
Saturday, March de 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA SAL UVINA runs in seven overs.
un For Liver and Stomach Ailments His name was Indigestion bad timing Distinguished Cricketers Call Here down for but 18 runs; the Pathfin. you, not to cause our heads to be Maduro Lumber Yard play for a draw. Master Ruben Bonilla y Co.
true Nelson guage.
Smith VS. Zeledón et a Cricketing.
We now produce hereunder, the wife, he brought no other docu(From Page 6)
jeered and insulted the gentleman translation of the declaration ment but the one? He replied that match, played Sunday before the from the boundary line. Now this marked referred to in the it was only Mr. Nelson who last. Dandy bowled magnificent display of rudeness cannot be alstatement of Lic. Carlos Silva brought such document or Escrito ly, taking six wickets for twenty lowed. One should always rememwhich appeared in our issue of or Pagare. Mr. Zeledon further Harrison ber that the Umpires are the sole the 26th. January last.
asked. How is it true that the bowling was also good, likewise Judges of fair or unfair games and Pagare or Escrito had on Timbres THE RIGHT SALTS Lucky Brown, who took the last that they give their decisions Successively in the Civil Court (Judicial Stamps) when he signed wicket with the first ball of his keeping with their just and unof Limon on the 13th. December it? He replied, he does not rememfirst and only over, Dixon got a biased opinions. Is this recent ex1934, another witness was present. ber, because it was in 1929 when good punishment three expensive hibition of Master Brown an examed and duly sworn in the penalties he signed it. If he knows what is overs without a single wicket. The ple of what was shewn and taught of False Testimony and said:a Pagare? He said he does not, fielding was rotten and was res him during the past year by the Thomas James because he has never seen one.
Bryan Thomas, 43 years of age, At this stage Attorney Silva rePathfinders. Brown gave away to play elsewhee because this Club, unmarried, labourer of 28 Miles in examined. If it is true that Nel.
two boundaries which he should though much weakened at present, this Jurisdiction. The witness was son, the person whom Bermudez have saved; Erskine dropped a has ever upheld the principles of examined in accordance with para sent in 1929 to the home of the Invaluable for the Treatment of catch at Square Leg, and Dixon decency and clean sportsmanship.
graph (B) of the interrogatory Smith family to obtain their signaone in the Slips. The Schemers She has ever been known to take contained in the initial document cures on a document, came first to should have been out for 30 runs her whippings in a thorough sportsof the docket dated 23rd Novem the deponent home asking him to Flatulence And all forms instead of being allowed to make manlike spirit, knowing that it is ber last. As the deponent does not shew him where the Smiths lived; the total of 57.
only gentlemen who are the rea!
understand the Spanish language and, besides, explaining to him that of Stomach With his good sight and proper sportsmen. Is it that you are beMr. Solano was named Interpreter. he had come on behalf of Mr. Bertiming, it is a regret that Mr. Sam coming swell headed Master In answer to the first question mudez, to obtain the signatures of Colics Disorders Nation is physically impeded from Brown? Really, notice you have he replied He was not present Smith and his wife, to a document playing. We saw in him the re changed much since you happened when the Smiths signed the docu which had to be presented that FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES mains of a good batsman; he was to have batted Not Out against ment or Escrito, because he was very day in Court? He replied, yes bowled simply because he was un the Motive Power last Season.
outside in the corridor when he it is true, because in October of able to get at one of Dandy fast Personally, am not a bit surpriswas called by Smith Jarrett to sign that year Mr. Nelson came to his MANUFACTURED BY: ones, but not for lack of sight or Jed knowing, as do, that you have an Escrito, as witness, which was home at 28 Miles, asking him to had but little training. We are to be presented that very day in show him where Smith lived, and Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa watching how Capt. Dixon is going the Court Office. He signed, and that he should accompany him to SAN JOSE When the Schemers took the co get along with you and others it was not read in neither language: such house; he made him to know field, the Pathfinders wickets fell who happen to be like you. Much when he signed the document it that it was an Escrito which they cerribly; Harrison was master of is expected of you the Youngsters, was already signed by Mr. and ought to sign to be presented to the situation; six good wickets went therefore we beseech you, all of Mrs. Smith, because Smith was the Juzgado (Court House. sick in bed.
Mr. Silva further asked. How ders then placed their backs against bowed in shame. Remember the To the 2nd question, he replied is it true that the document, which Yesterday the English Team, sent The Touring British School Boys the wall and brought off a most way to success is paved with hum that it is true, for they all sign he signed, and to which he refer out by the CC to try conclu were also along with the Team on sensational finish. They got toget bleness and decency. Be Manly.
ed, spontaneously, The document red in him declaration, was signed sions with the West Indian Cricke this ship, and equally enjoyed the ler 49 runs thus losing the match learn to give and to receive with as they were made to understand it by him in the belief that it creats. Ariguani on their way to Ja Johnson, played a prominent part Dixon batted slowly but well, mak and display the manners of a genters, arrived at this Port aboard the City. The British Consul, Mr. Bob. be the small margin of runs. a smile; and above all else cultivate a document ed been presented that same afternoon to the Judge, as was told him by maicado engage the very best of along with Me, Spyre, in the entering 11 all in singles. his only fault eleman particularly when indulging the Island sportmen.
taiment of these visitors.
in the Courts, for the purpose of Nelson, because Nelson nor anywas the trouble he gave the Um in the Game of Gentlemen.
They were entertained, ashore, by liberating, in a few days, the goods one else read it? He replied, it is a Committee from the Friendly and pires by losing his block after each which had been embargoed. true for Nelson and Smith told Literary Club, headed by its genial gain time Cross. examination: Mr. Zele them that it was an Escrito that President, Mr. Aubrey Spyre; who, don here started to cross examine had to be presented to the Judge happily, is also President of the Brown and Harrison were given Abarrotes. Mercadería en the witness by asking him, whether and it was not read in either lan Cricket Association of this country. FRANK MADURO Jr.
out and behaved in a general is that when They were taken to Portette for sea most indecent manner after leavProp.
Venta al por Mayor y brought the Pagare or Escrito, as (Sgd. Lumbrado; bathing and sight seeing, and, in ing the wickets. Master Brown Menor he calls it to 28 Miles to obtain Byran; Solano; Silva; Ze fact, had the liberty of the city. The was, especially, the ruder of the the signatures of Smith and his ledon; Alf. Saenz Secy.
Agentes exclusivos de la famembers of the Club entertained them Best native lumber two; instead of acting like a genmosa mantequilla y queso with Tea at their Rooms and all was tleman, even though he may at moderate prices, done to make their stay in Port a ROSSI y Co.
be one, he went as far as wanting Finca Saborio pleasant moment to hit the Umpire with his bat; he (LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
Cricket Items What of The Ball? Sport. notice The Ball did not Editor, bowl last week end. Is it that he Please allow me space in your has become too tired after bowling Uno de los mejores boter de la Colonia Agricola de Pococi SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS valuable paper in the interest of just three Overs, or was he jeered a ochocientos metros de la linca ferrea, diez hectáreas de madera when he used Bodyline at LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS y repastos; pequeñis cultivos de banino plátanos, caña, yuca, piña: members of the same Club?
habitación muebles y enseres adecuados, herramientas y útiles: bestias: lo más completo, lo mejor acondicionado para una familia de de Marzo. 1935 will enjoy the game as long trabajadores. Cedense los derechos por imposibilidad fisica del adas The Ball bowls and am judicatario para seguir trbojando alli. Vento, arriendo. o cambio.
Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a expecting that, in his next y Over, Pregunte por medio de La Voz del Atlántico Compañía Jltramar Cantina, Posada y Cafetería there will be found a batsman caAgentes Generales pable of playing him.
being almost unplayable.
Felipe Wing Ching FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
For the Rest Johnson and Apartado 9 S. Nation, the veteran Crick LUIS WA CHONG Sub Agentes en LIMON PUNTARENAS Crumbled Wicket eter of Limon, opened the innings Limón, Costa Rica C.
GUACIMO GUAPILES land played free cricket for their 33 On Sunday the 24th. ultimo, the and 17 respectively. They retired Cantina, Licores Extranje de Presentation match between the, undefeated. Of the others, there ros y del país Champions and the Rest was was little to watch, although they played on the City Oval and result carried the score to 96 for Tienda bien surtida y ed in a win for the latter. The MoVery gratefully Abarrotes en general tive Power, who were the ChamSpectator Precios sin competencia pions, did not put their best team Limon, Feby. 1935.
on the field, but a Banco del Estado State Bank 60 runs the 96 Unico Emisor seven wickets.
Sole Bank of Issue SERVICIO DE VAPORES Walker of the Rest Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK ofrece al público los Ofters the Public the responsible for the failure of the con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
Motive Power, his top spinners servicios de su LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS Services of its VAPORES SALIDAS VERAGUA de Marzo EDG YOUNG QUIRIGUA 10 de Marzo PETEN 17 de Marzo Comerciante Establecido en toda la Provincia por Elders Fyffes, Ltd.
EN LA IN THE más de 20 años.
Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres Vende al detal, vinos y licores ex ARIGUANI.
1o de Marzo tranjeros y del país, abarrotes en geCARARE 15 de Marzo neral Micelinea FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
Trato especial para su distinguidav para toda clase de All kinds of Bauk Service numerosa clientela y, muy especiai Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON Rendered mente para el público en general servicio bancario.
Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Establecimiento Esquina Norte del Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Mercado entre la Av. y la calle 4a TELEFONO 3156 Refrescos y aguas gaseosas.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Dot Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Vapor CRYNSSEN Blog Agricultores sin tierra. Familia campesina two El Caballo Blanco Banco Internacional de Costa Rica good display. Batting fint, they made UNITED FRUIT Co.


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