
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, March de 1935.
Cricketing Opinion a The team The Progressive Era be no Water Factory Officials of the Morro Castle British Admiral to be Court Punished Martialed Hamburg. Amerika Linie WASHINGTON. The Fe.
deral Commission who investigated LONDON Rear Admiral Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón the catastrophe of the Morro Bailey and Captains Tower and Well, o. DaCosta, of Jamaica, arrison. Well, these men were Castle have suspended the Cap Sawbridge will be publicly court Para EUROPA and the Sailors of the Cavina God but good for tain License for ninety days, after martialed to assess responsibility (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, made havoc of us after all. Really,. ng instance.
which period he must serve for one for the collision of the BattlesWe should admit our Cricket is wont compare Da Costa bowl.
year as a Chief Officer and then hips Hood and Renown off the far below Zero. Sailors have. ig for it was ar so much for us, present himself for examination to coast of Spain last January. The Marzo time to practise, yet our Cricket authough our men should IBERIA regain his Certificate. The First announcement created a sensation ers failed to stand before their have made a better showing. May Engineer was suspended from duty in Naval and shipping circles. It Para GUATEMALA bowling. How will they then stand ask, why Loray. the rest of for ninety days and his Assistant was pointed out that only four before the or the West them went down so easily before (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
for one month.
Admirals in all British history Indies Test Team, if a chance be the Sailor Bowlers? Was it be have been Court Martialed. CARIBIA Marzo 25 granted them?
cause they were afraid of the New Surgical Operation After seeing the proformances strangers? We should be ashamed CLEVELAND. Officials of SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS on our Oval we are apt to believe of the entire team; and mark my the Lakeside Hospital have disclos HOUSE FOR SALE that the All Costa word, its just the smoke to what ed that the first surgical operation Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: Rica Colts Exhibition match is will happen if the All ever performed on the human Four room apartment with, HAPAG LLOYD nothing else than a dream of Mr. Costa Rica drean becomes a reality.
heart for the relief of Angina Pec. dining room, kitchen, toilet Sutton. One may ask, who played Alrough Dixon did not meet Da toris is, apparently, a success. The and varanda, built in 1930 Agencia Costa Rica aginst the Sailors? By way of Costa, we have to give him credit operation was performed by on Mrs. Sanchez land. No Teléfono 2086 reply, will say a few of our best for the slow yet useful inning he staff Doctor who has been experreasonable offer will be remen were there.
was played, going in as he did with imenting with its technique, on fused. For further informa.
composed of Lawrence; Geo Lawrence and making 13 runs not aminals, for several years. The tion call at Limon Service Babb; Big Boy Scott; Loray out. With regard to our fielding patient was stated to have been Bureau.
and Capic. Delpratt of the Motive and bowling, honors go to Sutton resting comfortably after, and Power; Sutton of the Excelsior; and Taylor, the former for trick by Jat seemed to have been improved.
to prove equal to such emergencies. Campbell of the Burial Sche. ing Da Costa and causing him to Capt. Sosnowsky threatened These enobling characters are to me; Dixon; Taylor and return to his crease as fast as an German Spy System Rejuvenated by a new Adminis. be found and are taught in the Harrison of the Panthfinders; and Olympic hundred yard sprinter, as Costa Rica Soda Rejuvenated by a new Adminis fundamental principles of the Asas the Show would not have been well as for the manner in which he BERLIN. Capt. George von tration, which consists of a very sociation. There can two complete without a Humorist. stopped one of his cannon forward Sosnowsky, recently sentenced to energetic personnel, supported by party systems in the affairs of our we had Chambers as the Jester. strokes; and the latter for also life imprisonment, is stated to have an increased membership, there is destiny. Our need is a united front do not venture the assertion that tricking and bowling him.
much confidence that the Univer and closed rank been responsible for the execution the pooling of this was an important match, nor LIMON If the Association is really out abroad of fifty four German Spies. sal Negro Improvement Associa our every being into one solid mass that our side was one which the to encourage players, would sugFábrica de Hielo In his seven years of intrigue, the tion, in the Domian, will again one God, One Aim and One Selectors would have picked, but gest that Taylor and Dixon be hold Captain nearly succeeded in wreck sway.
Destiny should not only be our what do say is that Sutton, Lo given a chance against the expected Every member of Ithe ing the widespread German system y Refrescos Race Motto, but should be a living ray, Scott, Lawrence and Babb visitors; the former for bowling of espionage.
should be awakened to the Asso with us and a dying with us. This are considered good men, and we and batting. Perhaps they may ciation magnitude, its ideals and program is an extensive organiza expected a little from Delpratt as make good.
Florida Ice and the variety of methods it affords tion for the weifare of our people he is also regarded a good man In Commemoration of their Now let us say something about First President to better our economic, education and of truth and sincerity, and its but nothing really was expected of the Pathfinder. Burial Scheme al social and racial problems. policy should be understood and Campbell, Taylor, Dixon and (To Page 7)
Farm Co.
FREDERICKSBURG. On appreciated.
LA FLORIDV Iche Surprisingly, only a limited numwhere George Rejuvenation is now an expand.
spot Washington took his father ber have seen the dawn of a new ed program, and we rightly feel PARK HOTEL Fábrica de Hielo hatchet and chopped down the era for racial uplift, with the that every member of our race in famous Cherry tree, Virginians on guiding hand of Providence and this Republic has a part to take on Limón, Costa Rica Venta de Leche the 22nd. Feby. planted another. with grit and determination to stir this platform. Your intellectual, Situado frente al mar Cómodas habitaciones George Steptoe Washington, a se popular sympathy and support for moral and financial support is Unico establecimiento en el Puerto con cuartos con baño y Maderas venty year old descendent of the Cause that is just, and so dispel needed. There is more than a hope Cantina bien surtida. country first President did the the horrors of the past. The terri that the turn of the road is before Salón para muestras fic strains and depressions have us. Join today, there is work for planting been baffling and painful to the all. Every one should consider this LUISE SCHUSTER, Propietaria Further Postponement of Cuba Elections Doctor convicted of Manslaughter nations of the earth, with a disas Association an Asset to his wel Teléfono No. Apartado 236 trous and shattering effect to the fare. Come in and help to make HAVANA. Cuba Constituent elections have been further NEW YORK. Charged with Negro; principally, because, weit what it was originally founded have not the qualities of fortitude, for, by our Race Greatest of Auto Owners and Drivers to Note postponed until Summer. The the death of beautiful Virginia Provisional government of Pres Ball, 21 year old Show girl, whose co operation and stick to it ive ness Leaders.
We take this opportunity of able from the Director General of ident Mendieta announced that the body was found on his operating reminding the owners and drivers Traffic.
clection date would be between table, Dr. Julius Miller of the of motor vehicles that they are July 30th and August 25th. When Empire Hotel, was sentenced to required, between now and the This Department is also, we he assumed the presidency, Col. from five to 15 years at Sing Sing El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en Si31st. of March to exchange their learn, undertaking a general and Mendieta promised that the elec by a Brooklyn County Judge.
quirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan almorzar tions would take place before the Miller, 35 years a doctor, was con cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para que sea aten 1934 Plaques for those of the cur minute examination of all motor end of 1934, but census complica victed of manslaughter in connecdido a la llegada. El precio es 2. 50. El Restaurant queda a la rent. year. After the expiration of cars, trucks, etc. and will only be derecha de la Estación. Cantina, Cigarros y Cigarillos. Se habla this period the use of the 1934 granting the current year license tions and unwillingness of opposition with the girl death on May inglés, español, francés y alemán.
Plaques will be prohibited except to such as are found to be in tion factions to co operate, made 10th. last. during an illegal opera KISSLING under certain conditions obtain good working condition.
this impossible.
Administrador exact Restaurant Siquirres tion. COMPLAINT Hop Lee Lung See the Radio that thinks!
Establecimiento de licores, Tienda y barrotes Magic Brain. Range, inal Society) spend all our money moments Tone and Reception Mr. Editor.
Blackman, and am warning him of Having observed the advertis the injury he is bringing on the ement in your very valuable and Association financially and other interesting paper of the Costa wise by such conduct. As the El más surtido en Matina Rica Burial Scheme Association, Association is registered under the in which the public are advised to Laws of the Republic, am furtIn RCA VICTOR risk no more of their money in a her advising its Officers to be car School Work Resumed Foreign Society because of their eful how they permit themselves to lack of interest in us, and emphas be influenced when dealing with The Director of our Public Schools to be constantly met on our streets izing claim that they (the the hard earned moneys of its and his staff have been very busy during school hours. We do hope during the past week with the some measure will be adopted to on us and bury us when we die, With my Thanks, matriculation of the pupils in the scrape them off the streets and shall be obliged if you will find Alfred Edwin Joseph several grades of school work. from around our Railway tracks Are Finer than Ever!
space for these few statements of METROPOLITAN BUREAU The successes earned by the la and place them under such tuimine.
Legal, Notarial General borious students as announced in tion as will tend to their future am a member of this Society, these columns at vaction time, has usefulness in the community. The and at the time of joining named Business Transactions offorded much pleasure to our public will certainly appreciate any my father Casius Joseph as Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Director, don Juan Peralta, and his such move and co operate in every dependent and he was My untarnished reputation of staff of workers, as well as to pa way solicited.
cepted. He died recently, and on honesty. My intelligence and rents and guardians; and we are making application for the grant high calibre efficiency constitute looking forward to greater laurels stipulated in the Regulations of the necessary and all important by those who were most successful the Association. was refused same FACTORS which constitute my which should act as a stimulous to For Sale on the ground. was given to Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac the lagging ones to study harder understand, that the deceased was tual and prospective CLIENTS, so to achieve the meritorious Bee Hives not my father. Mark you, Sir this who confide to my care, di cognitions gained by their confreres objection is only now taken after rection and administration, the in the last examinations.
Apply his death and after the Association handling of their BUSINESS and These is one peril, however exishad previously accepted him as GENERAL AFFAIRS.
ting among us to which we wish to PORTER such. And in this matter am parPerry Girton EGBERT POLSON call the attention of the Education ticularly placing the blame on the Accountant, Interpreter, Trans al Department. it is the bands Cairo. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizand del Sistema dacional Bolineas Aerosmisterio de efiuraysamemuffinosta Rica. tender years, my acBCA VICTOR RADIO Costa Rica Radio SO re.

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