
turday, February, 23th. 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA rgbert Thompson replies to Lic. Carlos Silva An Interesting Game of Cricket Man Know Thyself. Part IV le?
alta ante was never the USUAL RATES Preparations For War to ou to CONCLUSION the truth? When, if the man is Those interested in getting at the summoned to the Court, he is com On Sunday last the Pathfinders entire team, who wore rosettes of by Alva Grant equal to actual knowledge of soLe facts of the case can see in the pelled to attend and the Law will were engaged on the Limon Oval crape, stood to a one minute silence mething else.
clarations of witnesses, the sta: fix a price for his time according It was very interesting es bal Reid, a deceased member. of never come to know light. It is not what we think as well as that we in a game with the Burial Scheme in respectful memory of Mr. Tu He who has no faith in light can Human understanding embraces ment of Mr. John Nelson, a well to his profession or work. And. nown resident of this city, who man like Smith who had a case in pociailly as the Youths nearly our Club. Continuing the Pathfin the actual existence of a thing out Know. Wrong opinions, it is true, Bed and is still serving the Je ananera Costa Rica as Chief of the start, would pay me a top pri Consul and President of the Board for the Burial Scheme go out five Cia. Court some years ago as said at Alcides Ramirez, our Panamanian batting Harrison, the chief trundler us. it is its realization within us. cause, in relation to it, they seem put it over on the Schemers. Mr. ders made 49 cum under stubborn side our consciousness which affects give way to actual knowledge bele Watchmen. He it was who ce to give a statement. How, you ask, can a man be erroneous; but then, too, knowledge Sok the pagare to William Smith.
of Physical Culture, in whose of the Youths for the insignificant lieve what he does not know? when found to be false, must give ke te can say if this man Smith and within the lines. will prove many first ball. Mr. Ledgister captained Dixon With this the public may read honour it was played, bewled the score of eight runs, but Capt. Further If he presumes to believe way to true knowledge.
is wife signed the pagare by other things in relation to this ca. the home team in the absence of Boys how to play until he went in and showed his what he does not know, he can As long as we hold to an opiseans of a trick, as Silva tried to se as soon as any one feels to re Mr.
really come to know the nion, we have a confidence of its Warrate to the Judge and now be monstrate.
Bernard. Batting first, the brilliantly caught by Banton off TRUTH about what he believes. being right, with only the probaBurial Scheme mustered 57 runs. s bowling. The remaining The first contention is based on bility that it might, at some time, the pre the public. would like Smith The lunch hour was then taken. batsmen did not give any trouble. the reasoning that KNOWLED be proven wrong. If we have a be.
vind his friends, in company with Copy of Leitter to Atty. Zeledon After this interval, the Burial GE alone inspires belief. We ex lief or conviction about anything, na silva, to know that not all Negroes Limon, Nov. 22nd. 1934. the first over was Scheme took the field, and after Campbell perience something, personally re Tools and can be led by Monor we may eventually experience it, bowled, Secy. Limon. Otherwise, and that experience come to know it, and then confirm elay. wish them to know that constitutes our knowledge. What our belief. It is quite possible that ad here are still Negroes with Inte Mr. Daniel Zeledon we think we know we believe.
de grity and Honour. Money of no Dear Friend.
without having a belief in the exisTHE ADVENTISTS We put a dependency on our tence of a thing, when we eventuakind can fool or frighten me. By this you will be informed Will be holding their usual reasoning and our senses. What ap lly come to experience the actual di vill not Abdicate to any one for that the Lawyer Carlos Silva money of any sum, for wish to has offered me the sum of fifty BIG EXCURSION to TURRIALBA peals to the former is accepted as thing, we will not appreciate it and a fact and forms our belief, our its true value will be lost to us.
die a peaceful death, not with an colones to give a false statement on Tuesday 5th March 1935, conviction, and consequently, our Therefore, definite belief and faith tbverload of sin; and if Silva, a Tu against you in the case established faith. When we eventually come to invite Knowledge; and if you will the tor of the Law, had been intelligent in the Civil Court, William Smith KNOW that what we formerly associate this link with last week as he would not have insisted on me, vrs. Daniel Zeledon Aurelio Berthought was TRUE is false, we, chain of thought, you will be bet.
Ar. for he should have seen was not mudez. am now asking your if fair with ourselves, reject the carter able to sustain and reduce th: ad in for Subornation.
advice if can receive it or no. It is evident that the United Senator Gore, President of the lier judgment, accept the new, and induction from your life; and the do not have to mention Mr.
States of America is seriously prep Interoceanic Ways has also given readjust our beliefs and faith ac know you can do it.
Smith in this, for, as have said, aring to carry out her threat of a in a report that in order to improve cordingly.
Et never saw any one in Silva of. Peason for consulting the Hon. Race in the building of War Im the great waterway of the Panama Man cannot form an opinion HUMOUR fice on any of my visits to converse Zeledon. As am aware of the plements which she threw out to Canal, to one hundred per cent which is not related to or establishregarding his elicit plan. This man fact that the same knife that sticks Japan when this nation sought to greater facilities, an expenditure ed on some reality experienced. Our states that told him all those a goat will stick a sheep, consid be placed on an equal naval basis of one hundred million dollars will thoughts are composed of ideas called her husband Theory. Be woman was asked why, she things. again Deny that. never ered that one day, for the reven with the former, as we note that be required. This estimate covers related to actual objects of know cause he so seldom works, she ro held any conversation with him geful feelings which Silva would an appropriation of 378, 699, 488 improvemests on the Locks and He from the day on which the Judas have against me for not going, he is being sought by the Defence Dams in width and depths as well nion itself may have, in reality, ledge. The nature of the opi plied.
dy tock him to Silva.
would get a few men of his kind Department to bring the Airplane as for widening and deepening the no actual existence. As opinion, My New Year resolutions have Carlos Silva Quirós is the one to commit Columnia against me, fighting force up to 5, 000 war Way at certain points.
however, stands in relation to pos all gone to seed.
who introduced his tricky plan to so wished to be on the safe side, machines.
itive knowledge of something, but in saying that War is Hell. the Ime and offered me the sum of and at the same time to Divulge an opinion of a thing in the absen Cheer up, old chap; they will fifty colones for my declaration. This intention before the place of ce of knowledge of it, stands as sprout again next New Year And the Proof. Friends, who know Justice.
New Law Firm the laws of any country, think it close for the present and await NUEVO CASO DE BIGAMIA HA SIDO DENUNCIADO over keenly, how or why should a the response of any one who can New law firm and notary public, known as Limon DisANTE LOS TRIBUNALES man pay a witness above the tariff prove my statements incorrect. patch Agency with offices in Limon and San José recently opeof the Law, to speak the truth?
ned. Limon office situated opposite Arrasty Theatre while San Abandona a su esposa en Limón, para contraer nuevas ht Why pay a man fifty colones to tell Egbert Thompson José office is in charge of Licenciado Octavio Jiménez, ex Civil Judge of Limon and a reputable Lawyer in the capital. The nupcias en Coronado, sin obtener divorcio other members of the firm are Mr. Horacio Prendergast who En realidad, en nuestro país, ante los tribunlaes demandando formerly practised here for many years and Mr. Roberto Sutherland.
son poco frecuentes los casos de el enjuiciamiento de aquél, por ht Firm is dedicated to the handling of judicial affairs, spebigamia que se presentan ante el delito de bigamia. Tal denun cializing in criminal and divorce cases, preparation of wills, sett nuestros tribunales. Por lo cual, cia, corre ahora los trámites lelement of estates, securing land titles, collections, etc. and will od al tener nosotros noticia hoy de gales para sentar el fallo judicial TIENDA DE NOVEDADES also operate in real estate and do a general commission busiad un nuevo caso de este delito, he que habrá de determinar las con mos creído de interés darlo a co siguientos responsabilidades.
Surtido de toda clase de trabajos dibujados nocer a nuestros lectores.
en tela listos para bordar con hilos y lanas Mr. Prendegast Replies to Se trata de un sujeto que, esProfessor of Law tando legalmente casado con una Pensamientos Medias de Seda buena calidad señora fide Limón, abandonó a gs Surtido Variado de Regalos para Niños The Editor, able food for thought.
ésta hace algún tiempo. Vinose would thank you to please The space required in this pa. luego al interior y, en la pobla.
publish the following: Muy equivocados estamos si cree per for other matters of real interción de Coronado, logró enamomos que nuestra amada nos quiere If Professor at Law. who ap est should not be utilized in ans. rar a una muchacha a quien aed peared in your last issue, will dis wering nonsensical questions seguró que era soltero. En estas por amor de ella.
he On Tuesday last, the trial Fisher and Pope. Attorney Reilly, close his identity and call at La Rochefoucauld.
circunstancias, contrajo the nating from stagnant minds.
do Judge, granted Hauptmann leave who was the prisoner Chief Coun office of the Limon Dispatch Thanking you for the space.
nupcias con la referida muchacha, the to appeal against his conviction. It sel during the trial, will not, it is Agency, situated opposite no siendo sino hasta mucho tiem El amor nace de los sacrificios; he; is expected that the case will be said, be appearing in the appeal Arrasty Theatre, will be delightHorace Prendegast. po después que ella logró averi. sobre todo, del sacrificio del orZ heard before the Court of Appeals proceedings in consequence of a led to answer his queries and in adguar que su marido era marido de gullo.
toward the end of next month, and disagreement with the other At dition supply him with consider Limon, Feby 1935.
otra mujer de quien no se había divorciado.
in the event of its being thrown torneys.
out to be carried to the Court of As the case is being conducted Por su parte, la primera espo. Amar equivale a encontrar en la Pardon which the in forma Pauperis it is estimated sa del referdio individuo, al safelicidad de otro nuestra propia it will cost the government of the ber lo del segundo matrimonio de felicidad.
State around ten thousand dollars Comerciante Detallista su legítimo caposo, se presentó Leibnitz The application for leave to ap to prepare the papers necessary for Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Artículos de peal was made by the Attornevs) the appeal.
Ferretería y Eléctricos, todo se encuentra en este establecimiento a precios de situación.
SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT Avenida 2a y Calle 48, frente al Edificio de Correos y Telégrafos ERLIN, 21.
Comentando sables del delito que se señala sobre The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be LIMON, COSTA RICA los informes periodísticos de ellos.
los países vecinos, el Minisserved on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
tro de Defensa anunció que las cje De ser absueltos, y según reguletaurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo cuciones de dos damas de la alta a Iciones del momento, los tres prisioken, Se habla español On parle Francais, Man Spricht ristocracia de Berlin, habían sido aneros perderán todos sus derechos Deutsch.
cordadas después de minucioso pro ptr un lapso no menor de cinco aW. KISSLING ceso en el que median inculpaciones nos.
Manager The frolicsome dances of Fate to navigate the narrow ways, with que no pueden estar inmediata al do drop in to affect the ideas of the result that this immense perdón.
men at times. While those whe are floating palace goes high and dry Our Civic Fiestas set to rule, govern and direct the ashore within the Canal.
Anúnciase también que FuchEN EL DIA DE NATALICIO destinies of Nations are discussing Surely those who have been ad rer ha declarado que no habrá cleDE WASHINGTON Following on those which have from the interior the very best of the needs and possibilities of our ducing facts of the need to improve de lo que parece desprenderse que mencia para los tratidores al Reicli.
NUEVA YORK, 22. La mayo already been held in the principal enjoyment.
greatest artificial waterway The this strip of water to induce the los procesados actuales no tendrán ra de los bancos y otros centros cocities of the Central Provinces, our In order to facilitate those who Panama Cnal. nature, in one of American Congress to pass the ap otro remate que el de la decapita merciales se encuentran cerrados con Gry will be holding her Civic Fies. may wish to attend and participate her freaks, comes in as a witness propriatrion, must feel deeply gración motivo de la celebración del día de natalicio de Washington.
las during the coming month of in the City social events, arrang. to the necessity of the proposals teful to nature for her pranks playMarch, from the 16th to the 19th. ements are on foot for the running being set up: dense fog appears ed at the opportune moment in the mo tiempo que tres de los actual célebre documento en que consta el Sin embargo, se anuncia al mis En Washington ha sido leído el be Committee in charge of the of special trains from Guapiles on over the waterway of the Canal, form of this incident.
mente prisioneros y acusados de com adiós del primer Presidente, dirigido rangements is leaving no stone the Old Line and Alajuela and thus making it impossible for the The Tugs are working plicidad en espionaje, serán absuel a las multitudes en 1796 en los mo inturned to produce an attractive San Jose, Pilot who transports the big hard to pull the huge liner from tos por no haberse obtenido todavía mentos que se preparaba para retarogramme and afford our visitors French Liner, the Wiscosin off the rocks and mud.
ninguna prueba que los haga respon rarse a sus oficinas.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ot ay LITTLE PARIS ness.
20 or to 10Hauptmann Granted Leave To Appeal emanuevas meets in José chion Ng.
No habrá clemencia Capricious Fate now


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