
NEWS FROM THE POINT THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Cia: Surtidora have Reduced Their Articles Of Every Day Necessity To Prices Equalling, More Or Less, 4. 50 The Dollar Our Exchange. Who Is Exploiting The Business?
The Nations Are Are Arming exThe Observant Pointer.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Your reporter says goodbye to exchange he expects to do increased he McClure family who left on business. Every business needs a Año 1, No. 38 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 30th. March 1935.
Price: 15 per copy the Steamship Cavina bound for boost.
nerrie old England and Ireland.
Too bad the Voz cannot travel note that the raft has again over there.
torn away from her mornings and at present rests on the coral reef.
On March 23 Mr. and Mrs. Seems as though something could Chittenden paid a vist to their be done to make this raft behave.
Limon residence and were enter. There isn much fun swimming The Compania Bananera de Costa ties of our people. Therefore, in or bourers who, even before the advent The articles which have been so tained to lunch at the home of with no rest at the end of the trip. Rica, by the help of the Compañia der to protect the large number of of these abnormal conditions, found reduced may be seen by the lists.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Surtidora. has, during the past week, employess of the Company, as also ia extremely difficult to evertake their now exhibited, in the windows of The Gares are entertain made a very generous move in the their numerous supporters, the Com financial obligations.
the Company Commissary.
Dr. Max Gamboa is spending ing relatives from Chicago. interest of the City labouring class. pañia Surtidora have, since the midseveral days in the capital city Having regard to the abnormal dle of the past week, reduced the getting a much needed rest. You understand that Mr. and Mrs. conditions which continue to exist in prices on all articles, needed in every sure have been busy the past few Briggs will join the Point colony connection with our monetary ex day life, to a base, more or less, of weeks Doc.
in a day or two. Rumor has it that change, there has been a marked four colones and fifty cents to the they will occupy the McClure tendency on the part of our City mer dollar. thus restricting the general Over the past weekend the house during the absence of the chants to advance the prices on all commercial community from continuWe are not wont to conjecture ants could accept them for colones Beuchats entertained a large latter. Welcome!
and every class of foreign merchan ing with their higher rates.
that exploitation of the poor la at a normal rate of exchange and number of friends to a cocktail dise to such amounts as could have This act on the part of the Com bouring man is going on in high send them abroad in exchange for party, which was rated by all as Melva John has joined the no other affect than that of mate pany is greatly appreciated by an Official quarters, but present con merchandize; no, they are drawn one of the best ever. So say ranks of the fish enthusiasts and rally increasing the financial difficul particularly the general body of laditions give rise to such ideas. against the Company deposits in Mr. Schaefer was a visitor now with her line draped from the For The Benefit of Railroad Travellers forms the government Board of farmers are paid in colones at a we may expect to see her any day The United Fruit Company in our Local Banks, therefore to The Point on Sunday past. It is seawall or from the diving platControl on Exchanges that she is fixed rate of exchange meanwhile a rare treat to have this young sin form.
Mr. Frank Sheehy has been sparlays by slides and washouts. We have ger favor us with his presence and ing on pains to make travel on his had very heavy rainfalls from May from Panama to pay the Banana ing basis all the while. What a quite willing to bring Gold Bills they must buy gold at a fluctuatsuch should not pass unnoticed. have heard that Mrs. Roadbed, a pleasure rather than the 1934 until this month, infact unprer producers here, whose contracts are camouflage on the poor unthinisWeeks is also a patient at the Hos nightmare risk it used to be. The Ad cendented continous rainfall, without drawn in gold pri ministration recently imported several one week of real sunshine, and yet From Almirante we have Benny pital.
but the Board ing labouring man; can a country Miskell with us again. With the cargoes of Ties and other material no slides have occasioned us inte replies that they cannot allow the exist under these conditions? Can plane making such frequent visits We would like to call your at with which they have been renovat rruption on the Railway. due to Company to make her payments a prosperous and happy citizenthe efforts and farsightedness of Mr. with such bills, because they would ship, the backbone of every prowe are ready at a moment notice cention to your Column. We have ing the Track.
The danger spots around Las Lo Chittenden and Mr. Sheehy. The Bos not be able to control the amount gressive country, be secured under to say hello to our Almirante noticed that, of late, there have mas, San Antonio Hill and Bonilla ton Office must realize the truth of gold which would thus be put in these conditions? Must not our citifriends.
been a few discrepancies in your have been reconstructed with very fulness of these few lines, from the circulation, the Company should zens be discontented, unhapvy Observations. To call your attenMr. Sullivan made a fly. tion to any one in particular would heavy boulders, instead of fud as it reports received by them, and re however, pay in Cheques de Oro. grumblers with tendencies and used to be: this has eliminated de cognize the value of good men. What a farce. ing visit to San Jose during the be telling. We trust that hereafter leanings toward any and every imThe government first obliga moral, destructive movement and past week. Strictly for business your Winchellisms will be more tion is to protect her citizens against condition which may be promoted says Pate when interviewed, and correct.
adds that with the high rate of Pointers that have been Observed. We beg to call your attention to our remark monopolies in all tradings, with a with pretensions of providing hapview of eliminating the possibility piness for all.
at the back of receipt which reads: of excessive rises in the cost of living, but here we have just the It is evident some one is espeThis bill must be paid at our contrary.
culating with the happiness and was Italy who first starred arm chain of fortifications which The rate of exchange is now prosperity of the populace by this ing and mobilization against her tend the length of the Franco office before the 15th of the month bordering on six for one, with the exchange, and it is a damgerous weaker neighbour Abyssinia, on pre German border. Mossulini, as the cost of merchandise soaring cons thing to do; it may end, some day, text that the African Empire was Dictador for Italy, and as equally Be so good as to comply with this request tantly as a result of the abnormal in a disastrous conflagation.
encroaching on her territory in So turbulent as Hitler, not yet having cost of the gold with which the The Company sees this and, for and do not oblige us to suspend our service, maliland, granted her by England had an opportunity, since his admerchants must import their goods. this reason, is willing to pay her and France, as a spoil of war, vent into power, of slaughteing a step which we would much regret to take. The Company is sympathetic people in gold so as to obviate the whereas it was she who had en the millions he would wish, is exwith her poor labourers, whose pay suffering now so prevalent, but croached within one hundred miles ceedingly anxious to try his hand Compañía Eléctrica de Limón is based on a dollar gold rated at the majority of the government of Abyssinian Territory and bom at the pastime and has, as a prefour to one but who are compelled officials will not see it. Don Ribarded a defence less, unprepared paratoy measue, mustered two milto buy their merchandise at approx cardo sees it, because he told Conpeople.
lion men and set all America muni Our Now we find Germany so per tion factories at work, day and withing to import gold and trol of sistently on the aggressive as to be right, getting ammunitions and As announced in these columns fve per cent of the value. It is to in gold, with the tendency to mode of procedure in any country staggering Europe. As will be rewarlike implements ready to be some weeks ago, that the Banco de be hoped that our small producers flood the country with this precious Freedom of exchange was the mode membered, The Versaille Ag. launched against his German and Costa Rica would be exporting Ca will take advantage of this facility commodity and so bring the rate intended, he said, by Divine Provreement was drawn up at the end Abyssinian foes.
cao, on a profit sharing basis as they have nothing to lose, ali of exchange back to normal; the idence. He sees, quite well, this of the Great War, as a means of, England, pacifically minded as among the producers, we observe to gain.
government Board of Control, havoc and discontent being wrought 50 stringtly, securing Peace, that are her people who bore the bur that the Bank has decided to ad What the farmers should be who should be glad of the facility, by these speculative manipulations Germany would never be able to den of the last war, financially as vance up to sixty per cent of the careful about is to see that their bowever, denies the privilege and at the expense of the poor, but he again think of War, at well as sanguinarily, is unwilling value here of the Cacao until the Cacao is given three full days fer says the Company must pay in is allowing that majority in Conleast not for half a century. In to be once more drawn into bloods Sales Accountable are received mentation, so as to obtain a un. Cheques de Oro, which means a gress to find themselves against that Agreement or Treaty, Gerpilling, so is doing all she can by This is not a bad offer alch iformity of colour and curing fit continuation of the confusion we the rock before retracing their many could not build ships of war discussions to divert Germany from ough we were hoping for seventy for the world markets. are now experiencing. These Che steps, thus making them sadder nor military airplanes, neither warlike preparations; she has sent ques are not drawn against foreign but wiser men, after public opinion manufacture ammunitions nor war her Foreign Minister. Sir John Identification Cards An Banks, by which means our merch shall have exploded.
like implements of any kind, normon, as head of a Commission, to could she raise an Army beyond discuss friendliness, but up to now Urgent Necessity the necessary amount of men for Hitler is obdurate and demands We would like once again to pay and the Officer, in charge, policing her citizens: but after 17 what he knows be the impossible. remind our readers that it is an is supposed to fill it out for you.
years of this subjection, the tur He demands the return of his Afri. ufgent necessity, on the part of FREE. You will only pay a Tax The Cricket Association of 16th. Pathfinders vs. Burial Sbulent spirit of a Hitler finds it can possessions, freedom from the every foreigner to go to the Go if you were carning Tenthou Rica met on Monday nigth, the cheme; June 23rd. Construction inconsistent for a proud nation, of shackles of the Versailles Treaty vernor Office, the Jefe Políti sand Colones per annum, about 25th. and among other things, vs. Wanderers; June 30th. Buthe type of the German, to exist and an equality among his Victors, co Office or the Agent of Po 833. 00 per month; and then completed the formation of the rial Scheme vs. Excelsior: July under such humiliation; he defies then and only then will he join the lice Office, on the Lines, whe you would, we feel sure, pay Board of Control, by adding to 7th. Construction vs. Pathfinthe Treaty of Versailles and orders League of Nations and give a reevor you may reside, and make with pleasure.
it membership Messrs. Victor ders; July 14th. Wanderers vs.
Conscription, or forcible military guarantee of twenty one years of your declarations, las your Remember you cannot go to Hayling, Henry Hylton, Oscar Motive Power: july 21st. Motienlistment, to raise a standing army non aggressiveness in Europe. But occupations, carnings, nationali. Court without such a Card; you McRae, Charles Hayling and Eve Fower vs. Wanderers; July of half a million men; the im of course, the nations realize that ty, etc. and get your.
cant buy or sell property, giveggie Jones.
28th. Pathfinders vs. Construc mediate construction of 1, 500 mil. by that time he would be thorough or secure a doqument without The fixtures for the matches, tion; August 11th. Excelsior vs.
stary planes and warlike implem ly prepared to be agressive in word Identification Card it; you cannot go on the Docks Do not be afraid to have this Clubs competing in Burial Scheme; August among the ents to defy European nations, the and deed, hence, it would be more 18th.
or any public place or Office the Cup Competition for this seaBurial Scheme vs. Pathfinders; guardians of the fulfilment of this convenient to crush him to earth at done: you will have no taxes to without it; and if the Authorison were received from the August 25th. Pathfinders vs.
demoralizing Treaty.
once so he can never rise again on ties are vindictive, they can fi Committe and adopted. Motive Power: Sept Ist, Motive Naturally the Powers cannot this side of Christendom.
implements that her disinterested ne you five colones if the police tolerate this defiance by the van Russia also protests Hitler ac neighbours can buy. Turkey plans demand it of yau anywhere and in our last issue, the fixtures are. Construction vs. Burial Scheme; In addition to those appearing Power vs. Excelsior; Sept. 8th.
quished foe, and something must tions. Austria proposes to raise an to fortify the Dardanelles. Belgium you do not possess it. The cost June 2nd. Excelsiar vs. Mo. Sept. 15th. Excelsior vs. Wanbe done to bring the offending army of a million men to which has extended her fortifications is but fifty cents yearly to plative Power; June 9th. Motive deres: Sept. 22nd. Construc.
Germany to her proper senses. Italy objects. Spain issues a pro along the entire length of her fronce a Revenue Stamp (Timbre) Power France, while anxious of her clamation of friendship to England, tier and has expressed her readiness on the Card.
Pathfinders; June tion vs. Excelsior: Sept. 29th. Pathfinders vs. Wanderers; Oc own safety knowing the venomous France and Italy especially for to again stand with France in the Each year a new declaration rulinggs of the Country which tober 7th. Burial Scheme vs. Mo titude of her greatest enemy, is keeping the freedom of the Medi event of conflict.
has got to be made so that it provides you with the means of tive Power: Oct. 13th. Excelsior hot willing for war, but is, however, terranean Sea. Japan is said to be These are the outlooks looming may be seen if you have any. an existence; dont allow ignoran vs. Pathfinders: Oct. 20th. Wan as a safeguard, amassing her troops leaning toward Germany. Uncle in the near distance which are far thing eligible for taxes, and to ce to dominate you have this derers vs. Burial Scheme: Oct.
along the German Frontier for oc Sam declares strict neutrality as from encouraging to Poor much. have Card Renewed.
matter attended to with the least 27th. Motive Power vs. Conscupation of the newly constructed usual, but will build all the war craved Peace.
Please submit yourself to the possible delay.
Itruction Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Cacao Prospects matally six to one; therefore she is gress. some time ago, that Conhe Cricket Competition to Jge os xr a VS.
o sc 25


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