negotiations the sending forward of her contin. Gilmore. We have it on good ed by Bill Boschen, hearty steams cal circle, as an indication of what Hence in order to retain, if possi. being made toward an amicable gents to cope with any emergency. authority htat Spike is now known hip agent for the United Fruit may be expected in the near future. ble, their majority position and sa settlement of the dispute betweea Meantime the Italian papers are among his intimate friends as Company.
The ball started arolling with feguard the unity of their suppor Italy and the African Empire of accusing the Ethiopian Emperor of Pa Gilmore. don quite get Mr. Arturo Volio, in his capacity ters, we see the desire o nthe part Abysinia, it is observed that the inability to cope with the situation the connection but pass the infor The Quirigua brought us back as President of the National Con of many to import an outsider as Italian government has been send or to control the actions of the mation on for what it is worth. Miss Margarita Sheehy who tas gress, taking exception to the Esti candidate for the Presidency :oing forward, almost daily, during Tribes under his jurisdiction. Va.
been spending the greater part of mates of the Public Works De whom the Party suppoer would the past week, large numbers of rious European centres are The Gores and the McClures two months visiting at the Canal partment for the current yaar being in the main be given. And in this her fighting soma theless of the opinion that war is threw a chop suey supper preced Zone and Panama City. Her Dad approved by that Body so long as respect Mr. Alfredo Gonzalez Flo liland where it is said a veritable inevitable.
ling the dance last Satuday night. growls out that it was not only time Mr. Leon Cortes continued as ters, we see the desire on the part state of anarchy now exists among In view of the menace which The party consisting of Mr. Ames, she spent but some of the old oro Minister in charge. His reason for ready approached but he has de the nomad Tribes whose actions threatens the life of this, the last Mr. Oedell the McClures and that is so hard to get these days.
taking this stand being that as clined to give a definite reply, have been the principal cause of surviving Black Empire of the Gores later attended the dance in Mr. Cortes known to be while others are considering the present conditions.
African Continent, a large numbet a group.
On February 17 the Princes encoming out as a candidate in the advisability of offering their sup.
of American Blacks, principally of tertained a large group of friends approaching Presidential elections, port to Mr. Octavio Beoche, Pres. The Ethiopian Emperor has de the District of Harlem, New York, The Caribbean Club held their to a cocktail party and bean sudhe considered it impolitic for such ident of the Supreme Court. clined to accept a majority of the have offered, according to the regular meeting at the Community per. Among those present were an important money spending determs under which the Mussolini Daily Telegraph, of London, House on the night of February Mr. and Mrs. MacGowa partment to continue under his Such is the position at this mc government has expressed its will their services to Abyssinia; and the 18. Guess the patient wives are Mr. and Mrs. Pauly, Me.
direction. As to be expected, this mer and we are wondering how ingess to conclude arrangements in world famed Neg Pilot, Colonel getting tired of seeing this hungry and Mrs. Dudley, Miss move on the part of Mr. Volio it will all end. It would seem, satisfaction for the wrongs alleged Herbert Julian, known the group every so often at the various Chris Fossel, Mr. and Mrs.
has brought about a somewhat se however, as if there will be quite a to have deen suffered by the nation Black Eagle of Harlem, has de houses.
Huber, Mr. and Mrs. Wil.
rious controversy not only between few changes in the plans which had at the hands of Ethiopia subjects, clared his intention of hastening to liam Crawford, Mr. and Mrs.
himself and Mr. Cortes, but among been decided upon by many. Then but has agreed to submit the mat Aden with two military planes Among the visitors over the Smith the various members of Congress too, as we hinted in an earlier artı ter to the consideration of a Spe from whence he will fly to Addi weekend were the following: Mr.
and the adherents of the same cle, we wonder what don Ricardocial commission and for the esta sababa along with six of his best MacLaurin from Puntarenas and Frank Sheehy entertained at his Party, for there are those who are will do.
blishment of a Neutral Zone along Pilots and carrying large supplies Mr. Crawford from Pejivalle. Bil home to several friends on Februain agreement with him while others Since the foregoing was written, the disputed territory; and while of bombs and other war material. ly put up at the Smiths while Mrry 17 in honor of his own birthday.
supporting the Minister of Mr. Cortes has publicly announced Italy reiterates her willingness to In addition, it is alleged that in MacLaurin stayed with his family Or was it a surprise party? ll have Fomento in his con he will not be a candidate for the co operate in the negotiations con return for certain commercial con who are still in Limon.
to get this straightened out.
tention that under the Politica! Presidency in the coming elections; nected with the proposed Zone, she cessions, Japan has agreed to assist Constitution of the Country, he chat he intends to continue in the claims the continued aggressive Abyssinia.
The dance held by the Caribbean Strangers seen at the dance Sa.
has the right of remaining in office service of the Executive, if requirClub last Saturday night was anotturday night. Frank Hare and up to six months proceding the ed, until the close of the present her success for the club. The hall Jens Kofoed. Come up more often date fixed for the holding of the regime. While this decision of Mr. We beg to call your attention to our remark was attractively decorated in Va. boys; there really is fun at these elections and that he is at the Cortes has gone a far way towards lentine Day colors while the music dances.
at the back of receipt which reads: present time not engaging himself ameliorating conditions in so far as was furnished by the Heredia Jazz Band.
in any campaign work. To this his his Party had been affected by the Frak Riley tells a good story opponents retaliate that while it controversy, we are of opinion that This bill must be paid at our about Clams. Ask him about it.
may be true he is not personally his withdrawal will cause a compleThe childrens party held in the office before the 15th of the month doing so, yar there are those of his te reshuffling of the political cards afternoon on the tennis court was Ask Louis de Gravelle to tell zupporters who are already canvas and very likely produce other asa howling success as far as you about Pitching sing on his behalf.
could decide. Seems as pirants for the Presidency. Be so good as to comply with this request though Peanuts, He likes to tell it.
there was no one missing during and do not oblige us to suspend our service, that afternoon and the kids did Did Jack Johnston ever tell you a. appear to be having a great time. of his experiences in Honduras?
When you have lots of time ask Compañía Eléctrica de Limón him. Jack can spin a good yarn.
The small Coffee producers, Coast, but possibly through the Casting my eye over the groups who have been tied, hand and foot, intervention of our large exporthe dance Saturday night That was sure some gang that to those fortunate ones who can ters, the cold shoulder has been caught sight of several visitors took the trip to the Island of Uv. tz afferd to mill prepare and export thrown on it. Mr. Ramos had from the Steamship Quirigua which Tuesday night. Too bad it rained their coffee, have now got the urge proposed that a curing house be As we have in the course of our made towerds the aquisition and seemed to be having a peat time have many more moonlight nights.
happened to be in port. This group and was a bit cloudy. But still we to petition Congress to permit the erected along side the Bank build.
International Bank neces completion of our Aviation Field institute ing, which, if our information be observations, considered it. The curing tral government lack of Colones to assist in ing the golden grain for sale in house was stated to have been in such matters which tend to im. uruction of the roadway leading Its Cause and Cure in America foreign markets.
estimated at 18, 000; here the prove the economic and social con. thereto from our City.
Cacao from the small private ditions of our important Province, And we wish to include, in this The January number of this facts are open to investigation to This will have the similarity of growers would be accepted. assort. so now we feel it a duty, and a note of appreciation, our grateful Journal has some very interesting all who are interested.
Producers Association, and, ed and shipped abroad and pleasant one, to tender our sincere thanks to those of our midst to things to say on this matter, under The present crime conditions, he should give better results to the counted for on the arrival of the thanks for the generous gift of whose unselfish interest this pleas the pen of Mr. Ward, Chair says, do not represent a Critne small fanners who, now, are Report of the Sales aceountable; Ten thousand Colones which it hasing result is mainly due.
man of the San Francisco Council Wave for this is not a wave of bound to accept the unequal prices but, as we say, nothing more has offered shem for their raw grain been heard of the proposition.
of 76, an Organization instituted short duration, which has rolled in Two German Baronesses Beheaded in the United States for the sup upon us suddenly. It is basic in its by the rich mill owners.
pression of Crime nature, of very slow growth and Seven hundred Coffee producers According to an announcement George Sosnowsky, the Polish BaIn getting up this article on cri gradual development, extending This projedt was first thought of by are associated with the petition to by the German government, theron who was at the head of theme in America, it will be unders back over nearly all of our our progressive Manager of this Congress for the intervention of two aronesses Berta von Berg and Spy Service of his country, and cood that first hand information hundred and sixty years of natiobranch of the Banco de Costa Ri the International Bank, we hope Resata von Natzmer, were behead. who has also been given a life sen has been sought from such reliable nal life. Its progress has been inca, Mr. Ramos, in connection with something will be done in the ined last Monday in one of the ar. tence by the Geoman Court under sources as Court records, records perceptible, insiduous and deceitthe Cacao trade of the Atlantic terests of our Cacao producers. ciert prisons of Berlin in com the same charge.
of law enforcement bodies and of ful.
pliance with the sentence of death Hitler refused to consider a perficers, information gathered as a Reliable figures show the annual pronounced on them by the Mili tition for clemency on behalf of basis for proposed activities against crime score to be as follows. tary Court. Both belonged to Ger the women, and on account of crime; reports of special committees 12, 000 murders; 3, 000 kidnappings: many most aristocratic sect but their high social positions, their and special investigators; from the 100, 000 assaults; 50, 000 robberies; During the past month or so the Law Courts. And now it is report. were found guilty of the crime of execution has produced an writings and specehes of such men 40, 000 burglaries; 5, 000 arson, and United Fruit Company has largelyed that she secured certain interests Espionage in favour of the Polish mous sensation throughout the as Col. James Moss, President these figures are growing yearly at extended her proprietary interests in the Pirris Company which will government.
country Genl. of Flag Association; an appalling rate. The murder rare in our Banana Industry; she was enable her to extend the cultiva.
Baroness von Berg is said to Miss von Jena, another accom Hon. Stimson, Dennis has increased, since 1900, there hun first stated to have acquired tie tions on the lands in their posseshave been the lover of Captain plice, was given a life sentence.
Lynch and other distinguished men. dred and fifty per cent. The inMatina Banana Co. of which Mr. sion on the acific Coast.
The crime conditions in America, crease, in prison population, since Felipe Alvarado was the princ at the present time are almost un 1926, has been 50 per cent, and pal shareholder; then she more re.
These movements may be believable, and the general public the increase continues. In five years cently purchased, or is about to do garded as indicative of the Fruit The members of the Haupt dollars each per week, by a Thea has no conception of the extent or New York had 1694 murders. In so, the farms of the Sixaola Com Company faith in the future of mann Jury have, it is announced, trical Company, for their appear gravity of the situation. Mr. Ward Chicago the Police made 20, 186 pany, which will incidentally, our Bananas, and will, no doubt, formed themselves into an associa ance on the stage says, in some quarters, the state arrests, of which 1, 762 were for bring to a close the long pending create an impetus on the part of tion called the Hauptmann Case ments made in his article will be burglaries. which che latter had our private producers to likewise Jury Association and have been It is expected the offer will be received with scepticism, and exag. One of the best methods of gett instituted against her in the extend their operations.
loffered the sum of three hundred accepted geration will be charged, but the To Page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
To Help Producers step which we would much regret to take at An Appreciated Aid Mills in different points of the correct. was approved by his Dilema o velho entiende interest and clothes here and of the rebous. What the Rosicrucian Digest Says of Crime, one Co. Extends Local Interests enorThe Hauptmann Jury Receives Stage Offer te

    AnarchismDeath SentenceHitlerItalyLeón CortésMussoliniPresidentes de Costa Rica

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