
hurd PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, March 16th. 1935.
man any of it.
Hereby Hangs Tale Maduro Lumber Yard was held METROPOLITAN BUREAU Legal, Natarial General LUIS WA CHONG Business Transactions ll bet your wife is a woman GUACIMO GUAPILES SERVICIO DE VAPORES of rare intelligence?
Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Cantina, Licores ExtranjeSalidas semonales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK That right. She rarely shows ros y del pais My untarnished reputation of con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA.
honesty. My intelligence and LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS Tienda bien surtida y high calibre efficiency constitute VAPORES SALIDAS m going to quit drinking Abarrotes en general the necessary and all important PETEN 17 de Marzo liquor because of the effect it has Precios sin competencia FACTORS which constitute my VERAGUA 24 de Marzo on me?
Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac Heavens. You don know QUIRIGUA.
tual and prospective CLIENTS, 31 de Marzo what you re saying 1, 358 Accidents in Two Months who confide to my care, di.
Elders Fyffes, Ltd. Yes, that just the effect it rection and administration, the has on me.
MOSCOW. Ic has been dis handling of their BUSINESS and Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres closed that during a period of two GENERAL AFFAIRS.
CARARE 15 de Marzo Did marriage have settling months, railways in EGBERT POLSON 29 de Marzo CAVINA Russia have influence on you?
suffered from 1, 358 accidents. Accountant, Interpreter, Trans FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. Yes, ve been settling breachspecial Committee has, in conse. Lator, Judicial Business Agent.
of promise suits ever since.
Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON quence, been appointed to investiPara otros informies, dirijase las oficinas de la United When Lucille gor through with gate and re organize che entire ad.
Independence of Puerto Rico Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ministration Drinting. Read Friendship her daring dance in The Frolics Requested TELEFONO 3156 Two old cronices who had been the noise was deafening.
drinking too much at the tavern Applause. MEXICO. More than three Activities were on their way home late at No, police whistles.
thousand students assisted in a very enthusiastic meeting of this ber of the Race to subscribe, if it night, when one of them had the manifestation on the 12th. instant, Association Wednesday be but one colon, to get rid of this bad luck to fall into the gutter. lost my wallet on Broadway at which they called for the United night. One of the more important very pressing obligation? At this He found imself unable to rise, last night.
FRANK MADURO Jr. States Minister in Cuba and the items dealt with was the Death Grant: meeting all were exhorted to come in and said to his friend. Do you suppose it would do Prop.
independence of Puerto Rico. They formerly the sum of 300 was paid and assist the functioning of the As Hey, help me up out of this. any good to advertise in the TI also condemned the project of Se to a Legatee on the death of a mem sociation. can t, said the other man; MES.
Best native lumber nator Borah to intervene in Mex. ber, but in consequence of the seI too far gone. But ll tell you. No, the blonde who got it only rious falling off of financial active ican affairs.
what ll do ll lie down alongside reads the tabloids.
at moderate prices, members, the Executive has been SALOMON CHING WE LEE compelled to reduce the allowan Estrada Wife.
to 125. the members being ta What do you mean 12. 000 FOR LOANS xed one colon each meet the obliga Victor kissed me last night. by coming heme in this condition. Mrs. Hauptmann Soliciting Abarrotes y Licores y tion. Just as thought.
You re half drunk.
Funds For Appeal To be made to persons giTo cope with the payment of the Artículos del País Oh, no. You never thought of Husband. m shorty wifie, Municipal and Pavimentation Tax, the such kissing as he gave me.
ving tangible guarantee. Rea but didn have any more money.
NEW YORK. Mrs. HauptOfficers are making all sorts of maPrecios Econó nicos sonable interest. Lender will be visiting Detroit, nipulations to get the fifty per cent Master, quick, your wife just So the maid insisted you stop can be seen at Limon SerChicago, Milwaukee and other rebate offered.
LA IBERIA fell in the well?
kissing her because there citics for the purpose of raising vice Bureau every Friday Does it not behove every mem Oh, dont let that worry you; something burning?
funds for the further defence of beatween and p.
We use city water now. Yeah, my wife.
Ver husband, chiefly among members of the German colonies.
Can Determine Sex of Unborn Child DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA Explosion Causes Heavy Loss SOUTHAMPTON. As a new and powerful Ray mach (to determine the sex of an unborn Avenida San José For Sale result of a heavy explosion two ine has been invented by a Lecturer child.
Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad hundred and fifty thousand gal. at the Art and Technical College, The Air Ministry endeavoured Bee Hives and Colegio de Señoritas lons of petroleum in the Fawley Leicester.
to obtain a demonstration by the MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, Refinery were consumed by fire. The Inventor claims that the Inventor, but he refused as he said Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb.
Apply The flames were visible at a distan machine is able to kill painlessly he did not wish it to become an SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papiclomas, Ulcers of the ce of sixteen miles. The Refinery at a distance of a few hundred engine of war.
neck of Womb PORTER was the largest in England under yards and that it can also be used. The Star Herald. RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small the control of the Standard Oil medium sized) by way of the Urethra Cairo Co. The loss is estimated at thirty thousand pounds sterling.
of you.
mann was Ray Machine To Kill Painlessly Cricketing Comments There is a time and place for Done discuss Cricket on the streets, Estrada Welcomes Wesleyan Pastor See the Radio that thinks!
seen In RCA VICTOR Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception Are Finer than Ever!
RCA VICTOR RADIO everything under the Sun. This discuss it in these columns so our seem to be the Slogan of the Cons youngsters can see you.
The members of the Wesleyanciated by the large number of pertruction a time to use the Denomination here tendered a for sons who were in attendance.
mal welcome on the 9th. instant, gears and a place to stow them Mr. Berry, in responding to the snugly away without any attention.
There is a rumour of a Team to their Pastor, the Rev. Berry and hearty welcome gave a synopsis of few days ago, a glance was from the Clarendon Jamai his wife.
his recent visit to Jamaica; he took The function was held in thrown around the Bodega of this ca, coming to visit us. Is there any the the opportunity of complimenting Club, and there were to be truth in it? If so why is the matter Curch under the chairmanship of the organist on the music Mrs.
some good bats, balls, wickets, leg kept so selfishly by our leading Mr. Morris, who gave a very Berny, in her reply, implored the guards, being played upon by a Club? Why not enlighten the interesting address and warmly people to endeavour to live lives nest of wood ants, a regiment of public as to the facts. Will Mr. welcomed the Pastor and Mrs. guided by the true principles of roaches, a family of mice and many Allan Hylton, the Hon: Secy: of Berry. Messrs. Johnson and Love and Unity.
the Sport Club, turn the Folkes of the Brotherhood also other insects. Some of the larger Searchlight on this subject for us? ably assisted in making the event and Mrs. Berry every success in We join in wishing both Mr.
reaches wore stripes, indicative, of the fact that they were high the success it was; and their efforts their field of labour.
officials of the Club. The smell in The Ball. in ths respect were greatly appreCorresponsal that Bodega is anythng but pleasing, hence; no doubtthe reason why members seem to be kept at bay, for fear of contracting Gear desease. If the Sanitary Officer were alive to his duties, we fear Leader Spence and his followers would be in for an insanitary Dun Banco del Estado State Bank geon.
If there be no Construction Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue why not sell out the woodworks as firewood, bury the leg guards ofrece al público los Offers the Public the and keep the Ball as a relic of Bygone accomplishments.
servicios de su Services of its Banco Internacional de Costa Rica Costa Rica Radio SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE We made IN THE The Line Cricketers are silent, Perry Girton Why? In the issues of the 2nd. and 9th. February, certain suggestions for co operation in Cup Competition, but up to now EN LA Electric Co. Gets New Concession nothing has been done. Wont any Cricket Fan of the Lines give an Ac a meeting of the National (cession could not be transferred by opinion on the matter?
Board having control of electrical them to any other Company and operations throughout the country, that the charges for their services We have many runners up on para toda clase de the Electric Company of Limon were to be made in Costa Rican on the streets, whose opinions, on was granted a Concession for a currency not that of the United this matter we would value, such servicio bancario.
period of twenty five years, but States of America.
as Harris, Drummond, Campbell, with the stipulation that such conJonas, Hayling, Jones, FlemmingEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON All Kinds of Bank Service Rendered


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