
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Satyday 9th. March 1935.
a Chong León Hereby Hangs a Tale tor. Do you on acSiamese Twin Separated Neutral Zone Agreed On. dont know where this ROME. An official commu Hamburg. Amerika Linie chl get her temper. m sure MOSCOW Surgeons on nication states that the negociations is lot from me.
March 3rd. separated Siamese between Italy and Abyssinia for Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón ins. No, my dear, notice Twin babies, and one will proba the establishment of Neutral Para EUROPA the you still have all of yours bly live to become a normal child. Zone have been satisfactorily con lef The other, lacking a heart and cluded. The Zone will be six kilo. SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, other vital organs, died They metros wide and extend along the AMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO) went to see that musical were joined by tissue at the abdu boundaries of the Somaliland tecoedy and, gash, wish had my men, and the abnormal twin receiv. rritory.
Vapor NICEA Marzo 16 indey back.
ed subsistence and blood circulation Why, didn you like it?
through the normal child heart. BREAD BREAD. Para GUATEMALA That just it. If had my and lungs. The case was unprece Eat only the best bread. PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
mocy back d go see it again.
dented in Soviet medical history. BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF CARIBIA Marzo 25 Made only by BOOTH Hy boyfriend thinks he Na.
The best that may be bad SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS pobn. Is that anything to be in the country.
alaned about?
Don forget to call at Para cualquier clase do informes, dirigirse a. It sure is, if he thinks you are LIVERPOOL BOOTH and take home a HAPAG LLOYD Jophine.
loaf of Berlin Special Licores Extranjebread.
Agencia Costa Rica Hmother. Young man, if ros y del Pais Trying one will convince Teléfono 2086 you should marry my daughter it Insurance. very Bad Man ABARROTES you, that this is positively the best loaf of bread, The insurance company doctor wold kill me. Suiter. Is that a promise?
CURRENT NOTES Precios made in Costa Rica was a very jovial soul, and liked to kid the men whom he examined Económicos And you beg me to shut my Our Toy Industry to be Helped quantity may likely be in the for policies. Once he had before cyd to your weakness?
Samuel Insull Again On Trial.
vicinity of 100 sheets.
him a middle aged man, one of the Yes, to my weakness for kis.
CHICAGO. Samuel Insull is In order to stimulate the manu The entire issue of these stamps honpecked kind, with mutton chop sin King Abdicates. Nephew again to face the legal tribunals of facturing of Toys locally and to has been recalled by the governwhiskers.
to Succeed the country. He is now being bring the capabilities of the in ment. Do you drink? asked the doccharged with the embezzle dustry more prominently before LONON. Prajadhipok, King EDGAR YOUNG of Siam, Brother of the Moon, Utilities Funds in favour of cer merce proposes to hold an Exhibiment of 66, 000 of the Midwest the public, the Chamber of Com Don Felipe Alvarado and the Oh, heavens, no.
Presidency Do you smoke?
Comerciante Supreme Arbiter of the Ebb and tain personal operations of his tion of all those which are manu Following the activities which Not at all, sir.
Flow of Tides and Possessor of brother Martin.
factured in the country on the have been launched recently by chew tobacco, or Esblecido en tota la Provincia por the Twenty four Umbrellas, has surrendered his throne, Titles and 15th. September next. The success various members of the different stay out late at night?
más de 20 años. am addicted to none of those Velo al detal, vinos y licores ex ful exhibitors will be given prizes Partidos to secure candidates for an income of two hundred thousand pounds. The reason for his METROPOLITAN BUREAU in cash, medals and diplomas. the approaching Presidential elec practices, sir!
traleros y del país, abarrotes en geabdication is stated to be Legal, Notarial General tion, it is now stated that don Fe. neral. Micolánea.
count of his Cabinet refusing nearRobbery of Air Mail Stamps lipe Alvarado, an old resident Well, haven you any vices Tra especial para su distinguida Business Transactions of this City, will be asked to ac at all? asked the doctor.
nusrosa clientea y, muy especially all of his demands for govern Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Recent investigations disclosed cept nomination as the Candidate mental changes. It is assumed that E L, sometimes chew a Esblecimiento Esquina Norte del mte para el público en general.
My umtarnished reputation of that a large quantity of our air of the National Republican Party. little gum.
his Nephew, Prince Ananda, 11 Meado entre la Av. 3a. y la calle 4a.
honesty. My intelligence and mail stamps had been robbed. The It is further stated that a more years of age will succeed him.
high calibre efficiency constitute matter was placed in the hands of determined effort is to be made to the necessary and all important the Judicial authorities and it is secure the nomination of don RiFACTORS which constitute my said that an employyee in one of cardo Jimenez; while there is the Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac the government offices has confes rumour that notwithstanding his We take the following from an poinancy to the grief of his sertual and prospective CLIENTS, sed having made use of thirty refusal, don Cleto supporters have article in the Bluefields Excel. viv relatives.
la mejor calidad vende who confide to my care, di sheets of one hundred stamps each, not disposed of the idea that he sior of the 7th. ultimo. The behalf of their many local mos a precios muy bojos rection and administration, their is, however, estimated that the should contest the election.
unexpected death of Mr. Henry frids, the Atlantic Voice tendhandling of their BUSINESS and Downing Ingram, cultured member ersche bereaved members of the GENERAL AFFAIRS.
Entenderse con el Cricketers Please Note Jof this city, was recorded here at farly its most sympathetic conW. EGBERT POLSON four o clock in the morning of dol. ce.
Licenciado DANIEL ZELEDON Accountant, Interpreter, Trans This Journ a forward to keener publications of January 31st. at the home of his lator, Judicial Business Agent.
has not been supported as we feel Sporting Notes provided our spec sister, Miss Ethel Ingram, after it should be, up to the present, by tators and players will, alike, guartwelve days illness.
LUIS WA CHONG subscriptions from the many hun. antee us reciprocal attentions; bei In an earlier issue of this paper, To Dredge The San Juan River dreds of Sportsmen we possess here cause. if our efforts are not back we mentioned the sad fact that the UACIMO GUAPILES Lines, hence ed by a more enthusiastic reading death of Mr. Ingram wife, Mrs. antina, Licores Extranje The Nicaraguan government has as the San Juan River is the hound. and along the have, at public, the result will be that you Evelyn Maud, had occurred on the ros y del país decided to dredge the San Juan ary on the North eastern side while Cricket River so that vessels of heavy ton. the railway from Rivas will touch times. been sacrificed for items of shall again lose the opportunity 26th January; Mr. Ingram was Tienda bien surtida y nage may be able to ply up and us on the North west; as we are greater public recognition. As of the means for expressing your then reported to be seriously ill, Abarrotes en general down this river and go into the of the opinion that pressure will however, it seem evident that our choughts. You must realize that and his death, coming but five days without after that of his life partner, Precios sin competencia Lake Nicaragua. It is also decided be brought to bear on the incom Spectators are getting more enthu no Newspaper can exist to extend the Rival Railway up ing government to construct the siastic, we shall, in future, look Ithe support of your subscriptions. must certainly have added much to the border with this country. Moin Tortuguero Canal, these These will certainly be works of avenues of traffic will be of imClippings from Nicaragua vast importance to this Republic, mense value to us. number of Capitalists residing the Cukra Development Company in El Salvador intend, it is stated, and reliable Executive of the Uni According to a cable advice from The were one hundred and two to invest over three million dollars ted Fruit Co. for a period of twen. Castries, St. Lucia, forty one per persys aboard the Launch.
in Nicaragua. Their activities are ty two years, has retired from acti sons are officially reported to have TCaptain and Owner of to include factories for manufac se service: He has been succeeded lost their lives as the result of an the punch have been arrested and turing cloth, soap, cigarrettes and by Mr. Adams of the Boca del excursion Launch capaizing and chard with contributary neglicanned fruit.
Toro Division.
precipitating them into the sea. gend for the fatality.
With view of bettering the housing conditions of Blues fields, the Municipal Board has decided to redeem a large track of In RCA VICTOR land situate at its northern end and around Gun Boat Creek, for che creation of a new township.
Banco del Estado State Bank Bill which sought to prohibit foreigners from holding public Unico Emisor Sole Bank of issue offices in the Republic was defeatAre Finer than Ever!
ed at a session of the Senate held ofrece al público los during the earlier part of last Ofters the Public the month. It was approved by the servicios de su Servies of its Chamber of Deputies.
Husband Dies Five bays After Wite Cemento ALSEN notes An Awful Ca astrophe See the Radio that thinks!
a Banco Internacional de Costa Rica Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception RC VICTOR RADIO Mr. Baker, Manager of SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Egbert Thompson EN LA THE Costa Rica Radio CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON Corredor Jurado Comisionista para toda clase de APARTADO 127 servicio bancario.
Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
All kinds Bank Service Refered Perry Girton


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