
THE ATLANTIC VOICENEWS FROM THE POINT The Panama Boundary Dispute for Improving Our Cattle Rearing the cause were now seem of a few days ago treasure TH BSERVANT POINTER Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Ray Huber celebrated his birth few observations made at day March 15th in fitting fashion the dance Saturday night: Año No. 37 Octo Starke sure enjoyed himself.
Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, March 23th. 1935.
Price: 15 per copy by entertaining several guests. couldn get the names so will have There was a shortage of tables to let that pass.
and chairs so that tired early.
The two orchestras were good.
The prize winners at the Irish The Irish Colony looked proud dance sure made you Point people of itself.
This continues to be the burn mon. It is also felt that the Amer Jamaica Milk Record Broken By Cow at Govt: Stock Farm. quiet down. Mrs. Bookout had to Hot tamales!
ing question of the day. As is well ican government might not be disWe have always advised cattle made her record on December 9th. come all the way from Almirante, Doc Oreamuno and the Missus known, this dispute was already posed to interfere since her inter Breeders, of this Zone, to strengt giving in one day 75. pounds of Dear Dod had to come down from of bloodshed between vention, by the White Arbitration, hen their milk strain, by continual milk or 29. 15 quarts. Over a 30 Juan Viñas and Señorita Baldio had as guests at dinner Saturday the Krauths, Paulys, Woodburys the matter was referred to Arbi respect it should have been, and Buils; With a view, therefore. of 1, 398 pounds of milk, an average and McClures.
these two countries; after which was not civen the confidence and importations of superior blooded day period she produced a total of ceda from San Jose.
Amongst the weekenders at The tration, with Chief Justice White who can say what might be the enthusing an impetus towards this of 46. pounds or 18 quarts per Point of the United States as the Arbi result if there were a resort to force end among our Dairymen, we re day.
Captain Cochrane, Tony Coronado daughters Se.
Billy Crawford and Chet Oedell. foritas Rosaria and Angela were trator, whose decision gave the of Arms.
produce the following: Sisaola River as the boundary, on The Costa Ricans who are opvisitors at The Point.
The current Journal of the Ja The breeding of this cow is as never the East, between the countries posed to this Treaty of Recompen maica Agricultural Society says: see Franklin Venegas follows. Sire, Sir Fancy Romeo with certain lines of demarcation sation, as it is called, claim the Once during the dance Saturday We are very pleased to announce Posch, a pure bred Holstein bull around anymore! Frank used to be quite a visitor.
night thought the orchestra was on the West. The decision was River Sixaola is a navigable water that the Jamaica milk record was imported from Canada and accepted by both governments and way for many miles and the Bay recently broken by a cow at Hope. herd sire for the Holstein herd af Sue Repta threw a party Saturday Doc Salisbury striking a offkey but it turned out to be few acknowledged for fourteen years. of Gandoca has the possibilities The information was given by Mr. the Farm. Dam. Baby 2nd. sired For some strategical reason, the for a fine harbour, and that it is Howe, Farm Superinten by Puss, a pure bred Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Prince, Mr. The Point leading baritone who night to Mr. Crawford, chords. He was ably assisted by Panamanian government now wish a well known fact that extensive dent, Hope Farm. We are sure it bull at the Stock Farm. The grand. Ames, Dr. and Mrs. Salis was a little behind that night.
to overturn the Chief Justice de Oil Deposits have been located in will be a great interest to the dam of Nancy is Baby Ist. a grade bury, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, cision, and have ingeniously sug the district by the Sinclair Oil to learn of dairy cattle in Jamaica. Jersey. It will be seen from the gested that the Costa Rican gov. Company; why then, they declare. tolearn that a record for milk pro breeding that Nancy is half Hols. and Mrs. Huber, Mr. and entertained at a cocktail party in Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, Mr. On Thursday night the Dudley ernment accept from them a strip should our government be so will. duction amounting to 29. 15 quarts tein, the other half being of Mont. Mrs. MacGowan, Mr. and honor of their visitor Miss Chris.
of land on the Western border and ing to trade off this valuable Ter per day, has recently been made gomery and Jersey blood.
cede them a portion of our coast ritory for a slip of rocky valueless Bookout, Captain Fossel who will soon leave Limon by a cow at the Government Srock As this is Nancy first calf, it is Cochrane. Sue sure knows how to after a stay of several months.
line coming up from the mouth of country on the Pacific side, hence Farm, Hope, as it demonstrates, at expected she will improve on her the Sixaola as far as the Bay of the tug of war between the oppos least, the possibilities of good present record during her future throw a party and Saturday was Chris took in all the points of in no exception to the rule.
terest in the vicinity of Limon, San Gandoca, which would produce a ing factors.
breeding lactations as a good dairy cow straight boundary up through Ta No one can correctly conjecture Jose, Turrialba, and trust she lealamanca Valley on over to some which side will be the vetor; but it cord is Nancy aged three years ducing during her third or fourth Peten was Charlie Gerchow who represents the lure of the tropics.
The cow responsible for the re usually reaches her maximum proDeparting on the Steamship ves Costa Rica feeling this truly point known as Yorkin.
would very short sighted and eight months. She had her lactation, or at the age of about To this overture, presented and vision on the part of our ruling first calf on December 1st.
spent several days up around The The OBSERVANT POINTER and six to seven years.
Point and Limon proper.
forwards keen regrets to Chris as recommended by the Minister for men to abolish the decision she will have left Costa Rica before Foreign Affairs, the President, Chief Justice White and exchange Another diploma for tarpon this publication.
with his Executive, has agreed; and Teritory, which is evidently very it is said the majority of our Re desireable to Panama and is well We beg to call your attention to our remark fishing goes to Doc Salisbury. am told Doc landed his first just It is with pleasure observe the presentatives in Congress are also known to us to be very valuable.
at the back of receipt which reads: favourably included threto. The The reason, set forth, and apparsteps in front of the Nurses house have been finished. For about Provinces of Limon and Cartago ently the only available one, for This bill must be paid at our The OBSERVANT POINTER three weeks was afraid would are, however, vehemently opposed this barter is that of Friendly offers the suggestion of a Barbe. have to use the back door for to the Bargain, hence the Contro Relationship, but can it be said office before the 15th of the month cue. We have had lots of dances, another month.
vercy is waxing hot. Headed by that such friendship is practised picnics, parties, hunts, bebeir Governor, the inhabitants of when we see them willing to put Be so good as to comply with this request the Province of Bocas del Toro the country best sons in Prison etc. but it certainly is a long time am sure you all will be sorry have forwarded a petition to the for buying and selling the Tickets and do not oblige us to suspend our service, since we had the party at Pejivalle. to learn that Mr. Weeks How about talking it up folks. is confined at the Hospital with President of Panama requesting of the National Lottery of our that the recommendations be not Friendy Neighbour. Where, a step which we would much regret to take.
boxers mitts. Even if your hands Mac MacGowan took a party are out of action, Daddy, you still accepted, as they claim that the then, does the Commercial good Compañía Eléctrica de Limón up the river Tuesday to look over have your feet.
territory which suggested feeling come in?
should be handed over to Rica? We are creditably informed that the fishing prospects. Not so good friends, not so good. The Moin ca has never been the subject of a well noted Newspaperman will, Mr. Sheehy advises that the Sixaola dispute and includes certain towns fly and the can be bear.
Missus is coming along splendidly hips inhabited by their nationals. disputed Territory taking photoin San Jose. Saludes.
It will, therefore, be seen that graphs of the Sixaola River, its those sections of both countries Bridge, Customs House and ad The Festive Celebrations an was keenly disappointing to our nu 509 West Indian Repoliiated which would be directly affected jacent buildings so as to present rounced by our Municipal Fathers merous Turfites. The Masqueraders by these recommendations are op to Congress a formidable protest for the 16th. 17th. 18th. and were much appreciated. The Merry According to a statement recent of West Indians repatriated, under posing their acceptation. The sug against the proposals for the ceding 19th. have come to an end, with go rounds were well patronized and ly issued by the Statistical Depart the previsions of the special law of gestion of both is that the White of this Territory.
the inhabitants of the City a sad seemed to be the only payable con ment of the Panama Canal Admi 1934, was five hundred and nine decision be allowed to remain.
We learn that the Engineers, der but wiser lot. Sadder from the cern in the whole deal, away from nistration and given publication in up to the 28th of last month.
The contentions are that Pana who have been going over the sug. recollection that such frivilous fes the Bull fighting process. The the Star Herald, the number Approximately 298 of these were ma needs Territory, hence she is gested new lines in the interests of tivities had been given the freedom illuminations of the Park and Sesaid to be former employees, and only anxious to set aside, by friend both countrieshave about con of the City for four days of the cond Avenue were certainly very We hope there will not be a deficit the remainder members of their ly means, the veridict of the Chief cluded their work; and that with Lenten Season; sadder from the fine.
but rather a sound profit when all families. Of the 150, 000 approJustice so long established and re in the coming week their reports fact that the light minded mass of Our City Band was assisted by accounts have been made up. priated for repatriation purposes, cognized; and that after a further will be in the hands of the respec. our labouring people had spent that from the Capital and this ad It was thought that the frivoli around 29, 000 has been already lapse of years, she will again claim tive governments to be thereafter their all by falling victims to the ded much to the enjoyment of the ties were all over, but it is learnt expended.
another slice of our coastline which submitted for final consideration many temptations offered them in people. The three excursion trains, we shall have more of it today and would bring her nearer into Li lof Congress.
gaming and other attractions, two from the main line and one tomorrow, the 3rd. Sunday in Lent It is anticipated that as soon as many of which savoured of a from the old line, brought us large entre Cristianos.
the dry season closes requests for riotous nature, but wiser as a re numbers of visitors whose presence Several, cases of robbery have repatriation will increase and that sult of the many experiences gain helped to enliven matters. already been reported, and it is by the end of the financial year the Messrs. Ames and Krauth, As The Company derives no benefited.
This festival was got up entirely feared there will be many more number of persons sent to their sistant Manager and Auditor, res whetever from the existing high The different forms of gambling by the Municipality, and it is said during the next month or two. respective homes in the West Inpectively, of the United Fruit rates of exchange, because her gold were indeed a lesson to the obser that over eleven thousand colones Householders should be on their dies may be estimated to reach Company, have been called away is handed over to the government vant visitor; one could not but have been spent to entertain us. lookout.
from 900 to 000.
to San Jose since Monday last to at the rate stipulated by the Con admire the imaginative minds of consult with the Banks. It is ex trol in colones; she does not sell a the people and contemplate what ted that they will be visiting dollar on the streets. If, therefore, wonderful inventors they could be the Pacific side before returning the government authorizes, she will with the possibilities to be obtain to this city.
be pleased to pay her Contractors ed if these concentrations West Indians Win Fourth Test and Rubber With regard to the many state. ir Gold.
turned toward progressive lines of It affords us much pleasure to ments which have been appearing Since the above was written, we industry. The aged and middle The West Indian Team playing, by an Inning and 161 runs, and announce that the operation which elsewhere, we are in a position to observe the Company has been aged, the young men and women, the Team in Jamaica the holders of the Rubber for the Mrs. Sheehy, the wife of our genial state that the Company is perfect given permission to pay in gold, the youths, the children and the scored an overhelming victory in tour, the results of the Test and respected Railroad Superinly willing to pay the farmers in with the restriction, however, that babes were all to be seen going and the Fourth and last Test match of matches being. West Indians, tendent, had unfortunately to ungold as stipulated by her Contracts, it should be by cheques, not bank coming gambling.
the present Tour, last Monday. two; one; Drawn, one. dergo at the hands of Drs. Facio provided the government will aut bills. It is expected a start will be The Bull fighting was a farce; The match began on the previ The Team left for England on and Pacheco in the Clinica Biblica horize her to do so.
made immediately.
on Sunday night the Bulls were ous Thrusday and the West In the 19th. but it is expected Capt. last Saturday, has been very suc brought out to amuse the specta dians going first to the bat made Wyatt was unable to do so; He, cessful, and she is now so much Mr. Mrs. Chittenden tors; but no Baiters appeared so 535 for seven wickets, of which unfortunatelly, got injured on his improved that it is expected she the fans who paid their entrances Headley hit up 268 not out. The aw by a ball from Martindale and will be leaving for her home today.
We welcome the return of the weekend on the Peten. Mr. had to retire without entegrain in turn could only score had to be a patient in a Nursing highly regarded and much esteem Chittenden left us a few weeks ment. Indeed, year by year. Bull 271 all out; they were called to Home. The jaw was supposed to It is the sincere wish of the Ad Manager of the Fruit Company, previously for Panama on a hur Fighting in Limon becomes more follow on and were only able to be broken. Atlantic Voice that our esteemMr. Chittenden and his ried business trip.
and more farcical. Horse racing muster 103 more runs all out. This this injury to the led citizen will soon be restored to COS Wifr, who arrived at this port last was particularly absent, and this left the West Indians the Victors sporting Captain.
her usual good health.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
it is over The Civic Fiestas. Bananas Will Pe Paid For In Gold The in Jamaica Mrs. Sheehy were para e regret


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