
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA lurday 9th. March 1935.
Chino Japanese Agraement Creates Alarm SAL UVINA to.
THE RIGHT SALTS For Liver and Stomach Ailments commercial, diplomatic and milita the case.
As a Man Know Thyself. Part just the same.
us to Bonilla y Co. Defence of the Burial Scheme Asscn.
The recent Chino Japanese Agre. friendly attitude in regard to Inement is causing great alarm to the dian affairs and eliminating Japahe Editor.
of whom declared the deceased Powers. It is stated that under nese propaganda from India, Bri person was only Father in law the provisions of the agreement, tain has granted a Federated StaAs a subscriber to your weekly the member, and that they would, Japanese Military Officers are totes of India among all the Princes ournal, and having been so openly not pay the one colon tax if it undertake the training and equip which is to lead, later on, to Dottacked in regard to something were imposed.
ment of all Chinese troops instead minion Status.
or which am not personally res To satisfy the members, reof Germans as has been previously onsible, trust you will permit quested Alfred Edwin, who sudIn fact, the Japanese de space to clarify the groundless denly blossomed forth on the death government is to take over the Or. Carlos MI. Fernández ind virile attack on both myself of his supposed Father as Alfred. and the Society which happen to Edwin Josephs, to prove himself Cirujano Dentista represent at the present time. the son of Casius Josephs. He was rian; this will, naturally, be in Alfred Edwin, as he is known asked to produce a birth certificate, SAN JOSE keeping with the Japanese propos the Society, complains he has he refused to do so; thereafter ition of a United States of Asia.
Oficina: Clínica del Dr. Facio tot been paid the death grant due Grainger and himself started a Invaluable for the Treatment of The latest cables all point to great him for one Casius Josephs whom false propaganda against the SoTeléfonos: disquietude in British and North he claims was his father.
ciety and myself.
Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 American diplomatic circles with Under the law governing de here are some who argue that Flatulence And all forms respect to the agreement.
Apartado 1252 pendents of members Article 9, the Society should not ask the kc. 1) these are stated to be means of maintaining a reason why, but should pay be Indigestion of Stomach Husband, Wife, Father, Mother cause the Application Form consind Children from the age of titutes a Contract between the So Colics Disorders free to fifteen years, providing ciety and the member, and that such children are under the control after it has been accepted we canby Alva Grant. Shew me a miraculous person and pf their parents and have not be not question, later on, the truth FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES come fathers or mothers.
fulness of the wording of same. have never seen, heard nor sen. will show you some activities Article 11, Sec. 2, which deals admit the existence of a contract, sed a Hope high enough not to be which count for Good or Bad.
MANUFACTURED BY: crushed Some completely, others with Claims of Members, states but also claim that those who In the instance of human life, Any member or dependent dying make application for membership, Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa temporarily; but nevertheless crush we find certain essential requireed in any other town or country than are bound to fill in our form truthTo have it ments necessary, if its balance is to SAN JOSE that in which his or her Branch is fully, as they are unknown to crushed once, is a trial; twice, a be maintained. These establish situated, a certificate of Birth and and it would be an impossibility temptation; thrice, a tribulation. themselves in the instain and of Death from the Registrar must to disprove their statements at the Reflection will cause Worry fundamental appetites. The satisThe Wanderers Defended just the same as it will affect Plea faction and fulfilment of them be produced before the grant is time. On the other hand if a mempaid, or unless the Branch is satis ber does not carry out his or her Mr. Editor.
sure. It is entirely upon what lik being harmonious sensations, the am sure the result would con(fied.
part of the Contract then it clearly May intrude on your genero vince him whether or not we are tion that it will bring you some com a stress because of the lack of an eness and nature you cast reflec lessening of stress. Over balance is Our Application of Membership becomes null and void.
sity to refer to the Bed time tale in need of practice.
mon end. Reflection therefore, now excess.
Form reads as follows: Costa Rica The Society has at no time dur compiled by The Ball for your We must, however, conscienThe improper balance in Burial Scheme Association, Branch ing its seven years of existence, issue of the 16th Feby. It is per tiously admit and recognize the because you can only reflect on lity, pain and displeasure. It is to and ever, will produce experience, human life is marked by irritabiNo. 1, Port Limon, Ladies refused to pay a legitimate death featly true that the Wanderers strength of the Motive Power; and Gentlemen, beg to make ap grant. We have paid more on be lost their match against the Pens we are expecting her to be the something you have known, heard be expected that an intelligent plication to become a member of half of dependents than for mem hurst but if, by that, the wri victor at the close of the Season: or sensed. If the re actions are less being will consciously seek to presthe If am elected bers. this can be proved from our ter of that article is seriously of the we do not hope to retain the Chan worry, more hope and cheerfulness, erve the state of pleasure or shall obey all the rules and regu records. The Society receives a per opinion that they can always be pionship, but whatever may hapyou should bright and hap prolong it. Here a break, to relations of the Society, and shall be centage from each death grant so easily whipped, suggest that pen to Cricket in Costa Rica, the py by not being completely crush pair your hopes, and know You faithful member of the same. which is carried to the credit of the he send us a challenge and follow Wanderers can never be forgotten.
can do it.
Those dependent on me are as Reserve Fund, so the more grants it up with a clean exhibition game.
The man who controls health, Percy Harris follow. Father, etc. In case we pay out in this respect the betsubdues thought, maintains his my death please pay my death ter it is for the Society financially; circle, balances his reason through Sugar Workers Create Trouble organized senses, is the man who. grant to. etc.
but as it is from the pockers of the Abarrotes. Mercadería en From information received, poor such contributions are receiv Because they were subjected to a body to Fort de France, the Capi closely approaches the Knowledge general gather that this application form led, we make no payment until fully twenty per cent reduction in their tal, but desisted on the timely ar of Self, and this is accomplished Venta al por Mayor y was written by another man, Char assured of its correctness. wages, the employees on the Sugarrival of war ships in the Harbour entirely from within. Give me ReaMenor les Grainger, the father in law of The Management Committee Estates throughout Martinique, and the landing of Marines. son and will shew you knowledge.
Agentes exclusivos de la faAlfred Edwin. Clara Edwin, wife prefers to spend all of the Reserve recently went on strike. Negociations for a settlement of To tell me of wisdom, is to have mosa mantequilla y queso of Alfred Edwin, also appears on Fund on the poor and needy mem Thousands of the more infuriat the difficulty are said to be going me tied. Demonstrate the fact and ROSSI y Co.
the form as another dependent as bers, than permit rogues to wheedle ed ones attempted to march in alon.
you will cause me to be mystified; Finca Saborio well as one Albert, a child; Casius it cut of us. To my mind direct You will be a walking miracle.
Josephs and Mrs. Josephs. attempt at graft, by the advisers am neither the President, Se of Edwin, is the truth of this issue.
For Sale 12. 000 FOR LOANS cretary nor Treasurer of the Burial loh, what a tangled web we weave, Dept. do not see Application when first we practise to deceive; Bee Hives To be made to persons giforms, neither do receive or pay Eggs are eggs, but some are rotten ving tangible guarantee. Rea out cash. did not even know this and some are false.
Apply sonable interest. Lender man was a member until Grainger I, personally, am not on the 16, 17, 18 y 19 de Marzo came and told me of the death of pay roll of the Society. We believe PORTER can be seen at Limon SerCasius Josephs. directed him to in paying our Officers to eliminate vice Bureau every Friday Se oye toda clase de propuestas para la the department Officer to apply graft. We have nothing to fear, Cairo beatween and p.
for his grant: trouble arose bet nothing to hide from our celebración de espectáculos públicos. En ween them, the application form bers. We are being attacked by igualdad de proposiciones serán preferidos was shown me and as the member certain persons who were here but Grainger, my eyes are now opened one will despise him; but if he parname appeared as Alfred Edwin failed to keep their hands off the to that which had escaped my nottles on he will write his own name los limonenses.
and the Father as Casius Josephs, money of the poor members. Every tice.
in capital letters, and they will be a doubt arose and the officers claim one in town knows that true story; To my friends Grainger, who is these. as LA COMISION ed they were not satisfied. had and was under impression that far from being as smart as he By the ears the ass is known o power to order payment prior the Founder of our Society had left thinks, refer these limes. Loud truth the same as Parsons an investigation being made the good old ship with water tight braying reveals as Ass; If a man be (preach, WOMEN RIGHTS among the members, quite a few. compartments, but thanks to Mr. ignorant and holds his tongue no The man, as proverds long have The French Chamber of Repre confirmation of the Senate, but as (shown sentatives have granted women the Senators have always been In seen most plainly through his privileges equal to those enjoyed much opposed to women suffrage (speech. by men in the electoral franchise. it is feared the motion will be neThe concessions now awaits the gatived in that House.
We have imported three head stones for those who have defrauded the Society and are now opposRemember NUGGET puts a smile on ing it. These are to be placed on (LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
your shoes, and with the empty covers of their graves with the following NUGGET Boot Polish you can obtain inscription: beautiful and useful gifts at the Limon Here lies a member who did no Trading Co. Limon, or at fhe NUGGET FOR GL SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS (good, AGENCY, San José.
If he lived longer he never LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS There is a NUGGET shade for every (would; de Marzo. 1935 shoe made.
Where he gone and how he fares, No member knows and no one Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a (cares.
Use POLIFLOR WAX (a NUGGET product) for your floors and furniture.
Compañía Ultramar POLIFLOR covers With my thanks, Mr. Editor, Agentes Generales can also be exand hoping for your success, changed for gifts.
Peter Blackman Sub Agentes en (Opens with a twist)
Promater LIMON PUNTARENAS Limon, March 1935.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a Fiestas Cívicas de Limón memto Did you NUGGET your shoes this morning?
Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.


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