
Saturday, 30th. March 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA knew it. That why asked The Problem of the Criminal Insane you.
an SAL UVINA THE RIGHT SALTS For Liver and Stomach Ailments lovaluable for the Treatment of Hereby Hang Tale Indigestion son were Cricket At Beverly are me, recomtame out. don know a thing about The Laws Gaverning Testimony by Psychiatrists, and cooking. How long should one Systems of Releasing Prisoners From Institutions, cook spaghetti.
Are Under Attack Oh, about ten inches.
In a baseball game among pa Thayer, Jr. psychiatrist and State tients of an insane asylum, one of Commissioner of Correction, said Give a Chiropodist An Inch And them hit a threebagger, but stop that test for sanity should be made He ll Take a Foot.
ped half ay to first. The implor after conviction. jury of twelve ings of neither coach nor specta laymen, he declared, is not quali How do the foreign dishes tors could budge him, and he was fied to know, and neither is a jud.
compare with American ones.
thrown out. He had, he said after ge who is not a psychiatrist. Doc Oh, they break just as easily.
wards, heard a voice. So long tor Thayer said there was no inas he remains in the hospital he crease in criminal insane cases, but Gosh, your wife sure has a may do nothing worse than halt that we hay become increasingly changeable temper, hasn she.
a baseball game. Given his freed conscious of them through more Yes, sometimes it bad and om, he may hear a voice bid him thorough diagnosis.
sometimes it worse.
commit a crime. Oh, doctor they tell me these Flatulence And all forms The country has been aroused New Procedure Urged time and again by crimes commitspots are caused by biting insects.
Father and Son Your neyer can tell what shall do?
of Stomach ted by men released from asylum But Dr. Branham, Se.
as apparently cured, even when the cretary of the American Psychiatric Step biting the insects. farmer and his Colics Disorders doctors in charge knew they were Association Committee on Legal working in a field, when the old My wife called me over the phone not cured. In a recent case which Aspects, and Deputy. Commisman tripped on the stump of a tree from New York yesterday.
attracted general attention the al sioner of Correction of New York FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES leged criminal was released from Srate, was quoted as saying that and fell. He got up and said: Did she reverse the charges. Gosh durn that stump. wish a State hospital over the protests an increase of per cent. in the Yes, made charges of deserof the authorities.
number of patients at Matteawan it was in tion and she charged me with the MANUFACTURED BY: The problem of the criminal in State Hospital and 17 per cent. in Pop, wouldn say that, said same thing.
the boy. You might stumble over Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa sane is complicated also by lack of the Dannemora State Hospital in that stump again some day.
Another Modern Version Is! If SAN JOSE uniform law and pracise. Insanity the last four years establish withis the second line of defense in al out a doubt that the increase of The Shoes fit, Put It On Your Gloria didn get the leading Husband Charge Account.
most any major crime. Psychiatrists criminally insane in the State of part because of her nose.
are engaged by both the State and New York is an absolute as well Why, it a lovely nose.
Mother When he proposed the defense. The psychiatrists for as a relative matter. Yes, but every time the produ to you, was he on his knees?
the defense are supposed, of course, In an effort to eliminate defects to declare the defendant insane as of procedure in a criminal trial cer tried to kiss, she turned it up.
Daughter. No, was. friendly game was played on Johnston for the Fearless a means to bringing about his ac where the sanity of the defendant is under question, the Committee You say the girl love has a. Say, can you have any fun in the Beverly Oval on Sunday the took wickets for 27 and Gard quittal.
glass eye.
chis hospital?
ner for 25; For the Burial Sche To forestall, as far as possible on Medico Legal Problems of the and the Athletic Club of the Yeah. had tea with her and No, only the surgeons Young had for 21; further crimes by those who have Section of Criminal Law Burial Scheme Association.
in the course of our conversation it allowed to cut up.
The day being bright, quite a numHarrison for 20 and Camp. been committed for actual insanity, mended at the recent meeting of Police Commissioner Lewis Va the American Bar Association se It says here that thousands of ber of cricket lovers attended and bell for lentine of New York City has an veral radical changes. Chief of nounced that he would investigate these is that the court, either on On my trip to South America germs can live on the point of enjoyed themselves. certainly saw a lot of beautiful needle.
The Schemers went by way of the system of releasing the criminal its own motion or on request of What a strange diet.
Westfalia, crossed the river then on panoramas. 12. 000 FOR LOANS insane from institutions and asked either side, shall appoint a com thought you told me to the Oval. They went first to you that the records of those released mission of not more than three to. wouldn run around with those the bat and made 63 runs, Tom To be made to persons gi be placed in the hands of the poli testify at the trial, their fees to be native girls. Is your athletic boyfriend a linson and Campbell deligthing ving tangible guarantee. Rea ce so that a check may be kept on paid by the State. Either side may squash player?
the crowd by hitting a six each off sonable interest. Lender them. But several noted psychiatrists also summon other expert witnes No, no, wouldn think of Yes, he squashes me every the homesters fast bowlers. After can be seen at Limon Serthought the solution not so simple. ses. If it is decided that the defenthe lunch interval the Fearless ocmarrying you.
time he stants playing.
According to a New York Herald dant is not able to understand the cupied the wickets, but not vice Bureau every Friday for Tribune interviewer, they attack proceedings against him, he shall long, as the slow bowlers had them beatween and p. ed the antiquated law governing be committed to a proper instituall out for only 48.
the testimony of psychiatrists, the tion.
system which permits experts take sides during a trial and lawyers to obtain habeas corpus writs For Sale for the release of insane persons (LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
against the advice of the asylum Bee Hives staff.
Both Dr. Clarence Cheney, Apply president of the American PsychiaIn RCA VICTOR SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS tric Association, and Dr. Frank. PORTER LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS wood Williams, former director of the National Committee for Cairo de Abril 1935 Mental Hygiene, were emphatic in their disapproval of the system Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a of permitting psychiatrists to take sides. would advocate, said Are Finer than Ever!
Compañía Ultramar LUIS WA CHONG Doctor Cheney, an unbiased, unAgentes Generales prejudiced board of psychiatrists GUACÍMO GUAPILES FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs. appointed by the court.
Cantina, Licores ExtranjeSub Agentes en In Massachusetts prisoners LIMON PUNTARENAS ros y del país examined by a commission named by the Department of Mental Di.
Tienda bien surtida y The Activities seases, but even here the defenAbarrotes en general dant still has the right to call in There has been some misgivings sought by the members. At a busiPrecios sin competencia relative to our last notes re the mi ness meeting held expert testimony. Dr. Walter on Wednesday, sunderstandings at Liberty Hall. We these matters were thoroughly threswish to say there was no intention of hed out, and the harmonious rela. Co. Netted Over 12. 000. 000 in 1934 casting any aspersions on the hones tionship exhibited between ty of purpose of the President on ficers and critics, among the member any other officer of that Institution. ship, seemed truly sincere.
According to the therty fifth on hand at the dose of the year is with respect to the assertions of ma The effort to make every sacrifice che annual report, issued recently, on given as 40, 957, 541. 61 or ladversion of funds. There was no to pay off the balance of the Munitransactions of the United 3, 838, 734. 21 more than in 1933.
Perry Girton idea that funds, destined for the pay cipal bedt for Pavimentacion, Sewe. Fruit Company for the year 1934.
During the period under review, ment of Municipal Impuestos, were rage, etc. 761. 00 within it is disclosed that after providing dividends amounting to 30 per used for purposes outside of the Or a given time, was tackled with refor taxes, interest and depreciation, share were paid, absorbng the sum ganization; but that there was a runewed vigour and a Committee con the net income was 12, 049, 299. 60 of 8, 717, 985.
mour and a belief there was a transfe sisting of Messrs. Nation, as against 9, 240, 941. 65 in the 49, 879, 345 stems of bananas are rence of funds, derived from special do Fowler, Edward Brady. Georze previous year.
nations, rentals, etc. and earmarked McMurray and Mrs. McPherson.
said to have been disposed of from Cash and government securities Ithe Company tropical divisions.
for Municipal Taxes, to other expen the Lady President, was it the request of Welfare Com home of the quintuplets, on the appointed ses of the Organization not so press for the purpose of approaching all sioner David Croll, who is res night of the 25th. inst.
ible to the British Crown for The guard was ordered as a members of the Race for donations Excursión a Turrialba, Domingo de Mayo 1935 We may say this belief, which toward the cause.
care of the five baby girls, bor protection against the rumour an President Mitchelt asusres us is falIDA VUELTA 50. TREN SALE LAS 30 M.
rly ten months ago to the Dion attempt would be made to smuggle President Jones, of the Siquirres have arisen from the Branch, was also present, with a mat family, an armed police man the entire Dionne family, Mr. and fact of the illness of the Treasurer, ter of pressing importance Sunday Excursion to Turrialba, 5th, May 1935 the wire fenced enclosure Mrs. o. Dionne, their four older coupled with the presence, in office, body, which was attended to, and ail to that ADULTS 50. TRAIN LEAVES AT 30 VIA ZENT nd the tiny Dafoe Hospital in children and the quintuplets, across of a new unqualified Secretary, thus seemed satisfied of the progress COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION inder, Ontario, the present the border.
occasioning a lack of information made.
со See the Radio that thinks!
Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Vapor VENEZUELA Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception are RCA VICTOR RADIO Costa Rica Radio fety Of The Dionne Quintuplets Threatened se, seem to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica.


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