
PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE turday, March 16th. 1935.
man SAL UVINA hons on For Liver and Stomach Ailments Bonilla y Co.
was Indigestion Ahat the Rusicrucian Digest Says Crime, Its The Team In Jamaica The First Colony Match played call of time, had compiled 109 for Cause Cure in America by the Team in Jamaica wickets.
ended in a draw. The Jamaicans The Jamaicans certainly did Continued)
racketeering, but there are religious scored 305 in their first inning to splendidly when it is remembered Quoting from a reprint of a sec racketeers. Again quoting from which the visiting team replied that the visiting team includes on of The Spirit of the Amer. Col. Moss: The American Rackwith 289 for nine wickets on de eight professionals.
Kig in Flag by Col. Moss: Another eteer who is no respector of per THE RIGHT SALTS claration. After the loss of three The Teat match started las arming feature of the Crime that sons, professions or institutions, or wickets for 146 runs in their se Thursday, and it is left to be seen today challenging American any thing else, is now operating in cond inning the homesters declar if the West Indian combination how vilization is the institution of the sphere of religion, so much so, ed; the was then only will score as consistently as Jamaicketeering in business. It is a that in December 1932, the Archable to secure 75 for the loss of one ca has done singlehandedly.
Et it sangsterized industry, organized bishop of a certain archdiocese, wicket when the Umpires announn a nation wide scale, under the felt compelled to address a letter ced the closure of time.
adership of some of the country to the Laity which was read in all The second Colony match was Eling orst hoodlums and most notorious of the churches of his Archdiocese, also drawn, but very much in fa riminals, with the co operation of excoriating the religious racketeers Invaluable for the Treatment of vour of the homesters. Abarrotes. Mercadería en ad. prrupt politicians, grafting police as he called them, whom it The visitors went first to the fficials and unscrupulous lawyers. claimed had mulcted the people wickets and made 321 all out, general is syndicated criminally. racker more than half a million of dollars.
Venta al por Mayor y Hendren being responsible for III Flatulence And all forms conducted by getting control of Not only will the present shawith Menor and Holmes 77. The All Jamaica particular trade or industry meful condition continue, but go Agentes exclusivos de la faside then scered 452 for six wick.
of Stomach sually, though not always in a on getting worse, just as long as mosa mantequilla y queso ets and declared, Headley 127 and erfectly legal way, and for a the apathy, indifference and gross ROSSI y Co.
Colics Disorders Fuller 116 not out. The Englishand negligence of the American people Finca Saborio rofessedly worthy purpose, men resumed batting and, at the then committing extortion by continue. It is a fact that no govwa blackmail, violence, coercion, inti ernment, however beneficient, can FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Petroleum Moy Replace Gasoline midation, murder, arson, kidnap guanrantee or preserve to the gov.
de ping or bombing. Almost every erned, their sacred rights without MANUFACTURED BY: Due to the recent increase in the tor capable of using crude combus TI crade, industry and business has the co operation of the whole poeprice of gasoline, certain dealers in tible petroleum, which can be had, been invaded by the racketeers; ple.
Hermann Zeledon. Botica Franc motor vehicles are said to be seri they allege, at a much cheaper rate nly ven the sacred field of Religious Since the conditions which call SAN JOSE ously considering the question of and a gallon of which will serve Activities. It might seem strange for such Organizations and coinporting vehicles, with a tipe of mo for a distance of thirty kilometros.
to suppose that this branch of our operation, have been brought about life would not be free of crime and by our apathy, indifference and Kidnapping In Honduras. Advertising Pays gross neglect, since we have contributed to these shocking condiSaid to be the first to have hap Escobar. The Police are on the As a result of the advertisement, which is, it is so delicious that one tions by our maudlin sentimentali sy, by making heroes of criminals. in these columns, of Booth Ger appetite goes out to it so fiercely pened in Central America, a case hunt for him, but he is supposed by flaunting his illicit trade in man Bread, a correspondent writes that, following the first taste, he of kidnapping took place in Tegu to have already crossed the frontier la mejor calidad vende flaming headlines, by parading him to say he was attracted thereby to finds himself devouring the entire cigalpa on the 8th. instant when into Salvador taking the child top loaf before realizing he has nothing families of that city was stolen by the infant son of one of the rich with him.
mos a precios muy bajos before our youths on stage and try a Booti Berlin Bread The family have expressed their certainly fine; left for his next meal.
screen, by defending him in his declares a man, said to be a Mexican, by willingness to pay the sum claimEntenderse con el depredations through legal techni with one great fault, however, the name of Enrique Rodriguez ed as ranson for the child.
calities, delay in Justice and other Licenciado DANIEL ZELEDON Prosecution of Chance Sellers Literatura agreste (To be Concluded)
a an fie, Cemento ALSEN was it is ways.
The attention of the authorities pay a fine running into three figu. El primer Carbunclo Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
primer COLOMBIA he es Hamburg. Amerika Linie azul los Magnifica Propiedad having been publicly called to the res, or to serve the equivalent numextensive trade in the selling of ber of days in Jail.
Coincidiendo con la primera no ternal. Prodigiosos focos amarillo Chances, which it is alleged nuche de marzo, he visto aparecer el rojos; esmeraldinas antorchas carna(LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
erous persons have for some time. BREAD BREAD. anclo del año.
valescas; volatineras irisaciones de been conducting in and around the Una bellísima antorcha a dos fo polvo estelar. Como los hombres en la city, despite the severe restrictions Eat only the best bread.
cos, casi roja, surgió en la sombra sombra de la vida; como la humam.
and penalties provided by the re BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF como un fantástico aeromotor dimi nidad en la noche mundana: cerecent Law, several members of the Made only by BOOTH nuto; practicó la socola recién sem bros abrazados en fuego de pensaSALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS Detective Force came down from The best that may be had brada, cruzó por ella en línea recta, miento; cerebros encendidos con luz LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS San Jose to investigate and, if in the country.
en vuelo rápido, como un express de esperanza; cerebros iluminados neccessary, institute proceedings Don forget to call at hacia el destino.
23 de Marzo. 1935 con reflexiones de amor y de fe.
against the offenders.
BOOTH and take home a En las noches sucesivas han Sólo que la discreta porción de los aparecido otros, multiplicándose con carbunclos proyecta el milagro de su Due, no doubt, to the identity loaf of Berlin Special er Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a forme avanza el mes y diversifican luz entre una muchedumbre de vienof these Arms of the Law being bread.
dose al aumentar la cantidad de los tres fosforecentes: los de las canCompañía Ultramar unknown, they soon got on the Trying one will convince que observo desde el barandal de mi delillas que llenan la noche con su he Agentes Generales tracks of a number of these traders you, that this is positively of vivienda.
the best loaf of bread, ufano relampagueo. debajo de las and had them brought before the FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs. ok Grandes unos, increíblemente lu estrellas; debajo de los carbunclos y Police Court, where they were each, made in Costa Rica minosos, diríamos fanales encendi las luciérnagas; al fulgar de los as og Sub Agentes en LIMON PUNTARENAS stated, to have been sentenced to dos en la propia lumbre de los astros que giran en la altura y de los tros. Otros, medianos, alcanzan de insectos que revuelan aquí abajo, los una de ellas hecha polvo, un enjam gusanos de luz van trazando la pabre de pequeños tachona en la som rábola de su destino debajo aún de of Rise In Price of All Merchandise bra el espacio donde todos se mue la maleza que corrompe el suelo.
Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón ven.
Juan Silvestre Ir.
With the continuous rise in ex: Gold or conceded the correspondPara EUROPA Nótase entonces que unos fulgen in change since the bursting up of ing rise in salaries. Increases have amarillo. rojos mientras otros lucen (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, the Board of Control, all merch already been given some workers, verdes y se encienden en AMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO)
andise has been similarly treated. and certain departments have de Si fuesen almas, lo serían de muOur Merchants have taken the opcided to pay in gold, even without Vapor NICEA Marzo 16 se vende en el centro de jeres: de mujeres soberbias, de dultunity of throwing, the increas being so requested by the employces mujeres, de vivaces mujeres en Limón, libre de gravameed price of Gold on all goods, ees.
Para GUATEMALA flor.
nes Entenderse con el whether in stock or bodegas, whet(PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
Si ilusiones, serían ansias de amor, Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON her of native production or sueños de gloria, ensueños de espeen este puerto eign. How unjust to increase the CARIBIA Marzo 25 y en San José con price of native butter from 25 SERVICIO DE CARGA PASJEROS Pero son cerebros.
Cerebros coANGELA DIAZ to 75 and lard from 23. Do nectados en la sombra con la luz e 32 per tin, whereas poor Gold Corredor Jurado Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: has nothing whatever to do with ESPIGANDO CON LOS PENSADORES CHINOS our Pigs.
Comisionista HAPAG LLOYD Consequent on the increases in Tratad a los extranjeros con hu bres y amengua su virtud.
the Mr. Thomas department, Agencia Costa Rica manidad: llevad la ilustración a APARTADO 127 workmen of the departments conTeléfono 2086 vuestros vecinos; imitad al talento; Gratisima curiosidad la de ver a trolled by Mr. Prince and Mr.
Limón depositad vuestra confianza en los un sabio: se le admira y no Sheehy are asking to be paid in hombres honrados y romped toda aprovechan sus lecciones.
Girl Undergoes Complex Operation relación con los hombres corrompidos.
Es el vicio de muchos queret Increasing Our Exports It is reported from Fall River, geons watched him, Dr. Philemore convertirse en maestros de los de Mass. that ten year old Truesdale, famed specialist, labour No dejéis nunca sin recompensa más, cuando ellos debieran contenWe note that one of our Sugar yet if production be not immediate Alyce Jane McHenry underwent a ing for more than two hours, with una buena acción, aunque os pa tarse con ser discípulos por largo groducers has conceived the idea of ly increased, it will hay the tende long and hazadous operation which what is described as the most com rezca dudosa.
and difficult esporting Dulce, specially prepared ncy of giving a further rise in the promises to make her a normal plex operation and hermetically sealed, to the Encest of living to the local consumer. child.
of his brilliant career, success Amad al pueblo en vez de des. El que es ligero en prometer, se Wish and German markets, for use Oranges have found a profitable mar fully transferred the child sto preciarlo, porque es el verdadero ve obligado con frecuencia a faltar the manufacturing of Beer, for ket in England, but is already beginn Alyce had the misfortune of mach, intestines and spleen from fundamento del Estado. Si este fun a su palabra y se hace indigno de shich, on account of its flavour, iting to be very expensive to local being possessed of a stomach which the chest cavity back into the ab damento es sólido, no podrá el Es. toda confianza; sobre todo, no os declared to be exceptionally well eaters. Let us hope more Orange was in an upside down position and dominal cavity where they should rado ser destruído.
fiéis nunca del hombre que formulapted.
Groves will soon be planted. constantly threattened her with have been.
la el pro y el contra en un mismo While this is good news, in a way, death. While forty five other Sur.
El desprecio desanima a los hom negocio.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Egbert Thompson se tiempo todavía


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