
335 Satisfactory Results from New THE ATLANTIC VOICE LI an increasing demand Año No. 39 tions. some to It will be of much interest, we, ple like favour. These plants are Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone are sure, to our Banana producers who also said to be producing bunches have suffered so much from the ra up to eleven hands.
Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 6th. April 1935.
Price: 0. 15 per copy vages of the dreaded Panama Disea There is se, to learn that, under the auspices from the Jamaica planters for suck05 of the Department of Agriculture, ers of this variety and the governJamaica has now secured a plant ment department is, at present, find Reduction of Prices By Cia: Surtidora OUR VICAR APOSTOLIC ELECT which in addition to being immune ing it difficult to supply suckers from His Receat Travels and Coming Consecration from the Disease has been favou their nuseries.
With reference to our previous oats (loose. 50; Nestle milk, rably accepted by purchasers in the Another Immune variety which article, anent the reductions made 60 per tin; Working boots, 75 It was our sincere pleasure to to take her place, but with the adEnglish market.
was developed and is now being pro recently by the Compañia Surtido per pair; undershirts, 00; working call on the Rev. Fr. Alberto Woll. vent of these two young ladies, the We learn, from a recent issue of duced in that Island and reported ra in the prices of their goods of pants, 75; socks, 80; native garten, Vicar Apostolic elect of Rev. Fr. said he was proud to te the Gleaner. that through his unas being much in demand as it gives every day necessity; in order to hats, 85; working shirts, 50; Limon, on his recent return from acknowledge their adaptability and a marketable fruit is that locally tiring and zealous efforts. Mr. known as the Highgate or Wal further facilitate those of our Ds. 00.
visiting his outlying Mission Sta. assiduity to schoolwork, insomuch so that the school had increased Sutherland, Chief Plant Inspector of ker Banana: the drawback from readers, who may not have had coupled with the increased wa.
With his usual and well known to over 100 inscriptions; and with the Jamaica Agricultural Department which this variety, however, suffers the opportunity of seeing the lists. ges and salaries, effective since the affability, the Rev. Fr. gave us an his personal instructions in the has succeded in breeding upwards of is the fact that the trees do not grow exposed is the windows of the Com commencement of the month, as of matter of Secondary education, fifty varieties of bananas, many of to a height sufficient to place the missaries. we give hereunder a list also the arrangement under which exceedingly interesting resume them proof against the Panamá Di stems outside the reach of praedial of the articles which have been so all banana producers will be receiv his strenuous labour in passing the minor and major pupils are sease, the most successful, however, thieves.
reduced: Lard to colon per ing payments in gold, these reduc from place to place up to as far as being trained in the great responbeing the variety now known as the Both the Sutherland and the pound; sugar, 0. 20; flour, 30; tions should undoubtedly, assist in San Juan del Norte, during which sibility of religious life in a comhe covered a distance of about munity. Musa Suthezlandi. Several trial Walker products are being in rice, Ist, 25 and 2nd. 20 affording our labouring classes an shipments, have already been sent cluded in the cargoes shipped tegu beans, coloured, 15 and 25; con appreciable relief in their financial Sixty miles on foot along the beach.
to the English market where they alarly to the English market from JaThe Rev. Father consecration densed milk, 75 per tin; The experiences which were his corn undertakings, and, on their behalf, rived in excellent condition and pro maica.
flour, 10; oats in tins, 90; ke we wish to express, to the Company, rismina to Colorado Bar, and his the lst. of May in the Cathedral while travelling on foot from Pa. will, we were told, take place on duced gratifyng sales results. It is Having regard to the terrible loss rosine oil, 45; mackerel, 90; our grateful thanks.
stated that the new specie stood the wich our country principal industry dange: in getting across the Bar, in San Jose at the hands of the voyage well that the cating quali has been, and is still suffering from ANOTHER ECHO OF (the not unfrequent Cemetery for Papal Nuncio, Monseñor Chiarl.
THE small shipping craft) seemed cer Arrangements are being made ty is regarded by some, as being the dreaded disease. we think it somewhat superior to the standard would certainly beworth the while of ATLANTIC STRIKE tainly like a pilgrimage. He vividly for the running of a special train described the many and serious to convey those of the faithful and variety.
one or more of our planters difficulties encountered in Mission attendands, as well as the many While this new variety suffers from to endeavour to secure a trial supGoveramemt Settles Clan for 11. 000 ary work along the Sarrapiqui admirers and wellwishers, from the disadvantage of the fingers being of the suckers of these two imDistrict, due to its being so sparsely every denomination and association one inch shorter than the Gros Mi mune varieties; or probably our Com As our readers will recollect, at were destroyed, some by fire.
inhabited and with but scant means in and around the City, who may chael. it possesses two advantages pañia Bananera might, in the further the time of the labour troubles in Mr. Salomon Esna, the owner of communication, such as there desire to be present at so important over the latter immunity from the interests of our people, do the need this Zone, last year, the leaders of of the farm, subsequently rendered are being generally waterways. an occasion in the life and ministry Disease and a much appreciated ap ful for us.
the movement established their a claim against the government for His visit to the Talamanca Dis of our dear Father Alberto as headquarters at 26 Miles, on the the sum of eleven thousand Colo trict was also full of interest and he is affectionately called by all.
Political Activities Farm known by the name of Los nes for damages; after a careful much adventure.
The train will leave Limon around Angeles, and that as the result of investigation, the government de Our political fight has started the friend of Limon and her people, the efforts of the government for cided that the claim should be en. at being back among his faithful. arrive early morning in San Jose He expressed the pleasure he felt midnight of the 30th. instant, to in earnest. Posters have been placed meanwhile don Leon has studiously ces to dislodge them and break up tertained and it has just been set and his keen satisfaction regarding in time for the Consecration (May here and there favouring the can refrained from doing anything, in their activities, a number of the tled, amicably, for the sum of the improvements noted in the Ist. and leave San Jose early on didature of don Julio Acosta, an his capacity of Minister of Public farm buildings and other assets Eleven thousand Colones.
Church Day School under the the 2nd. to arrive here at about ex President of the Republic, as Works, for poor neglected Limon.
efforts of the Misses Reid and a The fare for the round trip well as that of Lic. don Leon Cor Do not allow the sweet words of Frederick. At the death of the will be only Five Colones. 00. tes, who recently resigned as Mi. Hypocrisy, which are sure to be much beloved Miss Ainsworth, the thence it is expected that an enormnister of Public Works and Ad. indulged in, to sway your votes; We beg to call your attention to our remark difficulty was, who could be gotlous throng will be going up.
ministrator of the government nor permit yourselves to be deceivPacific Railroad, open hised by the many promises as to what at the back of receipt which reads: campaign.
will be done; serve those who have Our readers will remember that served you and displayed a sincere This bill must be paid at our don Julio Acosta has always been interest in your progress.
office before the 15th of the monih Payments In Gold Be so good as to comply with this request Many have been the letters of the Company has, at last, acceded solicitude by the labourers to the to their request which was considand do not oblige us to suspend our service, officials of the Fruit Company, Jered just. Henceforth those a step which we would much regret to take.
asking for increases of pay, or pay who are earning three hundred coHere is a chance to win 25. 00 All you are requi ed ment in Gold, to cope with the rise lones and upwards will be paid in Compañía Eléctrica de Limón to do is to guess what will be the highest individual Score in the price of merchandise con. Gold, and those earning less than made by a Crickeler in the Costa Rica Cu Competition Matsequent on the high exchange rates. this amount will get an increase of ches which will be played from April 7th. to June 9th incluthe twenty per cent previously sive. The person who guesses the correc score will receive a In justce to her labouring men, taken from their wages.
On the Sick List gift of Twenty five Colones. Each Guess must be accompanied with TEN CENTS. Fill out the attached Coupon and mail or We profoundly regret having and has, in consequence, come to send it to Drummond. Box 465. Limon. person can to announce that Mrs. Delphine regard Costa Rica as his second make as many guesses as he likes, provided he sends in TEN Chartered Ship Weeks, the much esteemed wife of home country. Among all classes, CENTS FOR EACH GUESS.
Mr. Weeks of this City, has he is one of ou. most popular cit The results of the weekly matches will be published week While the greater portion of a contingent of Infian Troops and been seriously ill in hospital. On izens; hence it is that on all sides y in this paper, so get a copy and send in your guess she there is the sincerest sympathy the world inhabitants are today personally chartered the Anchor Saturday, the 23rd. ultimo, encountering the most serious Liner California to take them had the painful necessity of un being extended him on behalf of delicate but very suc his wife.
difficulties in connection with over to Europe. It is now seid he dergoing COUPON their financial affairs, at least one intends engaging another liner cessful operation at the hands of Doctors Salisbury and Oreanuno.
human being, the Maharajah of in which to travel to England for We are pleased to learn that The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition Mr. Weeks has been a resident Mrs. Weeks is now much improved Patiala, is not so troubled. the Silver Jubilee of King GeorPrize 25. 00 The Maharajah is one of the ge. He will be taking a large here for fully a quarter of a cen though still a patient in the Hosrichest Princes in India. At the retinue of officers and household tuary, nineteen years of which pe pital. The Atlantic Voice wishes Highest Individual Score riod he has been in the service of her a speedy and complete recovtime of the world war he supplied servants.
Name the Northern Railway Company, lery.
Hamburg. Amerika Linie The Road to Westfalia in under les and ruts when wheeled traffic Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón repairs, from the Cieneguita Bridge: grinds into it in the rainy seasons, if as will be remembered we stated that there be no coarser Para EUROPA broken stones the President, in his generosity below this dessing.
Royal Netherlands Steamship Co. SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, toward Limon, had granted us two Since the above was written, we (LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
thousand colones toward these re note that a change has been made; pairs, through the requests of our Re the road is now being thoroughly 5) IBERIA 29 Abril presentative in Congress, don Juan renovated, the entire bed is being to Romagosa, who built this road at dug up and four inches of rough Para GUATEMALA the time he was the Governor of the macadam laid down and coated SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
We would, however, like to call with the dressing material from LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS IBERIA 24 Abril the attention of our genial Governor, Yas. thin spray of asphalt will de Abril 1935 don Filadelfo Granados, to the fact then be given to bind the stones SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS that while the work looks pretty, together.
Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a cannot last for any time; it needs Bravo, don Filadelfo, we only Para cualquier clasa de informes, dirigirse a: a layer of broken stones or macadam hope you shall soon turn your atCompañía Ultramar HAPAG LOYD below the dressing, material. At pres tention to the Road to the CemeAgentes Generales ent, there is being put eight inchestery. Should vou do so, you will PELIPEJ ALVARADO Co. Sucs. Agencia Costa Rica of very fine powdered rock from Yas. get lots of free labour as the surTeléfono 2086 which will scour Sub Agentes en when the heavy ounding populace is anxiously PUNTARENAS rains come and leave the same ho awaiting the start of the workais Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Culture Juventudes Rita The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition men Marahajah To Travel By a Vapor VENEZUELA

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