
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday TIIE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Ano No. 33 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, March de 1935.
Price: 15 per copy Colonization of British Guiana The Road To Westfalia Awful Carelessness yet our and every wonWe beg to call your attention to our remark Àn Astounding Offer on course the government at We have had many complaints any additional patients in her Hos.
By the Gleaner of Jamaicafit was considered suicidal to come Thanks to our very energetic been good enough to sympathise from the small Banana producers pital.
we note that the Commission sent to work on the Atlantic Coast; yet regarding the Hospitalization ques. Would it not be just and fair cut by the League of Nations at after sacrificing the lives of thous: Representative to Congress. don with the stringency of the Crisis the instigation of the British Re ands of these immigrants from the Juanito Romagosa, who visited us which has been pressing heavily on tion; they claim that while the Ba under these circumstances, to rea fortnight ago, this highway is the commercial life of our Cicy, by nana Company of Costa Rica has turn the deductions, so far made, presentatives to that Internatinal British West Indies to clear Assembly, to investigate the adap and make healthy and liveable. the now being repaired. Through the slieving our Municipality of been instructed by the Minister of to the farmers since no provision don 150, 000 colone tability of the forest lands of the Province of Limon, for the natives President and his Executive Body for the reconstruction of our streets from their cheques, as provided by respect; some, we understand, have Fomento to deduct the one per cent has been made for them in this Province of Rupununi, British of the interior, we find the same have been pleased to make an allot and, consequently, our landed pro the terms of the Banana Conces had to be receiving private Guiana, for the Colonization by insults and condemnations being the ment of two thousand colones for prietors by one half of their oblithe Assyrians of the Mandated showered on their heads zation Fund for themselves or their not be.
Territory of Iraq, who have been leads of a people who have made assisting the work on this impor gation in connection with the debt. sion, to be credited the Hospitali ment in their homes. This should present employes, there is no means dedlared undesirables by the Arme Costa Rica the pleasure ground it tant roadway as well as the sum We sincerely hope our con City Fathers will not allow this provided for the receipt by them Will the Minister of Fomente nians, the dominating section of is for native and Tourist alike. of ten thousand colones in of stigma to go down in history as a of Medical attendance. As a fact not quickly decide this serious that Guiana on their return to Europe National Congress that they must bered that in an earlier issue of that they will do all in their power Hospital is to be located, as it is on needy ones? It savours of much little Kingdom, have left They are being told even by the nection with the construction our new Airbase. It will be remem lack of their progressiveness, but it is not even yet known where this complaint which comes from the to hand in their report.
te segregated into isolated corners the streets that the Fruit Company carelessness on the part of Some Neither Brigadier General Gil and not allowed to enter her Ca this Journal we estimated just that to construat the roadway to entertain One.
bert Browne nor Signor Gi pital, where the only places of amount as a probable cost for the Cemetery, if even it be a macada Joes not think she can glioli of the Commission would striking interest have been made new Base, while the Successors of mized one.
the Valverde Estate were demand In no civilized country in the Our Boundary Dispute allow an interview by newspaper possible by foreign Capital.
ing the huge sum of Sixty seven world will one encounter the Gate men on the matter; the only item The United Fruit Company, now thousand colones for the lands of way of a State without a pathway they gave out was that they had known here as The Compañia the former Base. Another victory of its own to the last resting place The vexed question, today in Cos tory on the East so is claiming as de.
ta Rica, is the matter of our Limits far up as Gandoca on this Coast and traversed 1, 500 miles of Jungled Bananera de Costa Rica, is manded to employ 80 per cent. of for the sound judgment of The of its citizens.
Territory in their inspection Atlantic Voice.
We guarantee that if this work with our nieghbour on the Southern has intimated her willingness to ce side Panama.
de some abandoned, precipitous, useit was a very healthy and fine native labour as against 20 per cent. of the foreigners who were We do hope the amount allotted be undertaken in an honest, intellecc country on the Pacific side.
country: on the roadway will be judicially ligent, businesslike manner, This issue was definitely settled While the brought here by this very Company proposition is being It has long been our opinion to make the Park, the Sea Wall. spent, so as to economize a thous resident of the City will willingly some fifteen years ago when it was strongly opposed by the populace, arbitration with Chief President Jimenez and his executive that the time has arrived when the and for purposes of the road to the donate a day labour, or the equi referred to British Government should take roundings habitable for this 80 per the Custom Houses and their sur Cemetery. the absence of which is valent in cash, towards its fulfil. Justice White of the United States Staff are in favour and it is now up the matter of providing a a glaring shame on our Municipalment. If, however, it be underta as the Referee and who deaided that being considered by the Minister of Colony for the many thousands of The rest of this colony of cent. to occupy. What ingratitude. Fathers of the past; and now that ken to suit political ends for elec the Sixaola River should be the Foreign Affairs.
President Jimenez (again by the tioneering purposes, then our pro sion was fully accepted by both con val have taken place, but is looks ar mit on the Atlantic side. This deciBritish labourers who have taken derful Colonizers must, therefore, Many demonstrations of disapprothe opportunity of migrating from wander about, sneaking back into intervention of don Juanito) has posals are out of it.
tendants, but now. for some unex if no regard will, in this instance, be their native lands in search of the adjacent Republics, where they plainable reason, Panama wants terri given to the will of the people.
Green Fields and Pastures New and are now being insulted, snub rable existence in search of work are not wanted, to eke out a mise bed and ill treated in these pastures among strangers who would shoot and fields no longer new nor them down at sight were it not ads fresh, as is evidenced in the Rep. for the fear of the laws of the Many unusual and extraordinary fought in the World War ublic of Panama. Here, so soon as land.
This bill must be paid at our incidents were produced during behalf of the Nation; that on his the Construction of the great We have often wondered if the the of the now noted return the best Waterway, the work on which British Consuls, at these places, office before the 15th of the month Hauptmann trial, but the most was able to do for him was to get they were utilized, was completed have ever brought the impossible they were declared no longer desi conditions imposed on these peoastounding of all is that of which him a job which lasted for a period Be so good as to comply with this request rable and sent back from whence ple, to the attention of Downing we have just been informed. of four years at fifteen dollars a they came after nearly half a cen Street, and if so, why nothing in and do not oblige us to suspend our service, man has actually offered to take week; that although the cost of the place of the condemned man living has increased he was tury of settlement.
the line of a new Colony has been a step which we would much re ret to take.
and, if necessary, to die in his present only earning ten dollars a In Cuba, to which country they thought of, as is now being done stead.
week: that he was the father of a were attracted and also contracted for the dispised Assyrians of Iraq. Compañía Eléctrica de Limón According to a cable advice re son and a daughter. who with by the thousands when the price And since, apparently, nothing has cently to hand from Trenton, it is himself were now faced with death.
of sugar was high and Cuban ta been done by the Representatives stated that one Stanley Prystup Therefore, although he had no bour could not cope with the situa of His Britannic Majesty in these addressed a lettor to the Governor sympathy for Hauptmann he tion, they were again declared un countries, why will not those who of the State of New Jersey in thought him the better man desirable, so soon as a change came are suffering in the manner above which he expressed his willingness was willing to forfeit his life so about in the economic life of the outlined, make a loud wail to the Can Mr. Chittenden imagine the in the business, that Bananas cannot to die in the place of Hauptmann that his children may obtain the country, and thousands had to be British government for the esta appreciation with which the small be successfully grown, in these days. if he were paid the sum of Six wherewithal to keep them alive.
repatriated to the lands of their blishment of such a Colony, whet farmers have received the GOOD at thirty cents. and not being un Thousand Dollars.
birch by the Colonial governments, her it be in Africa, British Hondu NEWS that he has conceded them an mindful of the services rendered him In explaining his reason for be expected, the Govincrease of TEN CENTS on the pri by the majority of these small gro making the extraordinary offer, ernor, in his reply to so exceptional mostly in a starving condition. ras or Guiana.
They experienced similar treatment The British West Indian is suchce of their Fruit?
wers, during the days of strike, here Prystup said, in his letter, that he communication, stated tha, una Those of us who have known him is his recognition in his in Nicaragua and Honduras whi a wondeful Colonizer, that we are ther they were transported by the venturing to say if a Colony were and have had the opportunity of stu born style. Had the Planters deman had lived for twenty four years der the Laws of New Jerseys such United Fruit Company to institute alloted them; the lands granted dying him closely, have, of course, ded it, they never would have been in the United States; that he had a procedure was not permited the most extensive area in the world at the rate of one dollar per hec always felt that he would inspire granted it until he was ready to help Boston to do comething for these LO them.
OUR VACATIONISTS under Banana cultivation. No carea, payable in 15 years or ear. YAL but unfortunate workers of his.
sooner than the natives of these lier if possible; the country opened Mr. Chittenden knows his deserving We are glad of it, and are keenly The annual vacation period of on the 31 st. of that month and resountries learned how to plant. by the building of highways and ones, and is always ready to serve appreciative of the recognition ac twenty days. granted by the gov. turned to us on the 23rd. ultimo, dean, prune, cut and ship the fruit railroads, which the people them when the time is ripe. He will corded so deserving a number of our ernment to her employees of the just one month after Ordination they were not only asked to vacate could be employed while their try their faith and loyalty, but so people. To those who do not know Judicial and Administrative DeOn Monday night a most enthubut were massacred with little or crops are coming into production, soon as he finds one sincere he is him sufficiently, it should serve aspartments. has come to an end; siastic reception was accorded the no protection.
there would be developed, within ready to come to the rescue. a lesson that Mass George is the man some are glad of it while the less Rev. and Mrs. Berry by the distinct two years, a wonderful increase in He knows, more than anyone else who never forgets his own. industrious ones are sorry. All of departments of his Church. The What happens in Costa Rica the trade of Bananas and other fices are once again in full swing. members and visitors were Vegetables with Citrus and other Among our Vacationists, we tained by a regular Musical ReciRight here in Costa Rica what lines within five years, all within notice the return of the Rev. tal interspersed with enthusiastic happens? These people were con. the Empire. This too, would, in the Berry, the very active Pastor in speeches of welcome. The Choir tracted by the late Minor Keith event of a storm occurring in Ja There has been a persistent ru Season the Church would not per. charge of the Methodist Body, semeed at their very best, the voices and later on by the United Fruit maica, help the Producers Associ mour around that the Civic Fiestas, nit the enjoyments.
Mr. Berry left about five weeks of the ladies blended so harmoniusCompany, constantly, between the ation of that Island by providing announced for the 16th. 17th. The Fiestas will take place as ago, for his Island home Jamaica, ly in their strains of Songs and years 1872 and 1900. the writer them with an additional and relia 18th. and 19th. instant will not be announced. There will be Horse to attend the Annual Conference Praises, that one was made to feel himself coming under contract in ble supply from within the confin. taking place; we are, however, Races. Bull Fights and the usual of the Wesleyan Denomination; really heavenward.
1899. at a time when, not only es of the Empire. This increase able, after an interview with the other diversions with special trains and by recent developments, it is Mrs. Berry very graciously lent was native labour inadequate, in would in no way affect the United Committee in charge, to calm the from Guapiles, Alajuela and Tu evident he was able to make his her charming voice to the occasion efficient and insufficient to carry Fruit Company because, in five fears of those who felt that as this trialba to bring in all who may vacation a very busy one to him by entertaining her hosts and hoson the construction of the Rail years time, according to the terms period would be within the Lenten esire to attend.
tesses to a solo which added much road conceded to the British Bond of the new Contract, she will be Anyone along the Lines having It might not have been known savour to the function.
holders of the Costa Rica Railway getting Bananas here at twenty or presentation to Downing Street, horses they wish to enter for the to many that during the period he Company, but the health conditions five cents per count so as to enable The Associate Editor of this Pa Races, may communicate early has been here among us, Mr. Be. The Voice of the Atlantic Orof the territory through which this her to pay the European duty and per. Mr. Nation, will willin with Mr. Nation for condi sy was serving a probational term gan is also raised in happy strains Railway and its consequent improv undersell the West Indian Fruit. gly work in harmony with any tions so that timely arrangements prior to Ordination as a Minister of welcome to the happy pair, an ements, had to traverse, were so We throw this idea out to the such plan for the relief of these can be secured for the transporta of that Faith. It will, therefore, be hope their unified duties in dangerously pernicious, the atmosp Universal Negro Improvement As stricken and unfortunate people tion of the animals a week ahead noted how busy he must have been around Limon will be gratified by here so impregnated with Yellow sciation; they might get up a huge here and in other Republics. of Saturday the 16th. on which day chat, while attending the Synod, the harmonious co operation of all The opinions of interested par the Fiestas will commence. he not only underwent his Ordina with whom they may be called nd other malignant fevers, the Petition, with the Vista Buena so charged)f our Consuls here, to be placed ties are invited through these cowaters of the streams Programmes will be out in a tion on the 23 rd. of January but upon to contact in their public and few days time.
took unto himself a life partner private life.
with myriads of deadly germs, that before the Jamaica Government lumns Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Ten Cents Rise Conceded Producers and As was own stubon enterThe Civic Civic Fiestas and

    World War

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