
Saturday, March 23th. 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA A. Misunderstandings The Abyssinian Affair SAL UVINA auto2 u For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of Abyssinian Minister of Foreign Italian government protested In Indigestion Sporting Circles FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES ogadon.
Cricket Competition out the on their way teams UNITED FRUIT Collector of the 2nd. August 1928, Unpleasantnesses are again on till the Taxes are paid.
For the benefit of the many the Ethiopian Comisario that they the tapis at the Liberty Hall; The The President was very who have been taking an interest should make a piqueted line betPresident and his Ist. Vice are at cratic at Wednesday night meetin the existing conflict between ween both Guards, the Ethiopian oggerheads. The President insulting, causing disgust among some Italy and Abyssinia, we have refused to recede, both lines thus his Vice Presidents and prevent of the officers and a number of translated the following from the remaining in Contact.
THE RIGHT SALTS ed them speech at that which the members.
issue of the Diario de Costa Ri On the 5th. December, the Itahould have been a business meer It is an unfortunate time to be ca of the 14th. instant.
Lian troops, in greater number ing. There was a desire to find out autocratic when all are being ask In continuation we reproduce made an unexpected attack on our how much money was at presented to re instate themselves and the official information, authorized troops who had to defend them in hand to meet the Municipal subscribe to the Municipal Tax by the Secretary to the League of selves, and awaited the arrival of Tax, as rumours were about that Fund. It is only natural that these Nations, on the origin of the re inforcement to drive off the the President had been spending would like to know how their funds Conflict between Italy and Abys attackers. In this action several money, earmarked for Taxes, to are being disposed.
airplanes and an armoured tank buy a supply of stationery not con Rumour has it that some of the On the 14th. of December the were brought into action. The sidered necessary at this juncture; money collected for Taxes has the block of paper and a pack of been loaned for other purposes Affairs addressed a note to the Ethiopian government actions in envelopes being regarded as quite without the consent of the mem.
General Secretary of the Society this unexpected attack, demanding sufficient with which to carry on bers.
Flatulence And all forms of Nations calling the attention la reparation of the damages done, of the Council to an attack by by indemnity as well as the honour of Stomach Italian troops on a detachment of to the National Flag. On the 18th.
Abyssinian soldiers accompanying December, the reply of Abyssinia Colics Disorders the English Ethiopian Commission gave the lie to the pretensions of On Monday evening, the 11th. was elected President of the Board.
sent to study the rights of grazing Italy, adding that the Italian Cominstant, the Costa Rica Cricket As. The other Officers elected were lands in the Ethiopian province of mander had refused to discuss the sociation met at the Rooms of the Messrs. Angus, Vice President question of the sovereignty of this e Motive Power Sporting Club to and Treasurer; Sutton Secy. According to telegrams sent by locality; stating that the protest decide matters in connection with andChambers, Asst. Secy.
MANUFACTURED BY: the government of Addis Abeba, against the attitude of these provoche Cup Competition for the en Mr. Nation submitted a motion this incident took place in Ualual, cative demonstrations in Ethiopian Hermann Zeledon Botica Francesa suing Season, and for the election that matches be played in one day approximately one hundred miles territory was not only proven by of Officers of the Board. commencing at 10 a. in lieu of SAN JOSE within the frontier: The telegrams the Ethiopian Commisary but borstated.
Before passing on, we must say two days, in view of the lengthenTie out by the British Commission.
a word of eulogy on the farsigh ed period it will require to conclude On the 5th of December Ita The minutes of the Commission.
kedness of Mr. Randolf Ferris, in the sixty fixtures. The motion was lian troops, with Tanks and mil prove that both Officers of the providing such fine accommodations lost.
itary Airplanes, desperately and Commission considered the requests for the educative and social life The President threw without any provocation attacked lof the Italian Officer inadmissible.
of the workers of the department suggestion for the engagement of The following fixtures have been tive Power vs. Burial Scheme; the Ethiopian Convoy to the Com The prelude of the combat was of which he was the head; such a a Coach as well as one regard approved by the Costa Rica Cric May 5th. Wanderers vs. Pathfin mission. The Ethiopian government by reconnoitering of the Ethiopian move cannot but inspire a great ing the possibility of procuring a ket Association in connection with ders; May 12, Excelsior vs. Cons protested by a note on the 6th. Camps in an airplane by three regard and respect for the name real good Cup for the Competition the competition which opens next truction; May 19, Wanderers vs. December, but in spite of this Italian Officers; and the sign of and person of such a Supervisor of He also requested co operation to month: Excelsior; May 26th. Burial Sche protest Italian military planes battle was given from the Italian Labour.
enable him to secure permission April 7, Construction vs. Motive me vs. Construction.
bombarded Ado and Gerlogibi side by a whistle followed by a from the for future Power; April 14, Burial Scheme three days later in the same prov. verbal order of Terra Fueco and It is said that his successor in to Jamaica vs. Wanderers; April 21, Pathfin. The remaining fixtures will be ince. After our protest of the 6th. discharges came from two airplanes office does not share in the ideas holding their last practice match at ders vs. Excelsior; April 28, Mo published later.
December and our request for ar which threw bombs and another which brought this Club into exis Limon, as Porto Colombo is used bitration of the 9th. idem under airplane and a tank which bomtence, but we are hoping he will on their way to Australia.
article of the Italian Ethiopian barded with machine guns.
eventually realize how essential it Messrs. Sutton, Nation and At the moment of the attack by is in these days, for those in Chambers were appointed the Comthe Italian Charge of Affairs, the Italians, the only two Ethiocharge of labour to promote and mittee to arrange the fixtures for sprovide those opportunities and the Competition; the opening match SERVICIO DE VAPORES without taking into account our pian machine guns were under their means which tend to produce feelSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK protests. asked, in a note of the canvasses outside of the range of being fixed for the 7th. April.
11th. December, an Indemnity and action and with the exception of Ings of satisfaction and contentcon escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA It is very much regretted that a Moral satisfaction, and in a note the sentineds, the Officers and men went between Capital and Labour.
team from the Lines can not be LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EURO PEGS of the 14th. Dec. said that his were all in their tents. As the ItaThe following were present at VAPORES SALIDAS government did not see how the lian government has declared that the meeting Messrs Aubrey Spyre, got together to enter the Competition. Oh, for a Hunter of Estrada.
24 de Marzo solution of an incident of this na. there is to posisbility of submitVice President, who acted as PresiQUIRIGUA 31 de Marzo ture could be submitted for a de ting this dispute to arbitration, dent in the absence of Mr. Robert PETEN. de Abril cision by arbitration.
the Ethiopian government only Johnson; Sutton, Secy. An LUIS WA CHONG In reply to this note, the Italian wants it to be known that Italy gus, Treasurer; Chambers (Motive GUACIMO GUAPILES government telegraphed to the Se made the first assault in Ulalual Power. Nation (C. Burial Scheme. Scott (Wanderers. cretary General of the League of and three days later in the interior Cantina, Licores ExtranjeServicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para londres Nations in the following terms of Ogaden, principally in Ado and Spence (Construction. Dixon ros y del país CAVINA.
29 de Marzo The Anglo Ethiopian Commission Cerlogibi. Ulalual is to be found Pathfinders. Mr. Sutton also re5 Tienda bien surtida y sented the Excelsior.
FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. which proceeds to study the to in Ethiopian territory occupied by Abarrotes en general of To ghts Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON pasture As the meeting was without any lands Italian troops. These are the two in Ogaden, presented themselves principal questions to be resolved.
atimation of Mr. Johnson will. Precios sin competencia Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica on the 23rd of November in front It is worthy of note that neitngness to again serve, Mr. Spyre TELEFONO 3156 of Ulalual, a locality which form her party has invoked any article part of Italian Somaliland and of the Pact, consequently while the which, for many years, has been Abyssinian government has called occupied by Italian troops. There the attention of the Council to this passed a personal Contact and an conflict, the Society of Nations y We observe it is stated that the pectively; while 4, 684 persons were exchange of notes between the has not been formally called to ininhabitants of the Republic has known to have left the country and British and Ethiopian Comisarios tervene.
been officially ascertained as num 4, 732 to have entered.
and the Comandante of the Italian Thus ends the document, given bering 565, 427 at the close of 1934.
ladvanced Guards. The Ethiopian out by the League of Nations, on As the total for the preceding If the increase disclosed above Comisario sustained that Ulalual this occurrence.
year stood at 551, 541, there has can be regarded as the result of was Ethiopian territory and conse later cable states that a tract been an increase of 13, 886 souls ordinary, normal conditions, In RCA VICTOR wequently her troops had a right to of Neutral ground five miles wide during the last twelve months. may justly presume it will require advance; while the Italian Coman has been decided on by both govThe number of Births and another quarter of a centuary be dante denied passage by raising jernments.
Deaths which occurred during this fore Costa Rica reaches her mil. 1, 000 men, insisting that this place In our next issue we will give period were 23, 858 and 10, 020 res lionth soul.
was a part of Italian Somaliland, the correspondence, by a noted hisand brought the question relatively torian, as to the facts leading up in the competence of the two na. to this dispute.
cions. The Anglo Ethiopian Com On the 16th. instant Abyssinia mission abandoned the Zone, in assent a new note to the Secretary (LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
much as the Ethiopian troops re General of the League of Nations mained stationed in front of the advising of her rupture with Italy Italian advanced Guards.
and the ordering of a general Within the next few days the mobilization of her troops.
ed SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS Italian Commander proposed LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS 23 de Marzo. 1935 Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a que no se presentará otra vez Compañía Ultramar de pagar a la Municipalidad de Limón con Agentes Generales la mitad de lo que se le debe.
FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs A Véase La Gaceta del día del corriente mes.
Perry Girton Sub Agentes en LIMON PUNTARENAS Dirijase a la Gobernación o a la Contaduría.
Elders Fyffes, Ltd.
it e Our Population See the Radio that thinks. Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception Are Finer than Ever! C VICTOR RADIO Royal Netherlands Steamship Co. COLOMBIA to!
aris dian jou Aprovéchese la oportunidad day the Costa Rica Radio hands of the pain, conand crocs Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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