
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 6th April 1935. Just as my girlfriend and were kissing, her father rushed in with a shot gun. Did your flesh creep. ll say! Every inch of it crept right under the sofa.
Give your children protection. Restaurant owner. Customers get my goat when they order frank.
Girl friend.
Yeah? It tastes more like your horse to me.
What to become of your youngsters if you should die before they are self supporting?
GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. Another thing. Bozo, your health seems to have greatly im.
proved since you started smoking HOW?
Hereby Hangs Tale Pleasant Function at Matina onto Scouts Coming From Cristobal Yes, picking them up is a good Through any local Agent or office of the bending exercise, boss. So you didn marry Billy be Banco Nacional de Seguros man showod up at his office cause of your mother advice?
one day with his face swollen and No, she gave him so much of tied up. He told his follow work it he never came back.
ers that he had a terrible tootha Unworthy Discrimination che. shoe hit me the day got The timely Observant has aspiring coloured man and wo had one the other day, said married.
one of the other clerks, but got On Wednesday, the 20th. ulti bered by the many friends who been able to appreciate, in the man. Needless to say, our youn bet vour wife dad had a course of the last two months or ger folk, who go unthinkingly on rid of it quickly hand in it.
mo, an exceedingly pleasant func attended.
My wife put her arms around tion took place at the home of We extend our sincerest wishes so, the growing tendency of the will heardly be able to appreciamy neck and kissed me, and the Catch on. Say, did Mrs. Rennie Clarke, in celebration to our worthy citizen for a further Operators of the Theatres in this te the injury being directed ayou ever pain disappeared.
ride a Jackass?
of the thirty ninth anniversary of lengthened period of a useful and City of introducnig and main gainst them and so raise their That a good idea, said the her birth.
taining discrimination and a par voice in protest of the injustice. No, why?
happy life.
The occasion was a most enjoy tial Jim Crowism against the co It would be a very wise thing sufferer. Is your wife home now. Well, you ought to get able one and will long be remem Corresponsal loured patrons of their theatres. for every coloured person to yourself.
This most abnoxious situation is stay away from the theatres on SALE OF BLOODED developing more and more eve Sunday nigths they would not Red for danger. My wife has STOCK SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT ry day while our people remain be losing anything by so doing been seeing spots before her eyes.
asleep and so allow it to take a for the pictures are alll shown Well, is that anything to be To the Stock Breeders of The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Mifirmer root as time passes. again, during the course of the alarmed about?
nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be the Province, Mr. Simeon Well, it is when they re spots served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. ResEvery Sunday night, it can be week, and at a price the half of Richards of Penshurst of taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo noticed, in the two existing thea that charged for the Sunday of your lipstick on my forehead.
fers for Sale, a Fine Lot of.
ken, Se habla español. On parle Francais, Man Spricht tres, that quite a number of co nights. This procedure, on their Nine Cows and a MontgoDeutsch.
loured persons are made to va part, would enable the ManagW. KISSLING mery Pole Buffalo Bull.
cate their seats so that preferen ment of the theatres to realize Manager Anyone requiring genuine ce may be given the more favou whether or not their doloured Vast Recruiting Programme good milking Cows should red ones, despite the fact that patrons constitute an important communicate with Mr. RiWASHINGTON the price for the show is a fixed factor in their operations.
Cub Plans for chards, Penslurst Estrella rate for the lower floor fifty protest, such as is sugges.
a vast recruiting programme to add Line.
thousands of men to army ranks We understand that about thir) They are to leave Cristobal on cents.
Ited, would, we are confident.
after July 1st. are being formed by ty Cristobal Cub Scouts will be April 12th. by the Co Generally, it is customary for receive full cooperation in every spending their Easter holidays the War Department. The pro this country; they are stated to be vacation in and arounds Cartago. Ithe Orchesta seats as the elite expect it here, as our coloured Unnoticed. saw your brother gramme contemplates an in Veragua, and will spend their the coloured patrons to occupy country: but, alas, we can not Sandy in church Sunday, but he of 15, 000 men to the enlisted per be accompanied by Scout Commis rigua on the 21st. idem.
all under 12 years of age and will returning home by the Qui usualy use the Box seats. Lately people do not appreciate as they pretended not to notice me. sonnel between July and Septemhowever, the attendance of the should, and as those of other What the matter? Is he peev. ber, and approximately 30, 000 more sioners. a physian and other adults.
whites on Sunday nights has so countries do, these unworthy ed about something?
between October and April 1936.
increased that the Management, acts of discrimination hurled sys No, was passing the collec DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA in orded to keep theis coloured tematically at them.
tion plate. Napoleonic Relict patrons partially ostracised have Avenida San José adopted the system of numbeEthiopian Observer Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad LORIENT, FRANCE. The ring these Orchestra seats, or at Countess Cosson de Kervodies, 99, and Colegio de Señoritas least a considerable portion of Abyssinian Tribes Make Reprisals widow of the Count de Korvodies, MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, them, so that the coloured man FRANK MADURO Jr. who followed Napoleon into exile Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb should be obliged to force him London cable states that the SURGICAL DIA THERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the Prop.
at St. Helena, died on the 29th.
self along with his friend, wife, Abyssinian Tribes along the entire ukr. She was the last living link neck of Womb sister or fiance to the fowl roost Northern frontier are RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (smail daily in with Napoleon Best native lumber or upper seats or else stay away creasing their of reprisals medium sized) by way of the Urethra from the Theatre.
against the Italians, and that mun at moderate prices, Malaria Epidemic Causes 54, 000 This is certainly a very serious ition transports destined for the Deaths.
ced by every well The reason some girls are wall flowers is because they don want COLOMBO, Ceylon. An to be petted.
additional statement issued in connection with the Malaria epidemic The Cleaner of the 27th. take up residence.
Interviewed by a Gleaner represen m looking for a girl with a which broke out some months ago, March says. Mr. Marcus Garvey Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front fortune.
states that during the month of president General of the Universal tative, Mr. Garvey stated his purComfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated Why, thought you had a for February 16, 000 persons died from Negro Improvement Association, sai pose in going abroad was to further dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
the effects of the disease, making led last night from Kingston on the work in which he had been engaged Sample room had, but she got it away from a total of 54, 000 victims from the Elders and Fyffe steamer Tilapa for more than twenty years, on bemonth of November last year.
for England, where he expects to half of the negro race. During AuLUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress gust last year, the International Con Post Office Box 236 Telephone W vention of his organization decided to transfer its headquarters to London, hence the necessity for the resiyour your dence there of its President General Banana Producers He said he would not only be engaged in directing the affairs The Star Herald of the favour of the country banana inof the Association, writ Remember NUGGET puts a smile on would 20th. inst. states that the govern dustry, as they consider the gov.
be engaged in business of his own. ment of Panama has arranged to ernment terms more advantageous your shoes, and with the empty covers of including the editing of a monthly assist the small Banana growers in than those under which they had, NUGGET Boot Polish you can obtain magazine and a weekly newspaper, the region of Chepo to the extent hitherto, been dealing with private beautiful and useful gifts at the Limon He said he also expected to run of 10, 000 for the handling of firms.
Trading Co. Limon, or at the NUGGET as a Labour candidate during the their crops and the development El control ferroviario en POR GLACE LEATHERS AGENCY, San José.
next general election for Parliament of their plantations.
los Estados Unidos There is a NUGGET shade for every He intended contesting the seat in WASHINGTON, La legislaWest Kensington or Battersea. His ap shoe made.
These loans will be made under ción que trata de establecer la propeal to the electorate of England agreements which provide that the piedad gubernamental sobre todos would not be on racial lines, but on government supervise the sale of ción, será introducida en la semana la Use POLIFLOR WAX (a NUGGET the principle of greater human ser the fruit and deduct twenty five próxima al Senado.
product) for your floors and furniture. vice. He was also going to England per cent from the proceeds until El senador Wheeler de Montana POLIFLOR covers can also be ex for the purpose of instituting his ac the entire debt has been paid.
reveló esta mañana que se pedirá changed for gifts.
tion against the Liverpool Express Local growers, are said to be rat. Corporación Federal para Congreso formar algo así como una for an alleged libel published nearly her pleased with the prospects of control de los sistemas ferrocarrile.
tomar el (Opens with a twist)
a year ago fered them by this new move LO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Maduro Lumber Yard acts Garvey Leaves Jamaica propositon cand should be noti. Africans are being detained by the For England PARK HOTEL me. Panamanian Gout: Aids Did NUGGET shoes this morning?


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