
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, March 23th. 1935.
Jamaica And Her Royal Guests Hamburg Amerika Linie sheep. m too busy counting my luck)
Hereby Hangs Tale HAPAG LLOYD 1500 IN sity?
you get a shine. disabled ones.
Maduro Lumber Yard lo che town.
PARK HOTEL Reports which have now reached was waved as their visitor passed. Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón us regarding the arrival of At Halfway Tree 2, 000 more chilNifty If you give me a the Duke of Gloucester in Ja dren tendered him a rousing wel Para EUROPA check for ten dollars, d give you maia indicate that no efforts were come. It is estimated that fully (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, kiss that you never forget.
spared to make the occasion a 60, 000 persons participated in the AMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO)
Scotchman. ll say d never truly spectacular and memorable reception, which is regarded as forget a kiss that cost ten dollars.
being uparalleled in the history of Vapor CARIBIA Abril On stepping ashere at the Vic the Colony.
HOLLYWO VERSION: toria Pier, Kingston, the Duke was As we mentioned in our Para GUATEMALA Close ups make the man.
last greeted by the Governor of the issue, the Duke took part, later (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
An extra girl often finds the key Island and presented to the prin the same day, in the Races to success by changing her locks.
at Marzo 25 cipal Civil and Military Officials, Knutsford Park, Kingston, by ridm. CARIBIA EMBARRASSED Blonde. The Members of the Legislature, Heads ing in the Polo Event and taking SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS prosecuting Attorney embarrassed of the leading Religious Denomina second place. His race is reported me very much during the trial.
tions and Representatives of the as having produced a most trilling Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a Admirer. By asking what you Municipal Area. After an inspec finish his mount being beaten by were doing the night of the crime, tion of the Guard of Honour sup a head.
Blonde. No, by asking what plied from the Manchester Regi The Prince left the Island last Agencia Costa Rica ment, the Royal Salute was given, Saturday for England; while his One Sunday a minister, on his was doing this coming week end.
Teléfono 2086 way to church, saw a bunch of boys and the procession started from the brother, the Duke of Kent, who busily engaged in digging in the The only person who can watch pier. On arriving at the War Me along with the Dutchess had been Silver Jubilee Function ground. He stopped to reprove the clock all day and still hold his morial, the Prince alighted and there for some weeks previously, them for working on the Sabbath. job is a radio announcer.
accompanied by the Governor and left by airplane on the 14th. In commemoration of the 25th. Lawn of the Baptist Church. Every Boys. he said don yow know the Officer in Command of the anniversary of the Accesion of effort will be used to make this that you never work on the Lord A plastic surgeon went to the Troops, laid a wreath of poppies King George the Fifth, there will Function worthy of the occasion.
Day, save in case of great necces masquerade and, oddly enough, at the foot of the Cross which Costa Rica Soda be held. DV) on Coronation had his face lifted.
forms the memorial to the sons of Day, May the 6th. at p. a General Admission 0. 50. Chil. This is a case of necessity, min.
the Empire Ancient Colony who What would Grand Silver Jubilee Fair on the ldren 0. 25.
Water Factory ister, said one of the boys: we do if you were gave their lives in the Great War.
can go fishing without worms for its my shoes?
Here were stationed all ex Service Td LIMON bait.
men, chairs being provided for the SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT Fábrica de Hielo The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Mi Whoopee. Charley mother It must be awfully hard to take The next stop was at the Ward nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be in law has been kidnapped by gans a picture.
Theatre where His Royal Highness Not at all. It a snap.
y Refrescos served on your arrival. Price 2. 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
was the recipient of two addresses, taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo Will he pay them off?
une from the Mayor and Council ken, Se habla español, On parle Francais, Man Spricht Florida Ice and Deutsch. No, he already paid them in and the other from the Governor. KISSLING advance.
To both addresses the Prince suitManager ably replied with expressions of Farm Co. Did you come home at all appreciation for the warm greeting FRANK MADURO hours last night?
he had received. Another stop LA FLORIDA 102 Year Old Magistrate Jage occasioned by the rioting is Prop. Yes, but my wife wouldn let was made at the Mico College Presides In Court estimated at 200, 000 dollars.
me in at any of em.
where it is said one of the largest Fábrica de Hielo Best native lumber assemblage of school children who LONDON Mr. Carey, For Sale haven been able to sleep a ever greeted a Royal visitor were Venta de Leche 102 years old, was the presiding wink since my wife ran away.
at moderate prices, assembled and heartily welcomed Magistrate at Maryport, CumberlBee Hives y Maderas the Duke. They numbered Why don you try counting over and, when three men were remand8, 000, each having a flag which ed on bail on charges arising out of an attack on the relief office in Apply Excursión a Turrialba, Domingo de Mayo 1935 PORTER Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front IDA VUELTA 50. TREN SALE LAS 30 SALOMON CHING WE LEE Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated Cairo Sunday Excursion to Turrialba, 5th, May 1935 dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. Estrada Sample room ADULTS 2. 50. TRAIN LEAVES AT 30 A, VIA ZENT Abarrotes y Licores LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION y Strike Among Emplayees In Milk Post Office Box 236 Telephone Artículos del País Industry TOLEDO. The distributors Precios Econó nicos demanding increased salaries and LA IBERIA shorter working hours.
In keeping with our previous ordinary (or common) creditors announcement, the meeting of the a first dividend of two per cent At the request of the Committee thirty cents, 150, 000 at forty five Trustees of the Bankrupt Estate which will absorb the sum of.
in charge of the arrangements for cents and one hundred thousand at Serious Rioting in District of 12. 000 FOR LOANS of the John Keith Bank took 46, 000, after the secured creditthe Fiestas, to take place in Carta. fifty cents.
Harlem go during the first week of place last Monday. Among other ors had been paid their remaining NEW YORK. As a result To be made to persons giAugust next, in celebration of the The balance of stamps remain of a riot which occured in Harmatters, it was decided to pay the chirty per cent.
ving tangible guarantee, Rea chied centenary of the apparitioning unsold after the 3rd. August lem, 100 wounded persons have sonable interest. Lender of the Virgen de los Angeles, is to be handed over to the Com been placed in hospital, 30 of Supports Colonization Idea can be seen at Limon Serthe Minister of Finance has agreed mittee as a contribution from the whom are not expected to live.
vice Bureau every Friday The Editor, Sir.
further commenting on such a very to issue nine hundred and fifty State toward the cost of the Fiestas Several hundred police men were housand commemorative beatween and p.
important matter.
postage and the repairs to the Church de rushed to the district and 150 perI am a subscriber to your very Thanking you, Sir, stamps; they are, however, only to los Angeles in Cartago.
Isons have been arrested. The dam have postal value for the first, sevaluable Weekly, and noticed, in Campbell.
the issue of the 2nd. instant, the cond and third days of August, bole during which time they will be on suggestion re ithe colonization by sale at the various post offices.
The matter has been submitted for of her scattered, wandering and oppressed West Indian subjects.
se vende en el centro de the approval of Congress The suggestion is, in my humble Limón, libre de gravameThe stamps will be issued in the following quantities and denomie opinion, a golden one, and should nes. Entenderse con el meet with approval and active supLic. DANIEL ZELEDON nations 250. 000 at five cents, Banco del Estado State Bank 250. 000 at ten cents, 200. 000 at port. am prepared to afford it en este puerto Unico Emisor my best efforts.
y en San José con Sole Bank of Issue am also hoping that shall ANGELA DIAZ METROPOLITAN BUREAU have, later on, the opportunity of ofrece al público los Offers the Public the Legal, Notarial General servicios de su Business Transactions el Carnival In Services of its IBREAD BREAD. Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. do My untarnished reputation of Trinidad Eat only the best bread.
si honesty. My intelligence and BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF Made only by BOOTH Five hundred American tourists high calibre efficiency constitute the necessary and all important The best that may be had and the Crews of four Canadian FACTORS which constitute my in the country.
warships are reported to have joinEN LA o Iron Clad Guarantee to my acIN THE Don forget to call at ed Trinidadians in their two day BOOTH and take home a octual and prospective CLIENTS, carnival which always precedes the tra who confide to Lenten season.
loaf of Berlin Special Masked bands rection and administration, the bread.
paraded the principal streets of the bandling of their BUSINESS and Trying one will convince Island capital, Port Of Spain, para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service wa GENERAL AFFAIRS.
you, that this is positively while decorated floats staged conW. EGBERT POLSON servicio bancario.
Rendered the best loaf of bread, fetti battles around the parks and Accountant, Interpreter, Trans made in Costa Rica thousands attended the numerous Intor, Judicial Business Agent.
camival Balls Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
of milk have declared a strike, The Keith Bank Bankruptcy Commemorative Issue of Postage Stamps Great Britain of the large number Magnifica Propiedad Banco Internacional de Costa Rica. SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE q4 10 CIUDAD DE LIMON my care, di.


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