
THE ATLANTÃO VOICE NEWS FROM THE POINT If you men court The Water upply of Limon The Team re rm manner.
us diuc tion of the Water Works for holl ing these a concrete was. ne ways off. The Observant Pointer Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Over the weekend noticed the Mrs. Salisbury, Mr.
one and only Quint Andes from Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Pauly, Año No. 35 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 9th. March 1935.
Price: 15 per copy Monte Verde around The Point. Mr. and Mrs. Sheehy, Miss He seemed to be depressed. What Repta, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
the matter Quint?
are a tennis enthusiast Panama News! We had Benny come around to the tennis nhin The English Cricketers of the ver, went up to the Club Rooms for Miskell over on a flying visit some evening and see our Hazel, CC have come and gone, unfortu. awhile in the morning and during the Friday of last week, and he return Betty, Nat, Dot and Chubby perWith the advent of the Hindleard time, and it is now due that the Munately the motor omnibus of the afternoon, and were entertained at led Saturday morning by the Ma form in a perfect Suzanne Lenglen return the Rooms of the Motive Powercaya Way. Saludes.
The remarks from the Company here for the paving se urmcipality take steps to secure us at. Co. broke down on its What a pleasant surprise to see gallery proves my contention that streets and the improvement in our proper supply of water not only for from Portette, so our visitors had to Club.
All left us in high hopes of the our ped drinking purposes but for the cleans walk it home, which did not seem very old friend Frank Pearsall you must come up and see Water supply, we certainly en we ing of ourselves and our premises pleasant to Capt. Wyatt, as he went achievements in Jamaica. Up to again. Frank was over on a short sometime.
our troubles, in this latter resperson direct to his ship instead of attend now Honours are divided in the West vacation and certainly hope he re all over; but those who here the most important part of life.
It is being proposed by the Muing the Tea interval provided for him. Indian Matches. The won had a good time. THE OBSER The Salisbury entertained over responsible for the proper cone The others went to the Rooms of one test, the West Indies one and one VANT POINTER sends his re the past week, Mrs. Arthur Lyon but nicipal Board to build a new market the Literary and Friendly Associa has been drawn. In Jamaica, so far gards to Jorge, Van and Simmy. and daughter Maud from San aims, reckoned at a cost of around sixty thousand co tion and spent a few pleaant mo as we have heard, the West Indians Then too we had the pleasure of Jose.
taking the elements into con ew lones; can it not occur to our Cityments among many Cricket enthu made 305 of which Barrow made a visit from Mr. Gillott who droption, although to us, it was nold Fathers that a few thousand colonessiasts.
108 and Moodie, a faultless inning ped over for a few mules. The pleasant little picnic was held thing that the Banana River in spent to take the pipes out of the The West Indian Cricketers, for 77, in the first Colony match: OBSERVANT POINTER always be greatest th anoyan River bed and place them, with the Messrs. Constantine. Headley and The made 289. Hendren him at the Community House and sunny skies the following of the saw at Moin on Sunday last and under this wise.
assistance of wall, on Hylton, who were also on Board, did being top scorer with 118 and Hollitost tierra firma would be more essen not avail themselves of Mr. Spyre mes. 72. The destroying bowler for thought he said meals but it was young set enjoyed the pounding mules.
The pipes, to convey us this itrely tial and appropriate than beautify invite to go seabathing: they, howe Jamaica was Fuller of the Railway.
surf at the beach, Hazel and Eddie, precious liquid, were laid soki ing the city with a commodious Mar.
Peg and Bernie, Betty and Frank.
to the edge of the bank of ths got ket building without water to wash Counterfeit call this Point news. Mr. and Coins in Circulation ver, that so soon as the strea lehe away the filth from around it.
Mrs. Bookout with sonny Bookout flooded they got cut away intoespu We are to have our Civic Fiestas Counterfeiters are, apparently, lities.
are here for some time. They are Limey Littleton and Scotty bed of the river and the same vily a few days hence when we shall have once again actively engaged in The workmanship on these coins at present located in Mr. Gron Owens were visitors over the weekbles were experienced as form hiny congregated in our small city some their illegal trade as it is romour is stated to be so good that they blad house. Though these folks end.
So it is that today, when the hem three or four thousand more than ed that many counterfeit coins, may easily be mistaken for the come from Almirante they intend seasons come by, our Water fala a our usual number of inhabitants; if particularly of the ten cents and genuine ones. We are therefore to stay so long we do not class Mr. and Mrs. McCluure is interfered with, and we auf we have not a sufficient supply of one colon denominations have ap advising our readers to be very this under Panama News. Kin entertained to dinner on the night water lockout the greater is water in reserve, is it not to be con peared in San Jose and other loca careful in their examination.
greetings to the Brookies. of March 5th. The dinner the day. Our Sewerage Syshd, sejectured that our Tropical Deseases given in honor of their visitor from blocked and awful stenches njes, may become more destructive?
The latest addition to our mul Panama, Mrs. Clarke and was atespecially in the tenement tats, titudes of radio fans is young tended by. Mr. and Mrs.
where to get rid of their excrete These comments are made with We beg to call your attention to our remark Pop Wright. Have a good time Krauth, Mr. Ames.
scores of people have to be er no a view of awaking the thoughts of at the back of receipt which reads: Pop. But, by the way, what are dent on these pipes which araj ind our Municipal Officials as well as you going to do with your sling Joe old side kick Doug Mac gked by lack of water to flusre our Governor to an item which is This bill must be paid at our shot now?
Gowan left our midst on Saturday flood the basins.
ing an all important factor in the life past bound for the wilds of PunThis sort of thing has been of of a progressive Community. office before the 15th of the month The popular Woodbury, tarenas. Mac took along Tom on for a very considerable len spent a few days at the Limon Whitton so he wouldn feel as Globe Trotter Be so good as to comply with this request Hospital getting checked over, though he were too far away from Jamaica Nothing serious Orf.
friends. Puntarenas is sure a long and do not oblige us to suspend our service, in of the northern states. While in a step which we would much regret to take.
Dean Smith was over the Pacific According to particulars ess Kuala Lumpur he gave lectures reside some few days ago. Rumor has At the Prince camp over the ed from the Singapore Free sue garding his experiences to local Compañía Eléctrica de Limón it that Dean was just in time to weekend a good old fishing party and reproduced in a recent ha societies, and in Negri Sembilan greet the beauties who were on was held. The Princes played host of the Star and Herald om he took part in Malay opera. He their way to Panama. Lucky Dean! to the Hubers, Dudleys, MacGownama, we learn that Mr. ng was in Siam last year at the time Bright Future Expected for Nicaragua ans and Chris Fossel.
Hercshell, a Jamaican, has put of the October revolution.
Banana Industry Miss Chabela Johnston and Miss the past nine years travelled pw On leaving Singapore he intends Betty Huntoon, teachers from the Willy Hug dropped into the 80, 000 miles on foot, and iG of to go to India to make his ascent The Bluefields Excelsior of added. Those in the higher circle Point School, gave a picnic to their Hospital during the week for a planning to scale the heigl ing of the great peaks of the Himala 21st. February says: of the Banana business claim that pupils on the Saturday past. The looking over.
the Himalaya mountains yan Range. This will be his second the Foreign Market price on bana teachers and pupils journeyed to the coming summer months. ho attempt, as in 1931 he tried to Bluefields, Feb. 18th. great nas at the present time does not Portete via bus for a full day in On the night of March 16th Hercshell was one of thos a scale them but could only reach a deal of interest in the Banana In warrant the sudden high price paid the open.
notice a dance will be held in hovisited Wembley in 1932 red height of 12, 000 feet. He now dustry has been aroused as news for the fruit here; and that the nor of the Irish Community at the Boy Scout, and here he in He hopes to be able to go as far up as of a substantial nature, relating to object seem to be: to cripple usual stamping grounds. learned the desire to tour the world bed 15, 000 feet.
the Tropical Fruit Company and somebody.
The Princes threw a this from catching hold of one of set out in 1925, and has and Hercshell is supposed to have its activities, circulates around town party on their 12th wedding anni the unusual invitations that has through America, Europe, Asin earned his living during his wan and the Banana districts.
The Representatives of the Tro versay to a group of friends. been put out. As remember from the Far East. He was recel burderings by giving shows, taking pical Fruit Company see things most pleasant and enjoyable time past years this dance has always Singapore after completing part in boxing competitions and Official and semi official letters differently. They claim to have was had by the following: Mr. been a popular one and the wearof Malaya.
doing temporary work of all kinds. and Radio messages have been written contracts with the Planters and Mrs. Dr. andling of the green should be strong.
alia His tour around the world has not shown in certain quarters which re in the Escondido River, also in 1928 found him in Apic been marked by anything very veal an extensive preparation to Punta Gorda, Rio Grande, as well Our Approaching Fiestas where he took part in the ner eventful, it is alleged, except, how. Testablish another major Banana as in Prinzapolka, who agree to Preparations almost now to assist our local one during the Games, it is asserted, as a he ever, once, when in Rhodesia, al Company on this Coast; while, in sell their fruit to the Company at a completed for the meantime, Radio messages and fixed price. However, the Com Civic Fiestas, and it is expected our approaching four days of festivities.
and walker. Six months a to gang taking dislike to him atA large Merry go round machijourneyed overland from Ilma tempted to cut his throat and rob Letters have been sent to Senatorspany Representative adds. that they that they will be most successful. ne is being erected in the market Kuala Lumpur, by way of an him, but he was saved by the at the Capital with a view to solicit have taken all necessary precaution We understand that, acting on square and an Ocean Wave has and Siam. He also visited ples timely approach of a car.
their aid in urging Congress to against Unfair Competition.
behalf on the Commission in char lalso arrived from Colon.
tam tramping through the appoint a Commission to investigaJR this BANANAS te the Banana Industry on Mr. Sherma, Manager of ge of the arrangements, our GovThere will be Bull Fights day ABOUT Coast in regards to Unfair Com the Tropical Fruit Company, who ernor, don Filadelfo Granados, has We afe only hoping that a further petition and Monopoly. is at the present time in Mobile obtained permission for one of the and night, and as usual, all serts Many have been the enquior indulgence will be extended by the looking after the shipment of the Bands from the Central Provinces of Gamings.
lative to the accuracy of the en payment of these amounts in gold, Mr. Norton, Represen. Company equipment which, they mation about the eut so as to offset the increasing rise in tative of the Oceanic Mercantile claim, is of modern type and comCents granted by the Unitehat Exchange to the many who have fo Corp. of which the Bluefields Mer plete to handle all phase of the Ba Company. Is it a bonus S5o reign accounts to meet. In San Jose, cantile Company is the local buyers, nana business, has informed his SERVICIO DE VAPORES does this good news imply 24 today, tgold is streets at returned from the rivers last Frid. Representative here that the equipSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK me? We reply, call it what yų atec 20. With this rise in price of ay, after spending a week going ment, which includes, Loading con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA, se, but new contracts, at all. Commodities, how will the working among the planters. Mr. Norton Plant, Power Brges, steel of forty cents, will be issued, man exist at his low rate of labour. idea, as he explains it, is to learn barges LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS launchs etc. etc. VAPORES SALIDAS ing those at Thirty Cents.
from the Planters themselves what should reach Bluefields about the QUIRIGUA 10 de Marzo Keith Bank they consider a fair price for their first weeks of March. next PETEN.
17 de Marzo The John product, so that his Company could month.
VERAGUA 24 de Marzo a Knowings as we do the very many be better able to compensate them We see it is announced of persons in the ordinary walk of life and gradually extend their field of The Tropical Fruit Company Elders Fyffes, Ltd.
meeting of the Board in chill on this side, whose efforts towards activity. But Mr. Norton success plans to establish its own Commis.
the affairs of this BankrupN int providing against the rainy day along this line seem to be meagressary, the first, and probably the Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres meet on the 18th. of the lis have been frustrated by the unfor for the Planters insist that they headquarters will be located some CARARE 15 de Marzo honth to decide regarding in tunate failure of this Bank, we do will sell their fruit at the same pri where on the Escondido River. CAVINA.
29 de Marzo tribution of the 30 per cent of hope that the remaining assets of ce paid by the other Company, The official and chief Representa FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
ing to conclude the liquide di the estate will be found sufficient The price of bananas has been tive of the Tropical Fruit Come claims of the privilegef ars ly ample to provide these creditors shooting up at a rapid pace with pany in the country is General FerAgentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON Hirs, and to make arran, ets with an appreciable dividend, at in the past four weeks. Almost nandez Gonzalez, Nicaraguan ConPara otros informes, diríase a las oficinas de la United for the commencement of pre least.
every week since then an additional sul for many years in Mobile, Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica to the unsecured or com TELEFONO 3156 ten cents per count bunch has been Litors.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a ce br are reincrease UNITED FRUIT Co.
on the


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