
335, NEWS FROM THE POINT TIIE ATLANTIC VOICE at 0те on 10 manner. on a.
The Observant Pointer.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Joe Dudley is spending some The dance tonight promises to time in Almirante looking things be a snappy affair with the two Año No. 36 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, March 16th. 1935.
Price: 15 per copy over. It can be too bad over orchestras in attendance, Barquethere as Joe put in several happy ro from San Jose and Borbon days.
from together on it and don forget the Landowners Afforded Relief Matters Educative am told that Mr. MacLaurin Wearin of the Green.
in Street Improvement Tax It is with great pleasure we tunity for making themselves fit is coming along fine at the Hospinote the increassing rush, among subjects of the country of their tal after his recent accident. All Expect to be awakened at five visitors welcome as long as no o clock in the morning from SunIt will be seen, by recent publi paid within 30 days, a reduction the adults of the city, during the birth or adoption.
Official Gazette, of fifty per cent will be allowed.
evenings, at the Office of the How paintful it has been to see mention is made of Puntarenas.
LA day on to the tune of bursting cation in our bombs which denote that the Fies that, due to the suggestions of our 2nd. If paid within 60 doys, a Director of Schools, don Juan Pe thousands of persons on the streets, ralta. One cannot fail to admire who were unable to understand one energetic Representative in reduction of forty per cent.
Which reminds me that most all tas have taken possession of Liever 01 mon. Don hide beneath the cloth Congress, don Juanito Romagosa, 3rd. If paid within 90 days, the zeal of our genial Director in word of the language spoken about roads lead to Puntarenas. Arleigh his urge for educating the grown them; many, very many have been a Sawyer has been drafted to do his ing thinking the Greek insurrectos the President of the Republic has 30 per cent and bit over there. Arleigh left Li it all in fun.
have managed to reach the port, given his sanction to the arrange 4th. If paid within 120 days, ups of Limon. He could well spend the disadvantages suffered in conment that the Supreme government 20 per cent.
his evening hours in social recrea sequence. How many of them have mon on Tuesday morning and exshould assume responsibility for Sth. In the event of landow tion among his numerous friends, been drawn into the Police Courts ti pects to be back before this issue With shining red noses and sev the payment of 150, 000 of the ners not taking advantage of any after his day labour with the for trivial offences, which could re hundreds of children who goes to press.
amount due by the Municipality regulado la nunciaron todo come have been easily settled among eral complaints there arrived the Point the two travelers: for the improvements to our City; of the foregoing methods, they under his supervision; but no, he themselves, had they a knowledge Mr. and Mrs. Smichen Whiron and MacGowan, hence the Taxpayers are also re shall be called upon to pay twenty prefers to devote his spare hours in of the language of the country to dinner on the of our How many have we seen lose their March 7th. Guests to the number March 1935.
duly recorded on the 11th day of lieved by one half of the amounts colones quarterly to liquidate such advancing the education of payable by them as from the Ist. balance.
adults so that they may become all by signing documents which of 12 persons were royally enterJanuary last.
In order to secure the privilege better citizens. Don Juan realizes, robbed them of their belongings, tained in the Smith hospitality Mart will have to snap out of it Payments toward the cancella of the discount, applications must fully, that these people will be the simply because they could not of of themselves, read such documents now with the return of his señoration of this obligation can now be be made to the Municipal Board citizens of the Atlantic Zone prior to the 31 st. of the current the Tomorrows; so instead of mis presented by unscrupulous persons.
The Frank Durmans were visi Iss Quirigua last Saturday. The who arrived from Panama on the made by one of five methods.
1st. If the balance due be month.
takingly adopting segregating How many have been the incontors over the weekend at the home Mrs. wasn sure she could handle measures toward them, as is done veniences suffered in consequence le of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis.
by our Legislature of the Capital, of the lack of fraternization with Mart alone after being away so The Ten Cents Increase he seizes the sensible and praise the natives in every department of o long and sure of the complaints worthy conception of educating life.
Doc Gamboa celebrated his that would have piled up so we now As we understand there exists understood that this additional them to adapt themselves to the As has been said, it is certainly birthday March 11. Doc gray have the Señorita Vaglio from Pa some amount of misunderstanding amount will only be paid to those conditions existing around them. pleasing to see the thoughtfulness locks are a true indication that he nama as a guest at the Martinez regarding the increase of Ten Contractors who cultivate on privHe seem to have conceived this lof our young men and women in is rapidly approaching the middle home.
Cents which the United Fruit ately owned lands; these who cul idea of correcting the mode of seizing the chances thrown out to age period. Presumably the EusCompany has agreed to give con tivate on the lands of the Com living, so ponounced among the them by the Educational Departtace had better watch their Mon The OBSERVANT POINTER tractors, we desire it to be clearly pany will continue to receive the two groups of our citizens, since ment, and so preparing themselves key glands.
extends deepest sympathy to Hugh Thirty Cents.
last summer, when he organized to meet the strenuous fight for an Depass upon learning of the death Night Schools for adults of all intelligent existence.
Miss Margaret Dater entertain of his mother.
classes and creeds. In the Decem ed to a bean supper at the Stenober examinations such magnificent We cannot, however, but remark graphers residence Satuday If you have not heard it.
We beg to call your attention to our remark results were evidenced among the that it has taken our people a long night past.
Maxie Gamboa has a good story at the back of receipt which reads: vast majority, that he and his co time to see to tell about a hundred dollars.
that the first thing workers were inspired to further which should be done on arrival in Eddie Parkhurst and Bernie Corse made a trip of inspection up sacrifice themselves during this any country, is to adapt oneself Bill Boschen has a good one to This bill must b: paid al our term in endeavours for the educa to the conditions of such a country.
around Peralta last Sunday con tell about a deaf mute.
ducted by Charlie Penman. The office before the 15th of the month tional improvement of the unfortu. How full of significance has been nates whom he found around him. the old phrase When you are in boys didn get much sleep the Nat Kingman has also an excelnight before but they figured it is lent one about a taxi driver. Be so good as to comply with this request The response has been so sponta. Rome do as Rome does. To franeous, the self application so in ternize with the natives of the 11 a good thing to know your Costa and do not oblige us to suspend our service, tense, that our Director could not country of one adoption should Rica.
And Doc Salisbury he has fail to observe the longing desire be the very first step of every imWell, you ask him.
a step which we would much regret to take.
of these to grasp the opportunity, migrant, but here we find its the The Cieneguita Bridge Compañía Eléctrica de Limon he could, therefore, do nothing last thing decided on by the colourelse than throw himself whole ed people, they have to be whipped heartedly into the developing si in line by insulting, segregating Is has been very distressing to resi gratulate the Minister of Fomento tuation. On the other hand, one measures; however, it is a pleasur dents on the Westfalia Road to trat for having the services of so effific, at times, over this Bridge now cient a Foreman of Works, as the Psed Amendments to Traffic Law must admire the good sense of our they are now seeing what they under repairs. Until but a few days one in charge, Sr. Juan Gutierrez; people in grasping such an oppor. should have seen long ago.
ago, pedestrians as well as wheel he is certainly a most capable and With a view of securing greater capacity of 1 tons or and horse trafficers, had to wait se painstaking officer, and is complet control Straffic should not be allowed to proceed Anti. Alien Bills Be ore veral hours during the day when ing a very fine piece of work. The throughout the country and of af at a greater speed than 40 kms.
on their way to and from the City. Bridge was on the verge of falling fording the general travelling It is also recommended that notwithstanding the courteousness of but in rpairing and strenthening the public a larger degree of safety, every inhabitant of the country the Master of works to all comers. iron works, he has carefully and ef the Central government, some time should be obligated to report to Herald the Canal Zone Ad to be opossed to the intention of According to the Panama Star the Secretary of War are stated The flooring has, at last, been ficiently effected the repairs as very ago, appointed a Special Committe the authorities every accident, completed, so there will be not mo few men in nCosta Rica could have to investigate the matter and sub coming to their knowledge, which ministration was on the 6th, instant the bills as it would not only mean re time lost to busy people using done. Speaking in the capacity of one versed in such construction, this mit suggestions along these lines. produces personal injuries and formed that two additional Bills the dismissal of all aliens but their job bespeakes a great professional fu After going over every phase of that persons in charge of garages States Congress, one in the Senate in the gold roll scale.
had been introduced in the United replacement by American citizens While on this point, we must con ture for this gentleman.
the subject, the members of the or repair shops, to which vehicles, and the other in the House of ReCommittee have just submitted bearing signs of having been in a During the earlier part of the their recommendations. Among serious accident or with traces of presentatives, for the purpose of present year a similar effort wa important, we observe blood or perforations by bullet: excluding all aliens, Panamanians made in the House of Representathat vehicles should be prohibited are taken, should be required to as well as all other persons who are tives, but was limited to only a On his way home from an ex. and devotion to him and the Em from exceeding a speed of 25 kilo report the fact, within 24 hours, not Ameircan citizens, from em certain class of aliens. In opposing tensive tour through Australia and pire. He will be glad, as am, to metros within the limits of towns in the nearest Section of the Police ployment in the Canal Zone, on chis, the Administration pointed New Zealand, Prince Henry, Duke be informed of the welfare of his hips and 40 on the high ways, except Dept.
the ground, that such persons out that apart from the many difof Gloucester, the third son of the subjects in this portion of the on such parts which are straight might, in the event of war, be ficulties which would arise, the British Sovereign, arrived in Pa world; and he desires me to express and unfrequented, where a speed continued and enactment Stringent penalties, which in might, therefore, be in a position would displace some two or three employment of such legislation rama on Monday the 4th. instant. to you all his best wishes, to which up to 45 kms. may be permitted. lude owners as well as drivers, are After exchanging visits with the add my own, for your continued Vehicles conveying more than ten also recommended for infringments to aid and support the enemy. thousand aliens and necessitate an President of the Republic and the happiness and prosperity. sasengers and those with a cargo of the suggested new Law.
Unlike the efforts made previ initial expenditure of approximaGovernor of the Canal Zone, His Prince Henry sailed the same ously in this direction, the present rely 20, 000, 000.
Highness gave bills would cover all the departaudience evening for Jamaica, where he arThis bill has not yet received aboard the Austra rived in time ments on the Zone under the juris legislative approval, so that there lia to a deputation of six West nesday Meet of the Jockey Club at diction of the Secretary of Wat are now three bearing on the same Indians, headed by Mr. Car Knutsford Park, Kingston, and in Community House, Hospital Point and would consequently apply, it question before the legislature.
rington, legal adviser to which he took part as a rider in The advance enthusiasm for the you can dance; if not, you can sit road Co. the Panama Railroad red to the respective committees on is claimed, to the Panama Rail. These latter ones have been referthe British Legation the Polo event. His horse secur Saint Patrick Day Dance has out and listen to the music.
The deputation, on behalf of cd second place in the race. He is prompted ye Editors to go the limit Sreamship Line in addition to the Military Affairs, and it is expected In order to help defray the ex. Canal. the mary thousands of British scheduled to leave the Island today in giving you all something that the Canal Administration will out of pense of two orchestras we West Indians resident on the Isth direct for England.
The. Canal Administration and be asked to submit reports thereon.
the ordinary for tonight compelled to increase the price of nus, presented the Prince with an (tous) very pleasing feature Instead of one orchestra we are the tickets from four colones to ddress of welcome in which were of the Prince visit to our South going to have W Heredia five colones per gentleman, but we Local Athletes for Olympics Expressions of their loyalty and deer Neighbours was the choice lot and Barquero. Sixteen musicians in feel assured you will agree that Our local Athletics and Football 800 sportsmen congregated there otion to the Royal House and of Costa Rican flowers used at the all who will do their utmost to five colones is not an excessive fee sportsmen left San Jose last Thurs from all America.
luncheon given in his honour by give you the best night of dancing for what we are offering.
The reply of His Royal Higness the British Minister. The flowers ever and just think of it, contiday for San Salvador to compete Great enthusiasm prevails in the Come one Come All to this gala in the Central American Olympie interior as to the achievements of as as follows Gentlemen: shall were the gift of the British Consul nuous music right through the event and don forget to wear games to be held there. They those selected for the contests. We pleased to convey to the King, in San Jose and were sent over by night. No long intermissions at something green. The Party is for numbered thirty five in all. Cables wish them luck and every success.
my father, your message of loyalty airplane.
this dance. If you feel like dancing you so help make it a success. soy there already more than Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
e over our motor Co gress this way.
The Duke of Gloucester the more in for the Ash Wed St. Patrick Day Dance are


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