
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 30th. March 1935. Recent Scientific Discovery Religious Conflict In India at Give your children protection. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The KARACHI, BR. INDIA.
searching eye of science will be Twenty three were dead and able to penetrate the earth sur least 70 wounded after a platoon face, to a depth of perhaps twenty of the Royal Sussex Regiment fir miles, by the aid of an apparatus ed into more than 20, 000 rioting newly developed at Havard Uni Moslems intent on entering the versity. Use of the apparatus was city to attack Hindus. It was the firat announced on the 20th. ins. first serious renewal, in several tant by the staff of the Gordon months of Moslem Hindu reliMackay and Dunbar Physics La gious hatred. The riot followed the boratories hanging of a Moslem for the mur.
der of a Hindu.
What to become of your youngsters before they are self supporting?
if you should die GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. HOW? Chimney Blazes Hamburg. Amerika Linie COMaduro Lumber Yard Man Know Thyself DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA Avenida San José Through any local Agent or office of the Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad and Colegio de Señoritas Banco Nacional de Seguros MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the neck of Womb of the market, took fire and had RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small is not been for the quick help medium sized) by way of the Urethra What might have developed the quick co operation of neigh given the building of the Beckley into a serious conflagation in this bours a few days ago. The chimney family would have taken the blaze Floods Cause 2, 000 Deaths Hauptmann Shakes Hands With City, was happily extinguished by Jof an apartment house, in front and the entire block would have Prisoners On Way To Death been destroyed SHANGHAI. Floods in the Chair.
It is to the interest of the NaYellow River Valley have caused TRENTON Bruno Haupt tional Insurance Bank to at least 2, 000 deaths with property mann, for the second time in operate with the Municipal Board damage reported to be in excess of week saw a fellow prisoner pass his Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón and institute a regulation whereun. 5, 000, 000.
death sell to the Electric Chair, Para EUROPA der these chimneys, especially those when Kurt Barth, 22 years old, was clectrocuted on the 22nd. inst. SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, attached to restaurants, etc. should be regularly cleaned, say once a. BREAD BREAD. The condemned slayer had previ.
quarter, under the supervision of Eat only the best bread.
ously shanken hands with three Vapor CARIBIA Abril the Hygiene Department. Such a BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF men on their way to death.
regulation would avoid such occurMade only by BOOTH Para GUATEMALA rences.
The best that may be had Ancient Monuments Discovered in the country.
Don forget to call at atop a small island in Lake Yojoa IBERIA 24 Abril BOOTH and take home a containing several monuments, loaf of Berlin Special bearing carvings of the Sacred SERVICIO DE CARGA, PASAJEROS bread.
Serpent of the Mayas, has been THE BLACK EAGLE FRANK MADURO Jr.
Trying one will convince found by Professor Blom of the Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a Hubert Julian, called the you, that this is positively Tulane University Dept. of Ar.
Prop. Black Eagle. who has gone to HAPAG LLOYD the best loaf of bread, cheology. The discovery was made Abyssinia to place his services, made in Costa Rica in an area nor formerly known to Agencia Costa Rica Best native lumber as an Aviator, at the disposal of contain ancient ruins.
Teléfono 2086 the Emperor, in case the threate at moderate prices, ned war materializes.
Wholesale Arrests of (from La Prensa Libre)
Ex Czarists METROPOLITAN BUREAU MOSCOW. The Soviet. gov. Legal, Notarial General ernment has moved energetically Business Transactions By Alva Grant Capt Wyatt Of The to strengthen herself internally in Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Man is a dependent Being. We some element related to a bethe present strained international My untarnished reputation of must rely on God for our needs lief or an opinion, should be wel We are pleased to state that that no blame whatever should be situation. She started a new clean honesty. My intelligence and of soul and Body. God is able comed as a friend. judgment Mr. Wyatt, Captain of the placed on the bowler for his misup of elements in Lenigrad, regard. high calibre efficiency constitute and prepared to give us all ne or conclusion is the result of rea was sufficiently recovered to hap as the ball which struck him ed as hostile or untrustworthy, the the necessary and all important cessities, but he requires us to soning. Bigotry and intolerance take the voyage home along with was a perfect delivery. There were remnants of the former aristocracy. FACTORS which constitute my ask Him for them. Not that we make their entrace on! y when one his team of Cricketers. those who were questioning a Body Among those arrested were 41 ex. Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac may know our wants, but thot will not change an opinion and Line Ball, but he says no, it was Princes, 142 ex Czarist officials, tual and prospective CLIENTS, we may pay Him the homage of a belief to make it conform with Before his departure from Ja. only his misfortune to have duck 547 ex generals and high afficers who confide to my care, di. prayer, and at the same time re true knowledge.
maica, the Captain publicly stated led at the wrong time.
of the Czarist army. Many are to rection and administration, the cognize dependence Many new and interesting be tried on charges of anti Soviet handling of their BUSINESS and Him.
features are already being plan charges of anti GENERAL AFFAIRS. Knowledge naust be very for ned for this Year program, and Public Lottery In Jamaica activities and others will be exiled EGBERT POLSON to the Eastern regions of the So Accountant, Interpreter, Trans cibly impressed upon us before there will be special demonstra.
it is accepted, if it is not easily ted sessions held in the mind of Our Lottery Fans will be tickled has again been presented to lator, Judicial Business Agent.
viet Union, including Siberia.
the identified with previous man of whom YOU one to know that the matter of a Pub government for the approval of opinion or belief which we have. therefore, let us continue to pre lic Lottery for Jamaica, to assist the Legislative Council.
All things which we experience pare ourselves to meet the stre Charitable Institutions, has been Its Fate is, therefore, in the are not sufficiently interesting fight for an intelligent pased by the Kingston and St. balances.
to us for us to retain them in our existence. We can do it. Andew Corporation Council, and memory. They are discarded by The enormous amount of wealth It is also expected that the Imus, as unimportant, because we which, it is anitcipated, will aug. perial State Crown of England lack an appreciation of their imment that of the nation by the may be further enriched by the portance. Knowledge, which has in it many thousands who will be at Empire Jubilee gifts of precious tending the Jubilee of the British metal and stones, as there is a propSovereign, will in all probability, osal that each of the Dominions Magnifica Propiedad be rather insignificant to that and Crown Colonies shall present which is going over from India. a gift: gold ore from Canada and se vende en el centro de Banco del Estado State Bank Recent London cables state that Australia; platinum from New Limón, libre de gravameUnico Emisor no less than forty five million zealand; diamonds from South Entenderse con el Sole Bank of Issue pounds in precious and Africa; emeralds, sapphires and Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON metals will accompany the hundred diamonds from India; rubies from ofrece al público los en este puerlo Offers the Public the and more members of India aris Burma and aquamarines from y en San Jose con servicios de su Services of its tocracy comprised of princes and Ceylon.
ANGELA DIAZ nobles. The Indian government is These new additions may, it is detailing special forces to guard surmised, be grafted on to the crease the rubies, 11 emeralds 17 the priceless gems; and the strong crown assembled and commissioned sapphires, 277 pearls and 2, 783 rooms of the great liners will be by Queen Victoria in the year diamonds, already there hard put to for space in which to 1838, and join the Black Prince bled.
stow the coffers of jewels and ruby, the size of EN LA It might be of interest to state IN THE caskets of ornaments.
by Henry V, after the victory nf that the British Sovereign has three Principal among the noted gems Agincourt; the Stuart sapphire crowns, the sacred crown of Edwhich will sparkle in the state from the crown of Charles 11; ward the Confessor; the Imperial apartments in Buckingham Palace Queen Elizabeth pair of car. State Crown, the most valuable will be the Star of the South drops and the larger part of the and beautiful crown in the world; para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service owned by the Gaekwar of Baroda, diamond known as the Star of and the Imperial Crown of India, servicio bancario.
while the Koh Noor will be Africa. Should the additions be which has only been once used. at Rendered worn by the Queen.
made to this crown, they will in the Delhi Durbar of 1911.
our on some are India Wealth to Enrich King Jubilee Celebrations nuous Banco Internacional de Costa Rica nes stones SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE assemher egg, worn CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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